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About Sephy's_Grl

  • Birthday October 13

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    cheese is good
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  1. The song that means most to me is a song I made up myself. It's lyrics are very meaningful to me and I can relate to them. The song goes... Can you hear me? I cannot go any further. My mind is telling me to give up. I don't understand why you burn me. The only thing keeping me here is God. Chorus The anger is swelling inside me and i'm waiting for it to burst. I can't take it anymore. Your lies have filled me and I can't go on. I can hear you, your pain is overtaking me. My heart is telling me to love. I can't understand why I still care. The only thing i'm here for is you. Chorus The anger is swelling inside me and i'm waiting for it to burst. I can't take it anymore. Your lies have filled me and I can't go on. I can't go on. My anger is keeping me in a shell. I can't go on. I can't go on.
  2. While I was surfing the net, I heard that Utada Hikaru was gonna quit her singing career this year. I am unsure about this information, so if anyone can tell me something, please tell me. Thank-you.
  3. If it was me, I wouldn't go because I download all of my music off the internet. Besides, if the concert does come out on cd, it would be pointless on going or spending the time and money on something like that. Considering where I live, I probably wouldn't go anyways.
  4. Tekken Tag is probably one of the most popular arcade fighting games around! For one thing, the graphics are really great in the beginning movie sequence.The characters also appeal to everyone who wants a varaity in their gameplay. The moves are killer ones, on top of that, you can even unlock the unknown character!This game is by far one of the best on PS2.
  5. I've seen Azumanda Daioh avalible on VHS and DVD yesterday. I've also had some insight on it while reading Animerica. It really sounded strange when it said that there was absolutly no plot! So, just for kicks, I bought it today while I was shopping at the local manga/anime store. I haven't had the chance to read it yet, but i'll get around to it soon hopefully.
  6. I really want to know if this great anime has a series. I've only seen the movie but i'm not sure if it's a show. I would also know where I can buy it, if it's avalible. If you do, i'll be really surprised because the movie was made in the 80's and is kinda outdated.
  7. Wow, that is a tough decision. For me my top two would be Vincent*Final Fantasy 7* and Emaraldas*from Queen Emaraldas.* First off, Vincent is just so cool! Another reason is that we have the same birthdays, so I wonder what a party for the both of us would look like. As for Emaraldas, for once she's a blonde anime woman who doesn't yell or scream if she doesn't get her way. On top of that, she is a very intelligent person. That way she could help me with homework or an assignment! It would also be cool because Emaraldas has a huge space ship based on the design of a pirate ship. That would be a great way to travel long distances.
  8. That is so my favorite move!My favorite part is when Ashitaka is trying to save Saun From the demonic pig thingie! [COLOR=Navy]Sephy's_Grl, we have already discussed your post quality (or lack thereof). Replies like this would normally be deleted. Please go re-read my PMs to you immediately. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  9. A great example of this is Vegeta and Kazuya Mishima. They have the same hairdo, the same atitude problem....I mean COME ON!
  10. I am a huge anime fan, and I have come to notice that alot of the characters look alike! Aren't they copyrighted or something?
  11. I watched it a few times, and I do agree that is was a little to close to being a hentai anime. I wasn't really that fond of it, i've seen better. :flush: :blowup:
  12. I think that a chatroom on this web site would be a big improvement. You can talk to your friends in real-time and you can talk to others without sending a private message.
  13. That reminds me of one time I used to like Vegeta, and my dad always said," He's queer, and he looks like he's about to blow up all the time." My mom actually likes anime, she watches it with me. He favorite anime is Vampire Princess Miyu.
  14. I've read One Piece before! I love it, and my friends do also. I think this great manga will soon get the attention it deserves because more people are now buying Shonen Jump. One Piece is in Shonen Jump, and if it wasn't for that. I wouldn't know anything about it!
  15. Hey that's weird, I have to do something similar at my school also! We have to make a speech, use a visual ade, and present to the hole class! Of course I picked anime and manga for my topic to infrom the " out of style students at school." It's goona be a blast! my speech is gonna get an A+!
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