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Mamma Vash

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Everything posted by Mamma Vash

  1. Heya! Will be picking up my stuff at AX on 6/30 (if they have an evening pick up time) but will be there July 1-4. Where and when are folks getting together? Please send me a PM , I would love to meet you all. Love and peace, and biscotti.! :cool:
  2. [QUOTE=Panda] -Lone toddler crying in a shopping mall. -First person at the scene of a car accident. -Person drowning. -Obviously upset person running down the street. -Injured animal. The last part of my question is have you ever been in a situation where you had to make the decision of helping or not? What did you do and how did it turn out? [/QUOTE][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2] [B][U]Lone toddler in mall[/U][/B]: I think I would look about for the adult while keeping my eyes on the child maybe talk to and calm the child, and call security. Never happened to me though [B][U]first person at the scene of accident[/U][/B] I usually carry a cell phone, so first call for help. Then just stop and see if people are OK. I am trained to do CPR., First Aid, Heimlich This has never happened to me... but there was an incident where I was out at lunch and someone started choking.. this actually happened twice-- once at a restaraunt, once in an office. I did the Heimlich in both instances and it came out OK, but still had someone call 911 while I did it to make sure no other problems. I would not try this without training. The Red Cross does a good job in providing courses.. well worth knowing! [B][U]obviously upset person running down the street[/U][/B] Step back and call the police -- they could be hurt, intoxicated, psychotic, or in a crisis-- at any rate, the police can bring the needed resources. This is not something to mess with alone! [B][U]injred animal[/U][/B] I woudl call for help because I know very little about animals. My husband knows alot about animals. My husband found an injured sparrow, and brought him into the house. We took care of it for about a month. That led to me getting a parakeet, and then later 2 parrots. The parrots are 15 yr old. Sometimes its very scary if you have to take action in a crisis-- but it feels good to be able to help. For me, helping the injured bird with my husband led to a long and happy life with birds!
  3. [quote name='junkobakaiba']I live in the USA like oh so many other people who have posted. Now for details. I live on the East Coast in the mid Atlantic region and Virginia rox my sox off! I'm in the D.C. metropolitan area and yes... very happy. I've lived in the same area for all my life except the three years in Saudi Arabia. uh... since people have mentioned snow it snowed recently... and they are calling for flurries tonight and Christmas eve.[/quote] I live in Southern California. I have lived in 5 states, and both coasts---I lived in New York state, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey and California, so I guess I have been seeing the USA by moving around it. My family lives mostly in Florida now.!
  4. [quote name='ArunueShekamari']Gyaaaaaa. So far I've voted the highest...still..... I know there are people over 27! Now post so I don't feel so bad.. :
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]I identify with Vash , the Stampede-- I do a lot of silly things to break tension (my own, and other people) and generally try to be humourous. I am also easilly moved to tears hearing about other's situations. Like Vash, death bothers me, and this has been an issue for me over the past 18 mos with several losses.. Well, everything rolls onward so-- pass the donuts ![/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]How I got Mamma Vash-- I enjoy Trigun, and my friends know me for doing a lot of silly things to break tension. A friend commented that I look like an anime character and am always running around so the Vash portion came first. But to be true to me, it needed some modification." Mamma " was added as I am a bit older ( how much is classified information !), and another friend had nicknamed me Mamma years ago for my Italian cooking, especially biscotti. So Mamma Vash got started ![/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wolf's Rain seems to have produced more than was advertised. Music is stylich and moving, but yet is not so obvious that you stop watching the animation. The smooth transitions are terrific and drawing style is suberb. They handle wolf/human shift nicely. Maybe my ears are not too good-- but Kiba sounded like Michael on Witch Hunter,. I think this is going to be a good story, that is beautifully done. Almost makes me want to say " OK Cartoon Netwok, for this I forgive schedule foul ups".[/FONT]
  8. I relate to Vash the Stampede a good deal . I do a lot of silly things, to try and break tension in a situation , give a laugh to people so they can relax a little. Like Vash, ,I am strongly moved by others" situations, and can be easilly moved to tears or action to help someone.
  9. [COLOR=Navy]I think this is anything BUT a stupid topic-- cuz anxiety and sadness are big issues. Unfortunately they top my hit parade. At our house, we try to watch only PBS news.... if the TV if left on, and the local newscaster appears, my parrot gets upset. He starts yelling "Yeah, right!!" then shreiking. I try sketching when I feel bad, especially try to sketch something silly. The other thing that seems to help is to get outside the house into sunlight, and I usually have a little CD player because the music sometimes helps encourage me to walk around a little more. Call up a friend or relative you haven't talked with in a while, go to a neighborhood park or bistro to be with other people. Knitting helps me a lot, because the colours, new fibers make me relax, and there are a lot of knitting circles I can stop in on. I also will watch Judge Judy or a program like that . I think to myself, well at least my life seems in control/ On bad days, I also put los of extra pillows on my bed so there is a very soft big cushion to curl up onl Sometimes when I feel shaken up, ,getting out is hard, but being alone usually is worse for me. Talking to online friends also helps. Hope that difficult times get better .[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=asukastrikes]I have recently written a plot for a manga im planning to create.. it includes the 'basics' - bit of action, adventure and a little romance thrown in, but the plot is based on political issues.. let me explain.. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]A manga is likd of like an illustrated novel. I suggest be very clear on the point of the story. Political thrillers work best on using parallel identiies for the countries. By using a specific name, soem people may feel emotional, and not pause to read the story. List the main point of the story-- your have several that I see including: 1. loss of national identity 2. evil weapone being produced at a "hidden site" 3. Evil weapon under control of foreign leader.. if you can select on e or 2 goals of the story, it becomes easier to write (and illustrate). By leaving the tiny specifics out (ie instead of UK, name the country something else more vague) more people can relate to the story. Good luck, interesting idea. Whatever ponts you don't use in this story, are certaintly wonderful parts of the next one![/FONT]
  11. Mamma Vash


    [FONT=Tahoma]Vash is usually shown as a goofy character, but there is a lot of depth, and I like the mix a lot. Vash is very sensitive with high regard for living a decent moral life, but constantly seems to doubt himself, looking for others opinions (esp Rem). He is quite anxious, and actually a bit quick tempered. But even with peccadillos, Vash just seems to keep trying. so hard., with passion and concern for people. I think the goofiness is something to cope with tension (after all, if you goof out, its hard to cry in pan when everyone is laughing out loud-- you begn to catch that yourself) (I empathize with Vash quite a lot on those points) Sciros has a good point, it is fun to think of the characters in settings beyond the series. Sort of like the "Grumpier Old Men " idea. I wonder what vash would be like in a setting of living with his friends in a current day setting. What occupation would Vash have, as well as the others? I think Trigun everday setting could be interesting. [/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Lucida Console]To Crimson Spider, when I referred to Common Sense, I punctuated wrong-- it is the leaflet written by Thomas Paine prior to the Revolution. Again, in referring to separation of church and state, I do not subscribe to exclusion ofor abolishment of religion-- but government hands off- no official religion, no monetary government support of specific religious doctrines, individual freedoms of association and speech. Theocracy cannot work on a large and varied population, Regarding your quote of "the scientific method" being trial - and error experiments that do not "prove" anything-- the method (yes, it is codified) begins with hypothesis generation using the set point of the null hypothesis. The word "proove" and "proof" , are in this sense expressions of logic (ie mathematical). Just wanted to let you know where I was coming from. Beautiful day to all. [/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Verdana]I was looking for information on Cowboy Bebop (I keep falling asleep during TV time, so I miss a lot)-- but OB is a lot more. Opinions, poems, stories to read ,j thought provoking conversations to join in The best though is a sense of feeling welcome here, and being able to make friends . Topics are interesting, and people seem to support each other. HURRAH for all the Otaku-ers. I do feel like there is a little electronic village here ,not just random rants.[/FONT]
  14. Trigun has some very interesting quotes. One funny quote I like is when Vash is walking into the desert after theMr. Cliff;s mansion is destroyed, he has a whine-- AWWW, MAN....and they'll probably blame this on me too!". The other, more serious, is Vash's soliloquy about Paradise "a place where we can live peaceful days, with no wars and no stealing, a place where people can live as people".
  15. [FONT=Verdana]I commute about 50 miles one way to work , ,and get stuck in legendary traffic jams. I love the soundtrack from Cowboy Bebop-- it does not sound to me like typical soundtrack music. The pieces have more depth. My favorite pieces: Waltz for ZiZi-- I don't kknow th eepisodes it comes from , I only hear this bluesy beautiful waltz, and untense muscles. The Egg and I, ,I just have to move my feet to it. It reminds me of Carrot and Stick from Trigun (the song Vash dances to) which I also like. I'm happy to see that many other people enjoy Y. Kanno and the Seatbelts. It's new to me.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sorry-did it again-- missed the Train of Thought. Anyway, Baron makes an excellent point--- people taking a little restraint, and doing some putting up and shutting up to let things heal. GREAT POINT![/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Impact]Regarding both racist and anti-racist groups claiming themselves to posess the rights to their beliefs, no one has exclusivity claims. All groups have the right of free speech. But regarding action-- my freedoms and rights, end just shy of my neighbors nose!!! Personally, I thnk the more people talk, and ideas are out in the open, the more we will drift away from the extreme points of view. I agree with the person who pointed to the internet as an "equalizer"-- we can't see each other so we must work with the information expressed.. Besides, if my avatar is a tree-- I never have to worry abot "bad hair days"[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Lucida Console]Racism is part of the "us vs.them" theme. This is the most primitive manner in which human groups form-- not out of altruism, but defense. There's no hard feelins in the survivaal mode (humans vs wooly mammoth). If group dynamics don't mature, we never evolve beyond the safety aspect of life (ensuring survival). If a group matures, humour, altruism, mutual need satisfaction come into the picture. Discrimination, and fear of differences fester when all of us are feeling out on a limb, with few resources, lonely, and chronically frustrated. Discriminations also come out of scapegoating. The toughest thing I can think of is saying "This is what I did to make this situation a mess," I don't like to own my boobooes. The sooner I can, than the sooner I'll stop seeking to blame someone else. When we dispute the concept "the twinkie (or name a group, age bracket, nationality, species..) MADE me do that, well I just wonder how things would be. I think I might be oversimplifying, just a notion.>>>>>> Virtual biscotti and donuts to all. [/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Tahoma]You have so much invested, don't give up. Don't saddle yourself to a timetable. Don't force the writing, let it come an keep a small pocket notebook to jot down concepts . A brief sentence that describes the overall direction, not getting bound up in each line of prose or dialog. Let the notebook collect concepts then begin to selct concepts and go from there. It is easieer to tell a story, than write a story. Either voice activated software or a tape recorder is helpful. Another suggestion to stimulate the other senses while taking a break from writing-- abstract art that you let happen , listening to music, dance,. When writing, use of smells can re-direct you when you get stuck ( try scraping lemon or orange peelings onto a dish near where you sit, and watch how it subtly shifts you thoughts-- cinnamon is another good one). GOOD LUCK! :cool: Love and Peace (biscotti and donuts) Mamma Vash
  20. [FONT=Tahoma]To Crimson Spider-- science was never meant to demonstrate proof of religious themes. Yes, scientists can find out if an are of a certain sized was ever flooded, when, and whethere the waterloogging was quick or slow. But divinity cannot be proven-- only inferred. Why does faith have to be proven, why is there a singular correct? Variety IS the spice of life. Anime is an eexample of shared things only getting better-- take W. Disney drawings with large eyes, lend this to Japan with a unique art style, and then you have 2 good things to enjoy. Same fo r spaghtti-- let Marco Polo visit Asia, bring home the concept of noodles, then WHAM--- SPAGHETTI.
  21. [FONT=Ltahoma] We all have been hogtied by our current politicos, and quietly shanghied. Religion is an intensely emotional and PRIVATE affair. American history is about keeping religious and state affairs separate. This includes spending federal monies on programs like the Christian rehab that Jeb Bush dreamed up.( It wouldn't matter if the rehab was based on the mythologooogy of the Ancient Greeks-- exclusionary is exclusionary ! It doe not matter if the prisoner are volunteers, they are receiving indoctrination in one religion, being funded by the American taxpayer. We can all learn to be better people from a wide variety of resources, including a claasical education where philosophy, sociology, logic, and ethics are taught. None of these is dependent on a singlephilosolophy, but shared concepts. Using ethical priciples would help all of us to have more respectful, peaceful relations with others. Religions are powerful, and one's normal abilities to question are impaired when we are confronted in the language of religions. Lets face it folks, leaders clothe themselves with representation of the proper religious affiliiation, they get more powerful. READ THE CONSTITUTION==BILL OF RIGHTS== COMMON SENSE BY pAINE, and THE FERDERALIST PAPERS ! Write letters to the editory, speak up and express yourself. The path to destruction is often preceded by good intentions.Question, ,don't swallow whole.! [/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Lucida Console]undefined I identify much with Vash--- my basic personality is quite serious , ,and I have always spent a lot of my time in looking out for others. But I trry to make sure they don't catch me at this. Sillyness is something I do to knock down anxiety because I do brood. But I also relate to aspects of Millie and Ed (Bebop),[/FONT] I'm a bit of a mixed up character, but then isn't that what real life is-- no singularity would suffict for us all to survive.
  24. Regarding where to find anime on TV== Tech TV channel has some anime series I had not seen elsewhere.
  25. Anime is quite beautiful-- the colours, music. I like to watch amime because it is pretty tolook at, and therefore relaxing. The characters and stories sometimes remind me of the "morality plays" a la Milton with emphasis on personal values. But I also like to watch anime to take a break from someTV fare like sitcoms because I find those boring.(and commercially broadcast news which I find contrived and annoying-- thankful for Public Broadcast news) I agree with Sciros that not all anime is wonderful, and that not all of television is bad. The more variety in both , the better. And not to forget the original mass media== books !
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