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Everything posted by cmac24

  1. i dont think i'll be getting an SP then. which is fine w/ me. thanks for your reply.
  2. As I am a huge fan of squaresoft/enix, i try to get everything they produce. After they left Nintendo I somehow managed to bring myself to pickup a Playstation. Although I now rejoice at my decision I am not going to follow them around for every console they produce a game on. Not enough dough for it. However I have been pondering whether or not to get an GB SPbut the deciding factor wil be what you guys thought of the game. Please let me know f it was good or not, because I dont feel like blowing $150 if its not worth it. Thanks ;)
  3. i agree with squall in that grandia 2 (ps2) has one of the best battle systems. its a lot different than alot of the stuff floating around. I like Chrono Trigger's also. It never changes to a battle screen so the game went a lot faster and smoother.
  4. I've been waiting for a new Chrono game since i got my PS2 3-4 years ago. Its one of teh only reasons i got a PS2 over xbox. does anyone know any rumors/facts/news/etc?
  5. geez... i dont know any female duelists. it would be kink of cool to face a girl. i face people at my school. theres a wide enough variety of people where you have to make an all around strong deck, not just a counter deck.
  6. wow... interesting concept. well since you have barrel behind the door i'll add the ultimate combo for it. Immortal of Thunder. Immortal of Thunder + Barrel Behind the Door = Gain 3000, your opponent loses 5000
  7. inuyasha: put in the dark core. itll aggravate the heck out of your opponent. Heres my deck: Tribs: (2) Jinzo Vampire Lord Monsters: (14) Sinister Serpent Yata Garasu Goblin Attack Force Gemini Elf x2 Sangan With of the Black Forest Don Zaloog x2 Tribe Infecting Virus Exiled Force Spirit Reaper x2 Spear Dragon Magic: (17) Graceful Charity Pot of Greed Mystic Space Typhoon Heavy Storm Harpie's Feathre Duster Raigeki Dark Hole Nobleman of Crossout Swords of Revealing Light Monster Reborn Premature Burial Change of Heart Snatch Steal United We Stand Forceful Sentry Delinquent Duo Confiscation Trap: (8) Drop Off x2 Magic Cyinder Ring of Destruction Imperial Order Torrential Tribute Waboku Call of the Haunted Side Deck: (15) Kuriboh Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer Skilled Dark Magician Magician of Faith Cyber Jar Morphing Jar #2 Reinforcement of the Army Axe of Despair Riryoku Prohibition Robbin' Goblin Bottemless Trap Hole Magic Drain Spell Shield Type 8 Ceasefire
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