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Everything posted by buffy_boy_

  1. [QUOTE=Syk3][color=#30415d]I don't really see an artistic point to this thread. :/ If these had been Buffy [i]banners[/i] or altered images in a design-type way, parhaps it would have been alright, but you're better off posting about Buffy in the Music, Movies & TV forum. Topic closed.[/color][/QUOTE] Members can use this sub-forum to request art and design from other members. You can request any type of design here, but please read the sticky thread before posting. Not meaning to argue but, aren't pictures art and design. It says ANY TYPE of design. [color=teal][size=1]You may be in the wrong section. The subforum is above this forum, and it is intended for requests, which, unless I've somehow missed the point, this clearly isn't. Pictures, specifically screen shots, are not art and design. -Syk3[/size][/color]
  2. I am always looking for pictures and I know some other people are too. So, if you have any, post your favorite Buffy pictures here! If you have any comment about the pictures please leave it. First: Vamp Willow breaking a mystery vamp's fingers, so forceful, so evil, so COOL! Second: The Slayer's Sythe, the coolest weapon EVER on Buffy, in my opinion, which is why I posted it. Third: Willow kickin' Glory's butt!!!!!!All cause of one little brain suck.GO WILLOW!!! Fourth: Anyanka's true form, uber cool vengence demon.Notice the vains. Fifth: Giles using his awsome borrowed power binding Evil Willow, an awsome moment, but not as awsome as how she gets out.That's all I have so far, I may post a few more later, after there are a few replys. What do you think??
  3. Hi, I'm hoping for a dark Willow, or an uber-vamp(Turok-Han),or Caleb, or D'hoffrin. Any would be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Here are the details: My name on the signature picture( the underscores ( _ ) aren't nesecery. If possible, for the avitar, if it could be like a head shot. If possible, for the signature, if they could be doing something. Thanks again, BB(Buffy_Boy_) By the waya banner (the one with pictures of evil willow that says Zantar.) if you could make that say buffy boy I'd love it.
  4. OOC: So when and where do we start the first "scene" or "episode"?? And I've edited my Z charater to have a personality....kinda....we.....almost exactly like mine.
  5. Name: Zynth(everyone calls him Z.) Age: 13 type: (Ok, sure, it's unheard of but,hey, I have a big imagination, i can share.) Demon Hunter guts: 3 Strength: 2(Doesn't need to fight, he cast spells and finds that being a teenager makes him weak.) martial Arts: 2(He casts spells.) Health: 2 magic: 5 research: 0(Doesn't like it so he doesn't use it.) technology:0(Studys magick instead.) Ranged attack:1(fireballs, if that's an option.) Oh yeah, Work skills: They threw him out of school, so his parents threw him out of his home, he had a "watcher"(His name is Corwin, he was a watcher but then he became a rogue demon hunter, tought Z everything he knew and when he died he transfered his magical energy to Z.). Personality: Never has been shy in his life, if he wants to meet someone, he meets them, he never holds back no matter if he is afraid or in pain ect. , including when he's fighting. Always ready with sarcasm and snappy comebacks. Thinks slayers are ok but if he see's one slacking off when they should be on the job, he slaps them back into swing. He is also a percussionist(drummer) and sometimes makes statements that don't make sence unless your a drummer your self (eg. She beat that like a 17 stroke.) Also has very violent tendencese, nothing dangerus or REALLY painful, he just slaps some people every once in a while( usually demons). Last thing but very important, like Willow, he has many different sides to him, like he uses other's power when nesecery, and he has a dark side. With great power comes great responcibilety, and that sometimes gets to him. Likes staking vamps with drumsticks, it amuses him, so does sticking them in their eyes. ALWAYS has candles, cant scripts,incease, a lighter, and magic circle materials with him along with drumsticks.
  6. I do. If you like it please post here saying: What your favorite episode is: Who your favorite charater is: Who your favorite big bad is: How long have you liked Buffy: Have you seen a lot of episodes: What seasons have you seen: Do you own any Buffy merchandice, if yes what: Thanks! Here's mine: Once More With Feeling Willow The First 3 years now I have seen every episode All of them Yes, I have a claudduh ring, the board game, a stake, Some books, and DVDs.
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