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Everything posted by paco3

  1. B.O.S.S. stands for Big Or Super Strong person. It is an RPG about love, hate, battle, and a big curse. You make your own charicter, you get one special power, one weapon, and you need to make a short story. For example: Mistical Maiden Power: All men that see you will fall in love with you. (Dosen't work on girls.) Weapon: Elfish double bladed sword. Story: I was walking through the forest when I heared a scream. I went to go look what it was and I see...(Blah blah blah.) And read the rules about making a B.O.S.S. I should have the begging of the R.P.G. up soon. Please feel free to make a B.O.S.S. I promise it will be fun. :D The rules: If you wish to be a BOSS (since there is so many of you) you may make your own charicter, but here are the rules: 1.You must have one weakness 2.You can't make a charicter that is completly unbeatable (don't ruin the fun) 3.You may only have one weapon and one power 4.don't use your otaku name 5.try getting ideas from the ones I made 6.if you already have a BOSS don't make another one 7.you MUST make a story and post it on my site. When I do put up the story you may want to wait on posting, because I want it to be a long rpg. So it would be better if your charicter didn't show up til' later in the story. Anyone can post as the main charicter, his father, the narator, and if needed any small charicter that won't get many things to say. (Like a store mechant, solider, and stuff like that.) If you have trouble making a B.O.S.S. this may help. [size=1]RPG or Anime Character by ChaoticSoulYour NameSpeciesAngelHair ColorDark BlueEye ColorBright RedPersonalityThrill SeekerWeapon/PowerBoomerangCreated with quill18's MemeGen 2.0![/size]
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