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Mamma Vash

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Everything posted by Mamma Vash

  1. I iidentify with Vash and Millie. Like Vash, I will laugh loudly, but hide many serious concerns inside. Often i do goofy things, to make someone laugh. Whatever issues concern me , do so very passionately, Like Millie, family (extended) is the core of my world, and friends are the next closest layer. I will look out for others, but to do this from afar, so no one notes me. People are complex, and I guess that is why we will always identifyt with several characters-- because they are fractions of our lives. Our lives are too complex to be reduced to a singularity.
  2. ;) I enjoy anime characters I can relate to, I find humour also important. One dimnesional characters are boring. Sometimes the aside characters seem to be the most interesting-- I enjoy Jet Black in Cowboy Bebopp because of the interesting mix-- bonty hunter, ex-cop, yet seemingly the one who takes care ot the unlikely group of Ed, Faye and Spike.
  3. :wigout: The anime world I'd probably live in is Trigun..My own experiences have involved working with a lot of intense situations, so tensions it have become familiar. Usually I am left with situations that resemble a coin on its edge-- few quic resolutions. The Old West setting lends itself to basically simplifying conflicts (yes or no-- gunfight or surrender) so that a definiite answer is reached, rather than an indecisive mess. Yes, I like a definitive answer-- and the quest for harmony and peace. And the other part is the friendships that form in an otherwise harsh surrounding. They seem to be enduing and close bonds, which people often don't form. I think close friends are precious.
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