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Everything posted by Danethol
[size=1] [b]Name[/b]: Melvin Superfluous [b]Age[/b]: 38 [b]Gender[/b]: Male. [b]Role[/b]: Ghostbuster [b]Appearance[/b]: See attachment. *pained audience laughter* [b]Personality[/b]: In his normal, day-to-day life, Melvin could be called meek, boring, drab, and basically a cowardly little man. Once he fires up his equipment on the hunt of some dastardly plamso-morphic scoundrel, however, he transforms into an arrogant, know-nothing dunce, who usually succeeds in nothing, unless letting the trouble-making apparition get away counts. He's known James and Edward for as long as they've been coming to his moldy bookstore, and considers them good kids, even if James can come off a bit eerie. One thing he can always count on, however, is the fact that no matter how strange he may come off, James would never get mixed up in anything unnatural...right? [b]Bio[/b]: Growing up in the sleepy Texas town of Duskwallow very few benefits for Melvin. One notable one was the ghost town, "Sleepy Creek", within half a day's walk from Duskwallow. Growing up amid stories of ghosts and goblins, Melvin developed a keen interest in the supernatural. Attempting to first capture spirits on film, he eventually used the money he pulled in as a book-store owner to buy more toys for his Hunting Chest. Now semi-retired, Melvin has moved to Maine to take a break from the opressive panhandle heat. Though he still claims to be semi-retired, Melvin never turns down an opportunity to flip on his ghost-sight goggles, warm up the Spirit-Sucker 2000, and fire up his Ecto-Blaster.[/size]
[size=1]Christ, Chaos...if that was true...I actually think I'm sick to my stomach. What did that cat do to you? Sure, the old man shouldn't have shot your dog...but weren't you just angry because he had no right to hurt an innocent animal? I don't see any justification in hurting that cat. Rico did nothing wrong either, he just had a jerk of an owner.[/size]
[size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Hey guys, sorry I've been inactive as of late. I'm up to my neck in what feels like five different things at once, and you guys are certainly getting along fine without me. I'll definately be able to get back in the loop over break, but I'll still be busy for the next few days. Sorry! [b]OOC v.2:[/b] Damn, ULX, Kuroichi's turned into a friggin' [u]tank[/u] since I left. I got some catch-up to do...lol.[/size]
[size=1]This looks pretty cool. The last Naruto rp I signed up for never took off, so here's hoping this one does... [B]Name[/B]: Sabaku Senpu [B]Age[/B]: 32 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Title[/B]: Tracker [B]Summon[/B]: Bird [B]Team[/B]: Four For Justice [B]Weapon of Choice?[/B]: Sickles, Kunai, Shuriken [B]Village[/B]: Sunagakure. [B]Rank[/B]: Coming soon. [B]Jutsus[/B]: Coming soon. I'm also not sure if we can do this, but I kinda came up with my own. If it's too much modding, I'll gladly remove it. --------------------- His greatest strength, his kekki-genkai, can be ranked as both a ninjutsu and taijutsu ability. Oni Senpu, or "Demon Wind", speeds up the air around Senpu's body so quickly that upon contact, an opponents flesh can literally be split open and cut by the sheer rotational force permeating from Senpu's body.With the wave of an arm, Senpu has been known to slice limps off. This ability, his most dangerous, should never be underestimated. [B]Appearance[/B]: Senpu wears the traditional outfit of Sunagakure shinobi, differing only in the extra kunai holders strapped onto his arms and legs. He always wears a black cloth over his mouth and nose, and wears his hitai-ate headband very broadly, making his piercing grey eyes the only part of his face clearly visible. His long, white hair spikes upward. [B]Personality[/B]: Senpu has a sharp intellect, little patient for stupidity, and respect for potential. He may not connect very well with other shinobi, but to his close friends, he often becomes a brother of sorts, though he rarely registers his affections on the outside. He will never let fatal harm come to a friend, even at the cost of his own life. [B]Bio[/B]: Coming soon. Sorry about all the "coming soon"s, but I'm multistasking at the moment. I'll get them all filled out shortly. [/size]
[size=1]When I was younger, about 13 or 14, I got in a few fights. I wasn't a brawler by any means, and I didn't go looking for them. I was kind of a jerk, though, so fights found me. One day, while I was walking home with some friends, a few kids decided to jump us. It was four to three, so I was pretty confidant. Suddenly, the guy I had picked to go up against pulled a knife and rushed me. I don't know how, but I somehow managed to evade him (although he did give me a hairline scar on my upper right chest), knock him to the ground, and wrestle the knife from him. At this point, I was so pissed, I rammed the blade into his right ribcage. At this, his friends ditched him. As soon as that happened, I changed inside. All I can remember from that point was holding him in my arms, crying, as my friends called the police. We passed it off as self-defense. He didn't die or anything, but he was in the hospital for a while. I'm 17 now, and ever since I've been a devout pacifist. Whenever someone has a problem with me now, I just tell them to hit me until they don't want to anymore. I can take a punch, and it's much better than the alternative. If I even try to hurt someone now, I get physically nauseous. Needless to say, I go out of my way to avoid violence now. *EDIT* Sorry, Rin, but I'm with Siren on this. Something about all your stories just doesn't add up...could I talk to you on aim sometime? - Dane[/size]
[size=1]*name pending* Holiday greetings, everyone! Oh, don't give me that look, one of these things was bound to show up at one time or another. ------------------------------- Once a year in the small town of Centerville, citizens gather everywhere to celebrate Christmas. This holiday, more than any other, serves to tighten the community, strengthen friendships, and create fond memories. The ones that love this day the most, however, are not the party-throwing adults, or gift-giving relatives.They are the children. Year after year, children everywhere in the town smile brightly when mention of Christmas reaches their ears, and the famous Santa Claus is promised to arrive with gifts galore! This year, however, something has happened. Spurned at youth from holiday gifts, the despicable Dr. Humbug has kidnapped Santa! Now, it's up to a group of young adventurers to rescue Santa, and return Christmas to the world! ------------------------------- I'm still working on some details, but that's the gist of it. This thread is dedicated to discussing [b]The Great Christmas Caper[/b], and answering any questions people have about it. Enjoy, people, and Merry Christmas![/size]
[size=1]*name pending* Holiday greetings, everyone! Oh, don't give me that look, one of these things was bound to show up at one time or another. ------------------------------- Once a year in the small town of Centerville, citizens gather everywhere to celebrate Christmas. This holiday, more than any other, serves to tighten the community, strengthen friendships, and create fond memories. The ones that love this day the most, however, are not the party-throwing adults, or gift-giving relatives.They are the children. Year after year, children everywhere in the town smile brightly when mention of Christmas reaches their ears, and the famous Santa Claus is promised to arrive with gifts galore! This year, however, something has happened. Spurned at youth from holiday gifts, the despicable Dr. Humbug has kidnapped Santa! Now, it's up to a group of young adventurers to rescue Santa, and return Christmas to the world! ------------------------------- I'm still working on some details, but that's the gist of it. The positions for available characters are as follows... [b]Main Character[/b] - Danethol [b]The Rich Girl[/b] [b]The Poindexter[/b] [b]The Bully[/b] [b]The Poor Girl[/b] [b][color=magenta]The Rich Girl[/b][/color] - This little princess loves Christmas soley for all the presents Daddy gives her. Spoiled, gabby, and generally a little brattish, the Rich Girl has never known the true meaning of Christmas. Hopefully, this adventure will teach her something. Middle aged (9-10). [b][color=gray]The Poindexter[/b][/color] - This child prodigy is a natural-born genius. As is evident by his high grades and interest in technology, The Poindexter isn't interested in Christmas at all, believing the faster he grows up, the better things will be. Middle aged (9-10). [b][color=red]The Bully[/b][/color] - This heavy-set punk has picked on the Main Character, the Poindexter, and the Poor Girl since he first met them. Preferring naughty to nice, the Bully has never felt the good side of Christmas. Maybe this journey will change that. Oldest of the group (11-12). [b][color=sienna]The Poor Girl[/b][/color] - Out of all the characters, Christmas has always mattered the most to the Poor Girl. Realising this holiday is the one time of the year when others show kindness to her and she recieves gifts for her very own, the Poor Girl is the most determined to return Christmas. The youngest of the group (5-7). Basic sign-ups will go as following: [b][u]Name[/b][/u]: [b][u]Character[/b][/u]: (Rich Girl, Bully, Poindexter, or Poor Girl) [b][u]Age[/b][/u]: [b][u]Appearance[/b][/u]: Description or pic. Remember, these are young children. [b][u]Description[/b][/u]: Aside from the assigned characteristics, describe what you personally added to the character. [b][u]Attitude towards Christmas/Santa[/b][/u]: Duh. Well, that's about it. Once I get all the positions filled I'll post my info and set up a thread in the [b]Arena Underground[/b]. That's all. Thanks, and Merry Christmas![/size]
Request Banner/Av: Why don't you cry about it... (pic included)
Danethol posted a topic in Creative Works
[size=1]Could anyone help me out with this? I'm a little low on my banner and av making skillz. I'm basically looking for a banner containing [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21652&stc=1][color=darkslateblue]the added picture[/color][/URL], but altered so it looks like the emo guy is crying, and placed somewhere to the left.To his right, I'd like it to say "Well, why don't you cry about it, emo kid?" with "emo kid" being the biggest words, maybe double the size of the others. Plain black background. For the av, have it zoom in to include just the eyes and tears. The format for the av is 80x150, right? *shrugs* That's about it. Uber, [u]uber[/u] thanks to anyone who feels the need to help out my poor, lowly sould. Graci. - Danethol[/size] -
[size=1]Today, the sky darkened. Today, the very air became dark as a darkish kind of darkness swept over the student body of RHS, leaving many in stupefied horror at the dismal numbers that were about to drop-kick them in the eyes. These horrors were inprinted on crisp pieces of pressed tree pulp. Yes, it was indeed...[b]PROGRESS REPORT DAY![/b] Luckily, my dismal social life leaves plenty of room for the studying of high grades. Just kidding. I'm the life of any party. Ask anyone. Anyway, I walked into my Physics class, where I was promptly handed a P.R. That's what the cool kids call them. Well, if I was a cartoon, my jaw would have hit the ground, and not in the good kind of way, like when there's an attractive female rabbit nearby, or you glance upon a delicious honey-baked ham. No, this wasn't the good kind at all. Glaring up at me was a horrible, pustule of a grade...[b]33[/b]! After confronting my teacher, who was equally surprised, I checked the gradebook. 100, 100, 100, 95, 100...not a single zero caught my eye. My teacher's reaction? "Oopsie, I didn't count these last few grades...silly me." *marks a 99 over the 33 in red sharpie* Has anyone else experienced a teacher slip-up before? I hadn't, so this sour experience made me want to eat my own face. How have you other poor, wretched souls reacted in these situations?[/size]
[size=1] "So, where's the rest of the gang?" asked X, his head stuck in the pantry. "Bread, bread...my kingdom for some..ah, there it is!" Breakdown finished off his soda and switched off the TV. "Well, you know were Lawless is. Luci's probably still sleeping, and god knows where the two Tweedledee's are." X cocked an eyebrow at the last remark. "You know, the two Tweedledee's? Tweedledee and..." X continued to stare blankly. "...um, Tweedledum. Tweedledee and Tweedledum. You know, from Alice in Wonderland? X simply shrugged and sat down at the counter. "Once again, proof that a joke isn't funny if you have to explain it. And you meant Mouth and Wolf, right?" "Uh, yeah, hehe," said Breakdown, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. [i]Man, the people here really [u]are[/u] a hard crowd...[/i] "Whatever. As long as those two hellions aren't tearing up the mansion." "Yeah, I guess." Throwing on his jacket, Breakdown gestured over his shoulder at the door. "Hey, I'm goin' for a walk. Care to join?" "Not today, pal. I have an important meeting with Gilligan's Island." said X, turning on the TV once again. ------------------------------------------------------------ Breakdown strode down the sun-dappled lawn of the mansion. Checking to see no one was around, he placed his hands together. A sweat drop ran down his cheek as he concentrated every ounce of energy between his hands. A small crackle of yellow energy suddenly appeared. With even more determination, the ball grew bigger. "Yeah...I'm doing it! I'm actually doing it!" Laughing, pain suddenly shot through Breakdown's body. With lightning speed, the ball shot out in a dozen directions, each tangent of yellow light striking the trees and ground, exploding on contact. Panting, Breakdown lowered his arms from in front of his face, catching his breath as the dust cleared. Kicking a tree newly uprooted from the blast, Breakdown cursed under his breath. "Damnit! Why does this keep happening?" Picking up a small rock, Breakdown charged it, tossed it into the air, and watched as it blew apart into fragments before touching the ground. "Why can't I activate my power without a physical medium?" With a sigh, Breakdown walked toward the mansion once again. ------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: Sorry about my constantly shifting posting styles, I'm just trying out different ones to see what I like writing with. ^ ^ [/size]
[size=1]OOC: Slapped to the ground? Man. I built Abaddon up to become a lot of things...but Kuroichi's bitch was not one of them. Lol. Oh well, I'll work around that... ----------------------------------- As Kuroichi roared loudly into the night sky, Abaddon reviewed what had just transpired, partially relieved that the human's body was missing. [i]The man...Zoku. He escaped. If he had not, would my kill have been unjust?[/i] Abaddon snapped to his senses as the commanding voice of Kuroichi rang out. [b][color=gray]"Abaddon! Come! We must find that man, and retrieve th-"[/color] "You struck me."[/b] A whispering breeze brushed thorugh the air as the two vampires locked eyes. Kuroichi quickly broke the gaze and laughed merrily. [b][color=gray]"[u]Did[/u] I? Well, I certainly apologise for that, my friend. I suppose I just got carried away in the heat of-"[/color] "That won't work, Kuroichi. You knew what you were doing. You struck me."[/b] Kuroichi's eyes narrowed as his smile faded. [b][color=gray] "That's [u]twice[/u] now you've interrupted me, Angel. There will not be a third time."[/color] "For one who preaches about the holier-than-thou clans, you sure are presumptuous over whom you can command. I will not be treated as your dog."[/b] Abaddon slowly turned away from the Silver-Haired Demon, wrenched his sword from the wall, and began to walk away. [b]"I go now to find this Zoku. I will hear his story, then decide where my allegiance lies."[/b] [b][color=gray]"Abaddon, you would refuse the hand of one who is of Gabriel?"[/b][/color] Abaddon froze at this remark. Turning slightly, he locked eyes with Kuroichi once again. The Demon seemed slightly taken aback from his gaze. Abaddon's eyes, usually cold and calculating, were now burning with hatred and fury. A sudden power filled Abaddon's lungs, and as they escaped his mouth, every muscle of his being tightened in anger. [b]"You will [u]not[/u] speak the name of Gabriel in the same breath as your own! Such a man will not be compared or associated with one such as [u]you[/u]! Just because you happen to have some of his blood in your veins does [u]not[/u] make you the same man! [u]Never[/u] forget that!"[/b] Abaddon turned once more, and as he began another journey, the voice of Kuroichi rang out once more. [b][color=gray]"You should not have refused me, Abaddon. When next we meet, it [u]will[/u] as enemies. Do not doubt that."[/b][/color] [b]"Then for your sake, [i]Demon[/i], I should hope we do not."[/b][/size]
I really don't have much credible information about this topic, so I'll stay out of the major debate. However, this confused me a bit... [quote][color=darkslateblue]Like I said before, why should Judaism be favored over Islam and Israelis have the right to destroy our holy sites?[/color][/quote] [quote][color=darkslateblue]What if I told you that in my religion, we do believe that god sent down the Torah and the Bible, but Gods words have been altered by men? God finally sent down his final revelation which he has taken it it upon himself to preserve it. I believe what the Quran says. This is why I don't believe the jews have a claim over the land. Because it says so in my religion.[/color][/quote] [b]My religion.[/b] Think about those words. Religion. Do you think that might possibly be why the Jewish people also believe the land to belong to them? Because their religion says that, just as your religion says it belongs to you? Sorry, this may be over my head, but all I can say is that if you're going to back up a your argument with religion that's contradictory on both sides, we'll get no where. That's all I wanted to say. I'm about to be proved wrong again, aren't I? ^ ^;
[size=1] Abaddon raced down the winding passageways of the palace. The smell of fresh blood came closer every second. As he turned the last corner, he saw before him a gigantic door of decorated, cast-iron doors. Running his hand up them, pushing, then pounding on the doors, Abaddon could tell they were bolted shut from the other side. He took a few steps back, readying himself for a charge. Before he could take a step, however, a mounstrous pound came from the other side, denting the metal outwardly toward him. His eyes widening, a second boom tore the doors off the hinges. With an ear-wrenching, creaking noise, they fell to the floor, ending with a deafening slam onto the ground. Lowering his arms from his face and squinting through the dust cloud, he spied a lone figure walking through the haze. As the figure came closer, it became more clear and definite. A silver haired vampire, clearly worn from a battle, stopped about ten paces from Abaddon. Brushing back some hair, the man smiled warmly at him. [b][color=gray]"Ah, you must be Abaddon. I apologise for not meeting you at the agreed time. My meeting with [i]Il Signore[/i] ran a little overtime."[/b][/color] One glance at the blood-stained room that had literally been torn apart behind Kuroichi was all Abaddon needed to see of the "meeting". [b]"You killed him?" [color=gray]"I did."[/color] "...and what for what purpose?"[/b] Kuroichi quickly slipped a gliterring, red gem into his front pocket. [b][color=gray]"The [i]Il Signore[/i] had something of mine, that is all. He refused to give it up...and I believe you saw where [u]that[/u] led."[/b][/color] Abaddon involuntarily bared his teeth. Something was not right about this man. This did not seem...just. Placing a hand on Azaziel, Abaddon took a step toward Kuroichi, who simply shook his head and smiled. [b][color=gray]"Why is it the zealous are always the [u]first[/u] to bear arms in the name of good?"[/color] "You [u]killed[/u] these men. Without proper explanation, I cannot accept your answer as just." [color=gray]"Stay your hand! Have I not aided your crusade with information in the past? Eh? Come now, all will be explained later. But please, stay your blade. I have killed many and fought long, and the last thing I want is another tiring battle and needless kill."[/color] "I think you will find, Kuroichi, my death would not be needless or easy. I will follow you, though...but this does not mean we have an alliance. I [u]will[/u] have answers, Kuroichi."[/b] With that, Abaddon's hand left his weapon. Kuroichi walked beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. [b][color=gray]"Of course, friend...er, Abaddon. Everything will be sorted out in it's due time."[/b][/color] Satisfied with this temporary truce, Abaddon followed Kuroichi out the main doors of the palace, just as Venician police began to stream inside the building, fatally late. --------------------------------- OOC: Sorry if you didn't want your character modded, ULX. I just wanted to take Abaddon in this direction. If you want me to retract this, I can. Your call.[/size]
[size=1]Andrew Whitten, or Breakdown as he preferred to be called, awoke the next day with a glorious yawn. Throwing on a shirt and pair of pants lying on the floor, he stumbled downstairs. He entered the living room to find Mouth with his head in the fridge and Wolf sitting on the couch, a plate with an abnormal amount of eggs, ham, and bacon lying on his lap. [b][color=darkorange]"Hey, Wolf! Save any of that for me?"[/b][/color] Breakdown was answered by the turning head of a growling doberman. [b][color=darkorange]"Alright, alright, yeesh."[/b][/color] [b][color=red]"Aww, don't worry about him, bombs. He's just extra hungry 'cause we ran out of kibbles n' bits last night."[/b][/color] With a crash, the plate of food fell to the ground as Wolf bounded toward Mouth in full wolf form. Mouth, still preoccupied with half of a banana, smirked and concentrated a ball of red energy in each hand. [b][color=darkorange]"WHOA, whoa, whoa! Can we have one civil breakfast around here, please? Huh? Now, just chill, guys..."[/b][/color] With a grunt, Wolf changed back and walked away. [b][color=sienna]"Whatever. Just tell that idiot to keep his...well, mouth shut."[/b][/color] [b][color=red]"My thoughs exactly, bombs! What we need around here is some peace and quiet. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off for my morning constitutional."[/b][/color] Mouth paused as he opened the main door, a smile growing across his lips. [b][color=darkorange]"Mouth...don't!"[/b][/color] [b][color=red]"Hey, Wolfy, I'm going outside! You want a walk? Huh, do ya boy?"[/b][/color] With a snarl, Wolf sped after Mouth again, this time Breakdown not even trying to intervene. With a sigh, he scooped up the food lying on the floor, threw it away, and grabbed a soda from the still-open fridge. [i]Man, those two...I wonder how I even got into this. [/i] He sat down on the now-unnocupied couch with a slump, turned on the TV, sat back, and took a sip. [i] Wolf and Mouth are almost unbearable together...Mouth's hard enough by himself. At least X and Lawless seem to like me. And Luci...well, she [b]tolerates[/b] me, at least. And that's a start. Everything has to have a start.[/i] Breakdown looked toward the stairs as another pair of feet came down. [b][color=darkorange]"Good morning! Care for some eggs?"[/b][/color][/size]
Abaddon sighed as he awoke from a brief nap, shielded from the sun by the cool shade of a parasol. Sitting down and slumped against the parasol's handle, he sleepily glanced out at the giant palace he had rested in front of. Families and tourists alike walked all around him. Glancing at the giant clock in the center of the building, Abaddon groaned. "Only 15 minutes of sleep?" Another groan left his mouth as he slowly stood up. "It's past the meeting time. For such an important man, this Kuroichi sure isn't punctual." His eyes quickly darted to the doors of the palace. He watched with new interest as an almost entirely black wearing man strode outside. Judging from his facial expressions and body movements, Abaddon could tell he was angry. He squinted as he attempted to read the mans lips. "That...f..fool? Hmm. Wonder what's going on here." The man ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes. After a few seconds of what seemed like quite deliberation, the man opened them again. Then, to Abaddon's utter surprise, the man was gone. He blinked to make sure, then confirmed it again. The man had simply dissapeared into thin air. "...he's not human. Could that have been Kuroichi?" Suddenly, the smell of fresh blod wafted into Abaddon's nostrils. The odor was drifting from the still-open doors to the palace. Straining himself, he also smelled the presence of another, or maybe two more, vampires inside. "Kuroichi or not, I'd better look into this. Blood has been spilled, and if it comes from innocents, vengeance must be served." Abaddon then walked toward the building, quietly running hishands over his guns as he strode up the tall steps... OOC : Just so you know, ULX, I'm not planning on interfering in your battle with Il Signore, or even entering the same room, so don't worry about that.
Wow...very well thought out. I generally try to stay away from the generic Heaven & Hell rp's, but this one caught my interest. I'd certainly be interested in joining. Are you going to bring recruitments into [b]Adventure Inn[/b], or simply let people apply here? [size=1][color="#993366"][b]I can answer that question for you. The Underground is [b]not[/b] used for recruitment - that's what the Inn is for. The threads posted in this forum are for the development of stories and plots, and any general ideas or information. There should never be any sign-ups here. If you like the RPG idea, then give the creator your input and/or wait until it appears in the Inn. ^_^ --- Arcadia[/b][/color][/size]
Hmmm...sounds kinda interesting. I've always wanted to try out an rp kind of like this one. I'd certainly look into it.
Oooh...this sounds fun. ^ ^ --------------------------- [b][u]Name[/b][/u]: Andrew Whitten [b][u]Codename[/b][/u]: Breakdown [b][u]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [b][u]Age[/b][/u]: 17 [b][u]Occupation[/b][/u]: Student [b][u]Appearance[/b][/u]: Andrew has short, jet-black hair. His skin is tanned fairly dark, and his body is covered with dozens of tiny scars, only about an inch long at most. While he passes them off as battle-wounds from schoolyard scuffles, he usually gets them from the flying debris created from his explosions. However, he has so much control over his power at this point that backfires like those rarely happen anymore. [i]Street[/i] - Andrew generally wears casual, loose clothing. He hates labels of all kinds, so he tries his best to avoid wearing fashions of any particular genre. His colors are mainly browns, yellows, and blacks. [i]Costume[/i] - Breakdown wears black pants, yellow and black boots, a form-fitting yellow shirt with a nuclear symbol in the center, a plain black belt, a regular length black leather jacket, and yellow gloves. [b][u]Powers[/b][/u]: Breakdown has the ability to concentrate kinetic energy around his body, then release it in a devastating explosion. He can alter this power to explode at specific points and times. This can range from concentrating it in his fist to release a punch equal to a stick of dynamite, or charging a baseball to explode like a hand-grenade. When he becomes enraged and his power breaks loose completely, his skin turns pure black, and his eyes glow white. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21609&stc=1[/img] [b][u]Dysfunction[/b][/u]: Breakdown has a tendency to...well, break down. The pressures of school, parents, and a superhero career leave him tense and stressed at times. If he reaches a breaking point, his power often explodes unpredictably. This side-effect makes him terrified of becoming too enraged. To counter this, he often acts carefree and jokes around, if only to keep from going beserk. [b][u]Biography[/b][/u]: Andrew Whitten had a regular teenage life. Parents grounding him, hanging out with friends, average grades...he was satisfied with his life. One day, however, he felt different. When he woke up, he felt tense, as if his body was stretched too thin. Throughout the week, things kept getting worse. He failed two classes, his parents grounded him, his girlfriend dumped him...it built up. One day, having gotten to school late, and still partly asleep, Andrew stumbled to his locker just in time to meet his Biology teacher. After informing him that he was about to fail that class too and thoroughly berating him in view of the whole hallway, he teacher handed him a detention slip. Turning away angrily, Andrew slammed his locker shut as hard as he could. To everyone's surpise, the locker exploded, blwoing Andrew and the teacher back ten feet. Andrew, suspected of planting a bomb in the school, was sent to court. After finding no such evidence, he was released back to school, even though to this day students refer to him as "bomb-boy". A year has passed, and having ganined extensive control over his explosive gift, Breakdown now battles crime as best he can as a member of [i]The Dysfunctionals.[/i]
Abaddon slumped heavily onto a slightly torn seat as the train left the station, slowly but surely, amid the sound of squealing metal. Closing his eyes and leaning back, he tried to figure out where this path was taking him. [I]Kuroichi, huh? I wonder...[/I] Abaddon opened his eyes as he heard a sound behind him, a sudden rustling. Brushing back the hair from his face, Abaddon smirked. "One thing [U]is[/U] sure about you guys...you are persistent." "We're merely making sure our friend's travelling has gone smoothly, Master Abaddon. The Lord always wishes his friends to be confortable, especially when coming to see him." "Firstly, I am no man's master, so stow that talk..." said Abaddon, rising from his seat. "...and secondly, I am yet to be called a friend. I am merely meeting Kuroichi to personally thank him for his extensive help in my war on sinners. Professional courtesy, nothing more." He took a step forward, then stopped as he heard the servant reply, now with a voice considerably less friendly. "You may find, sir, that it is...unwise to refuse the Lord's hand. It would be for the best to accept his friendship." "That, [I]sir[/I], remains to be seen. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a yet un-visited beverage cart left on this train. I do not wish to find you when I return." With that, he strode down the walkway. When he returned, the man was gone. In his place was an opened letter. [I]Lord Kuroichi will await you in the center square of Venice after he has finished some personal business. May fortune follow you.[/I] Abaddon pressed one arm against the window and leaned toward it, sipping his whiskey, and watching the trees roll by. "Kuroichi...I wonder. I hope he isn't as annoying as his messengers." ------------------------------------- "Fermata finale! La fermata finale per Venezia! Tutti via!" Abaddon threw his white travelling cloak around his body, put on a pair sunglasses, and walked out into the warm Venice sun. "Hmm...well, however this turns out, I'm betting it'll be interesting." With that, Abaddon began his walk to the center of the city...
"...and why would you offer me this information?" Abaddon brushed a strand of hair from his face, leaned his head back, and took another shot of whiskey. "Because Lord Kuroichi wishes it" replied the shadowed man standing behind Abaddon's bar stool. "The lord admires power, and all beings know of the power of the Mykur Aniol, and of you, Master Abaddon. The lord helps those he respects, and always saves them a seat at his table. Perhaps if this gesture of friendship appeals to you, you will offer him your hand as well." "Perhaps. But if your Kuroichi knows of the Mykur Aniol, and of me, he would [U]also[/U] know that I prefer to walk alone." Abaddon slowly rose, placing a $5 bill on the table. "Buy yourself a drink, and tell your master that Abaddon sends his utmost thanks." With that, Abaddon strode through the exit toward the spot revealed to him. ------------------------------------- "Hey, putos, check it out!" A group of Mirichai and humans laughed as they ran to a cache of boxes in the center of a large warehouse. Tearing them open, the air was filled with jubilant whoops and yells as the men pulled dozens of guns from the crates. "Charlie came through! He actually got the delivery here! Hahaaaaa!" The men continued to celebrate, firing rounds into the air. "Man, lookit all this firepower! Those East Side fools better be prayin' to God! Hahahahaa!" [I]God? What do you lowly, murderous villians know of God?[/I] The laughter stopped as the men loked in all directions, searching for the place the echo came from. Suddenly, the skylight above them shattered. The dark figure of a man dropped two stories with the flying shards, and slammed into the ground with enough force to crack the concrete. Abaddon slowly rose up as the men and vampires cocked their weapons. "Maybe you should try some praying yourselves. You do know the Lord's Prayer, do you not?" Abaddon took a step forward, cracking glass under his boots. "Our Father, who art in heaven..." Azaziel, Abddon's treasured blade, slowly left the sheath. "Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come, they will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven." All at once, the Mirichai and humans yelled, and let out a barrage of gunfire. Effortlessly dodging bullets, Abaddon sank Azaziel into the gut of his first victim. Flinging him aside, Abaddon charged toward another group of opponents. "Give us this day our daily bread." Slicing thug after thug, Abaddon turned to face the remaining men. "And forgive us our trespasses..." Abaddon sheathed his sword and drew his guns, twirling them above his head, then quickly thrusting them out at his foes. "...as we forgive those who trespass against us." Letting out shot after shot, Abaddon holstered his guns as smoke billowed from killzone. Suddenly, Mirichai vampires raced toward him, claws and teeth bared. Abaddon slowly unsheathed his sword again. "And lead us not into temptation..." Turning to avoid a Mirichai's claws, Abaddon continued his motion and replied with a backwards slash, decapitating the vampire. "..but deliver us from evil." Abaddon ducked another Mirichai's attack, then swung his sword upwards, cleaving the demon from groin to forehead. He then spoke the next three lines of the prayer while striking down another foe in turn. "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory..." Turning to the last fleeing Mirichai, Abaddon drew one of his guns and pointed it at the creatures back. "...for ever and ever. Amen." With one last blast, the last fighter dropped. ------------------------------------- Three hours later, Abaddon sat perched on the top of a local skyscraper, letting one leg dangle off the side. "...Kuroichi, huh? Heh. Maybe I should go thank him in person for that tip after all. What's the wosr that could happen. Smirking, Abaddon stood up and lept off the building. Hitting the roof of a lower building, he raced off, jumping from roof to roof, travelling once again...
[b][u]Name[/b][/u]: Abaddon [b][u]Nickname[/b][/u]: None, but he is sometimes called Apollyon (the Greek translation of his name) [b][u]Age[/b][/u]: 1745 [b][u]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [b][u]Species[/b][/u]: Vampire, though most actually believe him to be an angel. [b][u]Clan[/b][/u]: Myrkur Aniol [b][u]Appearance[/b][/u]: Abaddon's hair is long and black, about shoulder length. A few strands hang in front of his eyes, which he is known for brushing back every so often. He wears form-fitting black shirts and pants. Three belt straps encircle his right leg, and his upper body is usually covered with a lengthy black trenchcoat. His sword is strapped diagonally across his back, hidden under the coat. His guns, also hidden, are holstered on the left and right sides of his waist. [center].:[URL=http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/487/487603/img_1557358.html]Picture[/URL]:.[/center] [b][u]Weapons[/b][/u]: Abaddon wields a double-edged sword named Azaziel, which has claimed the lives of vampires and humans alike. Holstered to his sides are his twin hand guns, which he calls Heaven's Disciplines. These guns fire at an above-average rate of speed, and can punch holes in reinforced steel. [b][u]Powers[/b][/u]: Supernatural strength and speed. He also has limited control over flames and shadows. The following are what has become his "signature" attacks. [b][color=red]Purgatory[/b][/color] - Abaddon holds his Azaziel vertically against his face, the cutting edge facing his opponent. Chanelling his rage into the metal, seething flames leap and dance around the sword's length. The searing blade can slice through the toughest of metals, and cuts flesh and limbs with such intensity that the wound instantly cauterizes. [b][color=silver]Heavenly Barrage[/b][/color] - Abaddon chanells his desire to overcome and trample his enemies into his guns. With unearthly speed, Abaddon unleashes a storm of shots on an enemy, usually leaving a body impossible to identify. The downside to this attack is that if it is uneffective, Abaddon's entire clip is usually empied for nothing. [b][color=orange]Breath of the Demon[/b][/color] - Abaddon unhinges his jaw and unleashes a plume of hellfire from his mouth. This attack, not only terrifying to witness, can sear through flesh and steel alike, and has been known to completely incinerate opponents. [b]Rage of the Pit[/b] - Abaddon sheaths his sword and holsters his guns. Placing his feet a few feet apart and arching his back, Abaddon summons temporary control of shadows. The floor around his feet eventually grows to a ten foot radius, then explodes as pointed tendrils of darkness whip around him in a vortex. The tendrils themselves do minimal damage, but at such a high rate of speed, and with so many flying at once, any opponent is usually cut to ribbons before a succesful counterattack, or even a retreat, is possible. [b][u]Personality[/b][/u]: Being named after the angel of The Pit, Abaddon is obviously aware of his power. He tries not to act cocky, reminding himself of what happened to Lucifer, but when someone challenges him or mocks his abilities, Abaddon will unleash his full vampiric powers without hesitation. In the Bible, the entity known as Abaddon is hard to peg down with an alliance to either side, alternately called a demon, a fallen, and an angel numerous times. This attitude toward alliances is also common to the vampiric Abaddon, who shifts from side to side, seemingly to others at random. However, Abaddon only switches when an opponent or ally takes a position contrary to his own. This attitude toward friends and foes leaves many beings untrusting of him, which Abaddon is fine with. [b][u]Bio[/b][/u]: Born nearly two-thousand years ago, Abaddon has completely forgotten his original, mortal name. What he does remember, though, he will never forget. "Turned" at the age of 26, he quickly lost interest in humanity at all, and became a ferocious, animal-like killing machine, surviving on his wit and fangs alone. One day, after chasing a human girl in a forest of northern Europe around the early 1800's, Abaddon was shot by the girl's father. Due to a shortage of blood consumption over the past month and a small trace of silver in the bullet, Abaddon was knocked unconcious. When he awoke, he found himself in the girl's house. The father, thinking the creature chasing his daughter had fled into the woods, was astounded to find a battered "wanderer" not far away. Taking the "coincidence" for providence, the father and girl nursed Abaddon back to health. Abaddon felt the primal urge to slake his thirst with their blood, but for the first time in his life, felt gratitude to others. Over a period of weeks, Abaddon was taught the ways of Christianity by the father, and did his best to supress his urges and return to his lost humanity. One day, a bear wandered onto the family's land, and attacked the girl. Fearing for her safety, Abaddon raced between them, and tore the two-ton grizzly limb from limb. Tasting blood for the first time in months, Abaddon lost control, and blacked out. When he awoke, he felt the taste of fresh blood in his mouth. He then noticed he was kneeling in fornt of the father's makeshift church altar. In his arms was the man, clutching a broken crucifix, two swollen holes still pulsing in his neck. Abaddon fled the house, cursing himself to hell for what he had done. After weeks of solitude and depression, he took up a new way of life. Abaddon sought to spread the word of God, as the family had done for him, in honor and respect of their memories. He also changed his name to Abaddon, the gaurdian angel of The Abyss. This seemed fitting for him, for he would now with every fiber of his being hold back his rage from consuming the innocent. He now roams aimlessly, slaying all beings, human and vampire alike, who would commit evil deeds and soil the innocent. [b][u]Other[/b][/u]: [i]The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces. Their hair was like women's hair, and their teeth were like lion's teeth. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.[/i] [b]-- Revelations 9: 7-11[/b] This looks really cool, so I'll be happy to join! PM me if my character's too god-modded, though...I'm a bit afraid of that. ^ ^; Sorry if he is!
Hehe...irony is fun. ^ ^ Anyway, I suppose I'm like Baron. If I know I'm wrong, I'll change my position. Although, that [b]is[/b] what people didn't like about Kerry...*pained laugh*
Double postee...hehe. ^ ^;. Anyway, hey guys, and thanks for the feedback. As for the first questions from both of you, it will be set in the present. While the spirits themselves previously lived in a medieval-like time, they had to spend a considerable amount of time recuperating in our world, and are finally able to return in our present. WarCraftGOD, I originally wanted five players, including myself (four controlling the generals and their hosts, and myself with Valame and his host.) However, I might now have another position open for a normal, non-inhabited human. This would end up ideally with a cast of six people, with everyone but the normal person controlling two characters (the spirit and the human host). As for weapons, they won't appear until a little later in the story. I first want to focus on the human kids and how they deal with this before we cross over into full-on weapon battles. Until then, fist fights won't be out of the question. But when weapons do roll around, I'll have a backstory to all the spirits available, and so descibe why they wield their particular weapons. Here's a summary though: [b]Valame[/b] - longsword [b]Orden[/b] - sword and shield [b]Kurenar[/b] - battle-axe [b]Uriam[/b] - spear [b]Yarda[/b] - bow Thanks again for the feedback, guys.
[b] Hi, everyone. Before you read this, I'd like thank everyone who comments for their feedback, positive or otherwise. Anyway, here we go...[/b] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]B[/b]efore proceeding, know this; that there is another world, parallel to Earth, which mirrors our history. Continents formed, nations grew, and heroes rose. On this alternate world, in the land of Altea, a mighty and loving king governed the country of Linarea. This king ruled the country with a wise and generous hand, and gathered the strongest and most experienced knights to his court to protect the light and goodness of his reign. Among these knights was the illustrius Valame, grand commander of the White Legion, chief of the King's royal guard, and the King Maron's childhood friend. However, it was known only to a select few that Valeme was also one of the greatest sorcerors in the land, and head of the kingdom?s Magical Order. One day, under the King?s encouragment, Valame and his fellow mages began projects meant to uncover the origins of the universe. One day, to his shock, Valame discovered the existence of their parallel world, our Earth. Valame rushed to his lord?s side, and immediently informed him. Valame, the King, and all the kingdom?s mages then began to further explore the alternate universe. Then, tragedy struck. [b]I[/b]t had come to the King?s attention that, addicted to his growing knowledge of the universe, Valame had become more and more obsessed with Earth. King Maron watched in distress as his friend and closest confidante became reclusive and distrusting of anyone, including the King himself. One day, Valame finally snapped. Drunk on his power, Valeme attempted to cross over into our world. Broken-hearted, King Maron ordered him to be brought down. There, at the transportational nexus of the portal connecting our worlds, Valame was brought down by the highest generals of the White Legion : Orden, Kurenar, Uriam, and Yarda. Cursing them with his dying breath, Valeme uttered the final incantation, and sent his broken spirit to Earth for recuperation. The Four Generals, though victorious, were nearly broken themselves by the shame and pain of striking down their former commander, and once greatest ally and friend. It also dawned on them that his spirit would indeed heal, and wreak unknown havoc on the alternate world. Then, the King, upon conferring with the remaing members of the Magical Order, offered them an ultimatem. They could travel to the world with him, but a return trip might not be possible. The Generals, ready to sacrifice their mortal lives to protect others, offered themselves, and so sent their spirits through the closing portal. This was well over three-hundred years ago. The dormant spirits, slumbering inside unknowing human hosts, have now begun to break the healing seals and let their incredible powers slip through the cracks. This is the tale of those human hosts, Valeme, the Four Generals, and the incredible story that binds them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, waddaya think? Tell me if it's too cliche (I was a little afraid of that). Thanks again!