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Everything posted by Darius_Stomu

  1. I'd like to know what everyone thinks about Linkin Park. The last board I was at made them come out like nothing so I would like the opinions of those with more intellegence than a Dodo bird.
  2. Make you want to slit your wrists...? Trust me, there is a HELL of alot more music out there that cause that besides Evanescence. If anything though, "Bring me to Life" is the opposite. To me, she's producing the thought that she has a chance, like right now, she's in a dream and she wants you to wake her up... Woah...I know I've listened to too much Linking Park now cause when ever I do, I start to really think about the music around me. Well...that's my opinion.
  3. [QUOTE]I love System of A Down, they are completely awesome *smacks self in head for sounding n00bish* But I hated Toxicity. The only song I liked on it was that 'Why Cry When Angels Deserve to Die' song. i much prefer Steal This Album, because its so fast paced and fun. (And it has my favourite song of all time on it - Chic n Stu)[/QUOTE] Toxicity was so-and-so and Chop Suey (The one you referred to) Is probably second-best on the album. I'd have to say Science or Forest would be the best. Much fastness and...umm...yeah, those are my two faves. [QUOTE]And I wouldn't call KoRn or Godsmack death metal.[/QUOTE] Godsmack is gothic metal.
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