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Everything posted by Malkav

  1. [CENTER][IMG]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/8797/audreyavatarxe5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]The landing in Muldova went smoothly. The crew of the Cygnus filed out, breaking into smaller two and three man parties to go handle whatever business they had to attend before heading back into the air. Kil'ani, as Jack instructed, stayed on board to make sure the crew had enough to eat upon their return to the ship. Audrey walked with Jack through the familiar scene of Muldova. Every turn seemed to bring back a memory she didn't want to remember, they'd even passed the place where Vincent... After walking for nearly half an hour, the two found themselves in a small shop. Audrey watched on as Jack walked up to the shop owner and did a peculiar handshake. He was somewhat chubby, with a handlebar mustashe and a very shiny bald head. The owner and Jack held a light conversation, ending in laughter and they were escorted to the back of the shop. "Where are we?" asked Audrey. Even though she trusted Jack's judgement, all of the back alley stuff was new to her. [B]"Oh,"[/B] Jack said, [B]"This is Flynn Finney. Best damned weaponsmith in Czenovia. He's also pretty skilled with scalpel."[/B] [B]"He's going to operate on your arm?"[/B] asked Audrey, ignoring Flynn's insulted stare. Jack put his hand on her shoulder and winked, [B]"I've seen him work, go sit up front for a while."[/B] Audrey began to protest, but decided that he may've known what was best. As she walked out of the room the door slammed shut behind her. She almost turned to open it back up, but once again decided not to. Minutes turned into hours as Audrey sat in the shop, head buried in her hands, while she waited for Jack to come back out. As she was about to nod off back to sleep, she was awakened by a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Flynn standing above her with a glass of ale. [B]"Sorry lass, he's recovering from the sedatives I gave him. He'll be as fine as he was the day you met him."[/B] he said, handing her the ale. [B]"Oh God,"[/B] Audrey said, standing up. She'd just met him today and he was missing the arm, [B]"Can I see him, please?"[/B] Flynn laughed a hearty laugh and shoved the ale into her hands, [B]"Drink up lass, you don't trust ol' Flynn?"[/B] No sooner than he finished his sentence, a gun opened fire. Audrey's face flushed red as she ran toward the back. Flynn put a hand out to stop her but she broke free. If anything had happened, she honestly didn't know what she was going to do. Bursting into the room where she'd seen Jack last, she was surprised to see him on his feet, shirtless again, but this time very different. He had a gattling gun attached to his left shoulder. He held it toward the opposite wall and opened fire again. Flynn crept inot the room behind Audrey and smiled. [B]"Watcher Jack, you'll wake the whole neighborhood with that thing."[/B] Jack frowned slightly, [B]"It's trigger is sluggish. You could have done better than this Flynn."[/B] [B]"Bloody hell, Deacon. You show up in my shop and give me an hour to work, what do you expect for that bloody short amount of time?" [/B] [B]"I expect a better arm."[/B] Jack shot back. The guns in the arm suddenly began shifting, and from the barrel a hand emerged. Jack stretched its fingers and balled them into a fist. In truth it wasn't that bad for an hour job, but Jack didn't want to pay full price for it. [B] "Alright, I'll give you a discount on this one, but next time give me some bloody time, and I'll give you quality."[/B] [B]"Agreed. You have anything you can give the lass? A rifle perhaps? I'll give you what I would have originally paid for both."[/B] Flynn looked at Audrey, [B]"I don't know, Jack. She doesn't look like she can handle a gun."[/B] [B]"I've seen her in action, Flynn. Trust me."[/B] Audrey blushed slightly as Flynn took another look at her. [B]"I can spare something."[/B] They walked out of Flynn's, Audrey strapped with her new weapon and Jack constantly moving his new arm around. Flynn had given Audrey a beautiful revolver, ivory handled and elaborately designed. She had fallen in love with it. Jack on the other hand was still trying to get used to his new arm. The work was really well for what he got. The only painful part was when he had the last of his shoulder cut off to make room for the mount, an experience he would rather not remember. The two made their way back toward the Cygnus.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. I know Jack's going to be involved, whether he's wanted there or not :-P, other than that, I just wanted to make the people who will be present at the final events aware. Jack's providing the exit because I'm sure its going to be multiple explosions and collapsing tunnels that just scream 'have an airship ready, Mr. Deacon'. I'll find some way to [strike]muscle[/strike] pencil him in.
  3. Thanks man, that's exactly it.
  4. [B]"Look," [/B]Harvey said, realizing clearly that he didn't belong, [B]"Apparently I'm not supposed to be here, so I think I'm just gonna go..." [/B]He stood up to leave, only to be stopped by the male. [B]"Not until you answer my question. How did you get in?"[/B] [B]"Probably through an open window. Shit, I don't know." [/B][B] "Nam," [/B]said the female, a twisted smile on her face.[B] "allow me. Young man, if you could remember how you got in, is there any special way you would have did it.? [/B]she looked at Harvey.[B] [B][/B][/B]Harvey was confused now, but had a creeping suspicion of what she was getting at. [B]"Um... I don't know maybe?"[/B] Juliet, in her old wisdom, knew what to do. She tossed the knife in the air, catching it on its hilt as it came back down and immediately threw it toward the boy. Harvey, in a fit of nervousness, stopped the blade in mid air. The two Asians's eyes perked in surprise. [B]"Some kind of telekinesis?" [/B]asked the male again. Reaching out to grab the knife. As he put his hands around it, Harvey released his grip on it. The male felt it jerk back to life. [B]"Now that is interesting." [/B]Harvey didn't know whether to be relieved or scared by their reaction. He didn't say anything. Noticing the obvious look of confusion on his face, the woman spoke again. [B]"Don't be so dense. You're not the only one with... unnatural abilites." [/B]Harvey's ears perked up as he heard this. He supposed it was naive of him to think he was the only one. [B]"So who are you?"[/B] [B]"My name is Juliet, and this is my son Nam." [/B]The tension in the room eased. [B]"I'd suggest you pull up a chair, I'm sure this will take all night to explain."[/B] Harvey eased himself up off the floor, and dug in for a story.
  5. Anybody know the name of that song at the opening of Bad Santa? The piano piece.
  6. If anyone's interested in the weapons and a larger picture of the gun in my latest post., look [URL="http://www.stephenjameson.com/images/mod_images/Arrowgun.jpg"]here[/URL] for the arrow gun, [URL="http://www.stephenjameson.com/images/mod_images/AutoRev.jpg"]here[/URL] for the revolver, and [URL="http://www.stephenjameson.com/images/mod_images/Quad_Cycle.jpg"]here[/URL] for an enlarged bike.
  7. [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/audrey-avatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Jack felt his eyes growing heavy while he sat between Audrey's legs. He'd been up all night and this was the first time he had a chance to rest in the past few days. Who knew he'd find such good service in a cell of all places. He decided that there wasn't much to loose by going to sleep, and he doubted she'd mind. Flicking the dying cigar away, Jack finally let his brain shut down... [B]"Ah, wake him up!!" [/B]yelled a voice. Jack shook awake and then suddenly heard the sounds of gunfire. [B]"Audrey," [/B]began Jack, fighting back a yawn, [B]"What's happening?" "I don't know Jack."[/B] she said. She had her arms around his shoulders, tightening her grip as the man opened their cell and pointed a gun straight at them. [B]"Alright then, get a move on!" [/B]yelled their captor once again. Jack and Audrey followed his orders, Audrey helping Jack up and continuing to grip him as the walked. [B]"Where are you taking us?" [/B]asked Jack, whose eyes at this point were moving frantically, trying to figure a way out. He looked forward to see select prisoners being pulled from their cells. [B]"We're moving you. The RPG, led by Gaul Rosier no less, are at our bloody doorstep and we're not done with you yet." "What about the young lady? I'm sure she's done nothing to warrant her stay in your hands. You should give her to the RPG." [/B]said Jack, out of genuine concern for her safety. Audrey stopped and looked at Jack. He did not know what happened. [B]"No, I'd rather not go with the RPG." "But you worked for them," [/B]Jack said in a whisper so their captor wouldn't get the idea that he may have a valuable hostage, [B]"you can get out of here and back with your lot."[/B] [B]"Jack you don't understand," [/B]said Audrey, her voice just as hushed as his, [B]"[I]he [/I]killed Vincent." [/B]Their captor was getting impatient. He pointed the gun at them once again. Jack continued to look straight into Audrey's eyes. Just like him, either way it went, there wouldn't be a happy ending. Unless... [B]"WHAT'S THE BLOODY HOLD UP?!" [/B]yelled their captor. Jack put his finger to his nose, pretending as a sneeze was coming up. He reared back, and right as he blew, he sent a jab forward that caught his captor off guard. The man dropped his gun and he and Jack dived for it. Jack, being disadvantaged knew that if he didn't get to it first, he'd be out of luck. The two men scrambled, pulling each other back and throwing in sucker punches whenever they could. Jack reared up on one knee and took another dive for the gun, but fell short as their captor got his hands on it. He turned on his side and looked at Jack, a twisted smile on his face as his finger wrapped around the trigger. For the first time in his life, Jack wasn't sure if he'd make it out alive. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Audrey ran up. She kicked the man clean in his arm, throwing off his shot just enough to miss Jack's head and also making him drop the gun once more. Jack made one final lunge, grabbing the gun in a half barrel roll and fired, shooting an arrow clean into the man's eye killing him. Jack eased his grip and slumped down, relieved he was still alive. Audrey ran to his side, leaning down close to him. [B]"Are you alright?"[/B] she asked. Jack coughed a tad bit, turning away from his dead captor. He nodded to Audrey and tossed her the gun.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B] "It's a dual bolt arrow rifle, meant to be silent yet effective. I've seen them before. The left side shoots explosive bolts, where else the right shoots regular rounds. It won't be of any use to me because its meant to be held with two hands. Help me up dear." [/B]Audrey put the gun down and helped him up. Jack stumbled a bit, not able to keep his balance with his weight as lopsided as it was. The two of them ran down the corridors of Camp Doberman, desperately trying to avoid capture every step of the way. Every corner they turned, it seemed, only led to more corridors. Even then the explosions and gunfire continued to get louder. Jack insisted that he knew where he was going, but Audrey couldn't remember any of the places they went when she was being brought to her cell.[B] "Jack, are you sure we're heading toward the exit?"[/B] [B]"I'm not looking for an exit, dear. I'm looking for a gun."[/B] he said, they suddenly came to a large door with the words ARMORY inscribed across the top of it. Jack kicked it in, but lost his balance as he looked to right himself and fell in with it. Audrey once again helped him to his feet, nearly laughing at his clumsiness. The armory was a large, shelved room. Each shelf holding a different weapon and its ammo. Jack immediately began looking up and down for supplies. Most of the armory was emptied out. A smart move by the Underdogs to ensure the RPG didn't get their hands on everything. Jack moved forward, grabbing an arrow belt for Audrey and tossing it to her. No sooner than he did so, an Underdog jumped from behind one of the shelves, gun pointed straight at Jack. Not knowing what else to do, Jack put his hands up and waited for the inevitable. A gasping sound perked his ears, and as he took his hands down, he saw an arrow lodged into the man's neck. He slumped to the ground dead. Jack turned to find Audrey right behind him, her gun held steady. She started shaking violently. That was twice she'd saved him. Not sparing a moment, Jack immediately found the gun he was looking for. [/COLOR][/FONT][LEFT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] It was a four-cylinder semi-automatic revolver. The biggest single handed weapon Jack could think of. He grabbed it and its holster, calling Audrey over to help him put it on. She walked over, strapping him up. Everything that Jack needed done, she did: putting ammo into the proper pockets, sticking a knife into his belt, and loading grenades into the proper holsters. She leaned in close, tightning the staps behind Jack's back. She was so close that he could faintly smell the perfume on her, it smelled great. Keeping his bearing Jack loaded all 32 chambers of the revolver and spun it shut. He waited for Audrey to finish suiting herself up. If he'd seen her on any other day, he wouldn'tve been able to imagine it. Jack stretched slightly, feeling the straps dig into his flesh, and thought that perhaps he should have put on a shirt first. He found a bomber jacket in the corner and immediately pulled out his knife. Taking the left sleeve in his mouth and using the knife to cut it clean of the Jacket. One armed he flung the jacket on and looked at Audrey. [B]"Are you ready to go, lass?" [/B]he aksed Audrey. She nodded. [B]"Are we just going to walk out of here guns ablaze?" [/B]she asked. [B]"No, we'll die. I have a better idea."[/B] Jack looked off into another corner, and Audrey looked in the same direction. She wasn't sure what he had in mind with that thing he was staring at... [/COLOR][/FONT][LEFT][center][IMG]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:u0gRO_g2x46UyM:http://www.stephenjameson.com/images/mod_images/Quad_Cycle.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Gaul Rosier watched as the RPG fought a hard battle against the Underdogs. He didn't expect for them to put up such a fight, especially since the attack was a surprise one. All of his officers had on riot gear, and were alot more prepared than the Underdogs. RPG cannons were also there, firing onto the crowds, friend and foe alike, adding to the chaos that was in the streets. Rosier raised his hand, giving the order to send in more officers. The Underdogs, despite their hard fighting, were grossly outnumbered. Out of the smoke and embers that once was the entrance to Camp Doberman. A strange noise could be heard. The few Underdogs posted near it couldn't help but notice the noise as it sounded like a swarm of bees, getting closer. An Underdog higher up called a cease fire and told his men to aim for the entrance, knowing something was not right. Those who were in front of the entrance aimed for it, full aware that they were giving the RPG time to regroup. The noise grew louder, and louder. It happened fast. Out of the entrance burst a motorbike with two passengers on it. Each rider holding onto one handle, with the female firing frantically behind her with a revolver. A flock of doves flew into vision ahead of the bike, distorting the Underdogs who tried to fire at them, making them miss every shot fired. The bike landed hard onto the pavement, not once loosing momentum, and sped forward. No sooner than it emerged, two more bicycles emerged from the opening. One's rider came out firing while the other's came out dead. His bike crashed into the sidewalk, exploding as the steam engine punctured released its pressure. Audrey continued firing on their other assailant, who also continued firing forward. Audrey had the advantage however, as she wasn't also trying to drive. The two bikes sped toward no man's land, directly between the RPG and Underdogs. Jack maneuvered the Bike through the rubble and debris that had built up over the course of the RPG retaliation. The smoke teared his eyes, but he still pushed forward, dodging bullets and people as he tried to get the hell out of there. Audrey's frantic shooting may have got her her first kill, but it was costing her and Jack precious time. She'd gone through gun training before, all members of the RPG did, but never did she think she'd have to shoot while helping a one armed man ride a motorcycle. Suddenly her gun ran out of bullets. Cursing herself, she turned and reached over Jack, reaching around and pulling out another round of revolver bullets. [B]"I only have so many of those lass, make them count!" [/B]Audrey yelled something in her native tongue that Jack couldn't understand, but he had a feeling it wasn't anything he'd want to know. Audrey took aim again after reloading Jack's revolver and began shooting again, this time clipping their assaliant in the shoulder and causing him to loose balance and topple off his bike. Audrey felt a wave of relief flow through her as he fell, but it only lasted for so long. She wasn't quite sure what all happened next. She turned to see a rocket heading straight for them. Jack jerked the bike in such a way that it fell on its side and went skidding across the road. She could only pray at that moment that the steam engine didn't rupture and kill them both. The rocket just missed them, hitting the ground behind them. Everything happened so fast after that. The explosion sent them flying through the air, ears ringing. Audrey could feel Jack's arm grabbing her midair and she extended her arms to embrace him, but before she could, she felt burning shrapnel slicing into her eye. She let out a scream, but couldn't hear it over the ringing. She looked forward towards Jack, who was looking back dumbstruck. The two of them hit the ground hard, tumbling for a moment before landing in a heap with the bike on top of Jack's leg. They reached out for one another, Audrey crying and Jack mouthing something off to her. Their finger tips touched before time came rushing back once more. Gaul Rosier put down his cannon. He recognized Jack Deacon immediately from the wanted posters and knew that where ever he went, trouble followed. [B]"Give me rifle." [/B]he said. His subordinate immediately tossed him a gun and he started walking toward the two, intent on finishing Jack off himself. Meanwhile, Jack, too shaken up to move the bike, grabbed Audrey's hand. She took his hand in both of hers and pulled herself closer to him. [B]"Look," [/B]Jack said above the ringing, which was finally subsiding, [B]"Rosier's coming, you're going to have to kill him." [B]"But Jack, you're stuck, we need to get that thing off of you." [B]"Look, I'm still alive, but I won't be and neither will you if Rosier gets to us. Get your gun and finish what he started."[/B][/B][/B] Audrey pulled herself closer to him and looked into his hazel eyes, [B]"I'm glad I met you." [/B]As if knowing what was coming next, Jack puckered his lips slightly and closed his eyes. He waited all of three seconds before opening his eyes and realizing Audrey was already on her feet, arrow gun in hand. [I]Well Jack, [/I]he thought,[I] you can't be right all the time.[/I] Audrey circled Gaul Rosier slightly, walking in step with him. [I]Alright, [/I]she thought to herself, [I]this is it.[/I] Rosier wasted no time in firing. Audrey jumped out of the way, firing an arrow at him. It missed him by a long shot. Audrey scrambled behind a car that was on the side of the road. With her eye missing, she knew that he already had the advantage over her as her vision was off now. Rosier fired at the car, creating a spark near Audrey's head and causing her to move. She scrambled out of the other side of the car where Rosier was waiting. He fired, missing her again. She took aim at him, bringing the gun up to her eye and fired again. The arrow shot straight into Rosier's leg. She fired again, this one lodging into his shoulder. Rosier dropped his gun and fell to the ground. Audrey took aim one last time, this time aiming straight between his eyes and fired again, striking him dead. She stood and walked over to him, falling on her knees besides him. [B]"Retribution..."[/B] she muttered. No sooner than she said that, Rosier's hand shot up and grabbed her neck, choking her. His eyes were menacing as he performed this final act of anger. Audrey's hands scrambled to find her weapon again, it instead fell on Rosier's rifle. She shot him. She shot him again and again until she ran out of bullets, and even then she kept pulling the trigger. She pulled it until Jack walked up and took her gun from her, throwing it away and throwing his arm around her. She started crying, holding her hand up to her face where her eye used to be. Jack held her close. [B]"It's not over, love. We have to go." [/B]he said, picking her up and walking her back to the bike. She took one last look over her shoulder at the body of Gaul Rosier before they drove off. The Cygnus' crew prepared the ship to leave. They'd waited all this time for Jack's return, and with the RPG running rampant in the area, non of them felt they could wait any longer. There was a sudden rapping at the ship's hatch and like any good crew, they all got their weapons and posted up at its entrance. Kil'ani pressed the hatch release. A collective sigh went up as they saw their captain, albeit beat up. [B]"What are you all standing around like a bunch of idiots for? The lady needs medical attention." [/B]he said, walking Audrey into his ship. The crew scrambled to follow his orders. [B]"Sir," [/B]Kil'ani said, [B]"We received word that the military were gathering. The Sentinel's out there."[/B] Jack thought for a moment, remembering that they'd captured Meredyne and held her prisoner on the ship. [B]"Well then, it looks as if the real fight has yet to come." [/B]he said, walking Audrey through the ship towards the cabin. He wished those words weren't true. He really wished.[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [/LEFT]
  8. Just a warning. I'm going Michael Bay in my next post.
  9. [quote name='Sandy']I think she loves herself too much to do that. Besides, nobody knows she was involved with the Underdogs yet. So I guess she'll be trying to do her everything to fake innocence at this point. But perhaps Augustus, the disabled prince, knows the truth... Hmm...[/quote] Maybe I should have had Jack expose her while he was still in the good graces of the underdogs. Oh well, that's what happens when you cannonball through everything.
  10. She could kill herself after the underdogs fall. After all wasn't she involved in the uprisings?
  11. This is going to sound lame, but after reading Revelation's post, I realized I have no idea what to say anymore in my post that was supposed to come up yesterday. So Rev, buddy, could you fill me in on where things are going? I mean, my character really can't do much more but run, but I want to do something a little less pointless.
  12. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE=1]Hopefully I've wrapped up everything I need to for Daedalus before the air-battle in the coming hours. Before anyone asks, yes, Air-General Litheway will turn out to be a traitor who helped the Underdogs get their hands on the cannon, as really, I saw no alternative to explain how their got passed the military guard and captured it. Unfortunately Daedalus does not know this and it seems it will come back to haunt him.[/SIZE][/quote] Gosh Gavin, leave some things for people to figure out on their own. I'm just kidding. Waiting on James' follow-up post to mine.
  13. [quote name='Sandy']That's strange... I went with what was written in the character profiles, but I see that it indeed says he's 31 there. Are you sure you didn't change it somewhere during the process? Anyway, it only makes sense that he's the same age as Charles and Meredyne. I'll fix it if there's a need to update the tree again. ;D[/quote] It wasn't his original age. I changed it maybe two or three days after I posted it. That's probably the problem. Sorry, for that.
  14. [center][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/FONT][/center] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] The Cygnus touched down a few blocks from Camp Doberman. Jack had decided the crew should get restocked on food and other supplies before they made their move against the military. If all went as planned, Jack knew that he'd probably need to high tail it out of Czenovia as soon as possible and that may mean going a month or so away from society. He felt his gun at his side, clacking against his belt with each step he took. Something was not right. Jack took note of the sky, which was gray. Every bad day he ever had seemed to happen on a day like this. He held his hand up and stopped the crew. [B]"Go back to the ship."[/B] Expectedly, murmurs of protest began to develop among the crew. Jack repeated his statement, but like any good pirate crew they refused to listen to their leader until they felt their lives were in danger. Frustrated, Jack pulled his gun and pointed it at the men, and Kil'ani, behind him. [B]"Get back to the bloody ship! That's an order!" [/B]They backed away slowly, not taking their eyes off of him. When they were some ways away, they started talking again, and the nervous look in their eyes became more frantic. Jack felt raindroplets start to trickle onto his head as he knew, they weren't afraid of his gun anymore. From behind his head he heard the sound of a shotgun being cocked. He eased his grip on the trigger and put his hands up, afraid to move too quickly and risk being shot. [B]"Turn around."[/B] said a raspy voice from behind him. Jack did as he was told and turned slowly to face a rather large black man. As he expected, the man was holding a shotgun aimed squarely at Jack's head. [B]"Hello, my good man."[/B] Jack said, his hands still up. [B]"Put the gun on the ground, Mr. Deacon." [/B]Jack knelt, following the man's orders. He chanced a glance back at his crew, who had by now escaped. Jack knew they weren't in any real danger anyways. He knelt down slowly trying not to stir his captor. As his knee hit the ground, Jack lunged forward tackling the man. He pulled up his gun and aimed squarely between the man's eyes when the shotgun went off. Jack fell backwards, but before his mind could wrap around the pain, he fired as well, killing the large man in front of him. Jack let out a cry that woke the whole damned street. As people rushed to their windows to see what was out there, and those not wanting to get involved closed the shutters and pretended to see nothing. Jack took his right arm and grabbed his left shoulder, which took the lion's share of the shotgun fire. He ran his hand down his shoulder and the upper part of his arm, bringing it rest where a bloody nub was left. He looked around, searching for it, and then he found it. Nearly five feet behind him lied his left arm, mangled by the shotgun fire. He was maimed, and he vomited from the sight of his severed arm, fingers still twitching. He crawled. Maybe it was instinct that made him try and recover his arm. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he couldn't do anything with it, but still he crawled, blood etching a path from where he was shot to where his arm was. Right as he reached for it, he felt a sharp pain in his gut that knocked the wind out of him. He turned his head and saw three men around him, they all began pummeling him. Jack tried uselessly to fight back, but they were too many, and he wasn't even a whole man anymore. He curled as much as possible to defend his head and stomach, and then from out of nowhere, a bag was tied over his head and he passed out... Jack awoke to the feeling that he was being drowned. He opened his eyes and still saw only darkness. He was being hung up by one arm. Quickly realizing this, Jack attempted to clench his other fist, before realizing that he couldn't feel it, only the pain of trying to move muscles that weren't there anymore. [B]"Well well, Mr. Deacon. I'm glad you could join us." [/B]came a voice from beyond the veil. Jack didn't recognize it. [B]"You know, you really captured our hearts. Your services to us, especially in downing the Vigilante have been invaluable."[/B] [B]"Stop, you're flattering me."[/B] Jack said. He felt a swift pain in his gut. Someone had punched him. He noticed then that he was shirtless. [B]"Despite your services, we couldn't help but notice you've been siphoning information to various parties outside of the organization. I believe in schoolyard terms that's called 'taddling'." "Uh-huh." [/B]Jack remarked, [B]"Get to the bloody point, my chest is getting cold." [/B]another punch to the gut. [B]"The point is. Who have you been talking to? Is it your father? That sister of yours? We must know Mr. Deacon because you've put in jeopardy our whole operation." "I can't remember." [/B]Jack then felt another punch to the stomach, and another, and another. [B]"Mr. Deacon, I can not stress the importance of how much we need you to talk. Its simply out of your service to us that you're alive right now."[/B] Jack felt a sharp pain in the stub where his arm was severed. It felt as if someone had taken a knife and stabbed into it. The voice was closer now, almost a whisper. [B]"This isn't a game, Mr. Deacon. Now will you speak up?" [B]"Alright..." [/B][/B]Jack said. The knife was pulled out of the nub and Jack breathed easy again. He hesitated before answering. [B]"I was taking your mother this amazing recipe for meat pie, really you must-"[/B] Jack's captors commenced to beat him. Over the course of the next few minutes or so Jack felt everything from steel, to wood, to leather, to fists strike his flesh. He tried not to yell, but every once in a while he couldn't help but let one out. The beatings eventually stopped, and that voice, tired now, spoke into his ear again. [B]"Talk now Mr. Deacon!" "You know your mother does this amazing thing with her tongue...[/B]" [hr=darkslateblue]100[/hr] [/COLOR][/FONT] [center][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/audrey-avatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/FONT][/center] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] The bag was taken off of Jack's head and he found himself inside a cell. His body was blue and purple all over from his sitdown with his captors. His nub, Jack noticed, was bandaged with the exception of a slit where the knife was sunk in. Jack crawled forward a bit on the floor before he heard a voice from behind him.[B] "Take some time and think about what you've done. I doubt even the famous Jack Deacon can escape this time." [/B][I]Seventeen.[/I] Jack thought to himself. He'd kept count of how many times he'd heard that in his lifetime. He crawled for a bit before resting on a nearby wall. Every part of his body hurt right now, but at least nothing was broken. Well, if you discount his arm. Jack looked over his surroundings and noticed he wasn't alone in the cell. A young woman sat in the opposite corner, wondering if she should speak or not. [B]"Hello lass. My name is Jack Deacon and if you can't already tell, I've had quite a rotten day. If you could possibly massage my shoulders I'd be obliged to thank you in the near future." [/B]The woman still looked at him, not really knowing how to respond to what he said. [B]"M-My name's Audrey." "Well Miss Audrey, how about that offer?"[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. Hey Sandy, I was just looking at the family tree and noticed that Jack's birth year was 681. In truth its supposed to be 678 because he's 31 years old. I'm sorry I didn't notice this before and its a relatively minor issue. You don't even have to update it if you don't want. So... Jack has officially become the most abused man in Czenovia.
  16. *m. night shymalon voice* What a twist!! Oh yeah. I propose the next day be a rainy one. Overcast early on moving into rain by mid-afternoon. Any objections?
  17. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE=1]Is it the military who captured Meredyne ? I thought it was the Guard ?[/SIZE][/quote] She's going onboard the Sentinel regardless, so it doesn't really matter. You can just say Jack didn't get a good look
  18. Some people may not agree, but I think the day is taking entirely too long, especially since it's like a buffer until the real deal on the next day. So I pushed to the next day. If anyone had anything to do, let me know and I'll drop the post under there's after they post.
  19. [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Moonlight flooded into the room, casting an eerie glow over white sheets. Above those sheets layed a body, curved delicately and reclined as if lifted from a portrait. The body, which glowed in the moonlight stretched out, yawning. Morphia opened her eyes. She wasn't in her room, but rather in her brother's room. She had returned from the hospital earlier, but now she wished she had stayed. Her day started out with stories of how her brother's a wanted terrorist who destroyed a RPG gunship, then Meredyne was captured on account of him. Lastly, her poor sister was harrassed by guards. It seemed that a world of trouble had been following Jack, and she was worried to death about him. She turned over to face the wall opposite the window and simply stared. She wanted to cry, but hadn't she already done enough of that for her brother? The moonlight suddenly disappeared from the wall and Morphia became aware that something was outside the window. She froze, knowing that whatever it was saw her. She heard the click of the lock and the window sliding open. Then footsteps behind her, walking up to her. She closed her eyes and tried to pretend like it wasn't happening, until she head a voice. [B]"Morphia?"[/B] She turned immediately to see her brother standing over her. He looked different though. His easy smile was instead replaced by a stern frown, and his breath was heavy, as if he'd been running. [B]"Jack, where have you been?" "Morphia, get up."[/B] Jack replied, not even acknowledging her question. Morphia hopped out of the bed, letting her long silk gown fall to her feet. Her legs still hurt, so she hobbled over to her brother and put her arms around him. Jack immediately pushed her off and bent down, looking under the bed. Morphia felt a sinking feeling as Jack ignored her, she walked backward and plopped into a chair just to watch him. Jack squatted next to the bed and immediately pushed it to the side, revealing a trap door under it. Suddenly more figures appeared in the window. [B]"Captain, they'll be here any minute now."[/B] said one of the figures, who nervously kept looking over his shoulder. [B]"I bloody know that!" [/B]snapped Jack. He didn't sound like Morphia's brother then. Jack pulled open the door to reveal a small armory. He immediately started tossing guns and ammo out of the window. [B]"Jack, what on earth?" [/B]asked Morphia, who had finally built up the courage to speak. Jack looked at her, and then pulled out a small silver pistol. Morphia gasped as he looked it over and tossed it to her. [B]"Morphia, if anyone, and I mean ANYONE lays a hand on you, I want you to shoot them dead." "Jack..." "Put that someplace where father can't find it." [/B]Jack then pulled a large crate from the trapdoor. The rattling of bullets and clacking of shells could be heard coming from it. He walked it over to the window and gave it to one of the men. [B]"Get that to the car, and be bloody discrete about it." [/B]As he turned to go back to the trapdoor, Morphia stood and slapped him across the face. It took a moment for Jack to realize what had just happened, but he gathered his bearing and looked his sister in the eye. She suddenly seemed a lot taller. [B]"Are you going to war with someone?" [/B]Jack hesitated, but answered. [B]"Earlier this afternoon they took Meredyne, and later they attacked our sister. I know they want me, but god dammit there are better ways to go about it than going after my family. Those bastards are going to die for what they've done to me and my family." "Who exactly are they?"[/B] asked Morphia sternly. [B]"...The Military."[/B] Jack replied. Morphia looked dumbfounded. [B]"They've taken Meredyne in an effort to flesh me out. Well, I'll give it to them, they're plan's worked." "And you're just going to give in like a fool."[/B] came a voice. The door suddenly opened and there stood Agron Deacon. [B]"As stupid as you are boy, I never thought you'd be that stupid."[/B] Jack leered at his father, who closed the door behind him as he walked in. [B]"Morphia," [/B]began Agron. [B]"Leave us." [/B]Just as Morphia was about to protest, Jack gave her a look that showed he agreed with Agron. Morphia stormed out, hiding the gun behind her back as she passed Agron. [B]"She thinks I didn't see it." [/B]chuckled Agron. [B]"Let her think she's slick." [/B]replied Jack, who still leered. Agron walked up to his son standing hearly an arm's length away from him before speaking. [B]"So this is what you've chosen to do?" "I guess so." "I," [/B]said Agron, hesitating as if looking for the words to say, [B]"I had hoped we would spend your fourteenth birthday traveling, talking politics, showing you how different countries ran their governments. Instead I spent it worried that you were wrapped up in some street gang in New Czenoble or worst off dead." "That story's old father. You already used it when I dropped out of the RPG."[/B] snapped Jack. A grin returning to his face for the first time in hours. [B] "Oh, I guess so." [/B]the two shared a light chuckle. It'd been a while since Jack laughed with his father. They immediately snapped back to attention. [B]"Look son. I can't change what you've become. I always imagined an Ambassador Jonathan Deacon, or a statesman Jonathan Deacon. It shocked me when you became the pirate Jack Deacon, and now the terrorist."[/B] Jack looked away from his father, choosing not to see his old eyes. [B]"There's a lot of me in you, my son. My father worked for the chronicle and I rebelled with all my wits against that life. Like father, like son I suppose." "Father, I..." "Be quiet boy, you've already made your decision. If this is the last night I see you, just know that I love you with all of my heart. If this is not the last night I see you, learn to pick your sides better."[/B] With that Agron walked out of the door. Jack turned as well and exited through the open window. The sun would be rising soon, and Jack couldn't foget about the revolution he had to return to. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/meredyne-avatar.jpg[/IMG][/center] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]The day started out beautifully enough. He cooked for her, eggs, toast, nothing fancy just the basics, but she loved it all the same. She had sent the majority of her servants home for the day, leaving the large estate quite empty. Well, it didn't feel that way. [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b] The rest of the day was spent talking and laughing. Poor Meredyne couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed that hard. It had been so long that it felt completely out of character to her. She would look out the window at times, watching letting the sunlight creep lazily up her bosom and think to herself, [/COLOR][/FONT][I][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]I can't remember the last time I had a perfect day[/COLOR][/FONT][/I][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b].[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b] His experience was quite contrary to hers. He felt like a caged animal. He felt like an animal who knew full well that if he were to escape he'd be shot and killed on the spot. Paranoia and nervousness was eroding away at Jack's demeanor. At any moment, a uniformed man could walk into this house, shoot Jack dead and proudly say he'd killed Jack Deacon. To calm himself he did push-ups and sit-ups when she wasn't around, and stared out the window to make sure no one was coming.[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b] Jack's biggest problem was the fact that he [/COLOR][/FONT][I][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]wanted [/COLOR][/FONT][/I][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]to be there. Also, he knew it was the smart place to be right now. The sun continued on its path into sunset. Jack, finally feeling a little less paranoid, found himself in the bathtub when voices were heard from the floor beneath him. He immediately recognized the voice of Meredyne, speaking frantically, and then he suddenly heard what would confirm his fears. [/COLOR][/FONT][B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]"UNHAND ME!" [/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]cried Meredyne.[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b] Jack immediately lept up, drying off and seizing his clothes. As he was pulling a shirt over his head, he heard the voices again. [/COLOR][/FONT][B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]"Is someone upstairs?" [/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]Jack cursed and immediately tiptoed barefoot out of the rather large bathroom into Meredyne's room. He grabbed his gun, which was laying lazily by the bed and immediately took up post beside the door. He pulled back it's hammer, [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b] watching the door and waiting for it to open. They'd found him.[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b] The door swung open and suddenly was the only thing separating Jack from his would be assailant. The RPG soldier walked in slowly, not realizing that Jack was just behind the door. Jack never saw his face, only the back of his head. He held the gun out, keeping the soldier's head clean within his sights. Squeezing his finger on the trigger slightly, he was ready should the soldier turn around and see him. Suddenly, the soldier turned, but to Jack's amazement and luck, he turned left. Had he turned right and left, he would have seen Jack behind the door mere moments before dying. Jack's heart pounded as he heard the soldier exit on the opposite side of the door and give the report of all clear. It looked like God was on both their sides today. [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]Jack walked behind him, stalking him really as he descended the stairs. Jack, knowing better than to go down stopped at the very top, ducked down low as to not give away his position. [/COLOR][/FONT][B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]"Where has he gone Miss Artemis?" [/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]asked a male voice. [/COLOR][/FONT][B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]"We know he was here at some point today. Now be nice."[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b] "I've no idea what you're talking about. Jonathan and I haven't spoken since Leonhart Almagest's funeral. It would be wise of you to-" [/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]Jack heard the unmistakable sound of fist meeting flesh and cringed as he heard Meredyne hit the ground in a whimper. [/COLOR][/FONT][B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]"It would be wise of you to cooperate! Now where is that pirate?" [/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]screamed the guard. [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]Meredyne chuckled as she rubbed her face. [/COLOR][/FONT][B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]"Somewhere feeling a lot better than you and the rest of your lot will once he finds out what you've done to me." [/COLOR][/FONT][/B][B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]"So you do know his whereabouts." [/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]stated the guard with a sinister tone. [/COLOR][/FONT][B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]"Take her away and make sure the Chronicle gets word that Meredyne Artemis has betrayed both her king and country by helping and hiding terrorists. I want her face and name on the morning print."[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b] "Aye, sir!" [/COLOR][/FONT][/B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]yelled the subsequent guards. [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=#483d8b]Jack merely stared at the wall as he heard Meredyne being taken away, thrashing and screaming. he never wanted to involve someone he cared for in this. Through all of this, he couldn't help but think that he'd gotten himself into a lot more than he bargained for when he took up arms.[/COLOR][/FONT].wysiwyg { background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: 0% 0%; background-color: #ededed; background-image: none; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal } p { margin: 0px; }
  21. .wysiwyg { background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: 0% 0%; background-color: #ededed; background-image: none; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal } p { margin: 0px; }New landmark posted. If someone wants to rp its delivery to Bavaria that would be much fun.
  22. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/meredyne-avatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/center] Meredyne's eyes opened slowly to darkness. It was yet dawn and the clock on the side of her bed told her the sun was a long way from coming up. She grazed the pillow to the opposite of her, feeling its cool surface and cursed to herself mentally. Every morning she woke up, and every morning she felt for someone there. It had been a long time since anyone's head touched the other pillow, or since she felt the warmth of someone else next to her. Gaining composure of herself, she mentally outlined the list of things she had to do that day. Being the head of a company was not easy. Not for her, not for anyone really. She was up early though, too early to really get any kind of work done. So she lied there, wide awake waiting for the day to begin. As she was about to nod back off to sleep, she heard a strange sound coming from her private balcony. It got louder. She contemplated calling for someone to come, but for some reason she just did not see this as a situation needing that kind of attention. She stood, put a robe over her night gown and walked over to her window. It would have suprised anyone else, but not her. Staring at her with a grin on his face was non other than Jack Deacon. Meredyne immediately opened the door to let him in. [B]"Early morning visits? Really Jonathan?" [/B]She asked, letting him in. Meredyne immediately lit a candle, but no sooner than she lit it, Jack put it back out. [B]"I don't want anyone to know I'm here, Mary."[/B] Meredyne stared at him for a moment. It was as if she'd just been confirmed something. [B]"That was your aircraft yesterday, wasn't it? What in bloody hell has gotten into you?!" [/B]she yelled shaking violently. [B]"Keep your voice down! You'll wake the whole city with that temper." [/B]Jack said in a hushed voice, hoping to circumvent the tongue lashing she wanted to give him. [B]"I don't care, Jonathan! How could you kill all those people onboard that ship. How could you-" "They started it!" [/B]yelled Jack in the same hushed voice, [B]"who were they to fire on civilians? The bloody crown is out of control!" "Who were you to stop them?! You're just a pirate, you can't deal 'justice' like that to the RPG. You're a terrorist now. They're looking for you, I'm sure." [/B]Jack calmed down and looked at Meredyne who immediately realized why he was there. She let out an inaudible [I]no [/I]before Jack spoke again. [B]"Mary, it will just be for today. They've been relentless. They're still not sure its me, but apparently I'm the primary suspect. People have begun to connect the dots. On the eve of the robberies my ship went mysteriously missing from AAT." [/B][B]"You were involved in the robbery? A robbery at my air station? Is this how you treat me?" "Mary..." "I honestly thought you came back to do some good, you know that? You were supposed to have grown up by now and we were supposed to have a fresh start. You would make an honest living and give up this quest for 'freedom'." [/B]Meredyne sniffled a little as she talked. Jack wasn't used to seeing her emotional, [B]"You're still hard headed though. Still the same Jack Deacon I grew up with."[/B] Jack was speechless. He reached down into his pocket and grabbed a slip of paper. [B]"I have... and I may have stumbled upon something that could end this mess. I don't know what to do with it, but I thought you'd be able to help." [/B]He pulled the slip of paper from his pocket and showed it to her. [B] [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/music-landmark.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [/B]Meredyne looked at the slip of paper and then back to him. [B]"Piano notes? What am I supposed to do with those?" [/B][B]"Nothing. I want you to deliver the slip to my sister, Bavaria. Don't tell her you received it from me."[/B] [B]"Why not? I'm sure she'd-" [/B]Meredyne began, but Jack silenced her as he looked out her window. A patrol ship's highbeam came into view, lurching its way above the rooftops. He immediately grabbed Meredyne and threw the two of them on the bed, out of view from the ship's highbeam. Meredyne, surprised by the act simply layed there staring into Jack's eyes as the light from the beam flooded her room. [B]"Why would they be looking here of all places?"[/B] [B]"They've looked everywhere else, Mary. That new guy Rosier's really upset that a civilian took down a gunship in his fleet. He's given orders to find me by all means available and bring me in for questioning." [/B]The light moved beyond the house, and the hum of the airship disappeared altogether. Jack sat up before Meredyne pulled him back down onto the bed and embraced him tightly. [B]"I'm worried."[/B] [B]"Don't worry, they wouldn't do anything to you." "Not about me, about you, Jonathan. I'm worried that you've gotten into more than you can handle. I'll let you stay here, just tell me you won't get into anymore trouble." "Mary, you know I can't." [/B] Rather than force him to say otherwise, Meredyne continued to hold on. She had made up in her mind that she'd help him in before she*had even unlocked the door for him. She was so terribly lonely, and he was all she had. She'd do all in her power to keep him, vagabond or not..wysiwyg { background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: 0% 0%; background-color: #ededed; background-image: none; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal } p { margin: 0px; }.wysiwyg { background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: 0% 0%; background-color: #ededed; background-image: none; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal } p { margin: 0px; }.wysiwyg { background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: 0% 0%; background-color: #ededed; background-image: none; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal } p { margin: 0px; }.wysiwyg { background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: 0% 0%; background-color: #ededed; background-image: none; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal } p { margin: 0px; }.wysiwyg { background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: 0% 0%; background-color: #ededed; background-image: none; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal } p { margin: 0px; }[/COLOR]
  23. I was justifying Bavaria kicking Anna out of the house. I mean everyone knows no one liked Bavaria and it even said in one of the first chronicles that she stays well away from the house on diplomatic reasons. You could cite work as the reason but if she really wanted to stay home she would.
  24. Bottom line is Bavaria was well within her rights to kick Anna out. I mean, how come she gets run out of the house and the local whore gets to stay? I argue injustice.
  25. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Also I somehow can't imagine Bavaria being above a wedding of convenience. :catgirl:[/font][/QUOTE] She is, trust.
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