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Shadow Wolf

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About Shadow Wolf

  • Birthday 10/10/1991

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  • Biography
    I am crazy and Female. Hmmm, nothing odd there!
  • Occupation
    One guess, genius.

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  1. [font=Book Antiqua][color=blue]I like characters who are laid back, like Spike Speigal from Cowboy Bebop or Vash the stampede from Trigun. Picking one favourite coolest character is very hard, as you have heard, but I probably have to pick Amon from Witch Hunter Robin. How can one NOT like him? He has cold, grey eyes, awesome sniper skills, and he's a bishounen. He's one of those silent but strong types, you know? And what else is good about him is that he doesn't flash around his good qualities like other Anime characters. [/color][/font]
  2. I'm sorry, but I must correct whoever made the statment about Pokemon being for kids. I'm not ENRAGED that they said it, I just need to correct where correction is needed. Maybe the episodes are all alike, but once you get older and watch a bunch of Anime, you will learn to read between the lines for things like sexual innuendo. The reason so many kids enjoy, is because we had the displeasure of 4kids being the editor. If you are still not convinced, may I suggest [url="http://www.pokemopolis.net/"]http://www.pokemopolis.net[/url]? [b]Astro Boy:[/b] I don't what it is about Astro Boy, but when I first when the manga, I wanted to gag after 60 pages. I tried to keep reading, I really did. But I had to close the book and return all the ones I had checked out of the library back. The ugliness of his face sickened me whenever I looked at it. When the Anime appeared on Cartoon Network, I literally puked. I get sick whenever I think of it....[url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_2_6.gif[/img][/url] [b]Dragon Ball Z:[/b] It's okay, but all it really is is fighting and showing off big muscles. Dragon ball GT and the original are MUCH better. [b]The Big O:[/b] I just can't stand it, sorry to say. [b]Sailor Moon:[/b] Whoo, am I going to get chewed out for this one. ^_^ I just don't find what's appealing about girls in sailor uniforms. It's just another Magical Girl Anime. I figured a few years later after I officially announced I hated it, to see if the manga was any better. No avail, unfortunately. The manga is filled with hopeless romantic crap, that is just, stupid. [b]Akira:[/b] I've never seen the series or read the manga, but the movie made me sick. It was all pretty cool until Tetsuo turned into that ugly thing. All those veings every where and stuff, GROSS! The lip and voice aligning was pretty bad too. When someone's mouth was moving, a voice wasn't coming out, and vice-versa. Besides, the next day at school, all I could think about was when Tetsuo turned into the ugly thing. It made me think about pork rinds. [b]Perfect Blue:[/b] Perfect Blue was a gay, close to hentai movie. I really didn't wanna see that girl naked. I gagged at that movie too. It was too weird for words.
  3. FUDGE! I think I can get 1,3 and the Extra Credit. 1. Miroku from Inu-Yasha 2. I'm sorry but I don't know.[url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_12_5.gif[/img][/url] 3. This is prolly wrong, but is it Female Ranma from Ranma 1/2? 4. Kuwabara and Yusuke from YYH
  4. For me, there are many crazy moments in Anime. Maybe it's just because I need to get my head out of the gutter, I don't know. But one seriously crazy and funny scene was in the first episode of Furi Kuri. Remember when Haruko slammed into Takkun? And then she thought he was dead, and was rolling around repeatedly saying how she killed him. I couldn't stop laughing![url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_1_72.gif[/img][/url] But I laughed even harder when she gave him CPR. I nearly fell off my bed. Another crazy moment was in Pokemon. Maybe you lot won't agree, but I certainly thought so. It was in the season, Master Quest, and it was after Ash/Satoshi beat Gary/Shigeru in the Silver Conference. They were both under the moonlight, and when Gary reached for Ash's :cough: hand, and put that half of the Pokeball in it. For some reason, that, to me, didn't look like that was ALL he was doing, eh? And that's when my Shounen-Ai craze started.
  5. I LOVE Shounen-ai, though maybe I don't show it. Sadly, I have never read any Shounen-Ai manga, or seen any Anime.[url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_13_1.gif[/img][/url] Hiei and Kurama would make a good pairing. ^_^ I do, in fact, believe that they are together, but I can't prove it. One of my favourite pairings, which would never happen, are Satoshi and Shigeru from Pokemon. C'mon, you know that'd look good. ^_^ My friend Moya, on another forum, supports Yaoi greatly. She drew me a picture of Ash and Gary together. It was so adorable! I am now currently writing a fan fiction between the two. Shoujo-Ai is also cool. I've never seen any, and don't have any pairings...[url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_9_4.gif[/img][/url]
  6. I know I shouldn't but I'm trying to do something with the banner you made me, Azure-Sama. I'm trying to get it in my signature on the Pokemon Tower Forums, but it is being very difficult with me. I'm trying to see that If I attatch it from my own computer if it will work, but I don't think so. It's the way the HTML is written. I need the HTML to be in an Imagae tag format, or it won't load. Help please?:confused:
  7. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][font=Georgia][color=blue]Alright, it's finally done. I still couldn't find the right pictures to fit the quote, but these were close enough. Additionally, I relied on Photoshop filters and presets, so I hope that wasn't a problem. ^_^; Still, I think it came out nicely.[/color][/font] [font=Georgia][color=#0000ff]Changes/fixes, just ask.[/color][/font] [font=Georgia][color=#0000ff]EDIT: shifted the text over.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] IT'S BEAUTIFUL! ::runs off jumping around wildly untill falls over bootlace and trips:: Thank you so much! You will have full credit on this whereever I use and I will use it just about everywhere I am able to!
  8. [quote name='AzureWolf][font=Georgia][color=blue]I was wondering why no one was filling this request. Shadow Wolf, I would recommend that you find and attach these chibi pictures, because any and all chibi pictures I searched for were - to say the least - not very chibi. I don't think WHR can be chibi-ified.[/color'][/font][/quote]Sniff. There aren't any I don't think. I would settle for ANYTHING! I just really want a banner...
  9. Sorry to bug you all, but I can't do banners very well and I have a nagging obsession with Witch Hunter Robin, but Robin and Amon love in particular. If possible, I would like a banner with Robin and Amon in Chibi form and Can it say: "Robin and Amon Shipping. The Only Way to Go."? I'd like this very much and I would give you FULL CREDIT wherever I am, I guarantee it! Any takers at all? Pretty Please?
  10. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=blue][b]Maybe I'm wrong about Amon and Robin, but I really don't think so. Just recently on one episode this week on Adult Swim, (hmm, can't remember the name) didn't Amon break up with Toko? And what about that question she was asking him in the car, wish I knew what she asked him... Does anyone know? Also, I read somewhere that WHR only has 26 episodes, is this true? I hope not...[/b][/color][/font]
  11. I can't get back into Kilika Temple so I can complete it so I can get Anima. Any suggestions? PLEASE?
  12. I am in favor of Robin and Amon shipping. (relationship, to those of you who don't know) For some reason, I think there's something going on between those two...:cool:
  13. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=blue][b]Okay, I'm doing the sidequests now, and I want to get Anima. I have been all over the web and I know that I have to finish all of the temples. I also know that before I can return to any unfinished temple, I must return to the Bevelle Highbridge. Well, that's impossible, as it says it's closed. Does anyone have some help for me, or hopefully some coordinates on Bevelle? Don't tell me to go to anywebsites or other, becasue chances are, I've been there...[/b][/color][/font] [size=1][color=blue]Merged this with the FFX Help Thread - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
  14. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Unfortunately, I've missed an episode or two myself, so I'll let someone else tell you what happened. Just bear in mind that Witch Hunter Robin is (so far) a pretty episodic show; its case-by-case beginning brings to mind Big O, Cowboy Bebop and Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040. Until WHR's plot really starts to thicken, you shouldn't worry about occasionally forgetting to tape it. Besides, that's what DVDs are for. ^_~ After watching most of last week's episodes, I came to the realization that Witch Hunter Robin isn't--despite AS's attempts to paint it as such--an action-packed show. Its pacing is deliberate, not rushed, and it focuses more on the witches' mentality than on their supernatural powers. I'm very pleased by the fact that WHR does not revolve around a black-and-white conflict of right (STNJ) and wrong (the renegade witches). Instead, the series has already introduced some shades of gray, particularly in the episode where Robin first uses her glasses. But this also worries me. I'm afraid that WHR is too sophisticated a show to be successful on Adult Swim. Bear in mind, however, that I was also concerned about Fooly Cooly, and (as you might be able to guess) it completely outdid my expectations. Do you think that Witch Hunter Robin will continue to earn satisfactory ratings? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE][b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=blue]I think that WHR will get good ratings because it is so epic. For once, Adult Swim had played a show that has more of a Gothic theme to it than comedy, such as Futurama and Furi Kuri. I think that maybe more people will watch Adult Swim now because WHR has been advertised and spoiled for months now, and maybe some people just like dark tones more than comedy. I, on the other hand, like comedy more than Goth, but WHR has attracted me to the new world of darkness, and I'm willing to give that particular Genre a chance.[/color][/font][/b]
  15. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=blue][b]If it weren't for this subject, I'd have forgotten about that one reading assignment I had to do over the weekend. We had to illustrate a scene from [i]Maniac Magee [/i]by Jerry Spinelli. I picked the one where Maniac asked Grayson what he had always wanted to do as a kid. It is turning out rather awesome, but we are supposed to color it. Do you think a charcoal will count?:confused:[/b][/color][/font]
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