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Everything posted by paco3

  1. I say that Alucard from "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" is the best swords man because he has like 20 vampire powers, plus a ton of swords. And I mean a ton, I beat the game and I still don't have all of them yet. He is the lord of all vampires because he defeats dracula, proving he is awsome. It was only a 2-d game but it brought a new fun to the vampire legends. I loved it big time! He looks most cool when he has the firebrand, thunderbrand, or icebrand.:angel: p.s. Alucard spelled backwards is Dracula.
  2. Code red!!! I lost my teachers... If you want to try to become a teacher for angel guard come/go to paco's otaku and sign up...then do what it say's to do to posibly become a teacher. If you have any questions the answers are probably on [font=Arial Black]my[/font] otaku.[size=3] Please help save the angels. [size=2]I do this because I may start an rpg related to angel guard. Save the angels!!!!![size=4] Please![size=1] feel free to post questions allthough I may not get to them.... Soon at least!!!!:faint::huh::help:[/size][/size] [/size][/size]
  3. I don't have any idea's for how my charicter would be worked in right now so some one else try something...:confused:
  4. I am kiba so sorry... but no... I think kira is taken too. Sorry bout that kibasgirl...
  5. [size=3]I then saw kitsune headed toward the bar. With out the boy... about 20 min. later. [/size]
  6. human form: name: kiba age: what like 21? (how old is he?) sex:male description:[url]http://wallpapers.theotaku.com/wallpaper.php?id=887[/url] wolf form: fur: white story: Im a wolf who finds his way into town and learns how to interact w/ humans. I am in search of paradise. I'm a white wolf from an unknown land, I refuse to hide my true nature among the humans. Driven to find paradise, I lead the others out of the city into the unknown, folling my destiny... and the scent of lunar flowers. I refuse to not believe against any of my beliefs. (Paradise.)
  7. Thanx for the info. But, [spoiler] how does helga's baby get saved?!? [/spoiler]
  8. Yes I have only played mgs2:sol. I made this thread to learn about mgs1 and substance.
  9. I have never played the GBC version of MGS. I never knew there ever was one! I f can remeber any of the story line please tell. I must ask again... Who is wolf?
  10. I quickly noticed that Ms.River's bag had a slightly large bump. Around the area of the out side pocket. Not so much a big thing. Ecept for what happend the next morning... But we'll get to that later...
  11. [QUOTE=Guado Guardian]Before Mr. Jamason had walked off, they handed him a booklet. Inside was the layout of the hotel. ---[/QUOTE] I meant for Mr.Jamason (me) to be the cleark. Sorry if that was confusing!:confused:! ----------------------------------------------------------- Soon after that a man and lady walked in. They had allready gotten a room for the afternoon so I let ms. and mr. marino breeze on by. (I am giving a que to SakuraMinomino)
  12. Name: jack Jamason gender:male age:37 acquaintances: all of hotel staff Reason for being here: I work here I am the head cleark personality: I can be a loose cannon at times, but I am also vary mello and have a keen eye when I concentrate! description: 6' 4", short brown hair, blue eyes, broad sholders, and weight 168lbs. Here you go!
  13. [QUOTE=Morpheus]Programmer designer Coder storyline Graphic artist Virtually every aspect of the game has it's own special job to work on it. this is just a few.[/QUOTE] Also there is special effects, general manager(s), programers, and beta testers! Glad I could help!
  14. The answer is gravity. gravity is a force of atraction. If a rock is put on a hill it will roll due to gravity.
  15. I got picked on every single day when I was in elemtary school. I don't mean just by one kid either, I mean the entire grade. People said that I picked my nose, that I was a girl, was gay, was retarded, couldn't play soccer, was a wimp, and was a cry baby. None of these were true. I got beat up at recess. I would fake sick just not to go to school. I hated it!
  16. I would stalk...hmmm... any really hot girl I don't know or avril* livean*. Because she is so cool and down to earth! *Sorry not sure how to spell her name!*
  17. Don't let the stress of the world get to you. Make time to do something fun. Take the day off every once and a while. Go to a moive, go shoping, do something with your friends, and have fun! You might try medatating or yoga. Hope I could help!
  18. He walked in wearing a long black overcoat. As he came in the door he seemed to eye the other guest staying at the hotel. (One in the lobby.) He walked up to the counter and said, "Hey, I need a room." "All right," I said, "you may have room 178." "Actually I would like room 113. I told my buddy I would be in that room." He said quickly. I noticed that that was the room right next to Ms.Dorris. The woman who just got rich off the stock market. It was said she had gotten over three-million dollars. I told him, "Ok you can have the room, but you'll need to keep quiet there is an old woman next door to that room." And gave him the key to the room. "Thank you Mr.Jamason." He said as he walked off. --------------------------------------------------------- I noted that about 5 min. after he was in his room the guest that was in the lobby walked up the steps and in the same direction. Even though the other day when I gave him a room... I gave him a room on the bottom floor.
  19. The game does make you think alot about the conspierisy behind it. I don't think you shold get the next because it is a waste of money. There are to many sequals to it and they all cost the same amont of money. The developers did that just to make you come back wanting more. They could have made it a two part game instead of four. Sure it may have been a shorter story line but you will have spent a lot less money. With their being four games you pay $200 but if their were two you would pay only $100. They just want you to give them more money! And that is that! P.S. I own versions 1-2.
  20. [color=Red][size=3]Many people [size=2]have played one if not many[/size] [size=2]of the metal gear solid series/titles. I made this forum to talk about the things that happen in the game. Like who is the wolf that otacon talks about in metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty. [spoiler] Do they find the patriots? [/spoiler] I am going to make the first question by saying. [/size][/size][/color] [color=Red][size=3][size=2]Who is wolf that otacon talks of???:confused: [/size][/size][/color]
  21. paco3

    Mad Mad House

    I have naver heared of this show. What channel is it on and where does it air It sonds vary interesting... I wish to know more. I like your signiture it is vary strait forward. I am for gay mariges too. (I am not gay mind you.) Are you the genkei I know from the regular otaku not the boards.(Sorry if I spelled your name wrong.) If you are come over to my B.O.S.S. RPG. See you later.
  22. [b]Character Name[/b]: Angry Dwarven Slayer [b]Weapon of Choice[/b]: Mace (Spikey ball on a chain) [b]Special Power[/b]: Dance moves (stuns enemy while my voice does the damage)( While I have no dancing or musical background, its rather funny) [b]Weakness[/b]: 1. Anyone named Simon Cowel 2. Arrows (weapon), Poison (special power) [u]My story: [/u] As I awoke in a dreary meadow, I realize what just happened. I had been given back my life. After dieing in a voice compition on American Idol, I was given another chance. Now because of Simon Cowel, I have a burrden to get rid of. I have to show Simon how good of a singer I am......... [b]My True Story[/b]: As I awoke in a dreary, yet beautiful, meadow, I realize what I've been through. I had been beaten by my own country and forced to leave. Already I knew that I must fight to kill the people that forced me out. Better yet, I should try and take over the whole country. Equiped with a mear mace. All I can do is swing that thing around and sing. I can shake my butty to stun everyone. I courageously travel through the tiber. Few deer and other animals know of my presence. Ahead, I see a group of hunters. As I aproach them, they become silent, as if they were hiding something from me or they knew who I was. I talked them into letting know the way to my old country and where I could build an army. I got a weak army, but my talents increased. I snuck into the country. Slowly starting a rebelious gang in the country, I plan a mass raid on the throne. Soon I have thousands standing beside me. I attack with fierce might and somehow over come the odds. I won. I know that they plan on reclaiming the throne, but I must remain here. The temptations of hate have me killing anyone I think is suspicous. What am I to do?.....That is for the rpg to know.
  23. paco3

    Devil May Cry

    Mine. Name:Blareco Age:I stoped counting after 1000 years. Weapon:Heavy double bladed demon sword with a spell cast upon it so it will never break. Race:1/4 human 1/4 angel 2/4 devil Description:5 ft. 11in. tall, 175 lbs. Black hair w/ white streak about 2 in. wide, Blue eyes. Bio: Looking for my lost brother. Always on the side of good, because my brother is evil. He killed my wife, long... Long ago. She was the only one I ever loved. I have been looking for my brother ever since he fled. I will find him and when I do he will pay for what he did to her... Oh my sweat, sweat, beloved Lara. I will avenge you... I swear on my love, heart, and my soul... I will... Is this good enough? Oh you should come by my thread titled "B.O.S.S. RPG. Become a B.O.S.S." It is like this one.
  24. I think[font=Times New Roman] you should draw something outside, also. It would be more happy looking and be more fun to look at. It might even bring more people here that will post. I do think it is vary nice, just needs some life.[/font] [font=Times New Roman] My school does the same thing. I'm not in the right art class to do that though. I wish I was, because it is better than what i'm doing.[/font] [font=Times New Roman] I noticed some one's signature says' "Married to Mei July 3." At least I think it is something like that. Anyhow the point is July 3 is my birth-day.[/font] [font=Times New Roman]Just thought that was cool.;) [/font]
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