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Everything posted by Danethol

  1. Okay, U-Oshi, here's the Sennin you wanted. [b][u]Name[/b][/u]: Sabaku Senpu [b][u]Age[/b][/u]:32 [b][u]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [b][u]Appearance[/b][/u]: Senpu wears the traditional outfit of Mizuho shinobi, differing only in the extra kunai holders strapped onto his arms and legs. He always wears a black cloth over his mouth and nose, and wears his hitai-ate headband very broadly, making his piercing grey eyes the only part of his face clearly visible. His long, white hair spikes upward . [b][u]Grades[/b][/u]: [i]Taijutsu[/i]: By far, this is Senpu's greatest strength. While not neccesarily thin, Senpu is not the burliest fighter around. However, he [u]more[/u] than makes up for this in his speed. It is this very speed that has earned him the title of the "Whirlwind Fang." Grasping a kunai in each hand, he can literally become a living tornado, mowing down all in his way. This ferocity in battle commands respect from students and fellow teachers alike. [i]Genjutsu[/i]: Senpu's second strongest ability, only barely less potent than his hand-to-hand strengths. By mastering illusions such as temporary invisibility, the art of substitution, transformation, duplication, and mirages, battles can sometimes end before the opponent even realises Senpu was there. [i]Ninjutsu[/i]: Just as strong as his Genjutsu, barely less than his Taijutsu. Over the course of his life, Senpu has memorized and mastered over a hundred ninjutsu spells and chants. His greatest strength, his kekki-genkai, can be ranked as both a ninjutsu and taijutsu ability. Oni Senpu, or "Demon Wind", speeds up the air around Senpu's body so quickly that upon contact, an opponents flesh can literally be split open and cut by the sheer rotational force permeating from Senpu's body.With the wave of an arm, Senpu has been known to slice limps off. This ability, his most dangerous, should [u]never[/u] be underestimated. [b][u]Personality[/b][/u]: Senpu has a sharp intellect, little patient for stupidity, and respect for potential. He may not connect very well with the other instructors, but to his students, he often becomes a second father, though he rarely registers his affections on the outside. He will never fatal harm come to a student during a mission, even at the cost of his own life. [b][u]Intro[/b][/u]: Coming soon. Sorry, it's late!
  2. [B][U]Name[/B][/U]: Satoshi Kaido [B][U]Age[/B][/U]: 15 [B][U]Gender[/B][/U]: Male [B][U]Appearance[/B][/U]: Though he may take a few liberties, Kaido is quite attractive, the only offset on his face being a thin scar across the bridge of his nose. Kaido often brags this to be a true-and-blue battle wound; and it is, to an extent. He gained it by not paying attention in a battle. His hair is tousled and dark black, reaching to the middle of his neck. His psychique isn't bad, but seeing as he keeps in shape primarily for looks instead of battle, it certainly isn't as ripped as other combatants his age. He wears general black and white ninjutsu clothes. His unique pride and joy though is his attention grabbing white scarf, which flows down from his neck to his lower back. [B][U]Personality[/B][/U]: Kaido is an actor, and as such, certain attributes come with the description: egocentric, vain, approval seeking, and flashy. Kaido is a good person at heart, but when the spotlight's on him and everyone's watching, he has a history of becoming cocky and arrogant. Time will only tell if he can overcome this to become a true shinobi. He usually makes friends quickly, although some mock his posturing. He quickly takes after impulsive, fun-loving people, and often misunderstands quiet, shy people, preferring to go play with the class clowns. [B][U]Grades[/B][/U]: [I]Taijutsu (Hand-to-Hand Combat)[/I]: Not his weakest point. Kaido keeps his body in shape for his "fans" anyway, so it's only natural he should apply those strengths to combat. When engaged in hand-to-hand combat, Kaido employs pressure-point strikes, joint locks, and attack counters primarily involving shoulders, elbows, and the back. His attacking speed could be rated as average, but when combined with acute precision and a concentration of chakra, his blows can shatter boulders. However, it should be noted that Kaido prefers to fight with weapons such as itos, katanas, shuriken, and kunai. He believes that flashy weapons can get more rise out of a crowd. [I]Genjutsu (Illusionary Techniques)[/I]: Kaido's weakest point. Believing the average audience is stupid and won't understand complex illusion combos, Kaido doesn't concern himself with them. He is well known to say "Illusions are just spells without bang. Without bang, where's the fun?" However, he is also known to have lost many a battle to underestimating an opponent proficient in illusions... [I]Ninjutsu (Ninja Techniques, which are quite like spells)[/I]: Kaido's strongest point. Finding hand-to-hand fighting boring and one-dimensional, Kaido is fascinated with the spectacle inherent in ninjutsu spells. He practises them stalwartly, eagerly awaiting the roar of the crowd from a show-stopping attack. Believing in the power of a well placed effect, he has proudly memorized dozens of fire, water, lightning, wind, ice, and earth spells. It is also not unknown for Kaido to make up an entirely new attack in the midst of combat. This unpredictable attack strategy keeps many opponents on their toes, and defeats most. [B][U]Introductions Are In Order[/B][/U]: "Step aside, losers!" Kaido, Mizuho-school ninja cadet, strode through swarms of children to stand in the center of the playground. "I, Satoshi Kaido, will, for a limited time only, be accepting autograph requests from you, my loyal and devoted fans! Yes, any of you, for only a small fee of-" Kaido suddenly stopped as he heard the sounds of contorted chuckles behind him. As he turned, he saw several students of his class leaning on each other, doubled other in laughter. ".....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!" Look at this! Junior Mizukage here's charging seventh-graders for his autograph! What a goon! Haaahahahahahaaa!" Kaido slowly turned away with his eyes closed and a grimace on his face, trying to contain his dignity. "Now, don't mind them. They just don't know future talent when they see...eh?" Kaido opened his eyes to find the playground empty, except for one, slightly fat boy. "Gee, mista, really?" Kaido made a face as the boy wiped a particularly large strand of snot from his nose. "Umm, yeah, sure. Anyway, this one's on the house. Be sure to tell your friends, kid..." Kaido sighed as he lay on his rooftop later that night. [I]"What a goon! Haaahahahahahaaa..."[/I] Kaido involuntarily shuddered. "Well, let them all laugh. I'll show them. One of these days, it'll be my name up in lights, not theirs! I swear on the stars I see above me, I'll go places. I'll make myself known. And I'll shine as brightly as these stars!" Kaido closed his eyes, and dreamt of fame and fortune as he had for the last 15 years of his life. "...someday..."
  3. [B]Name[/B]: John Wheeler [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Weapons[/B]: Two police-issue handguns (I'll be damned if I can remember the names of these things), and one six-shot revolver. [B]Appearance[/B]: John dresses casually, generally wearing dark short-sleeve shirts and confortable white pants. As long as it covers him, he has no complaints. The only thing he insists on wearing is his father's police badge, pinned on his right forearm. [B]Short Bio[/B]: John once once a typical American bad-egg; he skipped classes, smoked, cheated, and generally didn't care about anything. All that changed one day when John's father (a police officer) and mother were both shot down during a bank robbery. When John found out, he swore revenge. Grabbing his father's badge, guns, and antique six-shooter, John displayed an unnatural knack for tracking down fugitives, and quickly brought the man down. For a brief time John himself was active in police duty, but the rebel inside him still cried out, and he now makes his living as a professional bounty-hunter, no longer ruled by the codes of police conduct. He often travels alone, but is always delighted to have a companion (preferably an attractive female). He's been travelling abroad for the past year, hoping to meet the bounty-hunter "Red Moon" and to find (and possibly contain) the world-renowned thief, Hayshi Sasuke. [B]Personality[/B]: John is a carefree and easygoing person. Whenever things look bleakest, he'll just laugh and shrug them off. He makes friends easily, and is distressed whenever someone has a problem with him. If someone's in need of him, he'll drop everything to help out. However, he doesn't have much initiative, and as such, he rarely takes positions of leadership, instead being content to support from the rear. [B]Bounty Hunter[/B]
  4. Wrong section, buddy. This should have gone in the anime part of the site.
  5. [B]Name[/B]: Legault Schtaezan [B]Age[/B]: Unimportant. Appears to be in the Mid 20's to 30's range. [B]Gender[/B]: Male. [B]Race[/B]: Human. [B]Class[/B]: Rogue. [B]Element[/B]: Rock/Sand. (I know Sand isn't directly an element, but since it is made up of chunks of rock, I'm hoping this will fly.) [B]Weapon[/B]: Twin Daggers (Mercy and Malice). Mercy is a long-knife with a cutting edge that tapers to a point, allowing slashes and stabs. Malice is a uniquely curved dagger, more similar to a sickle than a proper knife. The cutting edge is on the inside curve of the blade, so it can only be used in short range scyth-like sweeps. Legault also carries a good supply of razor-sharp throwing knives (If projectile secondary weapons are [U]allowed[/U] , that is. If not, just say so.) [B]Biography[/B]: Legault was brought up under the famed Priests, Rumaea and Tulok Schtazean. At the age of five, Legault's family set out on a caravan into the desert, in hopes of finding hidden oasises to aid the parched villages spotting the wasteland. However, it was more than even the powerful priests could endure, and Legault was sent away from them with the last jug of water to find help. After traveling for many days, Legault finally succombed to the heat. However, he was resued by the Shakamas, a secretive tribe of people who live in the innermost part of the ocean of sand and rock. Legault was saved, and was brought up taught how to cope, and live in harmony, with the desert. Upon his age of manhood, the tribe sent him out to see the world he had lost all memory of, and to find the source of the elemental shift that was troubling their senses. [B]Appearence[/B]: Legault hails from a sandy, desert-like region. As a result, most of his clothing is fitted according to that. He wears an ornamental mask to protect his eyes and mouth from the searing sands (it also keeps his face completely hidden except for the occasional glimpse of his golden eyes), and wears loose clothing, colored mainly in whites, browns, and yellows. A white scarf wraps around his neck, and flows out the back into a long, white cloak. His hair is long, golden, and spiked, jutting down all over his face. [B]Personality[/B]: Growing up in the harsh desert left no time for jests or fun; it was either survive, or be consumed by the sand. Legault's upbringing has left him harsh, rude, and seemingly emotionless. However, he only acts this way because he has never felt kindness, fun, friendship, or love. It remains to be seen how he will react of someone causes him to experience any of these feelings...
  6. I was a member. [I][U]Was[/I] [/U] being the key word. The site got waaaay too repetitive, and there were too many threads like "BlacK NinJas cLaN join NIOW!!1!" or "Luv HoTel all welcom!!". People there are more interested in online dating and dressing up their avatars than actual discussion. Oh yeah, don't do "bumps" here; they're not exactly allowed. Okay, sorry guys. I'm done Mod-playing.
  7. Well, in my last theatre show, there was a part where I was supposed to jump into the freakishly long arms of my 6''4 friend, Tommy. Well, Tommy was sick one night, so his understudy, a guy named Paul, had to cover his part for him. Paul is shorter than me, mind you. Well, I asked him repeatedly if he thought he was able to hold me. Everytime I was answered with "Yeah, yeah, sure, don't worry about it man". When the part of the show came to the jumping point, I jumped like normal. Paul froze (didn't even hold out his arms). My back was completely horizontal at that point, and I finished the fall from a height of about three to four feet. I crumpled and faked unconciousness, making me look like a total spazoid, until the scene changed. Good times.
  8. Why, certainly. [URL=http://www.google.com]www.google.com[/URL] Try lookin'.
  9. Hmm...okay. I'll admit now, as much as I'd [U]like[/U] to say I'm similar to *insert Vash, Inu Yasha, Spike, Yugi, or whatever the hell else you want*, my personality is nothing like a main character's. I'm more of a supporting role, the person who makes a quick cameo, gets a few laughs, and ducks out when the scene switches. But I guess in my private life, I'm like the lazy side of Spike Spiegal. I sleep a lot. Nott that heroic, eh? ;)
  10. One thing I'm tired of hearing is "Moore is slanted to the left", "Moore is biased", and "he's jujst promoting the left wing". No sh!t. He's stated from the beggining that the specific point, the very [B]reason[/B] this movie was created, was to get Bush out of office. He's a Democrat/Liberal; of COURSE the movie is going to be biased. If Rush Limbaugh released a documentery about the current administration, would you expect to find, even in a million years, the [i]slightest[/i] bit of leftism in it? Of course not. The film is meant to portray Moore's opinion, and he has every right to do it. As for the movie, it was the best I've seen in a long time. I was aware of many facts concerning the War on Terror, and financial information on things like Enron and Halliburton, but the connection between the Bush and bin Laden family completely through me for a loop. Simply put, if a Republican/Conservative wants to prove a point, go see the movie. I dare you to come out not hating Bush. By the way... [QUOTE=Dagger IX1] I was sobbing during that sequence and for a good fifteen minutes afterwards. I've become deadened to images of the twin towers falling--I've seen them so many times that they doesn't affect me any more. But hearing people's screams, and then seeing hundreds of New Yorkers weeping in the streets, praying, staring helplessly and desparately at the sky... it brought back a flood of feelings that I hadn't experienced since September 11 itself. In their horrified faces I saw the emotions I'd felt then. It was an immensely powerful and gripping montage, one that would have been weakened, even cheapened, by footage of the physical destruction. I'm crying now just [i]thinking[/i] about it. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] The same thing happened to me, Dag. If someone has the gall to criticise that sequence having no imagrey, I dare them (Wait...I already have a dare...umm...double-dog dare! Yeah!) to listen to those sounds and not be moved.
  11. For that special lady in your life... Roses are red, violets are blue. Umm, about that threesome...can we add another two? Roses are red, violets are blue. Hey, nice jugs! I'm glad you have two. No yelling please! You'll be pleased to know I sent the second "poem" to a girl friend of mine. The left side of my face was purple for two days. The right side was blue.
  12. *ahem* Gays are [B]right/wrong.[/B] Religion[B] rocks/sucks.[/B] [B]Blacks/whites[/B] are runing this nation. This topic is [B]spam/going to be shut down[/B].
  13. [QUOTE=Nate][color=purple]Wrong. As a Jehovah's witness, i amappauled you would say that.[/color] [color=darkorchid]First of all, it's 144,000. Read this: "And I saw, and look! the Lamb standing upon Mount Zion, and with him a houndred and forty-four thousand having his name and name of his father written on their foreheads" (Revelation 14:1)[/color] [color=purple]That 144,000 will be the ones ruling in heaven as kings along with Jesus. The other will live on the Earth forever in a perfect state, in a global Eden.[/color] [/QUOTE] ....okaayy..*steps away slowly* Anyways, I thought my latest wasn't bad. *FWI, my friend Adrian is a bit...[B][I]round[/B] [/I].* Adrian : *noticing I paid $5 for a coffee from Starbucks* That's a little overpriced. You got screwed, man! Me : Actually, I was born with a beautiful body. Looks like [U]you[/U] got screwed. Meh. It may not be as [B]Zy-Zigga[/B] as the insults cooked up in the cobwebby nether regions of Dragon Warrior's cranium, but I think it's passeable. :)
  14. Hmmm. Well, lessee. I live in Texas (square dances), and when I'm not chillin' on the net, talking on the phone, or playing games, I'm doing theatre stuff. I got an interest in it the beggining of my sophomore year (I'm a Junior when classes start again), and now I'm absolutely in love with it.I've currently been in three plays, and I'm joining the Theater Magnet next year. I'm starting my first ever summer-school course tomorrow (which I'm not at all proud of)for Geometry, and I'm hoping I can get through the day without chastising myself for stupidity too much. Hmmm...other assorted info. Political Side : Democrat Video Game of Choice : Super Mario Bros. 3 Win-Lose Ratio in Warcaft III : 4 to 1 Sexuality : Can't get nothin' from nobody. Ska v.s. Emo : Hah! Trick question! They [I][B]both[/I] [/B] suck!
  15. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] You admired me Danethol? Well, that was pleasantly unexpected ^_^[/size][/QUOTE] Well, you know, admired in a professional sense. I'm a guy, so don't think I've ever had...like...an attraction to you. Yep. No secret admiring here. Uh uh. *clears throat* :shifty: Lol. But yeah, you were one of the few posters I really got a kick out of reading. But I think when I first saw you, there was some kinda Hagar the Horrible motif goin' on...the new one's definately cool. :cool:
  16. I would [B]like[/B] to think I'm not afraid of anything. Unfortunately, I'm human, and oceans/lakes scare the *&%^ out of me. It's the idea of deep, dark water where my feet can't touch the bottom...the idea that somewhere in the murky depths, something can be slowly creeping up to within inches of me without me even seeing it...ugh. I like to see what's going to attack me, preferably.
  17. I totally agree with you. I'm actually a past member. About a year or so ago, I departed from OB in search of new boards. Broadening the ol' horizon, you know? Unfortunately, all other forums I found wern't nearly as substantial as OB, the latest torture being [B]Go-Gaia.com[/B]. *shudder* After viewing site after site of meaningless dribble, I came back to the place I enjoyed the most, and realised I never should have left. The only change I made was my user name (looking back, my original one sounded a little...pompous). Last time, I greatly admired the users Dragon Warrior, Deathbug, KightoftheRose, and Baron Samedi, along with the Moderators Drix D'Zanth, Queen Asuka, and Piromunkie (Oh, and, um, Transit Nerve! I didn't forget you! *nervous laugh* Please don't hurt me! *cringes*). As for your questoion, I think OB is special because of it's relatively small participation number. Does that sound wrong? Hmm, lemmee re-phrase that. Hundreds of the users who actually use their accounts on here are dwarved by the thousands of participents on other sites; however, in most cases, the large number means noone can get to know one another, rules are not enforced, and the board turns into one big spam conveyor belt. On this site, people can really get to know each other, and users don't run amok. That's what sets it aprt. That, and the sycophantic users that will type up the reasons why OB is special. :laugh:
  18. [QUOTE=Cloud Strife]I've remembered this lien for over a year now from one my favourite films, the crow:city of the angels and another few from the prequel. [/spoiler][/QUOTE] God, I love that movie. But I got a few more. ------------------------------------- The Crow is shot in the hand by Funboy, a member of a certain gang. The Crow starts screaming in pain, then turns it into maniacal laughter and shows Funboy his hand. The gaping bullet hole heals and seals instantly. Crow: WHOOOOOOOO!!!! Funboy: Jesus Christ... Crow: Jesus...Christ...stop me if you've heard this one. *starts advancing toward Funboy* Jesus Christ walks into a hotel- Funboy shoots The Crow in the shoulder. The Crow is staggered, then continues walking. Crow: *manacingly* Ow. *friendly again* -hands the manager three nails and asks- Funbot shoots again. This time The Crow doesn't even slow down. Crow: -can you put me up for the night?!? *stabs Funboy in the leg, who begins screaming loudly* ------------------------------------- Aahhh. Dark humor can be fun, aye? :laugh:
  19. Holy crap, I completely forgot to say my position on the election; the next time I go off-topic, someone please slap me. I can't answer all of the questions, but I'll try the ones I do know. [B]3) The big topics that the race will focuss on: Economy, War in Iraq, ect.[/B] Economy - As far as I can see it, Bush has rammed our economy into the ground from a 10 story drop. Our country was booming under Clinton; I may not know much on numbers and graphs, but I do know our debt was never in the trillions with him. I will conceed that the economy has been improving slightly over the past few months; jobs have been increasing a tab as well. But that doesn't cover up his monumental mistakes. It's like releasing a mass-murderer after he helps a lilttle old lady cross the street. I've also heard people blaming the economy on 9/11. This is absurd. An attack of that scale [B]will[/B] throw us for an economic loop, noone's arguing that. However, our country should have been in a crisis for only a few months, not three or so years. It's something that the country should have been shaken by. then bounced back from. The past few years haven't been a bounce. They've been a slow, gradual, horribly slow hop. And we all know how different a bounce is from a hop. .....shut up, I know what I'm saying. :shifty: The War - I want to say now, the only positive thing I have to say about Bush was the premise of the war in Afghanistan. They were the ones who attacked us, and going after the people who were behind it was my numero uno desire. Except for one thing; bin Laden's still on the loose. How many people are looking for him? If Bush had sent numbers as big as the ones sent to Iraq after ol' Osama, he'd have been meditating in a prison cell by now (or getting the injection, whichever you'd prefer.) Instead, he took the rage the American people felt after 9/11 and slid it over to Iraq, under false pretenses, and directly against the U.N.s approval. The U.N. is built on a concept that all nations are equal; by invading against their will, Bush declared that the United States holds itself higher than the authority of other nations. [B]4) Ralph Nader[/B] Hey, more joke material for me. :laugh: [B]5) The ad wars and the medias role in politics.[/B] Well, I live in Texas, so I've never really [U]seen[/U] a Kerry ad yet...but as for the Bush ones, I was appalled at his original ad parading 9/11 around. [B]6) Controversies in the Race: Halliburton, ect[/B] I would love to rant about this too, but I'm afraid this post is long enough as it is. Lol. If anyone feels I'm just using this as a cover=up, PM me, and I'll be glad to tell you what I think. As for the race, I desperately want Kerry to win, but I'm afraid Bush might. Hey, Gore should have won the first time around; what makes you think Dubya would'nt pull somethin' illegal-yet-politically-plausible again? Meh. Sorry for wastin' so much space, guys. I sometimes get carried away. :)
  20. [QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Which movie? [i]Farenheitt 9/11[/i]? No, I haven't; based on my past experiences with the works of Micheal Moore, I cannot validate giving him money in any way, shape or form. Besides, my comments regarding Micheal Moore aren't regarding the liberal establishment of America; they're regarding Micheal Moore himself. Anyone who behaves as he has and continues to deserves riduicule, no matter what ideology they advocate.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] I was aware you were commenting on Moore, and not liberals; I say again, you should see the movie before criticizing him. You can't exactly get info/facts about the movie from the web, because any republican/democrat run website is bound to have bias about the movie, one way or another. Anyway, if you wanna talk about this somewhere else (like PM or aim), I'm all for it. But as it is, I'm afraid I've turned dposse's presidential thread into another fight about Farenheit 9/11, and I don't wanna be known as a topic de-railer. Lol.
  21. Gah. I'm torn on the series; the plot was fantastic, but the gameplay got repetitive after the first game. Oh well, my brother is the one who plays it most, so I suppose I could just walk into the room whenever theres dialogue...lol.
  22. [QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I say this in the nicest possible way: anyone who holds works by Micheal Moore as reasonable pieces of evidence in any argument is an idiot, unless the argument is about what a big fat bastard Micheal Moore is. Anyway, doesn't this thread already exist?[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] Deathbug, have you actually [U]seen[/U] the movie? I'm not trying to start an argument/debate with you, I just recommend that you should check out the opposing side before shooting your mouth off. And if you [U]have[/U] seen it...well, shoot me in the mouth for being a [B]n00b.[/B]
  23. Danethol

    Spiderman 2

    I liked it, moreso than the original (which is usually hard for me to say for sequels). I'm glad they could pull off Doc Ock; I've always kinda hated the comic book version. The only thing that annoyed me was Tobey Maguire's voice. It...[I]perturbes[/I] me.
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