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Everything posted by Charon

  1. I feel that the suckiness of sixth grade is merely preparing you for the horribleness that is seventh grade, by then the honeymoon of growing up has worn off.
  2. And what if it is? wolf Toboe may just be [i]very[/i] comfortable with him/herself. I mean, he or she did say it makes them happy. Now, this way of acchieving happiness is quite debatable. But this is a just thought.
  3. I look things up on Wikipedia. Mostly musicians and such, or bands that haven't been very active lately. (Whatever happened to those Spice Girls [i]anyway[/i]?)
  4. "If you are against abortion, don't get an abortion" I think it sends a clear message: intrusion sucks! [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]Charon[/B] please improve your post quality. Although you explained what the quote means you didn?t take the time to explain why you live by it. ~SunfallE[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. Well I'm glad you cleared that up. Although, I do find it a little unusual that a professor would have you use other people's opinions without referencing them. (Unless of course you were planning to cite forum members?). Maybe I just overdosed on proper-ness.
  6. Isn't using other people's opinions and interpretations as your own work considered plagiarism?
  7. I would appreciate it if you did not force your religion onto me. Let's try and remain on topic. This is about music, not God. So what type of music tells your story?
  8. I feel it relates to me because we are all on a journey of self-discovery. And hell will not expand my mind. I don't even believe in hell, but I completely respect your opinions whether or not they apply to me.
  9. I believe this is getting a little extreme. I am trying to peacefully discuss with you the story of song that I feel connected to. Will cursing me to hell expand this topic?
  10. This doesn't make any sense to me. Can you rephrase it? I don't think we can actively discuss songs that seem to tell our story when your opinion on the song is borderline incomprehensible.
  11. You claim that my choice of music is turning towards the wrong attitude of life. Does listening to this song make me wanna go out and sleep with some random guy? No. I rest my case.
  12. Well pretend that the song is not about sex. Maybe it's much more than meaningless intercourse. You can interpret the song as the perils of a certain life style, or you can think of it as something different. But neither of us is "wrong" or "right". And not everyone is as religious as you'd hope. People believe in different things, and if that affects my choice of music and causes me to favor "immoral" music in your opinion, so be it. I feel this is an important issue and dialogue should continue.
  13. Well if it's your responsibility to purify the world, go ahead. Make sure all the kiddies don't end up like Liz Phair. And let some moderator take my post down. But what message would that send? I'm being honest about something and while I am sad that you disagree with me, I feel like that it's just too bad for you. Don't read it if you don't like it.
  14. I feel it's inappropriate to force your opinions on one's personal feelings and reactions to musicn. Just a thought. I don't think this should be censored. All the bad words are, so what's the problem?
  15. "**** and Run" by Liz Phair. Nothing sweeter than self-discovery! Even if it's slightly on the edge, ya know? I woke up alarmed I didn't know where I was at first Just that I woke up in your arms And almost immediately I felt sorry 'Cause I didn't think this would happen again No matter what I could do or say Just that I didn't think this would happen again With or without my best intentions, and What ever happened to a boyfriend The kind of guy who tries to win you over, and What ever happened to a boyfriend The kind of guy who makes love cause he's in it, and I want a boyfriend I want a boyfriend I want all that stupid old **** Like letters and sodas Letters and sodas You got up out of bed You said you had a lot of work to do But I heard the rest in your head And almost immediately I felt sorry 'Cause I didn't think this would happen again No matter what I could do or say Just that I didn't think this would happen again With or without my best intentions, and I want a boyfriend I want a boyfriend I want all that stupid old **** Like letters and sodas Letters and sodas I can feel it in my bones I'm gonna spend another year alone It's **** and run **** and run Even when I was seventeen **** and run **** and run Even when I was twelve You almost felt bad You said that I should call you up but I knew much better than that And almost immediately I felt sorry 'Cause I didn't think this would happen again No matter what I could do or say Just that I didn't think this would happen again With or without my best intentions And I can feel it in my bones I'm gonna spend my whole life alone It's **** and run **** and run Even when I was seventeen **** and run **** and run Even when I was twelve
  16. Charon

    James Blunt

    I believe he actually was in the military, but made a career change.
  17. Has anybody seen the secret ending to this game? It on youtube.com, if you search for "kingdom hearts secret ending". My thoughts: [spoiler]Who are those knights? Those keyblades also look familiar, but I don't think its Sora and the gang. I've read on Wikipedia that the next KH game will not be a direct sequal. Will this be in future? And then there's the Org XIII cloak that appears at the end..."memory of Xenahort/Ansem" were the words by it, so maybe we're not done with that guy yet? Other boards seem to speculate that there were these Japanese words in the Deep Dive video that read "Heartless...Nobody...Endless". Are the "endless" the new enemy? I mean, nothing's been verified, but I've been thinking about this all day.[/spoiler]
  18. I'd love to own a coffee shop. I don't drink coffee, but I like the idea of a warm, coffee shop. And I'd also love to own a record store, and promote all the music I love; maybe a record store that serves coffee?
  19. Folk Metal seems like a huge oxymoron for a music genre. What does it sound like? If I wanted to hear it for myself, what artists should I look up?
  20. [quote name='Heero yuy']I love Tegan and Sara. But some reason, they skip the city I live in.[/quote] Yes! Tegan and Sara have the best live show I've seen. And they have some really hardcore fans...their fanforums have video and audio of tons of shows they've done. Of course, being there in person is about 90% of the concert. M.I.A. is also really good live. It's nice that she can actually rap without a backing track/ a dozen back up rappers.
  21. [quote name='SuddenDemise']And for the record "Holla Back Gurl" is one of the worst songs ever concevied by the musik industry!!! Thank you, have a nice day...[/quote] I think for a song that had over one million legal downloads, they must have done something right. Most albums don't get those kind of sales. Anyways. 1. Hung Up (Madonna): Everybody needs a good techno song! The Abba sample didn't hurt either. 2. Hide and Seek (Imogen Heap): There is something so horrifyingly beautiful about this song, and I just can't put my finger on it. It's a pretty cool concept for a song. 3. Lose Control (Missy Elliott): Missy is a genius. I really don't know what else to say. 4. La Tortura (Shakira): I don't think either of her Oral Fixation albums are that great, but when she strikes gold, Shakira creates a masterpiece. 5. Take It Easy (The Fugees): I'm glad Lauryn Hill isn't too weird to come back to music. I think this song is more monumental in terms of the reunion then the actual
  22. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]All music has to evolve and change.[/color'][/size][/quote] Exactly. People forget how much No Doubt reinvented their sound. There's a huge difference between "Trapped in a Box" and "Hella Good". While the change was a bit softer, those songs are almost the complete opposite of each other. I see less of a difference between Love, Angel, Music, Baby and the Rock Steady-era No Doubt. (Especially the fact that 'Hella Good' and "Hollaback Girl" were both written with the Neptunes).
  23. I don't think she sold out. She's sold millions of records with No Doubt; it's not like she needs money. She wanted to make a "dance" album. Doing what you want is not selling out. Too many members here are going to believe that because she did something different, she sold out. Artists are allowed to experiment. That comes with being an artist. People have this idea that "pop music" is automatically associated with Radio Disney-style it's-all-about-the-money artists. Is "Hollaback Girl" No Doubt material? Of course not, but her solo album wasn't total crap, either. "Hollaback Girl" may be a bit repetitive (like most Neptunes songs), but "Serious" and "The Real Thing" have her singing just as good as before. There's always going to be people who love No Doubt and hate her new stuff; there's going to be people (like myself) who appreciate both. You don't have to like them both, and it's not like she quit No Doubt. They'll do something after Gwen's second solo album, which should be out around Christmas time. Regarding her diet and fashion adventures, that's something completely different. There are other ways to stay thin, and that's her personal choice. And while her clothing line is ridiculously overpriced, fashion is something she cares about, knows about, and loves to be apart of. Nobody's complaining about Ryan Seacrest's clothing line.
  24. What are some of the best live shows you've been to? I've just become such a fanatic of live music. The smaller, more intimate venues are a lot more fun than the large stadium crowds, but I think the bigger shows pull in a much more interesting crowd. So what bands/artists have you seen live? [b]Alicia Keys:[/b] She was the first musician to show me that good music sounds soooooo much better live. Everything from her dramatic entrance, to her ability to work a crowd blew me away. I'm a little bummed I missed her tour with John Legend; they both are amazing. [b]Beyonce:[/b] She didn't seem as connected to the audience as other singers I've seen, but the pyrotechnics and choreagraphy were flawless. I'd say it was a better light show than performance; she let the backing vocal track do most of the work during the upbeat tracks, but who could blame her? No one wants to see her stand still during "Crazy In Love". A solid entertainer. [b]Communique:[/b] This band is a nice indie band from the same label Green Day used to be on (Lookout Records) before they switched to a major label. Lookout Records just folded (Green Day demanded that their long-overdue royalties be paid), but Communique (pronounced Commune-ick-kay) will still be great. Their CD, Poison Arrows, sounds a little airy, but the songs are so much thicker and deeper live. They'd be a perfect addition to the new wave invasion right now. [b]Minipop:[/b] A terrific unsigned band. I'd like to describe them as "Coldplay meets the Yeah Yeah Yeahs" (dreamy keyboards with YYY-style drums and guitar), and their vocalist has the most hypnotic voice. They're pretty nice, too; I talked to them after the show and they just seem like really down-to-earth music lovers. I hope they go places. [b]Missy Elliott:[/b] Her set was a little hard to hear, but that's the same with most rap concerts. You felt the energy, though. But her show could have done without the strippers during the costume changes. [b]Tegan & Sara:[/b] How else can you describe seeing your favorite band live? Pure bliss. Everything was perfect. Get the chance to see them if you can. --- Bands/artists I'd like to see live: [b]The Killers:[/b] They sold out their show before I could get tickets. Very dissapointed. They've become a big influence for my band. And Tegan/Sara opened for them. I'm addicted to new wave right now. [b]Leela James:[/b] A VH1 You Oughta Know artists, Leela James' debut album "A Change is Gonna Come" is one of the best soul records of 2005. [b]Garbage:[/b] Because their new album is stupendous. Shirley Manson is a rock godess. I heard their live shows are pretty heavy. [b]M.I.A.:[/b] Hopefully I can get tickets for her fall tour. I wish I lived close enough to see her open for Gwen Stefani, but M.I.A. is just such a blast of fresh air in music right now that I'd seize any opportunity to watch her.
  25. [QUOTE=Gavin] I know some people will say "[I]Well these guys make huge amounts of money so they can afford to lose a bit to downloads[/I].".[/SIZE][/QUOTE] But what these people don't understand is that it takes a lot more people than the artist to make a CD. An album is a big investment, and I figure, regardless of the artist's financial status, I should make sure everyone gets a full paycheck. People should use iTunes or some other subscription program. It really isn't that much.
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