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Everything posted by Mikkaddo
[COLOR=DarkRed]most thankfully no to that one . . . . heres one have you ever guessed someone's gender wrong? I don't mean saying "excuse me ma-i mean sir" I mean the entire "excuse me mam" then seeing their face, and still not knowing it untill they slug you . . . or scream at you[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]thats because that is almost always just a ploy to try and raise the size of that priest's congregation, however, there are some that truly believe that is what God's teachings are . . . unfortunately[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Myself I never said that Hell was a "Scare tactic" what I said was, was the "if your not Christian your damned to hell no matter what you do" arguement that was said to be used by one church. I can see that by the reasoning we are all born with original sin, its only natural, we are not perfect. only Jesus would have been "perfect" but not even he was. Well not to the wholest exstent. but the problem comes in when you are told that unless you convert you have no chance of salvation, thats what I am saying is a scaretactic. thats making the person think "crap! if I don't convert I will suffer forever in the afterlife!" since they believe that staying in a religion other than the one that Priest preached for would bring them damnation even if by their religions beliefs they were good, they are scared into converting. I never meant to make it sound as though I was appyling it to all churches. I am most certainly not. I mean the church my family goes to is nothing like that. And the Resident priest? hell I knew the guy since I was in preschool! I love him like family![/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]well Panda the idea of "If your not Christain your going to hell" is kind of a scaretactic, its meant to scare people into converting under the fear of damnation, truly a pigheaded and arrogant way of making your following grow if you ask me. when I do believe there are a number of lines in the bible about respecting the beliefs and practices of others. your not picking and choosing, as the people that said that all who are not Christain are damned is in and of itself wrong. so long as they do not completely rape the ideals of their religion they are in no danger of any such horrible fate. Myself I am thankful to have found at least one person of even mild interest in Animalism. Also I am very thankful to have only had to deal with the ridicule that followed as a result of that one "disagreement" as one might put it . . . Otherwise I have seen nothing like what I normally do. (that being, me getting told about how I worship satan and that I am forever damned . . . when the truth is I can't worship a spirit I don't believe exists)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]myself I say thats a good idea, the thicker the book is, the more indepth it will be. Also I personally have alwasy been very interested in the times of the Spanish Inquisition, and the time of the Crusades. For those are the times that resembled very much justified murder, and I find it interesting that the church had at one point done that. As for the Spanish Iinquisition, I just thought the near endless torture, and murder of "hereitcs" with the only explination being "you go against the church" was quite odd, and enjoy seeing the justifications for such actions. But hey, thats me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]I can see the thing about the bhudist idea working like that, its very logical in and of itself, and thank you for your comment on mine, also, nothing you said was already covered, your doin just fine[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]from what I remember Lucifer was an Arch Angel, a leader of the armies if I'm not mistaken (which I might be) anyway, from what I heard, he started to believe himself as powerful as god, if not more so, and tried to take complete control over heaven, and was therefore banished from heaven for ever, god threw him into Hell and Lucifer began to raise his army from the few angels that stayed loyal to him no matter what had happened, then the battles ensued and it got to where it is now, but please, don't take my word directly, I can be very mistaken in this, as there are so many different stories about how it happened[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]yeah . . . I defrag mine just out of habbit of once having a crappy computer . . . I guess old habbits die hard eh?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]Clorious has a number of good points, and but also, its a good idea to defragment often. its gets rid of useless files that were hidding in there, also there is software that is made to get rid of that damn annoying Spyware crap. I suggest you get that too, but don't download it off a site, that usually has some other spyware on it (devious isn't it?) and also downloading is a danger area in the techno age. if your going to download something, make sure where your downloading it from isn't a shady site thats known for causing viruses on people's computers.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]well, concerning the reincarnation, consider conception. it is my belief that with the reincarnation, conception is when you take on the new body. sort of like you . . . and this sounds a tad gross, but. its sort of like your soul attaches itself to the sperm that enters the egg, and is born again. concerning Satanism . . . its really all in perspective. I think they way a satanist views it is this. Satan was Gods most precious angel, but he made a mistake, and was forever forsaken. so they follow him because they believe that what he wants is not to use their soul for the amusement of torture, but as a tool to get himself back to his rightful place. but as you said to qoute Lulu from FFX "I can only speculate" [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]thats very interesting, but can I ask how you believe it works after a person has made their "choice"? because I have always believed that the person is reincarnated imediatly after someone is born. so then each birth is a rebirth . . . or something to that extent. also, I always kind of thought that animals are reincarnated as animals, while humans, being at a separate evloutionary stage, are reincarnated as humans. (I'll try to stop the double posting . . . just sort of forgot when I was posting those times . . . sorry) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]origins man, origins, it was originally old, and is used rarely today, but they way I speak usually in person and somewhat online uses that old sort of language, and go ahead and reply to this, Im sure you'll find a way to try and degrade me again[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]again you do nothing more than prove that your only reason to continue postin in this thread is to try and make me say "ohh Im so sad! you make me prove myself wrong!" which has yet to happen, you simply continuously insult, if you have nothing except insults to contribute than you can, no should leave. if you really do have anything helpful to anyone with a question you should answer it rather than sit there and try to suceed at an unatainable goal. and also, yes frankly does work in that sentence, but I see that you don't have any knowledge of speach any older than about 1995 so you wouldn't understand the slight differences between times before and now. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I can answer that at least partially. every religion has certain signs that are reserved as proof that "the end is near" however, sometimes people can kind of take it into their own hands, and read so much into it that anytime a storm comes by they scream "FLOOD!" which means that the few people that read that much into those signs take it soo seriously that when they saw the Iraq war the freaked (like most of the rest of us), but then when they saw the dip in the economy they went berzerk. but probably the first clue they saw was the Twin Towers. chances are though, these "signs of the end" they are talking about are from Nostradamus' predictions as to what will happen in the future. which has predicted a number of things correctly. but they read so much into it that they start to think we are all going to die because a war started. but who knows eh? they might be right. I mean you can never really know. we may all drop dead of some strange diseas at any time, the next war could be the 1 that ends us all. . . . and I think I went off a bit there man, but I hope I answered your question.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]because its a "disscusion" its not meant to be posted in if your going to continue to degrade people as you have. if you really feel I am so offensive to you, you can leave. I don't leave because I am actually stating helpful facts to people rather than using one tired example and ridiculing the people that speak differently than I do. you obviously haven't read my other posts. I am helping people that seek info on other religions, other than what I follow. where as you have lowered your posts to nothing more than insults now. you have less reason to post than anyone else here if that is all you now have to say. I however have a reason to stay. I know about more than just what I believe. because unlike you, even though I don't follow them I still read up on other religions. where as you just read up on one, and use it as your "proof" as to how religion is false. if anyone makes it easy to insult the other its you frankly. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Altron, could you please explain what you mean by "out of the box"? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]To Narius so says the man who reverts to childish "nany nany boo boo" tactics when faced with the truth, if you truly never belittled anyone but only stated your beliefs, than why did you make such an effort to try and belittle me? why if I am so miussguided do you feel that what is needed is moronic and thoughtless insults rather than actual thought out words? you say Im the one offending and saying that other religions are wrong. I am not, I said yes that it didn't make sense to me, but I never said that it didn't make sense PERIOD, where as you had stated many times that it was all wrong PERIOD, only once or twice saying that it was your belief. you obviously haven't even read your own posts, and have no right to rag on anyone else in this thread, what would be best is to leave the thread, if your so offended. afterall the best way for you to end this aparent endless offense you feel from myself and others is to simply stop posting, yet you continue. explain that.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Uhh no. Narius what I said was completely separate from what you said, I made no generalizations about the followers of any religion. you said that all those that follow religion follow it blindly. your now saying that I self-contradicted, I did nothing of the sort, also I in no way offened anyone, and the fact that I said it less than as you stated "bluntly" proves that. were I to state exactly what describes it, it would be sure to offend people. so because of that I said it in such a way that was unoffensive. and that is unlike any of your posts, including the one regarding IceWolfEyes' missread. where you meant to cause contraversy, I only stated my beliefs. for you to compare me to yourself in that sort of way is in it self ridiculous, elementary, and immature. frankly if thats the way you choose to deal with those that believe differently you have no business dealing with anyone of any society. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]well theres a funny story behind why Im animalist, but first, I am the only one at my school . . . and can tell no one but my friends out of the knowledge that the many many morons there would only ridicule me for it . . . anyway. when I was still very young I was getting catholisism shoved into me, so I started to read up on it, and it just didn't make much sense to me (and please no arguments . . . Im not saying its wrong nor trying to make an argument). but I was also interested in Theology in general, so I started to read up on other religions as well. lo and behold, I found Wiccan, it was so amazing, all the different divisions of it, all of them drasticaly different in ritual and teachings. soon I found Animalism within it. I read about its story of "creation" which doesn't start at a "begining" but rather an end, and it made sense to me. it made sense as I had always believed that time couldn't have just suddenly up and started, what Animalism said is that the world died, and was revived. also I had always believed in reincarnation, and it spoke of the souls of the dead being take from the earth, and put back after each person's birth. this was comforting to me as I had not seen anything this sensible in most of the other religions I had read about. then I made a far more comforting discovery, a friend of mine for many years, was already an animalist! which was astounding to me as I had just discovered it a year before. however, there is a problem, my family is so devoutly catholic that were I to say anything about being even close to Wiccan they would most probably disown me . . . so I can't tell them that. and also I have only mentioned tiny bits and pieces of what Animalism teaches of "creation" this is to avoid any heated arguments that could follow, Chibihorsewoman knows why . . . and I certainly don't intend to act as Narius did. but I hope too (and Im starting to ramble so if it no longer makes any sense don't worry its normal) that this helps those that may have been wondering why I chose animalism as what I follow. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]really? by that reasoning the powers that be shine down on me! Im almost never sick, and when I am, its always like . . . 2 days? ahh! going off on a tagent! AB ABES TANGENS MONSTRUM! anyway . . . I also noticed that no one at least not yet said anything about being jewish . . . don't know why, but they didn't[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]concerning "Blair Witch" it is an old western american urban legend, it stems from your typical witch story . . . just shapped to match is all, you know, old woman, witch craft, selfdamnation, then th rumors, and then enter the group of moronic youths (or should I say . . . and then starts the movie) that are trying to see if its real or not . . . thats all it is, the connection to Wicca? the "Witch" was a . . . witch (betcha didn't see that one coming huh?) theres no other connections though, the sequal was fully BSed, it took a tiny bit of history behind the urban legend and went down hill from there[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]*smacks own face* sorry . . . got lost in the moment there . . . way lost its a comination of being the fault of the parent, media, society, and child really. the parents for allowing their children such uninhibited and questioned access to anything on TV. its the media's fault for allowing it to be so easily accessed by any yahoo that can say more than a three word sentence. its society's fault for allowing it to conitnue with no action other than "parents talk to your children . . . they'll listen." and finally its the child's fault for taking what they see and imitating it. the child is also at fault for not seeing the line that separates fantasy from reality. but as far as that goes the parent is usually more at fault for not showing the child where that very fine line is drawn, and the whole "you can do anything if you try" line doesn't help the situation. I hope that answers your question . . . seems like it does as I re-read it . . . yeah looks like it . . . [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]well let me start by saying I did not read everything, but due to the subject at hand, I feel that is not needed, anyway the media is something that is controled by the people in CEO chairs, who usually go by ratings. what I have noticed is that parents usually seem to try to impose the "right" way of thought in their children, however, this hell bent attempt (usually hell bent mind you) tends to instill in the child a desire to do the opposite (if only the media did this huh?). now back on the media itself, the shows today are far worse about racism, sexism, and hidden themes than they ever used to be. I cannot count the number of themes in sitcoms that say "if you got a problem . . . sex can solve it!" that or themes that say that its just fine to trick those around you so long as you get something out of it. anime however, is possibly the worst thing you can speak of when talking about media, its also the parent's fave target for the reasoning behind "miss guided youths" now I don't konw about any of you, but frankly watching BERZERK doesnt' make me want to go to the nearest person to me and slaughter them. also its a fave target when talking about showin children sex. I can't stand this argument as anime is no worse for this than any sitcom, or even worse yet, reality show. however, anime just doesn't hide it under the guise of a joke. now . . . thats just what I think, any comments on this will be read and responed to . . . in the most respectful way I can . . . . unlike a member who shall remain unnamed in a religious thread[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]well I don't know that much anymore, since its been a few years sinve I have been able to find any credible info . . . but I can tell ya what I know, in PM to escape the possible arguments, and inevitable contraversy that would ensue . . . [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]well time for me to put in my next 2 cents, Chibi I sent a PM explaining Animalism . . . be warned . . . its the readers digest form, meaning paraphrased to the max. anyway, animalism is as I said a very small and not well known division of Wiccan, instead of a set god or godess or combonation of the two, there are three Great spirits and a huge number of lesser or Guiding spirits. the big three are Life, Death, and Chaos (Chibi once you read my PM this will be verrrry familiar) also the lesser spirits rule over very specific things, whilest Life and Death constantly battle to keep Chaos locked away. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]also I never said there is a single truth that all [i]must[/i] follow, all I said was that there is a single truth, a single reasoning behind all that is, was, and will be, none of us can truly know what that truth is untill the end of our lives, that does not mean however that we have to follow it, one may be shown the truth and still choose a different path, wether that different path will end in the same way as what ever the truth might be or if it ends in a way completely different is up to them, but you twisted my words to make it sound as though I was preaching, and I was doing no such thing[/COLOR]