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Everything posted by Malkav

  1. That is what's up. My AIM is MachineBrainX if anyone wants to talk to me about char. interaction (and anything else for that matter) Meant to add that my character's gonna trifle with Macey as well (at raiha's behest).
  2. I was wondering if it was at all possible for my character to begin a relationship with an NPC. In particular Meredyne Artemis. I know that she's a part of Charlie's history, but I thought it might make a fun conflict between our characters. I mean they're the same age and at the same time completely different. I'm just saying... Throwing it out there for the dogs to eat up.
  3. [SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR="Olive"][I]"Cap'n, she's breaking up! The hull can't take much more of a beatin'!"[/I] Jack looked out onto the hanger. There she was, broken and and struggling to maintain her hover as men moved in and out carrying half their weight in supplies. She was his first love, his freedom, his Lyra. To his left was non other than Meredyne Artemis, who'd taken the time to come down and survey the damages to his ship. He was one of the few men in the world that she took care of personally, if not the only one. [B]" Jonathan, let me assess this correctly. You flew headfirst into a sea storm?"[/B] Meredyne asked, pen ready to scribble in his answer. [B]"Something like that,"[/B] Jack corrected, [B]"It was a cloudy day at first."[/B] [I]"Keep her steady, gents! She's a hard bird to fell, and a little rain won't knock 'er out of the air. Mr. Covey! Maintain our course and stand fast for orders!"[/I] [B]"Oh, that makes a world of difference, doesn't it Jonathan?"[/B] she replied, almost laughing at her on joke. [B]"Come, I need to see its insides before I can give you a proper estimate."[/B] They walked out of the observation deck overlooking the hangar where the Lyra was docked, Jack opening all of the doors for Meredyne as they went down. Re-entering the Hangar, they could see just how bad the shape of the Lyra was. It's once polished wooden frame was now chipped and dull. The brass exhaust pipes were bent, some rusting. The poor bird looked old, beat up, and ready to die. Upon entering it, one of the rafters gave way and came crashing down, barely missing Meredyne. She stopped and took a long examining look inside, not daring to take another step forward. [B]"Jonathan, I won't argue with you. The storm was the killing blow, but this ship has long been overdue for retirement."[/B] she walked down onto the hangar floor before speaking again, [B]"If I weren't sure that you knew better, I would say you let the Lyra fall into disrepair on purpose. By all means it should've been decommissioned a long time ago."[/B] [I]"Bah! She's gonna make it. Pull up! We're going to take the storm head first. Put her above the clouds!"[/I] Jack looked into Meredyne's eyes for a moment, saying nothing, sure she would pick-up on what was going through his mind. [B]"My God, Jonathan. You're building another ship, aren't you?"[/B] she said as it dawned on her. [B]"I remember when you built this one. You love this ship. How can you just crash it and make a new one?"[/B] [B]"I'm a little low on chips right now. I'm sure the insurance off of her'll give me a pretty penny."[/B] Jonathan put his hand on the Lyra's hull, feeling its hum for a moment. Closing his eyes, he remembered the years of service the ship had given him and the many adventures he had aboard her. [B]"Anyways, how much can you give me for her?"[/B] Meredyne tore out her paper and showed him the estimate, [B]"You know, Jonathan, I could buy it from you. I'll give you more than the company will." [/B] Jack laughed, [B]"Why? So that in a year or two after you reverse engineer her engine I can see a thousand more like her in the skies of Czenoble. I'll take the insurance."[/B] With some animosity Meredyne took back the statement. [B]"I'll make sure the money's delivered to the bank. And honestly, Jonathan, I have no idea why you put yourself against my company. You know you would do great here."[/B] [B]"That's why I make you suffer, Meredyne. Artemis Air doesn't need two geniuses running it."[/B] They walked a little away from the ship, Jack refusing to turn around and look at her. [B]"Who said anything about you running it?"[/B] [B]"I did."[/B] With that, Jack began walking out of the hangar, [B]"The crew will be leaving once they're done cleaning her out. Put the rental fee on that favor you owe, I'm going to be here for a while."[/B] [I]"Land Ho! I told you scalawags my gut wouldn't lead us wrong. Mr. Covey set a course for New Czenoble. Oh, and gents, welcome to Czenovia!"[/I] Jack walked through the entrance of Artemis Air Transports and looked around. He had not set foot in this city in a long time, and it didn't feel like home anymore. The streets were indeed familiar, as were the buildings and landmarks, give or take an addition or two. It was the city he grew up in, but still it was so unfamiliar. Jack took a look at his watch, thinking to himself that he could walk to the tracks and surprise a certain someone who didn't expect him. He set out from the station, thinking about his ship and how he didn't say goodbye. [B]"Well, she's not the first lady I've ever walked out on."[/B] His mind shifted to his younger sister, Morphia, whom he hadn't seen in years despite his frequent visits to Czenoble. From what he'd heard from Bavaria, she'd become quite the young lady, and a jock to boot. This was wonderful, because from the sounds of things she wasn't as much of a tool as the rest of his siblings and dear old dad. Jack dawned his sunglasses and resting his hands in the pockets of his bomber jacket continued his journey. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. I have an extremely trivial question. Is it pronounced alma-guest or alma-gest (as in jesus)?
  5. [B]Cyriel: [/B]Jack's dangerously rebellious himself, if anything your character would be worried about Jack because the danger he gets into is not always legal. Although I really like where you're coming from. I would love to play the overprotective brother to Morphia (should I get accepted). We should really get into serious talks after everything gets rolling (once again assuming we're both accepted).
  6. Cyriel, if your character stays interested in air ships, I could edit that Jack also has a good relationship with your character (cause they'd have something in common). This being because the Deacon family seems to be deeply rooted in politics (considering Agron is an adviser and Bavaria an ambassador) so the black sheep would be the ones who deviate from the family business i.e our characters. Also pushed my character's age to 31.
  7. I put in a sign-up and was thinking that Bavaria's family is underrepresented. I thought an adventurer and airship engineer would be fun because two kid sign-ups are enamored with airships and flying, so I could do the good for nothing uncle they shouldn't look up to. I'm sure Jack was just like them at their ages. I also thought it'd be nice to give Bavaria a baby brother who she treated like her own son, seeing as she can't have children. Basically I tried to fit him into whats already been laid out while still giving him a little flair of his own. If there's anything you don't like about him let me know because I'd love to play in this one. P.S- I personally like this character a lot and I think he fits in well.
  8. [B]Name:[/B] Johnathan "Jack" Deacon [B] Age:[/B] 31 [B] Position in the Almagest family:[/B] Youngest brother of Lady Bavaria and brother-in-law to Leonhart Almagest. [B] Portrait:[/B] [I][COLOR=Navy][URL="http://www.geocities.com/yen1703/saga/char_knights1.jpg"]drawn from memory after his last visit to High Czenoble[/URL].[/COLOR][/I] He didn't stay long enough for a proper portrait. [B] Occupation:[/B] Captain of the airship, Cygnus. Jack's a merchant, adventurer, and occasional black market dealer and weapons smuggler. He conducts the "black" part of his business outside of New Czenoble at the behest of his sister. Also, for a fee, he acts as an off the record consultant engineer for the building of airships. He's one of the few private airmen who works outside of, although still in affiliation with, the Artemis umbrella that can say he's successful. [B] Story:[/B] From a young age two pillars have dominated Jack's life, his independence and love of flying. He's never been a fan of the aristocracy and is easily bored by the life of parties and high society politics that come along with it. Because of this, his closest friends are commoners, which his family shuns. He was raised for the most part by his sister Bavaria, who is the only member of the family that he considers a kindred spirit to him. Being able to blend in with the commoners as well as aristocrats, it is well known that he grew up with two accents. He attempted to build his first small airship at the age of 13 with his friends from New Czenoble. However, on its inaugural flight, it crashed into one of the wings of his family's estate, causing them a small fortune in damages. His father attempted to have his friends arrested, but they ran away from New Czenoble, as did Jack, and went into hiding at one of the other cities. Jack was not seen again until he was 15, when he came back after running out of money and places to run to. By this time, the family had labeled him a black sheep and his relationships with all but his sister became strained. After a stint at CHAOS marred by near expulsions yet stellar grades. Jack commissioned into the Royal Police Guard as an Airman but left citing disinterest. At this time he was in his early 20s and began work on the Airship Cygnus almost completely independent of Artemis Air Transports, using his savings and donations from investors. He began his company, the Deacon Group, and funded it by treasure hunting, exploring, and consulting. No one knows exactly when he got into black market dealing, but the family thinks he was just bored and looking for thrills. His father has repeatedly asked him to stop trading under his name, but Jack insists that he owns the name as much as his father and has the right to use it how he pleases. He's currently raising funding to build his next airship
  9. Ugh... I'd be a loyal negro subject of British Africa. Considering my nationalist leanings I'd be in her majesty's army or navy thinking that service to my country will make the white people stop hating me. It won't, but I remain loyal anyways in hopes of my people one day being treated as equals among the whites.
  10. Alice...now and forever Alice was my favorite book when I was young. It inspired me to fracture reality somewhere between my eyes and my brain and now whenever I look at a particular tree at night it reminds me of an insectoid robot. Thank you Alice.
  11. When I was younger there was an rpg fansite owned by the german named Doc Ower. Two of his underlings who ran the site were named Brain and Mynd. I used to chat it up with these guys alot and then one day they disappeared. I took brain's name and turned it into my AIM handle MachineBrainX. After that I took Mynd's handle and used it to sign up for various message boards, email accounts etc. (he probably goes by something else now cause I took up every peace of internet real estate I could with the name Mynd Ara). When I came to myO and OB, I knew that the name I wanted to go by would not be taken already by the anime legions, that name was Malkav. If I were to go to any other board in the world, I can guarantee you that Malkav is taken, and I despise numbers in screen names. Malkav, as told in Vampire: The Masquerade/ World of Darkness canon, Malkav was the progenitor of the vampire clan Malkavians. As with all the vampire clans in the World of Darkness setting, Malkavians suffer from a specific flaw: in this case, they are incurably insane. However, many Malkavians believe their insanity to be a strength rather than a weakness. Exactly why they all suffer from insanity is unknown, but according to the Book of Nod, all third-generation vampires were cursed by Caine after the second-generation vampires were destroyed. One of these third-generation vampires was Malkav, from whom Malkavians come. According to Malkavian legend, when Malkav was killed, all his childer came to his corpse and drank the blood of their father, thus collectively diablerizing Malkav. He is said to speak inside each and every Malkavian's soul and connects them into one collective consciousness. This "hive mind" is sometimes called "the Cobweb" or "the Malkavian Madness Network", which contains each thought and memory that any Malkavian in the world has ever had (and sometimes is about to have). Google Malkavian one day if you want the full story behind Malkav. He has the most interesting legend of all Antediluvians.
  12. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.boxofficeprophets.com/calvins/images/maskedcalvin.gif[/IMG] Toon Town: Trouble in Little Tokyo Chapter 1[/CENTER] [SIZE="1"]The sound coming down the hallway roused me like only a pair of four inch stilettos could. Only two sounds come down that hallway on the regular: a fat woman shuffling backwards in house slippers, and the swish of a broom behind her. The sound I heard this particular time could mean a couple of things; either I got lucky, or I had a case. A low, timid knock at the door no louder than a floor creek on a cold day told me I had a case. I'm a Private Eye. It was a dame alright, the kind of dame you wouldn't see in Old Town. She had good looks, the kind of looks that go straight to your head like a shot of gin on an empty stomach. White skirt, sea green hair, cerulean eyes, and a set of legs that I'd let walk all over me any day of the week; If I was lucky, maybe later we could get some chemistry done, because the dame had class. [B]"The name's Mack Magnum,"[/B] I said, [B]"Professional Snoop."[/B] The dame looked at me reclining in my chair, feet propped up. The only green I'd seen so far was in her hair, and not in her hand, so why move? [B]"I expected you to be taller, Mr. Magnum."[/B] she said. That was usually my cue to knock her down one.The last guy to tell me that was a guy name Butch; stood a good seven feet in the air. I'll tell you this, he ain't that tall no more. Already I felt my hand grazing the upper left drawer of my desk. I have a .45 and a 40 in there. I keep one loaded, and the other keeps me loaded. I let it slide...this time. [B]"So you got a case or a death wish?" [/B] [B]"A case, Mr. Magnum."[/B] she replied, her face cracking open into a smile that could melt the ice caps. [B]"I want you to find someone for me."[/B] [B]"A husband?"[/B] I asked; might as well get it out in the open. [B]"A cousin."[/B] she replied, fidgeting in her purse and producing some photographs. She dropped them on the desk in front of me. I unpropped my feet and stood up in my chair, bringing myself about level with her. I analyzed the pictures. They looked pretty harmless to me. Her cousin was a pretty boy, the kind of pretty that with the right make-up on, could probably pass for a dame. Short spikey-blonde hair, amber eyes, and a tall lanky frame that put him up there with Ryan Seacrest, or someone else equally as metrosexual. [B]"What's his name?"[/B] I asked, sliding the pictures back to her and lighting up a black. [B]"Amar."[/B] [B]"Where was...Amar the last time you saw him?"[/B] [B]"Drift racing in Little Tokyo. Didn't come home that night."[/B] Little Tokyo. I flipped like a rice in a skillet when she said those words. Collecting myself from the floor, I walked around the desk so that I could get a good look at her, it was blocking the way. [B] "You say Little Tokyo?"[/B] I asked, knowing good and well what I heard. [B]"Yes, Mr. Magnum. We both live there."[/B] she said, kneeling down so that she was on my level. I didn't say anything. Little Tokyo... Any sane man would have said [I]no, find someone else.[/I] But I wasn't sane, and I had bills to pay. Like Bill, my bookie, and Bill, my landlord. I took a long, sexy puff on my black and tried to think my way out of it. [B]"You know my rates? I want double to go into Little Tokyo."[/B] [B]"I can't pay double. But I can give you this..." [/B] Like that, the dame puckered up and moved in to give me a big one. My black fell out of my mouth. I turned red when she kissed me and I could feel the steam rising in the room. On second thought, it wasn't in the room, it was in my head. I tried to pull out of the kiss to calm down, but it was good, it was damn good. Before I knew it my head exploded like an over-inflated baloon. It grew back as quick as it had gone and I fixed myself up again. [B]"I'm on the case. Just leave the pictures here and I'll see what I can do. By the way, what can I call you?"[/B] When can I call you? [B]"Call me Michaela."[/B] said the dame. She stood up and walked out, still a damn sexy sight to see. An hour later I was walking down the street towards the bus stop. In my profession, even the professionals had to be thrifty, at least if they hoped to make a profit. Half a block away from the bus I heard the click of a hammer. It focused my thoughts like only a pistol could. I lifted my hands in the air without saying a word. Moments later, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head that made birdies soar and stars fly. I woke up feeling like I had just got hit by a train, and my head pounded as if there was about another mile of cars behind it. I was in a moving vehicle, limo, with a shag interior. I always wanted to know what it was like to ride in one of these, but right then I was hating the fact that I ever wondered. There were two women sitting to either side of me. One was dressed in a green pants suit, the other in an orange dress. In front of me, in the opposite seat, sat bald man with a yellow suit that had a single, black zig-zagging stripe rested upon it. To his left and right were two other men, one was holding a blue towel and sucking compulsively on his thumb, the other simplly blonde [B]"That girl," [/B] said the bald man, [B]"what did she want?"[/B] [B]"I'm not in the business of disclosing info about my clients. It works the other way around."[/B] I said. The chick in the green pants suit hit me hard in the stomach, giving me something else to make my headache feel better. [B]"Don't play fucking games with me!"[/B] yelled the guy in the yellow suit. [B]" I'll pay you double right here and you can go about your business as if non of this ever happened. Now what the fuck did that bitch say to you!?"[/B] My lips were closed tighter than pussy on a cold day. The dame hit me again. [I]That's strike two,[/I] I thought. [B]"Good grief,"[/B] said the man in the yellow suit, removing a rag and wiping the sweat from his head, [B]"Patty, throw him out."[/B] Suddenly, the butch looking dame in green opened up the door and the limo came to a screeching halt. She grabbed me up and flung me into a light post, I broke it on impact. [I]Strike three, that bitch is gonna get it,[/I] I thought. From inside the limo I heard the man in the yellow suit yell at me, [B]"Forget about anything that happened tonight. Go home and don't investigate any further, you may find yourself up the creek."[/B] the limo pulled off. I stood up, brushed off my trench coat and reached into my pocket, that fucker took my blacks. It started raining cats and dogs. I stood firmly on the sidewalk as pooches and kitties landed on the ground around me and contemplated. I knew I shouldn't have taken that job in Little Tokyo. I zipped up my trenchcoat and fixed my hat, then started walking, headed towards the nearest bus stop. [/SIZE]
  13. Malkav

    Dead Diaries

    December 5th, 2007 We ran into a group of zombies today. They got Stephanie, and I was about to put the bullet in her brain. Jerrard, who was devastated by this attacked me for my lack of sympathy and the way I carried it out. After we took out the four or five zombies that ambushed us, we found out that Stephanie was bit. J and I got into a fight and it ended with the splitting of our party. There was an old car that still had some life left in it on the side of the road, so J took that and looked to Brittany and Susan to come with him. He gave a half-assed speech about how I have them running all over the US and how they were tired of running around. He wanted to go to a survivor camp and just wait it out. Not to my surprise, he blamed me for Stephanie getting bit. That's J for you, always having to blame someone else for his problems. Fed up with this, I looked to the other two girls and gave an ultimatum. The party was splitting right here and now, and they had to make a choice. Susan, as indecisive as ever, remained quiet whilst Brittany quickly jumped to my side. I told Susan to go with J, cause when Stephanie turned, I didn't want him to be alone. It's funny, because even when he's against me I stay on his side. I looked at her, and I could tell she felt that I didn't have to do this. I agreed with my eyes. She then suggested we switched. She comes with me, and Brittany goes with J. I figured maybe that was the better of the two ideas, so did Stephanie. I could tell these decision were rooted in the fact that J cheated on Stephanie with Susan, so I didn't argue much. Currently we were pretty close to Little Rock, AK. There was a faint radio signal letting people know that a Survivor camp wasn't too far off. I bid farewell to my best friend, traded the SUV for a smaller Jeep, and hit the road again. Elais December 11, 2007 We've been camping out in El Paso, TX for the past few days. It's a small band of people still living there at UT campus and they took us in with open arms. We ate, washed up, and stocked up on clothes, cd's and the likes from local stores, although most of the stuff had been looted already. Lucky for me I found an old liquor store and stocked up on beer. I would have went for the hard liquor, but by all means I didn't need to be that drunk. There was also a gun store nearby where I grabbed a few "essentials". Locked & loaded, I taught Susan how to shoot her pistol. She was a natural, so lucky for me I never got on her bad side. I didn't stop at a pistol though, I explained to her when to switch from long range weapons to shotguns when they got close, how to used a knife when needed. Shit, I even taught her how to drive so that we could share the load. Honestly, I think the desert is where we're going to tough this thing out. Nice climate, few people. If it wasn't for the constant threat of the undead sneaking up and taking this away from me I could almost call this a romantic dream come true. Me and my Bandida. Even now I'm thinking of her in a black wife-beater, a cowboy hat and shorts. Wow, I'm sick. Elais December 12th, 2007 Well, my newly dubbed Bandida was put to the test today. We stumbled into a town being attacked by zombies while heading up towards Nevada. At first we were gonna turn around and get the fuck out of there, but something told me we needed to stay and help out. So we did. It was maybe a hundred zombies vs. a few dozen of us. I don't know where these idiots learned to shoot from, but they were off. The zombies were maybe 100 yards off and they were using shotguns. I told them to save the shells until I gave the signal. So they waited, and the few of us who did know how to hande a firearm started picking the zombies off one by one. When they got close enough, we swtiched to shotguns, which were made for zombie killing. I'm not going to lie, this skirmish was such a success that I almost wished more zombies would show up. I'm lying. Til tomorrow, we should be in Reno by noon. Elais.
  14. Malkav

    Dead Diaries

    December 2nd, 2007 I guess you can say I've made a pretty legit party. In my car with me is a: J, a Brittany, a Brittney, a Susan, and a Stephanie. Susan doesn't speak to me, J, or Stephanie because she just found out that she was J's number 2 chick behind Stephanie. Stephanie and Susan have nothing to say to one another so they stay quiet for the most part. Brittany doesn't say much to me because any dumbass can see I went around and picked up every girl I've come close to having sex with in the last 6th months. The exception is Stephanie, who was hovering around J's house like a lost puppy. Because of all the tension in the SUV, it's pretty much silent We've pretty much been city hopping for the past two weeks or so. Every once in a while we'd raid a grocery store for canned goods and a gas station for a few gallons of fuel before heading on our way. I think the others see it in my eyes, that I'm kind of enjoying this. I'm surrounded by close friends and finally taking that life altering adventure I always wanted to. Truth be told however, the aimless wandering is getting wary real quick. We have plenty of camping supplies strapped to the top of the vehicle as well. I usually stop to pick up people on the side of the road and give them lifts to where they're trying to go. So yeah, everything's going pretty alright. Elais
  15. Malkav

    Dead Diaries

    November 24th, 2007 We've been riding for about five hours now. We've avoided the interstate and large cities and kept to the backroads all the way. It was shear luck to get out of Nashville. In order to get past the MP guarding the main roads, J and I dressed in our ROTC uniforms and flashed our military ID's. Brittany played the role of my newly pregnant girlfriend, lucky for us, EO's don't ever question those they think are officers. Brittany's been a trooper from the start. Not only did she have to pile in the back with all of our stuff, but she stayed supportive. I tried calling home again, still no answer. God I hope my momma's alright. Anyways, my turn to drive is coming back up, I'll write again tomorrow. I'm surprised I'm still keeping this. Elais November 25th, 2007 I killed my mother today. No, I put her out of her misery. No, I killed that thing that was my mother. I don't know anymore. Birmingham was nearly empty, and the freeway was backed up with people trying to get out of the city, but the traffic jam wasn't doing anything but giving the zombies easy targets. When I arrived home, I almost cried from what I saw. My mother was waiting on me outside, well the thing that was once my mother. It was a group of them, maybe four or five, all standing outside my house and she was among them. In a rage, I popped my trunk and removed my rifle. I shot one dead in the heart, but he didn't stop, I took better aim and this time shot him in the head and he fell quick. The others went quickly also, leaving only my mother. I hesitated to kill her, I couldn't help myself. It had always been me and her, when my dad left, when we went bankrupt. I told her I was sorry, and that I may see her in heaven soon...I can't report much else today. Tonight I'm going to Vestavia to find Susan. Jerome, my mother's boyfriend, left his SUV over our house, I couldn't find him anywhere. My mother had keys to it, so I transferred all of our stuff from the car to the SUV and headed out that way. God help me, I'm finally scared. Elais
  16. Malkav

    Dead Diaries

    November 22nd, 2007 Brittany stayed in our room again tonight, no fucking though. As it turns out that crackhead I saw was on something a little more deadly than crack. They say zombies...yeah freaking zombies are multiplying up north and out west and it's only a matter of time before they appear en masse in the south. The second amendment is being exploited like hell cause the gun stores are practically throwing weapons around. Me and my boy J decided to prepare for the worst, so we went to the guns 'n liquor store and stocked up on yak and weapons. He kept wanting to get a glock, but I swear he doesn't know how to hold the thing, so I convinced him to get a shotgun. I bought a rifle and nowadays I post up on my window on the 4th floor and watch everybody who walk by. All travel in and out of Nashville has been blocked off except for military vehicles. Our school, being an open campus is also getting wild. Everyone's out having sex, doing drugs, basically living it up cause from the looks of things the end is near. Once again I've convinced myself that I'm an unlucky fucker because by all respects, Brittany is fine as hell, and I'm not fucking. Food's getting scarce too. The cafeteria's went from serving actual food to cereal and rations. The fast food restaurants have shut down and Grocery stores are running bare. I want to go home. I call home almost every day now, it's the same in Birmingham. My life is in Alabama, and I want to go back. I've been walking Nashville lately looking for a way out, but the interstates are guarded day and night. I'm getting out of Nashville somehow. Elais November 23rd, 2007 Brittany finally gave in and took this dick. She was in my room again tonight. She's been here maybe a month straight, she'd go back to the zoo to wash up and shit, but she always comes back here and lays up under my covers, in my arms. I noticed that J, my room mate, is getting jealous. His girls are back in Bham, and to make shit worst, Susan called me. She tells me her mom hasn't been home in three days and she's scared to go outside. I tell J and he's more mad at the fact that she called me than he is concerned about her. I tell him that this shit's bigger than us, and we have to get out of Nashville and go to Birmingham. Brittany wants to go home to Memphis, but that detour's too far out of the way. I promise her Memphis after we get Birmingham squared away. I phone home... no answer. This pisses me off. On the day I finally get laid, shit hits the fan. J is still acting funny around me, but he just gonna have to get over it. I phone home three more times and on the last time it says the phone is disconnected. We're leaving this bitch tomorrow even if it kills me. Elais
  17. Malkav

    Dead Diaries

    September 18th, 2007 My birthday sucked. For starters, Nashville sucks, and most people would rather tell me happy birthday on Facebook than actually walking up and saying it to my face. I ran into Nikki, and of course, she damn near ran into a wall to avoid me... the dumb bitch. Oh yeah, I saw a crackhead walking down Jefferson today on my way to see my homegirl Cam, who is one of the few people who want to help me celebrate my bday. It was strange, cause the crackhead looked like she just got beat and raped, hell she probably did. So me and Cam went to IHOP and I got my usual steak and eggs, and attempted to get her to try A1 on her eggs, but she was being her usual picky self. She's still my chunky monkey though. After leaving there and taking Cam back to Fisk, I saw the same crackhead, this time in the middle of the street just standing there. As I passed her I let down my window and yelled, "COCAINE IS A HELL OF A DRUG!". For the brief second she turned around and looked at me, I could notice that her teeth had almost rot out of her skull and her eyes were blood shot. She also needed a perm. When I got back on campus, I went and locked myself up in my dorm, cause I won't lie, she freaked the fuck out of me. I closed the window blinds and made sure the door was locked cause I had a nightmare about that chick. What a great way to spend my birthday. At least I gots my iPhone. I'm thinking that I'm gonna invite Brittany over for drinks tomorrow, if I'm lucky we'll get drunk and fuck. Elais
  18. Any linux users in the forums? I use Kubuntu 6.06 on my desktop, but I was thinking of installing Ubuntu Studio on my laptop when I get it. Ubuntu studio comes preloaded with many programs including the GIMP, Inkscape and many other SVG programs. Also has anyone been looking at the Compiz/Beryl vids? When the 3D desktop becomes stable I'm jumping ship. Vista Aeroglass be damned
  19. Malkav

    Dead Diaries

    August 5th, 2007 So today I finally got an iPhone. It was great, see a bunch of guys were rioting at the summit out on Highway 280. So I was like, shooooooot, I want some of that. First I went to Starbucks and bought a double shot espresso and took it with a multi-vitamin and an excedrin. Why did I get hopped up on stimulants you ask? Cause I couldn't do this in my right mind. So I ran into the Apple Store, jumped the genius bar, and went straight for the store room. The nerds behind the bar couldn't stop me because I was too eccentric and also because the police were dealing with the other rioters in Old Navy and Publix. So I grabbed the boxed product and went running. 3 hours later I was listening to Weezy on my new iPhone and watching youtube. I still haven't talked to Susan in a minute, and honestly I'm getting the itch to go ahead and tell her my best friend's cheating. Honestly, it won't benefit me because I kept my mouth shut for so long, but I've been loosing sleep over this lately and shit, I'm tired. So to go along with my new iPhone, I decided to hit up Marty's and buy some new shoes and a few polos, of course when I got there, the glass was knocked out of the window and people were running out with stuff. So I tucked my new iPhone under my car seat and ran into Marty's. I'm mad cause half the shit I picked up doesn't fit me, but I know some people who I could sell it to. I think I'm gonna chill at the crib tonight. If J calls, I'm going to let him know that I'm about to fuck up his wet dream, if Susan calls, I'm gonna break her heart. Oh well, la vita y bella. Elais.
  20. Name: Elais Player Age: 19 Physical Description: Mini-fro, slim and tall, black. Gender: Male Location: Birmingham, Alabama Living Style: Lower middle class. Money comes kind of tight. Holds down a part time job at FedEx. Lives in a black community, the one white guy around is racist and never leaves the house. Can walk to the projects. Special Skills: Excellent marksman (pistols and precision rifles). Some skills as a hacker. Bad ass jazz trombonist. 140 IQ Notable Possessions: Butterfly Knife Hunter Knife Combat Boots Sawed off Shotgun in car trunk Gladys (my car) Tablet PC About 60 box cutters in a jar. Cell Phone Got off work at around 2:15 this morning, tired. Levi was being an ass as usual, that fucker. So I went home, took a shower and got in the bed to call it a day. Got a call this morning from Susan, she needed a ride from summer school and she knew I was just the sucker to call, and like a good bitch I bit. So I got up at 9 and went to put my check in the bank. The teller was looking at me again, I would have talked to her if her boss wasn't right there watching. I think I'm just going to slip her my number one day, I'm tired of talking. After I did this I chilled out at the crib until about 1:50 when I got up to pick up Susan. I was on time as usual, unlike that fuckface of a boyfriend she has. I'm in a good mood though, she's on punishment for getting caught with him. I love when shit syncs in my favor. So I took her back to the crib and she was trying to give me a hug, but I told her we couldn't do that anymore. She looked crush, dumb slut deserved it. Came home and fooled around on the net for a lil while. Tomorrow I'm gonna visit my weed man and see if I can't get some of that kingston for the low. Today was a good day. ~Elais
  21. This didn't even make it to 4 posts... I mean c'mon.
  22. Someone needs to get off of their fat ass and post. I don't care who, if I have to I'll post in the most ridiculous place
  23. Look, someone needs to post. This is not going to die just yet. If I have to post for almost the 4th time in a row, then I will.
  24. science be damned. Beauty is variable.
  25. Starbucks, caramel frappecino, with whip cream. Refreshment for the soul.
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