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Everything posted by Mikkaddo

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]so Im self contradictary eh? I said there was a single truth that we shall all see after death, never saying what it was, never saying it was what I believed, I am in no way contradicting myself there, you however have several times said that the bible was ludicrous never stating that it might be true but that its not what you believed, also you underestimate the human mind, one does not need to understand everything around them to not be driven insane, inplace of strict understanding one can place acceptance for what they see. why is the sky blue? atoms, and beams of light reflecting off of the things down on the ground? maybe. is it blue because some great being makes it that way? maybe. I don't know, but it won't drive me insane to try and understand that nor much of anything else, yes every one tries to understand the things around them, but you again grossly generalized the people of the world, not everyone is like you in that sense either, we do not all have to see the proof to believe it[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]you do realize you constantly contradict yourself right Narius? you keep saying that you never stated that all people that follow religion follow it blindly when in clear text you said just that, and in nearly the same words, and if you have all the right in the world to assume what you wish about any of us, we can do the same to you, also, you are completely scarpping 1 religion, taking no notice of any other, you keep talking about how the BIBLE is false, you never speak of the Koran, or the teachings of Budah, nor the ideals of any other religion, you are close minded for that and many other reasons, you only look at one religion then call it false and say all religions are false, yes there are people that blindly follow whatever **** someone feeds them, but they are few and far between in religion, and your saying that you will follow what ever it takes for the world to make sense to you, and that everyone else does exactly that is a gross generalization, I and many others do not need the world to "make sense" hell who knows if this is the only "deminsion" as one might call it? no one does, your comments this whole time have all been contradictary, and argumenative, yes we have all be argumenative but only because you provoke us by stating that we are all the same and that we are all following a mad man's doctrine, what if its you? what if Aethism was created by a man that was jeleous of the truth, what if Aetheism was created by someone that hated the ruling spirit and wanted to try and "show it up" by saying "Ha! I don't believe in you!" no that does not mean I am saying that, that is what happened, as I don't know, but neither do you, you constantly argue what you believe but allow no leway for others to be remotely right like you say you have[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]also Narius, you assume that everyone that follows a faith follows it blindly, myself I do not, I follow my faith and trudge through near endless ridicule as I am sure many others that follow less than hugely popular faiths do, but I am by no stretch of the imagination close minded, I was once catholic, but I read up on it theologicaly, and found it to be far too complicated and seemingly sitationaly written for me (understand I mean no offense in this, it is simply what I had seen) and so I still read as much on other faiths and beliefs as I can, I am not one to say that what I believe is right and thats that, nor do I follow some "holy book" your posts in this assume that everyone follows their faith as though it were the only way to live, that is no where near true. ask any here and I assure you that the most of us do not simply say that our belief is all there is, the vast majority rather are far more likely to say that they believe what they believe but still are open to what the future may hold. to make it easier to understand, I follow my belief, yet should I die and see that the truth was something else I would be open to it and adapt to it, not cruel and unaccepting. also I never said that any single spirit or being started it all, I said that I think it never "started" and will never "end" but will instead conitnue on and on forever and ever. your posts have done nothing more than aggrivate those of us in this thread that have respect for people of a different belief, while you. you have no respect for anyone who is not as you are, frankly it is you who is close minded not any of us[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]allow me to say one thing about creation, I can back the creation by god, as something had to make it all happen, but the idea that first there was only god is too strictly following a flawed human ideal if you ask me, after all as a firm believer in reincarnation I believe there truly is no "time" meaning that there never was a "begining" but rather that it allways was and always will be, but that "creation" destroyed itself and the ruling spirit then took the ashes and corpses and reformed the world and all around it that it may live on rather than end in nothingness, but thats just what I think, if you don't like what I believe thats fine, follow what you believe, thats what I do, I won't fuss if anyone else won't[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]*looks around and sighs* well might as well say it, I'm animalist, and to those who would imediatly ask it . . . no I don't worship animals, what I follow is rather a small not very well known form of Wiccan[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]me, Im more mature than most of the people I go to school with . . .meaning that as a junior I am more mature than the vast majority of the senior class, and what does that mean for me? Im constantly pissed at someone. afterall, all they seem to do is try and piss off someone (usually me or my friends) or try and piss off each other, and it goes far beyond random stuff they might say in the halls. they loosened the bolts on a friend of mine's car, taped all kinds of notes over mine about how I supossedly am a *** and love one of our teachers and publicly humiliate each other. then they act like they're cool because they do it . . . :flaming: meanwhile me and my friends are left to try and keep from getting back the old fasioned way, the teachers? they can't do anything, why not? theres no evidence pointing to a single group why? no one is smart, or brave enough other than me and two other people to say anything. personaly I act very mature. I don't do any of that kind of stuff to anyone, if I have a beef with someone I don't sabotage them I tell them, if a friend gets hurt I help them rather than get revenge imediatly[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]I read it and it ROCKS! though it just makes me even more P-Oed that I haven't seen the anime of it yet! BAH! (stupid ecnonmy)[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]ahhh something I can relate to . . . not happily mind you but that I can relate to . . . I find a lot of times that I feel "left out" or "ignored" but not by firends so much as society at large, you know? its hard to explain, but when it happens it always manages to hit that nerve ya know? to where you want to punch the moh-ron in front of you that won't face you and listen to you . . . . but I always get over it, can't explain why, or how it happens, but I can say this, I have learned to mostly deal with it, it still bugs me, but not as much as it used to[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]let me say, that to me the whole canabalism thing isn't that strange, afterall eating a human isn't as far from eating a so called "lower life form" like a cow or chicken, I mean really as much as some people try to hide it humans are animals too, just more "evolved" (boy have I questioned that one alot . . . . thank you morons that constantly bug me) so really eating another human would only be wrong by the loose and often self contradictary laws of human morality, and no I am not a canabal incase anyone is going to ask[/color]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]::just a warning, my poetry is indeed either very deep . . . or veeeerrrrry depressing . . . its just what Im best at::: [SIZE=3]Torn My Heart[/SIZE] Torn is my heart, My soul feeling the rips in its walls, My mind is ruined for now, My heart now lies, lies in wait, It waits for it pain to end, The pain that refuses to leave, It bleeds wanting back its former days, It crimson water seeping leaking into my soul, My entire body growing heavy from the guilt, It was my doing, my hearts pain is my deeds doing, My deed, my sin, my own pain, Nothing, nothing can cure my heart, nothing, My deeds have cursed me once again, My guilt holding me back, The world around my body mocking me once again, The onlookers not caring of the toll, only caring of seeing my pain, The world is hateful of me as always, The people forcing more pain upon me, Only wanting to see me curl in hurt, on the ground, The few in the back do not offend, They simply stand quiet, not moving, For they know that to help, means suffering the same fate as myself, I bite my tongue, trying to reach out to those who do not offend, They back at my attempted screams, they back and stay silent, They will not fight for me, But neither will they fight against me, For that I am thankful, But that too is a curse for me, They will not fight me, But they will not help me either, They simply sit in their own pain, wincing as they watch mine, And for that I curse even them, they still do not speak, They only watch, watch in horror as I am ripped from the inside out, Their faces tell what their voices refuse, They wish to help but fear regret, Their twisted faces curve and turn, But they dare not speak a word to me, They dare not speak a word to my oppressors, For they know the toll of such an act, My heart is torn by their betrayal[/color]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]My first (and favorate) manga is Priest, and yes I know I put "is" thats because I still read it, and have a number of them, up to 9 minus 7 since I read it in the store and have been broke lately . . . (damn gas prices) anyway, thats my fave and first, and the when? . . . last year around this time
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