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  1. I gotta go find it's some where in the mess i call a room.
  2. Ayame_Keiji


    I have a the rom of leaf green and an english patch. its really nothing special just a remake of blue and red they just did a few things over like you have the option to be wiether boy or girl they have all the same pokemon from red and blue with a few from crystal/silver/gold.
  3. The most fustraiting was in FFX-2 trying to servive my first encounter with angra mainyu i spent an hpour chiped away 10,000 of more then 200,000 . still haven't beaten him i've tried so many times.
  4. sorry i have issues with periods and other forms punctuation. also i'm not really new to this board i was banned from here atleast twice cause when i first came here i had really big mouth. thats getting off topic well if you need any more type of help just pm or maybe im . i really like the game fun but i its a simple game well for me it was i'm only missing one dress sphere lady luck i couldn't beat shinra T_T [center][color=indigo]- - - - - - - - - - - - -[/color][/center] can anyone help me here i'm having a really hard time with it. even though i have a book for it i can barely chip away any of his hp . i spent an hour and i chiped away 10,000 hp from him and that was all . he just makes me wanna kill my self .
  5. Anyone else really like them . I can't get my friends to even listen to them. i know all the words to songs tha have words. and i own two cds discovery and homework. anyone have anything to say about them.
  6. I love Slayers awesome anime very funny. I own NEXT and TRY in box sets I think I like NEXT a little more then I like TRY . TRY is not as good looking in art it really lacked a few things in my view though i do love the chracters Xellos and Fillia Their really funny. It was well worth the money i spent.
  7. umm..I'm working on something yet i can't get it to look like a manga style . its quite fustraiting all i can draw is anime style. i'm using my own manga that i own to help but it is not helping. please can someone help
  8. :smirk: hello this my art work i need opions cause a drew each one for a friend tell me whcih you like best and which need work
  9. i can help but he's really easy if you kmow he's an easy boss theres one with more then twice his hp maybe even 5 times well on too this i have a book you'll wanna use any of the listed dress spheres dark knight, gunner samurai or berseker and someone as a healer i keep yuna as my healer of my group and i keep paine and rikku as my main attackersyou might be able to blind him so do that so his physical attacks don't workand if anyones hp is a danger szone heal after he uses flame breath btw i'm in chapter 5
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