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Everything posted by Malkav

  1. Currently replaying SaGa Frontier. I've become obsessed with achieving god mode with one of the characters (blue) and beating every final boss in the game solo (which is nigh impossible but fun). Typically your party consists of 5 characters, but blue is the only character that can learn ALL skills. I beat one of the final bosses in 3 turns. I beat another which was a six part battle in six turns...Blue's that bad. Now I'm debating who I want to play next. I plan on finishing everyone before school starts back on the 16th.
  2. [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Macey rushed Jack through the hall, stopping him at turns and corners to make sure no one saw them. The little guy Jack was carrying was knocked out cold in his arms, and didn't move much as they ran. Finally they arrived at a door, one that was familiar to Jack. He'd never seen it opened, nor had he ever wondered what was behind it.Macey pulled a key from her bosom and opened the door. Inside was dark, lit only by candles sparsed throughout. Macey pointed a slender finger toward the door, gesturing Jack to go in. Jack gulped a bit, hoping she wasn't about to hurt the poor kid. Guilt started pouring over him from the night before. [B]"Oh hurry up you!"[/B] whispered Macey, as if she were afraid someone might hear. Jack obliged, only wanting this situation to be over so he could leave. He wanted no part in what ever craziness that happened behind closed doors in Rosengard . Oh if only he had that same mentality not so long ago. Together they descended down the long stairwell into a cryptic room, dank and dark. There were glass beakers and cylinders everywhere, and it looked like a laboratory of some sort. [B]"Put him on the table."[/B] Jack removed his jacket and folded it under the kid's head, feeling somewhat sorry for the little tyke. Jack was borderline panicked right now, though he didn't show it. He turned to find Macey , who to his surprise had an alarmingly large syringe and was heading straight towards him. [B]"Wait, NO! I don't know what the hell's going on but you are NOT about to hurt that kid!"[/B] screamed Jack as he grabbed Macey and pushed her back away from the table. [B]"You fool, unhand me. He needs this!"[/B] cried Macey, struggling to get out of Jack's firm grip. [B]"What the kid needs is a doctor, not some crazed- Give me THAT!"[/B] Macey attempted to stab Jack with a hidden knife. He hadn't seen it coming and he immediately knocked it from her hand. Suddenly, Jack felt a jolt in his chest, as if someone had just reached into his ribs and grasped his heart. He collapsed on the ground and watched feebly as Macey walked to the kid and gave him the injection. [B]"Damn...alchemists."[/B] Jack muttered as the grip was released from his heart. Jack rose uneasily, and took a moment to catch his breath. He heard Macey over at the table muttering "precious" as she rocked the kid back and forth on her bosom. To Jack's amazement, the kid's eyes opened, and he was staring at Jack. He begin feeling foolish for his earlier actions. After the initial shock began to wear off, Jack finally got up the courage to speak. [B]"Who is he, and what the hell did you just give him?"[/B] [B]"Don't bother yourself with such trivial questions. Just know he's fine now."[/B] said Macey, kissing the boy's forehead and whispering something to him before letting him go. [B]"Mr. Deacon, follow me."[/B] Jack walked with her up the stairs and out of the little room, away from the kid. Jack was motivated more by learning the truth, than actually her orders. They made it to the door, and just as Jack was about to open it, the icy hand grabbed his heart again. He felt cold and turned to face Macey , who simply looked at him. He fell against the door, and slid down it as his body began to feel as if it would erupt. He'd studied his share of medical books at CHAOS, and knew it was a matter of time before he would black out.Macey walked up and knelt down in front of him, grabbing his face in her long slender fingers. [B]"Mr. Deacon, this room, this situation, everything you've seen here was not meant for your eyes. I'm sorry to do this, but I have to ask you not to tell anyone about what went on down here."[/B] Jack felt blood coming up in the back of his throat, and in more of a gurgle than actual spoken word he replied, [B]"I'd never dream of it."[/B] [B]"Good."[/B] Jack felt the grip release from his heart, and his blood flow immediately returned to normal. He stood and adjusted himself. [I]Good work Deacon[/I], he thought to himself, [I]you walk away from the girl of your dreams right into the arms of the angel of death. You do know how to pick them[/I]. [/COLOR][/FONT][CENTER]*** [/CENTER] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Morphia awoke as the sun hit her eyes through the window. It looked as if it would be a beautiful day. She yawned stretching under the silk sheets that covered her, rubbing her legs together and curling her toes. Something was off though, she turned in her covers to face the door, and there stood Jack, looking rather worn out and tired. [B]"What are you-"[/B] [B]"Morphia, get dressed, I'm taking you home. Right now."[/B] said Jack, he began coughing. He'd yet to recover from his encounter this morning. Morphia began to say something, but seeing at her sickly and ragged looking brother, she knew something must be going on. [B]"Give me a few moments."[/B] she said as she stepped out of bed. In the next couple of minutes she found her clothes and laid them out. As she was about to remove her slip, she looked at Jack who was still standing there, looking restless. [B]"Would you like to watch?" [/B]she asked sarcastically. [B]"Oh, sorry."[/B] said Jack, coughing again, before exiting the room. He stood outside of her room with his hands deep in his pockets. Meredyne walked up, fully dressed. Earlier Jack had entered her room unannounced too, having a very similar brief and awkward conversation with her. [B]"Jonathan, are you going to tell me what this is all about?"[/B] Jack looked around before speaking, [B]"There is something going on in this house. I don't know what. I don't care to find out. I do, however, want you and my family far away from it."[/B] As he spoke, Macey appeared from around the corner, walking with that damned kid. Jack watched them as they walked by, almost as if he were scared Macey was going to breathe fire on him. They walked past Jack and Meredyne just as Morphia emerged from her room. [B]"Good morning all, wonderful day isn't it? It's not nice to stare Mr. Deacon." [/B] Jack held his stare as she walked by. Meredyne looked from her to Jack and back again, [B]"She's right Jonathan. You could at least speak to the lady."[/B] said Meredyne, looking quite insulted. Jack, not wanting to bother with explaining anything simply pulled her and Morphia along and together, without another word to anyone, they left Rosengard. [/COLOR][/FONT][CENTER]*** [/CENTER] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Aboard the Cygnus, Jack showered in one of its cabins, washing away the stench of Macey. After this little ritual, he descended into its lower quarters and into its armory. There weren't many weapons there, as Jack's business was stealing, not murdering. He pulled a revolver from the wall and tucked it into his pants and put a jacket on to conceal it. He wasn't going to keep him mouth closed on Macey's account, but rather for the safety of his sister who was returning today. Who knew how many Almagests were in on it, whatever it was. He thought back to his encounter with Macey and her use of alchemy. It had been a while since he'd had to use it. So long in fact that the thought hadn't occurred for him to use it to protect himself this morning. He snapped his fingers once, to no avail. He snapped them again with the same results. Frustrated, Jack tried one last time, this time igniting a small spark. Despite the progress he wasn't going to be able to do anything with it. Hell, that's why he has his gun. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Harvey found himself staring blankly at a manuscript on his laptop's screen. To the right of the laptop was a notebook, opened to a page which provided an outline for his document. He was sitting in a coffee shop near his school. Harvey's first instinct was to open up his calender and to-do lists on the computer to see exactly why he was there. As it turns out he had a study date. It was dark outside, and from the number of people walking with their hands in their pockets, he could tell they were cold. Across from him was a pink messenger bag hanging from a seat, that he recognized immediately as his friend, Alice's. Harvey looked to see her in line, ordering. [I]Smooth move Harv, [/I]he jested to himself, [I]wish I was there to see you convince her to come here with you.[/I] He looked down again at the manuscript and began skimming, they had got a lot done in his absence. He read the opening lines. Deities played a large role in ancient Greek literature... Harvey noticed he had a coffee cup. He picked it up and moved it to his mouth before realizing it was empty. [B]"Damn Harvey, couldn't wait for me to get back could it?"[/B] she said coming up. Alice put a fresh cup of coffee down beside his old one and took her seat. [B]"I forgot it was empty."[/B] Harvey said, noticing Alice's look. [B]"Like that ain't never happened to you"[/B] [B]"Na'll, it hadn't."[/B] she replied, smiling through frost colored braces. [B]"Moving on."[/B] Harvey said, [B]"What next?"[/B] Harvey noticed Alice looking disappointed that he decided to get right down to business, but he didn't know what to do. After all, he hadn't really been there. Through his peripheral vision Harvey took in Alice. She was dressed real nice, almost too nice for a study session. Her hair was freshly flat-ironed, Harvey wondered if she did that for him. Caramel skin was Harvey's favorite. God knows he can make some pretty light-skinned girls. Her lip gloss glistened in the soft light of the coffee shop. Harvey wondered what they were talking about before he came back. [B] "Harvey you promised to tell me if I bought your cup! Why you backin' out?" [/B]Alice asked him. [B] "What I said I was gonna tell you?"[/B] Harvey asked. Alice rolled her eyes and came in close. [B]"What you think I should do about my problem?"[/B] Harvey could have hit her, "Man, real talk, I think you should ask God what you need do. He knows all the answers, and he knows what's best for you. I think you're very smart and you'll make the the right decision." Harvey would have to make a mental note to kick himself later for that bullshit he fed that girl. [B] "I guess. You're no help."[/B] she said, before digging into her bag to pull out a rather large textbook. [I]Greek Mythology, The Complete Volume[/I][U].[/U] [I]I could say the same thing about you, bitch.[/I] [B]"So what we about to do?"[/B] Harvey asked, once again looking at the manuscript. [B] "It might be good if we put a section in our paper about one of the stories. Like talk about how they used to use gods and stuff to explain everyday things. There's so much in this book though. We should just pick one."[/B] [B] "Yeah, see what they got in there about Chronos. It should be under Ch-." [/B]said Harvey, loving the chance to delve into his favorite subject. Alice began searching the index of the book, running a decorated nail down the page to find the name Harvey was talking about. [B]"It's not in here. Did you spell it right?"[/B] [B] "It should be in there."[/B] said Harvey, grabbing the book and searched through its contents to find nothing. He then began searching madly for other evidence. Even though he knew the Titan Kronos was unrelated, he searched for him as well. He couldn't find the name. He even went to the titan section to check for the name, nothing. [B]"Hold up."[/B] he muttered as he returned to his laptop, doing an immediate web search for the name Chronos. Outside of a few screen names and static data, he found nothing. [B] "Can we just do something else?"[/B] asked Alice, frustrated. [B] "Sure...I guess." [/B]Harvey opened back up the manuscript and began typing...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. I'm going to church, gotta work out a new contract with God for 2008, my five year gentlemen's agreement that went into effect back on Dec. 31 2002 is up. Wish me luck in my next five years.
  5. I'll probably do something in the morning for the new year. I'm rping for two it would seem.
  6. I can imagine a slight power struggle between Bavaria and Dame Anna once Bavaria returns, seeing as she is the lady of the house. Also I can see a conflict between her and the children as well, who if I remember don't really like their stepmother.
  7. I've went off of Darren's post and did a long winded one about nothing. Also gave Meredyne a knickname, Mary. So now it's Jack, Charlie, and Mary. I figured thats what they'd go by in high school/CHAOS
  8. [center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/charlesavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen] It was like CHAOS all over again, Jack thought. There they were, he and Charles, and Meredyne right there in the middle. They were all in one of the dens of the estate, Charles was sitting by the fire, having just put his children to bed, and Morphia was sitting there too, making light chat with him. Jack was at the bar helping himself to a shot of whiskey and Meredyne was right beside him. [B] "Jonathan, would it be too much to ask that you don't start a confrontation?"[/B] Meredyne asked him, she herself taking a shot of whiskey. [B]"I don't want this situation to be any worse than it has to be."[/B] [B] "Mary, I wouldn't dream of it. So what if you chose him over me in high school only for him to leave you later down the line. As you said, he was the safer choice."[/B] Jack teased. Meredyne took another hit of whiskey before returning to sit down with the others. Jack, feeling satisfied poured himself some more in a small crystal glass and went to sit down with them. [B] "I believe they've contacted Bavaria."[/B] Morphia said as Jack settled in. [B]"I'm sure we'll be seeing her within the next couple of days."[/B] [B] "That's good, the house needs its mistress. Someone to bring order to things."[/B] Jack replied. [B] "I believe Daedalus has already taken up that responsibility."[/B] Charles said, expecting a retort from Jack. To his surprise, non came. Jack sipped his whiskey, [B]"Either way, it will be good to have my sister home. I haven't seen her in..."[/B] [B] "Ten years."[/B] Morphia finished. Jack looked at her. [B] "From the sounds of things ten years is the sweet spot for everything to come full circle."[/B] Jack said. An uneasy silence fell over the room. The night carried on as awkwardly as it had started. It was dominated mostly by conversation between Meredyne and Morphia while Jack and Charlie took turns walking back and forth to the bar to get drinks. The two of them tried not to look each other in the eye, less they dig up a skeleton or two. Jack felt as if Charles could see through him. He felt that Charles could see that jealousy that had been building up over the years. He took the moment to look at Charles, who was staring at the fire. He saw the uneasiness in Charles's posture and could tell that Charles knew he was staring. Rather than look at Jack, he stared intently at the fire. This didn't go unnoticed by the ladies, and as Meredyne motioned to ignore it, Morphia couldn't help but ask. [B]"Why are you two acting so childish?"[/B] Both Jack and Charlie said nothing and it was Meredyne who answered. [B]"Come off of it Morphia."[/B] Morphia looked at Meredyne and the to Jack, who still said nothing. Almost pleadingly she looked at Charles who immediately stood to go pour some more whiskey, one could see the drink was getting to him. [B]"Jack?"[/B] she asked, looking dead at Jack as if she expected him to answer her if she pressed it more. "[B]Like Mary said, Morphia, come off it. It's getting late, so I'll have someone send for your things. We're staying here tonight."[/B] Jack said, reclining back in his chair. [B] "Why?"[/B] asked Morphia bluntly. [B] "I have a feeling our sister will be here in the next day or so. Someone has to give her a warm welcome. With her husband gone she'll be a pariah around these halls. Especially with his hag and brats running around."[/B] [B] "Jonathan, that is no way to speak of Dame Anna or Leonhart's children!"[/B] shrieked Meredyne in an audible whisper. She knew all too well that Dame Grimalkin heard everything that went on in this house. Charles had since come back and sat down. [B]"Really Jonathan, to be a guest that was an awful rude statement of you."[/B] He said. [B] "She's a big girl Charlie, she doesn't need your help."[/B] [B] "I'm going to bed!"[/B] piped Morphia, who stood up and left the room. The three of them: Jack, Mary, and Charlie watched her go, and felt relief that she somehow whisked the tensions of the room away with her. [B] "I think I should go too."[/B] said Charles, who finished his glass. He tipped it to Jack and Meredyne and exited rather hurriedly, not wanting to be alone with the other two. It was more out of respect than anything else, not wanting to dig up old skeletons. Meredyne waited until the footsteps were no longer in earshot to speak. [B]"You just had to start something didn't you, Jonathan? You would think that after all these years you would have found time to grow up."[/B] Jack finished his glass, and as if he had not heard her speak he immediately got up to pour himself another. [B] "Make me one too."[/B] she said behind him. Jack smiled as he kept walking. Immediately after pouring his fifth or sixth glass of whiskey and Meredyne's, he came back to sit down beside her. She had taken her boots off and through her leggings Jack could see her perfectly manicured feet. She pulled them up on the couch and sat with her head on her knees. Jack handed her the whiskey and watched as she took a sip, wincing as it went down through her. "So how long are you going to be here?" she asked him after the two of them had become comfortable. [B] "I don't know."[/B] replied Jack. [B]"I've recently come into some money. I was thinking of using it to open a firm, maybe in design and consulting. Teach the gits around here how to build a good ship for once."[/B] [B] "So you're going to give up the life of a swashbuckling pirate?"[/B] Jack chuckled a bit. [B]"It wasn't as swashbuckling as one might imagine. I was honestly scared out of my wits most of the time. We should keep that between us though." [/B] [B] "What do you mean? When we were younger I remember how eager you were to leave here and go adventuring. Admittedly, I envied you for having the courage to actually leave."[/B] [B] "Don't. The truth is, two weeks into my grand adventure I was robbed and contacted Father for money to come home. He sent it to me, but I used it to keep trudging on." [/B] Meredyne looked at Jack. [B]"That's awful Jonathan."[/B] [B] "Yeah, well I wasn't going to come home with my tail between my legs. So I stayed gone. A month became a year, a year became two, and so on. I didn't know how to sustain myself, so I looked towards easy money. You know, smuggling, dealing, pirating. I eventually built up a crew, even though I never trusted any of them and started to make a name for myself. Word got out and suddenly I became some thrill seeking rich kid with nothing better to do with his money. After that rumor was let out, my pride was thrown in the mix. Suddenly I was doing bigger things, stealing more, and essentially sending my family name into the dirt, just so I could prove that I was as . I just wanted to build and fly airships."[/B] [B] "Jonathan...I"[/B] [B] "You used to call me Jack."[/B] Meredyne blushed at his statement. She said nothing for a moment as if trying to figure out how to respond to that. He spoke again, this time softer, [B]"I wanted to call you mine."[/B] [B] "You've had too much to drink. You're getting too bold."[/B] she said. She looked at Jack, and he back at her... Two hours later, they were embraced, pushing each other into walls and doors, kissing, as they made way to Meredyne's bedroom for the night. She knew where it was because Dame Anna had informed her about it when she was explaining the situation with Leonhart. Speaking of him, he could not have been further from their minds. The few workers who were there who saw them ignored them. Eventually they were at her door, and Jack let up, looking at her. She tried to pull away, but he only pulled her closer. [B] "I have to go to bed."[/B] she said seductively. [B]"I can't do this."[/B] Ignoring her, Jack continued kissing her until she pulled away again. [B]"Not tonight, Jonathan, goodnight."[/B] With that she slipped behind the door and closed it. Jack was left wondering what just happened. As he was about to go he heard the door creak and noticed it was cracked. Was she inviting him in? He looked down either side of the hall, no one would know. He grasped the door handle and thought long and hard, he really wanted to go in. She was right though, not tonight. Jack closed the door and walked away from the door. He had a lot to think about tonight.[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen] Jack retorted, not about to be double-teamed. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. sounds like "His Dark Materials". So i'm assuming the church holds authority over this world you speak of.
  10. Just wanted to say if anyone wants, they can rp with Jack at Rosengard. You can say he just arrived.
  11. [center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B] "You know...I really... I don't think you're invited."[/B] Jack addressed Meredyne as they walked down the rather lonely cobblestone streets of High Czenoble. After hearing the news Jack became eager to dock his ship away from Rosengard, for he was sure that others would be coming in on ship to give their condolences. Upon his departure on foot from the dock, he saw Meredyne, hard at work as always and after a quick chat, she insisted on going with him back to Rosengard. [B] "Jonathan, don't be silly." [/B]she replied, her hands deep in the pockets of her rather beautiful long jacket. Jack looked kept looking straight forward. Its not that he did not enjoy her company, but rather he was used to making trips like this alone. He couldn't help but think about how odd a couple they made right now. She with her knee length cream overcoat which ended where brown high heeled boots began, and Jack with his patched bomber jacket, olive toned pants workers boots. They stood out among the bustles, hobble skirts, and top hats that defined High Czenoble. One passing by could easily mistake them for lower or middle class, or even lower class. These thoughts fueled his next question for her, "Why do you dress like that? You look ready to take off in a ship." Meredyne looked at him and smiled, [B]"You're not the only one who flies around here, Jonathan."[/B] [B] "Yeah,"[/B] he replied, [B]"but I thought you would have given it up after taking over the family business."[/B] [B] "I almost did...but... God Jonathan how could I give it up?"[/B] she looked up at the sky watching through spectacled eyes as ships went to and fro across it. [B]"The wind in my hair, the mist of the clouds spraying my face, the..."[/B] [B] "Freedom."[/B] Jack interrupted, remembering his own reasons for loving to fly. [B]"You gave up a fiance I guess I can say you gave up love."[/B] [B] "No Jonathan, I never gave up love. At least not my first one."[/B] [B] "I guess you can say neither of us did."[/B] Jack chuckled a small bit as Rosengard came into sight in the distance. [I]How did we not end up together?[/I] Jack asked himself before remembering. [I]Charlie... little bastard.[/I][/COLOR]
  12. Just wanted to say I added a pic and name to my signup. It felt very incomplete without them. Also edited my sample as well as name. Its Harvey now, not Memphis.
  13. [CENTER][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/harrison-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"][FONT="Verdana"][COLOR="Olive"]The Cygnus hovered over the Almagest estate, bending the grass beneath it in all directions and making the trees shake violently. Below, Jack could see people running out of the front door to see why all the commotion. He stood up out of the pilot's chair and walked to the hatch bay. There waiting for him were Morphia and the two children. Morphia had changed out of her peasant clothes and back into her tunic, Harrison was looking rather relieved to be back, and Victoria Ann had a look on her face that said I don't wanna go. [B]"Alright, I take it none of you have ever did a jump before."[/B] brief Jack, who began handing them each a rope pulled from the wall. They were all conneced and retractable. [B]"This can be very dangerous, so I need for each of you to hold on tightly."[/B] [B]"Wow, we're gonna make such an entrance. Like pirates!"[/B] squealed Victoria Ann, her eyes lighting up. [B]"Ths is going to be so much fun!"[/B] [B]"Fun, but dangerous."[/B] repeated Jack smiling. He opened the bay door and suddenly there was nothing but air between them and the ground. Jack went first, jumping and gliding smoothly to the ground on the rope. Next came Harrison, who held on tightly to the rope, afraid to let go of it until both feet were firmly on the ground. Then came Victoria who smiled the whole way down, Jack grabbed her before she hit the groun. Lastly came Morphia, whom Jack helped as well. [B]"Harrison! Victoria Ann! Where are you coming from?"[/B] came a booming female voice, it was Dame Anna, "Where's Fauntleroy? Why are you two with him!" [B]"Well..."[/B] before Jack could get a word out, Dame Anna was rushing the children back into the estate. Jack heard the two stammering to explain to her, but she was nervous about something. Jack took a fleeting glance at Morphia who gave him the slightest of nods and the two of them walked to the house. Inside the scene was rather strange. Most of the family were gathered together speaking frantically, and at the same time the servents were scrambling in every direction. Upon seeing him enter the house, Victoria Ann broke free of Dame Anna and ran back to Jack to hug him. She looked up at him in a way only a child could, with glowing eyes and exclaimed. [B]"Thankyou for letting me ride in your ship!"[/B] Jack put his hands on her shoulders as he saw Dame Anna walking up to him again, [B]"Victoria, please go back to your room."[/B] she said, not taking her eyes off of Jack. Victoria let him go and began to walk away. [B]"Don't hurt him ma'am, he saved us."[/B] she said before dashing off. Jack and Morphia looked at Lady Grimalkin, ready for the worst. They've always heard stories about her and how she controlled the house. [B]"Well then,"[/B] she began,[B] "Harrison's told me everything. Might you have any clue as to where Fauntleroy or his sister Eva are?"[/B] [B]"They were lost in the commotion. It was a blessing Jack found the children." [/B]said Morphia. Jack was relieved she was by his side. He wasn't too popular in this househould. [B]"That Fauntleroy's going to get a talking to. To think he's run off and left the children like that. And Poor Eva, I hope she's alright."[/B] went Anna. Jack listened only half way until she said something that caught him by surprise, [B]"...And then Leonhart's gone missing, oh this house is falling apart."[/B] [B]"Leonhart's gone missing?"[/B] repeated Jack and Morphia at the same time. This was quite the surprise. Suddenly the whole situation became surreal. The two of them went and sat in the hall, speaking to family and friends, offering their condolences and the like. Jack knew the house would fill up pretty soon. He walked over to Morphia and put his hands on her shoulders. [B]"I'm going to take my ship back to the aerodrome, you stay here with the family."[/B] Morphia nodded and continued to speak to the family members. Jack began walking toward the door. As he walked though, something caught his eye. Lurking in a corridor was a pale figure, one he recognized with ease. Jack took a fleeting glance back to see if anyone were watching him. He immediately ducked into the corridor where he saw the figure. She was no where to be found. As he turned to leave he felt a hard slap against his face. [B]"That's for the other night, bufoon."[/B] said a chilly voice. Jack took some time to focus before realizing who just hit him, it was Macey Ellen. She looked tired, as if she'd just woken up. Sh reared up to hit him again, and as she swung Jack caught her hand [B]"You didn't think you were going to hit me twice did you?"[/B] he said with a grin. [B]"Unhand me!"[/B] she said in an exaggerated whisper, Jack pushed her back into the wall and pushed himself on her until her bosom was squeezed firmly into his chest. The quite unexpected he kissed her. He could feel hear the muffled screams coming from her throat in short bursts, more of surprise than fear. Macey closed her eyes for a moment, it had been a long time since she was kissed like this. Not since her ex-husband. Then she felt the release of pressure off her bosom and upon opening her eyes could see Jack's back moving away. [B]"I'll be back later. If you want, we can discuss all the different ways I have, and have not yet, violated you."[/B] With that comment Jack walked out of the house, quite satisfied with his work.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. Hello to the talent. I was hoping one of you good folks could make me a sig/avi. Here are my pics, do as you will to them [URL="http://www.guiltygear.ru/images/gallery/ggxxr_cs2_ve.jpg"]PIC1[/URL] [URL="http://www.guiltygear.ru/images/gallery/ggxxac_cs_ve.jpg"]PIC2[/URL] I don't really care how you guys decided to use the pictures, you're the artists, not me. On the sig, I want the words "Violent By Design...", but not too flashy, and preferably small. That's it, thanks in advance.
  15. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]OOC: I was writing this as Shy posted, I think it may fit in to what he's said. Like his post sounds like what may have happened after the events in my post. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/fauntleroy-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Jack assessed the crowd before them. It had been along time since he had seen this many people gathered on a street. He knew this had become commonplace in New Czenoble, rallying the people together and spitting fire against the nobles and elite. Morphia tightened her grip on Jack’s arm, drawing her closer to him. [B]“You’re not frightened by all of this are you?” [/B]he asked her, beginning to walk forward. She stayed close to his side. [B]“Of course not, I’m just making sure you don’t run off anywhere.” [/B]She replied. [B] “I guess. Keep your head low and don’t look anyone in the eye. I want to see what’s going on.”[/B] [I]This is bloody unbelievable! The blokes expect us to be workin’ eighteen hours a day for what they’re payin’? It’s a bloody crime I tell ya! I and my boy are sick from it…[/I] Jack and Morphia had settled into the back of the crowd. The men on the platform knew how to move the crowd. Morphia watched the rally with increasing interest and Jack, quite used to hearing about the tyranny of the people on the hill, simply stared into the crowd. [B]“Why are they so mad? They should be proud that they can work like that. I know I couldn’t. Eighteen hours?”[/B] [B]“Morphia, it is alright to work hard. But it’s not alright to not get compensated for it.” [/B]Jack explained to his sister, who probably was more excited about being there than necessarily sympathetic to the cause.[B] “These men aren’t getting paid enough for their work. Not only that, but prices are rising on damn near everything. The poor blokes don’t even realize that all their doing is making their bosses mad. This won’t get them anywhere.”[/B] [B]“Why not?” [/B]asked Morphia, who was standing on her tip toes to get a better look. [B]“Well, right now as they rally. Their managers are sitting in a meeting with their bosses. Their bosses will speak to the executives, who then will speak to the owners. The owners, who control the money, will start bribing the leaders of this rally. The leaders, needing the money will quell the crowds and promise them better conditions. In six months, we’ll be right back here.”[/B] [B]“You’re not much of an economist, Mr. Deacon.” [/B]said a voice from behind Jack. He turned his head and realized he was face to face with Fauntleroy Almagest. He held a camera delicately in his hands and snapped a photo. [B]“Damn it Fauntleroy!” [/B]yelled Jack who immediately snatched the camera,[B] “You know bloody well I don’t take pictures.”[/B] Fauntleroy snatched back his camera and grinned wryly, [B]“Calm down mate, it was an ugly shot anyways. Who’s this young lady with you? May I ask her name?” [/B] Fauntleroy bent down to get a look at her face. At first he didn’t notice it, but after careful examination, realized it was Morphia. [B]“Ms. Markham! Why are you dressed like…like…that?”[/B] Morphia put a delicate finger over her mouth. [B]“Quiet Fauntleroy, I decided to have a visit.”[/B] [B]“That’s all well and good, but you could’ve ridden in a car. Better still, you could dress presentably!”[/B] he looked at Jack, [B]“I’m sure you put her up to this.”[/B] [B]“What of it?”[/B] asked Jack casually, [B]“we were cruising in my airship earlier and decided to come see what the fun was about. This is…”[/B] [B]“You’ve got an airship?!”[/B] squeaked a voice from below Jack. He looked down to see a little girl looking up at him with the biggest smile on her face. [B]“Is it big? Is it little? How fast does it go? Where is it? Can I see it?”[/B] Jack looked perplexed. He recognized her immediately as one of Leonhart’s grandchildren. Victoria, if he remembered correctly.[B] “Err… yes?”[/B] said Jack, not knowing how to answer all of her questions at once. [B]“Uncle Fauntleroy, can I go? Can I? Can I please?”[/B] she asked her Uncle, tugging at his sleeve. He shrugged her off and smiled. [B]“Certainly not, the man may hold you for ransom.”[/B] Fauntleroy laughed at his own joke before noticing no one else was. He then spoke to Jack, [B]“Well then, what do you think of this. They’re trying to organize for the umpteenth time this year.”[/B] Jack looked behind Fauntleroy to see a young lady and a teenaged boy walking up. [B]“Well maybe you should talk to your father about putting a little less coin in his pocket and more in theirs.” [/B] Fauntleroy didn’t say anything. Jack then remembered that for their part, everyone there loved, or in Fonty’s case, respected Leonhart a lot. [B]“What brings you here to the lower world?” [/B]Jack asked, trying to move the conversation off of his last comment. [B]“Uncle Fauntleroy came for the Chronicle, he…”[/B] Victoria fell silent as Fauntleroy put his gloved hand over her mouth and motioned her behind him, where Eva grabbed her and held onto her shoulders. [B]“Like the girl was saying, I’m here on business. I’ve brought my family along to have some fun. The little one was Victoria Ann, and I believe you’ve met Evangeline.”[/B] [B]“Actually I haven’t.”[/B] said Jack, looking over Fauntleroy’s shoulder to address Evangeline, [B]“Jonathan Deacon. You can call me Jack however.”[/B] She nodded gracefully and began paying attention to the rally once more. Jack couldn’t help but notice that the other kid was looking rather insulted right now. Jack turned and Fauntleroy walked beside him and Morphia. [B]“So who’s the other kid?”[/B] he asked as Fauntleroy snapped another photo. [B] “Unimportant…”[/B] [I]I’m bloody sick and tired of being sick and tired! Everyday I wake up and it’s the same! Work! Every night I go to sleep, I dream about work! I deserve at least one day with my family! When my wife became pregnant with our first son, I couldn’t be there because I needed to work to pay off the doctor’s note! There’s no reason I should have had to do that! We deserve better than what they’re giving us! We can take our lives back and tell those bloody bastards to go kick rocks! Victory for the Proletariat![/I]
  16. Malkav

    Jacks & Aces

    Name: Maj. David Player -Ret. Age: 35 Gender: Male Role: Assassinations, management. Where he comes from: Birmingham, Alabama. Appearance: attached Why He's Here: After serving in the US Air Force Air Intelligence Agency as a case officer, he became disillusioned and decommissioned. He found he missed the life and eventually found himself managing contracts for assassinations is Zurich, Switzerland. He doesn't carry out the assassinations himself, but he does work as liason between the assassins and their benefactors. What's his purpose: To find out who was in on the betrayal and effectively "terminate" their contracts to restore his credibility. The plan was too perfect and he feels he should have seen the betrayal coming.
  17. [FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Virgo: Pragmatic and Methodical Name: Harvey Jackson Gift: Can manipulate, though not control, the flow of time around himself, an object, or an individual. Curse: Virgo takes random 'leaps' through time. The leaps can be triggered at anytime. These leaps can put him at an earlier or later time. They last for both short and long amounts of time. His 'self' in the present however keeps doing as it was. When Virgo returns, he forgets what he was doing at the moment until his memories return and he continues with whatever it was. (if you want further explanation, don't hesitate to contact me. It seems complicated, but its not. Kinda like the futurama episode with the globetrotters.) [I]I remember running... somewhere, not too sure where though. Someone was after me. Someone had been chasing me for a long time, something about me told him to rob me. Looking over my shoulder I could him, stringy hair, unkempt, old dirty clothes. He looked like a Jew down on his luck. My legs carried me to a corner, a dead end, and he caught up to me. A thief, or some other kind of vagabond, come to steal something away from me. The pounding in my chest told me I was scared, terrified even. I waited for him to move in on me and wished that somehow I could escape, I wished somehow this would stop. He then slowed down, not just him but the air around him. The short breaths he took became long and drawn out. His heartbeat had become so slow that it stood out from the ambient noises of the world. Taking this as my chance to defend myself, I swung at him, hitting him clean in the jaw. The blow knocked him off kilter, and I saw him slowly loose, then regain balance. I could see myself in his eyes, and there was a fuzz about the world. As if it were out of focus. He stood, looking at me. I was looking him the exact same way, whatever just happened, we both knew it was unnatural. He pulled out a gun, a sleek silver piece that might as well have had "Kill Harvey" written on it because I knew what he was about to do. I held my hands up, not knowing what that would do exactly. It started happening again. Unnoticed the first time I did this "trick" was that I could feel when I did it. It feels almost as if I'm flexing some unseen, unknown muscle when I play with time. I waited for the gun to fire and the bullets to impact and kill me, but they never did. Lowering my hands, I could see why. They'd stopped moving and hung there as if I had pressed the great pause button on them. The thief, utterly terrified by the kid he had just chased down into the alley, turned and ran, probably faster than he was running when he chased me. I reached my hand out to touch one of the bullets, and as pulling cherries from the bush, I plucked it out of the air. I held it for a few seconds until the heat of it caught up to me and it burned my skin, I dropped it instantly and it continued on its new path at full speed. Confused I stuck my hands in my pocket and walked away, wondering how I did it and if I could do it again if I wanted. Suddenly a loud noise came from the alley. It sounded like someone had thrown rocks back there. At first, I was going to check it out, but I realized it was the bullets. Without me there to keep them frozen, they had continued their paths and shot into the walls. This was the first day I ever used my trick. The weeks and months that followed saw me trying to perfect it, should I ever need it again. So after I got it under control, I started using my trick often. I started small, stopping glasses before they hit the ground or increasing my speed to get to places a little faster. Then I became more advanced. I started trapping our neighbor's cat in loops where it would run up and down a tree. I sat with my neighbors, a young man and his wife, and watched the cat for hours, enjoying the explanations they came up with for his behavior. I liked them, and I had been noticing his wife giving me the eye for a while. Then it happened. I don't remember exactly how, I just know one minute I was enjoying my neighbors then the next I was sitting down in a chair staring at a ceiling. It was dark outside, and I felt good. Letting out a heavy sigh I realized that something was going on, I looked down to see a girl's head between my legs. I thought I was dreaming and assumed that I was zoned out or fell asleep on the lawn. This was all a lucid dream...then I felt teeth. I pulled her head up to the sounds of her saying sorry and realized who it was, it was my neighbor's wife. She looked scared and confused as I started asking her questions. "Where are we?" "Where's your husband" "Why am I here?". I checked my watch which showed the time and date and realized it was a day later. I immediately pulled my pants up and ran for it. That was the first time I leaped. I couldn't look at those two again in the same way and I swear I was afraid to use my powers for a month. Its as if my being able to control time has shortened my life... I can't explain, I don't want to. I just want to control it. My name is Harvey Jackson, and I will soon master time. [/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Olive] [center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][/center] [I]Of all the times to act out,[/I] thought Jack as Morphia stormed away. He knew that it was going to be a time to explain himself, but he would rather do it away from the house and away from the family. He'd rather it just be he and Morphia having this conversation without the prospect of his father or someone equally terrible coming by to interject their opinion into the matter. Morphia walked speedily down the avenue with her nose turned up clearly ignoring Jack as he called after her. Realizing that she wasn't going to stop, he set out at a stride after her. Trying to dodge the crowds of people as well as random beasts which happened by his way, Jack slowly made his way towards Morphia who seemed to be gliding effortlessly through the masses and byy the time Jack had another good look at her, she had disappeared behind an airbus. Scrambling to get to the other side of the airbus, Jack watched as it took off, but she was no where to be found on the street. Looking up Jack saw that she had boarded it and watched him through sad eyes as it took to the air. [I]Bloody hell[/I]. Jack watched her as she left cursing to himself outloud so much that people stared at him as they walked by. [I]Why'd she have to go and do something foolish[/I], he thought, stuffing his hands in his pockets and starting to walk. He took one last fleeting glance at the airbus, pulling his hand out of his pocket and holding it up to block out the sun as it flew off. He could still see Morphia in the window, and seeing her he held his hand out, as if trying to pluck the ship back down from the sky. He then saw A purple gloved palm rest itself on the window, and taking that as some sort of sign, Jack clenched his outstretched hand into a fist and brought it back down to his side. [I]So this is what it feels like to be left behind...[/I] Jack immediately took note of his sorroundings at the arena. He looked at the Airbus's direction and measured it against the sun with raw mathematical genius most would mistake him not to have. He then remembered all of the airbus stops, and remember that considering where it was, it's next stop was Artemis Air Transports. Without another moment wasted, Jack ran back toward the arena where a jockey was showing off his beast, a giant black bird-like creature. Jack walked calmly to the jock and the beast's back, noticing the saddle and ropes already attached to it and then suddenly ran and hopped on its back, forcing it forward right under the Jock's nose. [B]"I'll return it when...well when I bloody get done with it![/B] yelled Jack as he took off with the beast down the road. Nimbly, the creature pranced through the crowds, as anyone not looking to get crushed by it immediately ducked out of the way. Everytime someone came too close, it would let out a shrill screech that would result immediately in someone jumping. Jack watched the airbus duck behind and in front of houses and adjusted his path as needed. He had to beat the airbus there, he had to show Morphia that he did care. As he rode, he started attracting some unwanted attention. Behind him, large cars with pillars of black smoke were gaining on him. It was the Royal Police Guard, and from the looks of things they weren't too happy about his love-blind romp through the streets of High Czenoble. Jack cut into an alley, narrowly missing getting ran over by one of their cars, but within moments, one of the cars turned into the alley and gave chase. Jack pulled on the beast's ropes hard, forcing it into boxes and crates, trying to knock them down into the car's way. The tactic seemed to be working, as the car slowed down to a crawl before eventually stopping. Jack was free. Or so he thought. As he came to the end of the alley, another RPG car pulled in front of him, blocking the alleyway. He was surrounded. Jack halted the beast. He looked to both sides, and saw as the policemen began to exit their cars. Jack reared the beast and cursed to himself. There was only one way out. Up and Over. Jack planted both of his boots into the sides of the chimaera and sent it careening toward the car at the end of the alley. The guards stood there, not believing that he was going to actually do it. The beast let out a cry, letting Jack know it wasn't liking this plan either. Jack planted his boots into its sides again and it lept. It lept high into the air, using it's feathers and stubby wings to glide above the car. Jack let out a yell of triumph as he sailed pass the car. But that yell of triumph quickly became a yell of terror as Jack realized that the road was next to a drop off, and they had jumped way to high to land on the side of it... The creature plummetted about twenty feet or so onto the roof of an unsuspecting building, scraping off the tile while trying to gain footing. Jack and the creature slid closer and closer to the edge of the roof before finally the beast stopped itself and gained balance. Jack couldn't help but smile as he looked up to see the guards looking down on him. he threw them the deuces and beckoned the beast forward across rooftops to Artemis Air Transports where he still had a deadline to meet. He arrived just in time to find the airbus about to leave after loading its passengers. He had long gotten rid of the chimaera to throw the RPG off of his trail and lucky him they never got a good look at his face. Jack hopped on the airbus as it was taking off and looked around, but he couldn't find Morphia. [B]"Did a little blonde girl with a bad attitude get on here?"[/B] he asked the driver, AAT was slowly shrinking beneath them. [B]"Yeah,"[/B] replied the driver, [B]"she got off here. Poor girl was crying, but wouldn't let anyone get close enough help."[/B] Jack cursed himself again. They were already in the air, but Morphia wasn't on the ship. He looked down toward Artemis Air and saw a ship resembling a swan pull out onto the flight deck of the hangar complex. Jack recognized it immediately as his own Cygnus. [I]When this is over...[/I] he thought to himself. He watched as it wobbly took flight, moving more at an angle than straight forward. Jack immediately took the controls of the airbus, much to the chargin of its driver and b-lined it straight for the Cygnus. It didn't take much maneuvering to come head to head with the Cygnus. Although, now Jack had to figure out a way to board her. Opening the doors to the airbus, this time to the chargin of the passengers, Jack jumped onto the Cygnus and held on for dear life. The airbus driver by now had regained control and veered off from Jack's ship. Inside the Cygnus, Morphia wiped away her tears. She didn't know what she was thinking when she stole this ship, nor did she know where she was going. She felt she could have thought this out better, maybe waited and stole the ship at night. But what if Jack were gone by tonight? Or worse yet, what if he took this as a reason to leave? She was a strong girl, but when it came to him, when it came to Jonathan Deacon, everything just... Morphia let another tear fall. She looked outside at High Czenoble, and realized she could see their home from the air. It looked as it always had ever since she could remember. Nothing changed, nothing ever changed there, and she hated it. [B]"You know, it could be worst out there."[/B] came a male voice from behind Morphia, she knew it was Jack, she remembered when the sensors for the emergency hatch went off. [B]"Really. Once you get out there, everything becomes a fight. You don't know where your next meal is coming from. You don't know when the change in your pocket will run out. Hell, you're lucky if your best friend isn't going to try and slit your throat because the same thoughts are plaguing him."[/B] continued Jack. [B]"At the end of the day, as glamorous as it may sound, a pirate's life takes away more than it gives." [/B] [B]"Funny..."[/B] replied Morphia, still staring out of the cockpit into the horizon, [B]"With all of your stories. It's hard pressed to believe that."[/B] [B]"What am I going to do? Complain? Its the life I chose, and its the price I paid for wanting out of this family. For wanting out of this life."[/B] Czenoble was in the distance now. Jack walked closer and stood besides her as the ship flew, Jack was trying hard to hide the fact that he was giddy. This was his first time on his new ship. [B]"Why didn't you take me with you?"[/B] asked Morphia, addressing the clear problem that drew them to this point. Jack hesitated before answering, making sure what he said came out just right, [B]"Because a ship with a crew full of men is no place for a little girl. I couldn't look after you day in and day out."[/B] [B]"So I would have been a hassle? A bother?"[/B] [B]"Morphia stop it. Do not make this all about you. I did what was best."[/B] Jack hadn't noticed her shaking. [B]"...Turn her around Morphia. Lets go back."[/B] [B]"Why? This could be our chance. We could leave right now. I can finally go on an adventure with you! I've dreamed of this."[/B] Morphia tightened her grip on the controls. Jack had to admit she was pretty good at this for a first timer. [B]"What will we do for food? Money? How are we going to survive, just the two of us? You want to pull a heist? You want to hold a gun to some old lady's head while I go through her purse?" [/B] Morphia said nothing as they soared along, Jack felt like he'd said everything he could. [B]"You know what, Morphia?"[/B] said Jack, sitting in the navigator seat and strapping in. [B]"Take us wherever. You're in control."[/B] He got comfortable, and reclined back as the Cygnus soared on. [/COLOR][/SIZE] OOC: You're up Cyriel
  19. [CENTER][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Olive"][SIZE="1"][I]So in the end, in order to streamline the building process as well as cut down costs, we should start building airships through assembly. It is unattractive, I realize, to have a great number of identical ships in the sky, but the need for better public transportation is apparent. In the state that we are in, the general public has to beg for rides at the airship owner's behest and price. Because of this, they can not hope to visit other lands without paying a lifetime's worth in boarding costs and other fees. [CENTER][IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/300W/fs7.deviantart.com/i/2005/217/d/9/Super_Airship_Plus_by_The_Necromancer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I once spoke to a foreign woman whose father was on his deathbed. She and her husband took out their savings to send her alone to her home country to see they dying man. Upon arriving at the airstation, she was told that her money would not pay for even a one way trip to her home country. Before she even had time to weep, she was whisked away by one of the ship's crewmen to a private room and told what she had to do to get on that ship. Knowing that it was the only way to see her father, she lifted up her dress and let the crewman inside of her. Months later she felt her belly swelling, and with no money to return home and her father long dead and gone, the woman had not an ounce of luck left. She did not want to come back to Czenovia, as she felt her husband whom she loved dearly would surely never take her and her bastard child into his home. So she lived in her home country, sifting through trash for food and hiding under stairs and in alleys for shelter. As she went into labor, one cold and wet night in the alley, a priest arrived and arranged for her to have her child in his church, safe and away from the gutters of the alley. She named him James after her husband. No sooner than the child was born, the priest came to the poor woman and told her of a place for her. A young man's wife died in childbirth, and in order for his baby to survive, it needed a woman's milk. She took this young man's offer and went to live with him in his house. There she played the role of nanny and mother to both of their children. His child, however, always got first meal. As a result, his child grew up strong and healthy, whereas poor James the bastard grew sickly and was ill for much of his young life. Eventually, the young man and woman became more than borders and fell in love and soon wanted to be married. The woman felt guilty though, and decided to come back to Czenovia and face her estranged husband to seek a divorce. She owed him that much. So she and her new lover decided to put their money together and get her and her son back to Czenovia. The problem once again arose where the prices were too high, and once again she was whisked away into a private room by an airman. This time however, the Airman promised her a round trip and told her to keep her money. He whisked her away so that his crew would not know that she was boarding for free, and he tampered with the ship's logs to show that she had paid. I know this story because I was that airman, and I decided from that day on that people shouldn't have to go what she went through just because air-fare is too high. [CENTER][IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs12/300W/i/2006/273/5/5/Fantasy___style_Airship_by_Claevius.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Here is my proposed ship. I've designed it to be produced quickly and easily repairable. This comes by making each part in separate factories and thusly making each airship built exactly like the next. The cost of production will be inherently lower, and by association the cost to board will be reduced. Cheap inter-regional/inter-continental travel for anyone who wants it. The ships will be able to hold at least 150 people each and travel at a constant speed of 90mph. One may argue that this is unprofitable, but if more people are travelling, then more profit can be made. A plan like this will also undermind the monopoly which is Artemis Air Transports. AAT has long been stunting innovation, but now the common man as well as those who want AAT out have a fighting chance... [/I] Jack looked up from the typewriter and let out a long yawn. Checking his watch he remember that he was going to meet his sister at the tracks that day. She had left before dawn and Jack had lost track of time while typing his book, [I]The State of the Skies[/I]. He looked to the side at the sketchbook which held his designs and drawings. Yawning once again, Jack decided to raise up and get ready for his trek to the track. OOC: Something I was itching to put down on paper, it deviates, but at the same time is in place.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. Just wanted to throw in that I've changed the Cygnus's name to the Lyra. Gonna name my other ship that because of the striking resemblance. Since no one's used the name in their posts, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  21. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/morphia-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackdeacon-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Jack leaned casually against a pillar, holding his fourth flute of champaigne. He'd gotten so used to liquor and moonshine that this little taste of alcohol had little if any effect on him. He was done pitching his new ship to possible investors and was instead trying to enjoy the rest of the evening. He watched the people dance in circles and thought to himself. This was their life, a neverending party. He couldn't help but think of all the other citizens, sleep in bed lest they want to wake up late for work. He looked around and spotted a familiar face, Meredyne Artemis. [B]"Jonathan!"[/B] she exclaimed as he walked up to her, taking her hand and kissing it. [B]"Taking a break from pillaging and plundering to grace us with your presence I see. Oh, I forgot, you don't have a ship anymore." [/B] [B]"Actually, I do. And I'd be delighted if you come with me for a mid day sail."[/B] replied Jack, smiling his easy smile. [B]"I don't believe you."[/B] [B]"You don't have to. Show up in my hangar tomorrow, I'll make it worth your time."[/B] Meredyne curtsied and left him. Jack knew she'd pass by, but pretend like she's too busy to have anything to do with him. But he knew how to work her heart, he always had. No sooner than this thought crossed his mind did Jack realize that Charles had walked in. He first looked at Meredyne, and then in the direction she came from. He and Jack locked eyes for a brief moment before Jack gave him a gentlemanly nod and walked off. No sooner than he began moving, Jack felt a jerk at his arm. He turned to find himself staring directly at his sister. [B]"Dance with me Jack!"[/B] she said grinning widely at her older brother. Jack immediately fell into step. [B]"Where's that git Fonty at?"[/B] Jack asked as he and Morphia spun to a waltz. [B]"Big brother that was ages ago, I think the dancing got to his stomach and he excused himself. I could not have been happier."[/B] she replied. Jack looked down at her with a smile and thought back to when she was younger. The last time he saw her was when she was thirteen, and honestly he was surprised that she was so excited to see him. He didn't dare ask why, because he knew she had good reason to hold a grudge against him. [B]"Jack, what are you thinking about?"[/B] she asked, noticing the sparkle of imagination in his eyes. Jack scrambled to think of an answer. [B]"Err...Did I ever tell you about the time I narrowly escaped the Royal Police Guard while smuggling yeast to the citizens of New Czenoble so that they could make bread?"[/B] [B]"A thousand times over."[/B] replied Morphia rather dryly. [B]"I've been here long enough to say it a thousand times?"[/B] [B]"Trust me, it sticks as if you've said it that much."[/B] Morphia put her head against Jack's chest as a sign for him to be quiet. Jack looked around over her head at the other people in the hall, but one set of eyes caught his. That of his father. After the dance concluded, Jack made his way over to him. On his way, he noticed Macey Ellen was directly in his path. As he passed he grazed her lower back ever so slightly, reaching his arm under her sleeve. He kept it brief, concealing the move by keeping is hand in motion and scratching his chin. The glittery fabric folded back into place as if he'd never touched her at all and with his ego in tow, Jack continued walking. As he approached his father, the same gruff, judgemental look he was so used to waited for him. [B]"What in ruddy hell was that? Anyone could have seen you. Or better yet, she could have made a scene."[/B] said his father hastily, referring to Jack's touching of Macey Ellen. [B]"Relax Father, I don't think she'll bite."[/B] said Jack. He could tell that his nonchalant attitude was annoying his Father. [B]"I'm surprised you're not shoving some beau's ring onto Morphia's finger right about now. You sure did for Bavaria."[/B] His Father's face became a tone pinker. [B]"Boy, you know damn well you can't talk to me like that. After all you've put me and your family through. You're a shame to the name Deacon. And to think poor Morphia is even speaking to you. She cried for weeks after you ran off to fulfill your low-life fantasies. Its astonishing she's even speaking to you right now."[/B] Jack's smile faded as he looked into his father's eyes. He didn't hate the man, no, he could never hate his own flesh and blood. Right now, though, he utterly disliked him. He looked around to see who was near before speaking. [B]"Sir, may I make a statement?"[/B] [B]"Make your statement. And make it brief, I doubt we want to ruin each other's night."[/B] his father replied. [B]"You will not judge me or what I do. And you will not force your will on my sister. You got lucky with Bavaria in the fact that she wanted to be a part of this bureaucratic nonsense. Morphia is a special case, as am I. I don't know maybe there's too much of you in us, but we can and will make our own choices. Is that understood?"[/B] [B]"Let me make something clear Jonathan."[/B] he and his father were eye to eye right now, and any passerbys could see that things were taking a turn for the worst. Both of them knew better, but the arrogance and strong will of Jack's father, which he inherited, could not be hidden in hallways and behind closed doors and both of them never backed down easy from a challenge. [B]"[I]You[/I] will not corrupt my daughter. You did once, filling her head with ideas of airships and adventures, and you know what that did to her. I don't know why you're back, and word is you're here to stay, but do us all a favor and leave as soon as possible." [/B] [B]"Gee, father. I guess I love you too."[/B] the two turned from each other to face opposite sides of the ball. Jack's smile was once again on his face and Agron was just as jovial as he'd been before speaking to his son. Jack, by chance, caught Macey Ellen's eye and winked at her. She turned around again as if she hadn't noticed. Jack took another fleeting glance at his father before stepping back into the thick of things. [I]A lone man in the watchtower of Artemis Air Transports sat patiently, wishing his shift were over. He'd been waiting for an hour for some mystery ship to pull in. One whose hangar rental ticket read 'J. Deacon'. It was speculated that this ship was one of the infamous Jack Deacon, but he already had a ship docked in the station, albeit busted beyond repair. His particular hangar could fit two vessels, but the general idea was that pirates only operated one ship, especially small time ones like Deacon. No sooner than he had this thought a figure came darting out of the horizon. It was fast, and small also, probably only needed a small crew. As it drew closer, it looked as if it were going to crash into the hangar, but instead it stopped midair and gently hovered in. The watchtower employee looked on and noticed that it was heading into Jack Deacon's hangar. He thought about it, but then chuckled as he realized. Deacon wouldn't bust up a ship if he didn't have one waiting for him. It was quite beautiful, resembling a swan. The large aircraft, the watchman noticed, had few if any sails, and no baloons to keep it afloat in the air. This would of course mean that it was heavier than air. It also had no propellors on its small frame, which left the watchman to also wonder how it moved. There was no steam, smoke, or even heat waves coming off of it. It was like a painting come alive. [CENTER][IMG]http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f326/crushgoil/Hurt%20and%20Heal/Gamespot%20Blog/RW-small-airship2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As he prepared to end his shift, he saw a group of men walk past him holding what looked like long scrolls of blue prints and projector slides. They also carried suitcases and luggage sacks which were embroided with the name Deacon Group on them. Whoever they were, they were indeed affiliated with Jack Deacon, but to what extent he could not tell...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. I don't know how many football fans there are here (I would guess not many), but how about the patriots game? They almost lost their perfect season. Final score 27-24 against the Ravens. God was on Brady's side tonight. [size=1][COLOR="Purple"]Merged the threads. Please check the first page or the thread directory for any topics you'd like to discuss. -Clurr[/COLOR][/size]
  23. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Sienna"][CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]"...and by the time I came too, I was dressed in native clothes and proclaimed God!"[/B] the small crowd that had gathered around Jack shared a good hearty laugh as he told his story. This one was of his adventure to a remote island that had never seen magitechnology or airships for that matter before. Despite Jack's inward contempt of the aristrocracy, he couldn't deny that he knew how to make them love him. One among the crowd didn't laugh, although she smiled with a look of distant interest while juggling an empty flute in one hand. [B]"Morphia,"[/B] Jack began, [B]"is something wrong?"[/B] [B]"Not at all."[/B] she replied, still smiling and almost immediately excused herself from Jack's fans. Jack watched her leave before continuing his story, letting his eyes occasionally follow her around the room. [B]"So, Capt. Jack,"[/B] said one woman, Jack didn't bother correcting her, [B]"how ever did you escape from those dreadful savages?"[/B] Jack gave a cocky grin and spoke in a suspensful tone, [B]"Well, after I was proclaimed unholy, they had me tied up to await my execution the next morning. So I waited until one of the native girls came to undress and clean me. Using only my eyes and...endowments, I persuaded the girl into setting me free. Then in the dead of night I freed my crew one by one and we set sail into the moonlight."[/B] he looked around at the slightly disappointed look on the crowd's face, and then smiled outright, [B]"But not before robbing their chief blind, and taking that native girl who turned out to be his daughter, with us! The bloody bloak never saw it coming!"[/B] The crowd nontheless laughed at his conclusion, no matter how dubious. One thing was for certain, Aristocrats don't listen to what you say, only the inflection in which you say it. [B]"Charming,"[/B] came a voice from behind Jack, [B]"so tell me, Mr. Deacon. Do you seduce every young woman you set your sights on? Or was this a special case?" [/B] Jack turned to face a thin and pale young woman who's red rimmed black eyes were focused squarely on him. He noticed the crowd which had gathered around him began breaking up. [B] "I would call this a special case. I wouldn't be standing here if I hadn't done that this once. A sin to live is better than a life of sin."[/B] [B]"But isn't a life of sin the one you convey? Mr. Sky Pirate?"[/B] she said through pursed lips, the way she spoke down to Jack, you'd think she were taller than him. She reached arms out and with long slender fingers, adjusted Jack's suit jacket and straightened his lapel. [B]"Or am I mistaken?[/B] [B]"You are, I'm afraid."[/B] replied Jack, his grin softening the sounds of his annoyance,[B]"I am a privateer. What I do outside of Czenovia is only what's needed to survive. I never caught your name, Miss. As you know, my name is Jonathan Deacon, my friends call me Jack."[/B] [B]"Macey Ellen, daughter of Leonheart Almagest. And while I'm sure your friends call you Jack, I'm afraid my courtesies will have me calling you Mr. Deacon for quite some time yet."[/B] Macey held her hand our for Jack and he instinctively took it and kissed it, never taking his eyes off of the large gathering of opals at her throat. He released her hand slightly late for dramatic effect and reared back up to his full stature, his eyes locked. [B]"Why Mr. Deacon, judging from the way you're staring at my neck I'd say you've went from pirate to privateer to jewel thief in the length of this conversation. I must admit your life is headed in a dangerous direction."[/B] [B]"If you're anywhere on the new path, I may just have another adventure ahead of me."[/B] Jack retorted, winking. Macey curtsied and walked away. Feeling pretty comfortable now, Jack grabbed a flute and strutted around the room, smoking and joking with all of the faces he came across. The whole time he kept an eye on Morphia who caught his eye once and sneakily stuck her tongue out at him. Smiling, Jack went back to what he was doing. Right before he thought he'd seen everyone, he happened across Leonheart was doing as Jack was, except everyone was coming to him, instead of the other way around. [B]"Leonheart!"[/B] Jack exclaimed to his brother-in-law, [B]"Good to see you!"[/B] [B]"Jonathan, my boy! Back in town to stay I see."[/B] said Leonheart who took Jack's hand in his, for an old man, his grip was unusually solid. [B]"Where would you ever get an idea like that?"[/B] replied Jack, honestly confused. [B]"I received word through the old grapevine. Come on now' Jack', you know me better than that."[/B] Leonheart chuckled a bit before continuing. [B]"So I can expect to see this new project soon?"[/B] Jack was unshaken, he knew that he was going to have a word with Meredyne about whom she told his exploits. [B]"Of course. I was hoping a date for the announcement would be in the chronicle real soon."[/B] Leonheart leaned in close to Jack so that only he could hear what was about to be said. [B]"I know you, son. You're a man of business, unconventional business but business nontheless. Anything you've cooked up is well worth my time, I know this. But tell me this, son. Because I trust your word. Is it worth my money? This I'm not too sure of after you intentionally busted up my last investment in you."[/B] [B]"Leonheart, come see for yourself. I'm sure you'll come to a decision then."[/B] They chatted for a moment, the whole time however, Jack couldn't help but feel that throughout this short conversation more eyes than he had wanted were on him.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. just wanted to ask about the airships in the game. will they be oversized blimps [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/300W/fs7.deviantart.com/i/2005/217/d/9/Super_Airship_Plus_by_The_Necromancer.jpg[/IMG] or sky-faring galleons? [IMG]http://tn1-3.pv.deviantart.com/fs15/150/f/2007/062/c/b/Airship_by_cenoslave.jpg[/IMG] or better still, designed to our hearts content? I personally like the blimp like designs also Victoria Ann should so sit near Jack during the party...just a suggestion based on our two characters.
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