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Everything posted by buffy_boy_
[quote name='XYZ']Pretty good, I like the first one the best.[/quote] Thanks. That's my favorite too. It's also the longest :eek: :laugh: . Note to all who come in here: [B][COLOR=Red][SIZE=4]PLEASE POST!!!!!!! I NEED MORE FEED BACK!!! THANKS![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] OH COME ON PEOPLE PLEASE POST!!!!
[quote name='MangaFreak']Hmmm, ok then. I liked the last two. You need to make it more graphic and dark in my opinion but thats just how I like poems. The second one was a happy ending... I don't like those. I love when its all pain and suffering, it give me true pleasure. A pleasure most will never feel. But any way, your ok. Thats all I realy have to say.[/quote] Thanks, most of my poems are all dark, no happy ending, but the first to just happen to. Probably cause I couldn't figure a way to keep them bad and still have it be a good poem. Thanks again for posting!
This summer I wrote many poems these are my three best. Swallowed By Adam H. I am tangled Tangled in a line A line of ants Marching Forever marching Forever forming Forever adding ants Like grains of sand in an hour glass Slowly slipping Slipping, falling Falling into an endless pile of others, others like me Exactly, absolute I decide to stop That I don?t want to be another copy A copy made by someone I don?t even know I step out of the line The creators see They don?t like it They send to put me back into the line so that I may fall Fall forever until my mind, my heart, my soul, my life become one Become one with everyone else?s I run I try to escape They harass me and taunt me back into the line They feel no pain in doing this I try to escape again, not wanting the fate ahead unlike most Most that enter the line to become everyone else To be accepted and unnoticed This time as I try to escape I ignore the harassment I realize that it is just words That I can rise up For words are all they have I escape and pity them, all who must serve that fate of the line, following the leader To be just like them I pity the starter who can only get happiness by taking others originality I see that there are two choices, To escape and be yourself, Or be swallowed Here I Stand By Adam H. Here I stand Standing in the darkness Depending on my soul to guide me Depending on my heart to help me survive In a world where I know nothing A world where chaos rules Unaware of my surroundings I start to walk I fall Fall into deeper darkness Darkness in which I lose myself My soul is gone Devoured by the beast within me Buried in the never-ending chaos Where the darkness thrives Then I see a light My soul rises out of the pit And I am whole again I battle my own monster And triumph over it The light is guiding me through this world Of chaos and darkness Here I stand Not alone Lost By Adam H. As the blood flows down my skin The pain is gone I feel none Blood begins to drip from my body It drips into the blackness and fades No tears are forming, no winces beginning I feel nothing My soul has gone cold Finally defeated by the darkness The light has faded I can?t stand or shout No whisper to be found Just emptiness and dark The shadows take form They drag me out into the world And throw me into a trench I fall forever The blood still flowing drips away, into the nothingness I am lost No hope in sight I am lost There they are. Hope you like em' pm me or post whatever you want about them. Have fun.
Ummmmmm....not to be rude or winey or evil or anything but just to tell you the ones that just star me are made by me everything else is made by him thats one thing bout thed fonts and also in mine ,I meant for the fonts to be different.
Yes. This is his and mine comic....just posting this to tell you all that.... I'm the other author you guy would probably beleive him (him being the supreme member than I) ....ok just verifing. And to tell you that some sprites also courtysy of: [url]www.uncannyx-sprites.com[/url] sure only in one tiny part but still.
Ok here is what I think will happen......I think either Gunn or Wesly will die because they wouldn't kill Angel (they never kill the person who is in the title), Lorne is VERY hard to kill and Spike is imposible to kill. That is my guess. By the way, anyone know if Whedon is finally wake up and start Ripper (Gile's show (yes Dylan.))???? And I also don't think that Illyria is actually dead. Because I love Illyria too much for her to die....like Buffy and Spike.
"Ok, what the hell?" Adam said. "Come here." Said a misterious person in a black mask and camo everything else. Adam thought about it then dicided, hey, he's camo, he army man....."OK!" He followed the person. They came to a huge building. They went in. They went down an eleva....oh blah blah blah you kow how they get to the initative.Shut up Dylan. You'll see soon. ANYWAY..... "Your gonna be an I BOY now." "Wha?" "Just sit down." Adam sat down and the guy put this thing on Adam's head and pressed a button this really fast really info giving vidoe that is drilled into his brain. "Why did you chose me?" "We saw you use our gun and your an amazing young man of what?" "13" "Holy shi.....crap" "Yah, still want me?" "Yes." "Good." "Come over here." He did. They sat him down and put him out. They pumped him full of crap that makes him like the million dollar man kinda you know better stregth, smarts, and speed. Adam wakes up. " Wow." "Yeah." "Ok, I gotta go fight stuff now." "Sure go have fun." (By the way, they know he's in a costume, they wanted him before that.)(And he keeps the stuff, but he has almost no use for magic now, he's now a bronze guy with brains too.) He get back to the place and realizes he is in I clothes, including the guns. He takes out two electric guns. " SQUEE" He goes in and shoots some egg and the bugs. "That was boring, I wanna get demons."
Adam liked shootting the beatles. "It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside killing beatles, I hated that band."Adam said,"too much british for me." Adam wants to kill more beatles. He finds an egg, shoots it, and says: "Hey, Jude!" , then he kills the beatles. He wondered what the beatles were. He saw Superman. "DUDE! It's Superman!" "DUDE!" "HI SUPERMAN!!!!" Superman looked down and waved. "I wanna kill more bugs....maybe we can find some brittany spears bugs. I hate her too." He found an egg. He shot it. Again. A BIG bug came out. "That must be one, so..... Hey, Brittany, what's toxic now?" He shot it. "NOW! N*SYNC!" He found another egg. Man he is gettin good at findin' them. "It's like easter!" Anyway, he shot the egg. "Bye, bye, bye." He shot them.
[QUOTE=Zantar Shadow]Name- Angelus Powers- All vampire powers plus has futuristic knowlege,futuristic gadgets, and can go to the future and back. Weapon- Staff that has two plasma balls on the ends that change into any weapon, guns, stakes, and a lazer sword. race- vampire Age- 130(looks 13) height- 5"6' Weight- 100 bio- In the future he was cursed by a gypsie who gave him back his soul wich means he is a good vampire but if he gets one second of true happyness he looses his soul again becoming evil:flaming:, he is from the future and has fururistic knowlegde. Has two pet white tigers.His mother named him Angelus.[/QUOTE] OOC : Zantar Shadow doesn't want to be in this anymore so he gave me his charater. Do not pm him because I am him.
[QUOTE=AnonymousSource](I'm assuming Buffy Boy didn't just kill OUR vampire-wanna-be... so I'll go on assuming he's there) OOC: (You assumed right ,I killed one that was workin for the evil person thing guy, one in a costume) (Now once again, my post)(dun dun duuuuuuun)(In charater now) Adam, having just done the weirdest killing in his life, needed to get out his feelings, so he decided to kill things, and use weapons, shiny weapons, his three favorite things in the world. "I wanna kill some people in evil looking, well not just that, evil doing, I guess, ha that's like a weird speach thing."Adam babbled. Taking out two machine guns, a dangerous thing, he looked around and told the others to do the same. He saw an egg and went for it but this teenage ninja turtle stopped him. "Don't hurt the egg man!" "OH, I will, infact I'll hurt more than that." "No you won't" "Wanna see my Godzilla inpression?" "Ok, dude." Adam shot him. Gunn asked" Godzilla?" "You know, if he drank alot of coffee and got short, then got some guns, then turned human and shot the guy" "Oh." Adam then shot the egg and went off. ((OOC: Do I have good Buffy Speak?))
"Thank GOD, your alright!"Adam said as he hugged the man, then realizing what he was doing he quikly stopped, shaking his hand instead. "I lost my gun" Gunn said. "Ironic ain't it?" "Just a little" "Well, that's fine, I'm planning on getting more fire power myself." "I'm ready" "Ok follow me" They ran around the town, which led them to the base. They coded in and ran to the WAR ROOM. In the WAR ROOM they met up with two other soldiers, Jay and Ved. They greeted them, and Adam assigned them to his squad. "Now, let's go get the artillery," Adam said smurking. They ran to the room where the guns and other things are stowed. All of a sudden they saw a man, that looked like a red demon. He saw them and said "Let's dance!" and he started to sing and dance. Adam shot him saying, "Wrong episode, man, I mean, take that crazy dude....heh....heh....." Finally they get there. Adam shot the door down (he likes using his gun, frankly, he like using all weapons). They walked in and the three soldiers went looking for guns and grenades. Adam wanted more than just that (sure he took that too but he got even more). He found a rocket launcher and had Ved and Gunn cary it then he found a gun marked "Initionative only" after a "Screw it" from himself he broke into the box and got out a HUGE hand gun and shot it at a wall, but several wooden stakes came out instead.He still took it. Running, they saw Godzilla and Superman. "God, this is one wierd night!" Adam said followed by "let's follow them." They did. They got off coarse. Leading them strait to the costume shop. Some person walked up to them saying "It's in there. It's ugly, and it hurts." "I don't like things that hurt other things, sept mtself of coarse." Adam whispered to himself followed by shouting to the other three" We attack there!" They ran up to the building. Adam shot the door. Yes, another one. Adam spotted a vampire. "Oh great, ANOTHER weird lookin' guy!" "Time for the fight scene I guess." He took out the weird wood shootting gun for only the reason that it seemed right. He shot it. "It turned to dust!" he said followed by "What the HELL?!?!? HE FREAKING TURNED TO DUST!!"
Startled that some guy with a VERY weird face was trying to bite him, Adam (hee hee get it(by the way, that's the name of the army guy my dude turned into)) ran to find the rest of his squad which had dissapeared. He saw a whole bunch of guys with horns and a pitch forks and took out one of the grenades he put in his "utility belt" bit the end off and threw it. Good thing it was just a light bomb, to scare them away from him, if it had been one of the green one on his side, all those kids would have died. Firing off rounds as he ran, he tripped over something. He looked down and saw some sort of egg, which started to hatch. As it was coming out he shot it. "Like I always say, shoot first, ask later." he said then decided to look for shelter. "Man, this is some weird night, first it changes from day to night instantly, then, all of my squad is gone, then this guy tryed to bite me, then I'm somewhere other then camp, then everybody is some weird monster looking thing, I really hope I see someone I know soon." Suddly he bumped into someone, he turned around to see one of his squad members starring at him.
Z ran up to Rannos and said " Look at this cool army costume I got!" Rannos looked it over then pulled out his costume and said " I'm gonna be a vamp." "*shiver* A little to close to comfort for me." "I know, that's why I got it." Z then whacked Rannos on the forhead and then were off.
Z ran up to Fenris just for the reason he's there and shows him the costume. A dogtag necklace that says Adam on it.....a camo heavy weight shirt...same thing for the pants....a huge gun(fake)........and a hat. "I don't like the hat, I ain't gonna wear it....but I'll still be camolicous."Z said then ran off. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Dylan(Lord Rannos) will be gone for four days....he is in Washinton DC....lucky punk...
Writing -Syk3's Guide to Modding Your Butt Off-
buffy_boy_ replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
Great. Amazing. Funny. Hilarious. (Insert every other word that means good or funny here). When will there be more? I can't wait. -
Diving into TONS of costumes looking for the PERFECT ONE.........Z loves Halloween....and candy. Looking through he saw some great ones.....a gaint can of Mr Pibb.....a ghost.....a vamp.....a pie....a chicken.....he suddenly saw one....HE-MAN!!!!!.....naw......then suddenly while coming out of the pile he saw it......an amazing Warlock costume....the most amazing one ever. He ran and took it.Then he said".....wait.....I did this last year....time for a change of scenery." He ranm back looking for something that he would love for years to come. He saw a military costume.....he's always like the army......he got it. "How would I be helping you today?" Some lady who worked there said. "Uhhhhhhh......I want this." "That will be five dolla"she said. "Okay." He hands her the money and goes off to find Rannos.
Post em' here and then we can talk about them here are some of mine: Xander: Hey, I am moist and delicious! Spike: Oh yeah. You're a nummy treat. Xander: And don't you forget it. (like siggy) Anya: "I'm terrified. I didn't think - I mean, I just figured you'd be terrified and I would be sarcastic about it." Andrew: "Picture happy things. A lake, candy canes, bunnies..." Anya: "Bunnies. Floppy, hoppy, bunnies." "Do you realise that the monkey is the ONLY animal cracker with clothes...like the hippo would be standing there going 'hey,wheres my hat?' and the monkey would be 'ahah,i mock you with my monkey pants!' All monkeys are french,did you know?"-Oz Buffy: I don't trust you. You're a vampire. Oh, I'm sorry, was that an offensive term? Should I say 'undead American'? Willow: What could a demon possibly want from me? Xander: What's the square root of 841? Willow: 29. Oh, yeah. Well, there's some of my favorites can't wait to see yours!! :D :cool: :wigout:
" Actually, saying the whole flag pole bit might work, if our school had a flag pole, but since it has a, oh wait, there is a flag pole isn't there? Well, can't blame me, it's not like I've been there in a while." Rannos laughs and Z slaps him in the arm followed by more laughing from every one. "I'm gonna go get a scone....." After getting a raisin scone and picking out the raisins he says"Anyone have a free period tomorow, that will show me how to work a computer, I haven't had to use one for a long time, and anyone wanna guest tonight, I kinda got kicked out of my old house (an old abadond club, he got kicked out by the police), come on please?" "It's not like there's anything wrong with me." "Well there's your violent nature."Rannos says. Z whacks Rannos then says,"SO? Got a problem with it?" Rannos waves his head no. "Seirously, I need a place to stay."
[QUOTE=Farto the Magic]OOC: What the hell's up with the music? It's cool the first time, but it gets annoying after the fifth or so. ---------------------------------------- Fenris stared around at the others, They were covered with dust. He looked at Robert and said, "Who's gonna break the news? You are." He pointed at Z. "You won't shut up anyway." Fenris gave a snort and heaved the body, face sullen.[/QUOTE] OOC: Won't shut up anyway, what are you talking about I don't understand, I have guts, dead people don't bother me. So what are you talking about? And Raven you have used to many points you have 15 that's it no more you have used more, please change it, it's unfair.
OOC: Fine, I'll take out another one since no one else is posting. Z see's yet ANOTHER vamp staring at him,this one a woman, and says"Finally, a vamp that's interested in me that's NOT a guy!!" he pauses then says,"Too bad I have to kill her." She laughs and lunges forward, he takes out his lighter quikly. As she is going twords his back he is lighting a small bit of grass a picked off the ground. He throws it on her shoe and as she is destracted stomping on it he rums around light many areas of her, then as he's lighting her hair, she notices, but she was to late and begins to burn and die. Z says,"5..4...3...2...1(and as she turns to dust)...0..dead." "Three, that is fifteen points for me!!" Z says as he smiles from ear to ear. :D
Z see's yet another vamp looking strait at him." What, are all these vamps gay, finding me atractive, maybe it's my staking personallity." He runs right up to the vamp looking like he's gonna kick him in the face instead he kicks him in the knee. Then he does a round house kick that Rannos taught him right in the vamps face. He pushes the vamp to the ground and abd yells" Anyone wanna get me a sword?" Someone throws one to him but when he looks at it it's just a knife" Oh great." he says. He begins to cut the vamps neck then he says"Oh, screw it." and he takes a drumstick and stakes the vamp. "That's another five, so that's ten for me!"
The vamp came lunging tword Z he(Z) caught the vamp and threw him to the ground and pounced on him (Z pounced on the vamp) and they rolled three times.The vamp was now on top, he(vamp) came down, about to suck Z dry but as he got lower the drumstick went right through his heart, turning him to dust. "One, that five points,"Z said. "NO, it's three," Rannos said. "NO! It's five, a vamp is five." "Oh, yea your right." Z hit Rannos on the arm with the dusty drumstick. "Hey, what was that for!"Rannos said, followed by"Don't answer that."
Name: Zynth Dire(everyone calls him Z.) Age: 13 type: (Ok, sure, it's unheard of but,hey, I have a big imagination, i can share.) Demon Hunter guts: 3 Strength: 2(Doesn't need to fight, he cast spells and finds that being a teenager makes him weak.) martial Arts: 2(He casts spells.) Health: 3 magic: 4 research: 0(Doesn't like it so he doesn't use it.) technology:0(Studys magick instead.) Ranged attack: 1 Work skills: They threw him out of school, so his parents threw him out of his home, he had a "watcher"(His name is Corwin, he was a watcher but then he became a rogue demon hunter, tought Z everything he knew and when he died he transfered his magical energy to Z.). Personality: Never has been shy in his life, if he wants to meet someone, he meets them, he never holds back no matter if he is afraid or in pain ect. , including when he's fighting. Always ready with sarcasm and snappy comebacks. Thinks slayers are ok but if he see's one slacking off when they should be on the job, he slaps them back into swing. He is also a percussionist(drummer) and sometimes makes statements that don't make sence unless your a drummer your self (eg. She beat that like a 17 stroke.) Also has very violent tendencese, nothing dangerus or REALLY painful, he just slaps some people every once in a while( usually demons). Last thing but very important, like Willow, he has many different sides to him, like he uses other's power when nesecery, and he has a dark side. With great power comes great responcibilety, and that sometimes gets to him. Likes staking vamps with drumsticks, it amuses him, so does sticking them in their eyes. ALWAYS has candles, incantion scripts,incense, a lighter, and magic circle(He can cast one pretty quikly.) materials with him along with drumsticks. Z is kinda worried about tomorow, it is the first day that the princible is letting him go back to school, so he might not be at his best tonight. He saw the group of vampires coming and got out a drumstick and then said to Rannos, trying to conseal his fear of tomorow,"Finally, this night gets fun, let's start this out with a bang." He can feel the anger in the vampire staring strait at him as he(the vamp) is changing into his vampire form. "Man, that's one UGLY vamp, I call that one, anyone who tries to take him will find themselves in pain." Z, along with the vampire prepare to stirke at each other. (OOC:Can I fight him myself or do you have to be like the vampire or can I control the vampire??)
Sign Up Buffy The Vampire Slayer/ Angel universe RPG
buffy_boy_ replied to Xander Harris's topic in Theater
I'd like to propose some ideas I have for the offencive spells here they are: Fireball-a ball made of fire about 8 inch circumfrence Lightning- lightning comes out of your finger tips, shooting at enemys Magic Muscle- makes your stregth and martail arts numbers raise by one. Missle finger- little missles come out of your fingers Burining Touch- your hands and feet will burn what they touch That's all for now what do you think??