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Everything posted by Malkav

  1. (if you want, you may skip down to where it says the journey begins and read the introduction story later.) In the 19th century the United States of America, then still a new country, opened it's borders to the world. From across the Atlantic came the Europeans and the Africans, from across the Pacific came the Asians and the Arabs. They brought with them their hopes, dreams, cultures, languages, and anything else that they could carry with them in the boats across the oceans. A new world was ripe and theirs for the taking. They brought something else with them however. They also brought their stories, their ideas, and with that, they also brought their Gods. No longer worshiped, the Gods lived on silently in their people's stories and fables, and with their people they traveled to America. Silently they watched as the people no longer worshiped them, but gave praise to the products of their own self indulgence. They began to worship new gods, Gods of industry, firearms, electricity, and eventually the old gods began to fade and become little more than shadows of their former selves. They knew that unless they did something soon, these new gods would soon grow strong and wipe them out as Zeus did the titans, and Odin did Ymir. They found their hope in the dying peoples of the Native American nations. The people had rejected the ways of the foreigners to their lands, and so their Gods remained strong. If the Gods of the old world could enlist the Gods of the new world, then maybe they could stop the expansion of these new Gods and save themselves and their legacies. With this in mind, Odin and those old gods who chose to work with him, tasked a small band of mythic creatures to disguise themselves as men and go to the west. Their goal is to seek the American Gods so that an audience may be had. The Journey Begins... Your role is that of a mythic being that is not a god (faerie, djinn, minotaur, werewolf, etc.) whose taken human form to travel to the west and have an audience with the American Gods. Along the way, the new Gods of industry and steel will try to thwart you at any chance as you make your way towards the great plains where the Native Americans still fight for their lands and freedom. The game takes place cir. late 19th century, so characters who represent the Victorian Era or the American wild west. Sign-ups Name: Name your character uses to address him/herself to other humans. True Name: What is the true name of your character among his kind, if he has any. Appearance: a description or picture of your character. True Form: What is your character's true form (i.e is s/he a faerie, were creature, skin-walker, satyr, etc.) Powers/Abilities: What gifts were your character blessed with. Brief summary: A paragraph or so about your character. This can be their legend, a description of them, or even a brief bio, I'm leaving it up to you. I'll post a sign up later after I get off of work in the morning.
  2. Fran/FFXII -I just couldn't get into her character, and the voice acting just didn't flow with her. On the contrary Balthier is probably one of the best voiced characters I've ever heard in a video game. Russo/FF7 Dirge- Fake Russian accent is NOT cool. O'aka/FF10- I can't remember how to spell his name, but his fake aussie accent used to get on my nerves. Dante/DMC3 - in the third one, although Dante was still cool, I dreaded when he spoke because his "party" one liners got old fast. 50 Cent/50 Cent's Bulletproof - so without emotion or character.
  3. [quote name='Copycatalyst']I'm sorry, but you're not the only black man on the Earth. Did you know that white people have this thing called affirmative action which goes in your favor, against their favor? Did you know that your pride means nothing when it's an egocentric, pigheaded fashioning of your own ignorance? So some guy is calling you names. Oh poor little thing. So that means you have the right to let him keep doing what he does and to in the end, be violent alongside him? You're no Buddhist to me. You're just a rogue who won't let go of fickle values. I realize you're black. I respect it. I don't respect your own self-righteousness and your own blatant disregard for accepting your life as it is, and not on your own ****ing terms. You can come to have life on your terms in time; it doesn't just happen. Oh no you have to deal with a little bit of mistreatment. . .So does everyone. What do you want? A prize for all your little egocentric pride and your little self-valuation and egocentricism? The prize you will get is the one that will happen due to how you handle situations; and it is a violent one, and it is a punishing one, until you learn the lesson I have been trying to explicate into your little plastic head. Violence is never the solution, and you are not a coward to ignore/ not approach/ not let said person start a fight with you. In fact you are much more prideful if you do such, because you realize the only pride you need have is that of being a human being. So I'm done with you. Go and do your little violent act or do your little pride; in the end your little ****ing ego is going to be broken say like a twig is broken in a beaver's mouth. So go have that and shut the **** up.[/quote] He's half white and greek, not black. What does affirmative action have to do with his problem? Even if he was black, why would you bring that up? Are you jealous or something? If so just walk into a black owned business and make affirmative action work for you. Or better yet, go to a historically black college or university, they have minority scholarships for white people. Lastly, why should the law get involved in his situation? I don't see anything illegal happening. If the threats become death threats, then it'll be ok for the police to get involved. He's been a good one not to say anything to this guy yet. Truthfully boss, I think you should confront this guy and tell him you don't appreciate the stuff he says to you. Try not to say: **** you, don't do it anymore or i'll..., etc. alot can translate into fighting words.
  4. [COLOR=#000000][quote]Coke is, for the record, better.[/quote]blasphemy...and to stay on topic, just give it time. [/COLOR]
  5. Her friends are actually jealous cause she's "breaking" rules and they can't find the courage within themselves to try new things, or other races. Kinda like saying you only like pepsi when you've never tried coke.
  6. Sorry, it's late. I failed to mention I am trying.
  7. truthfully, he is my best friend. I've known the guy for a long time and he's like a brother to me. It's just in this one situation **** has hit the fan. In the end, we're still going to be friends...even if I decide to just let them both know. And like you said rachmaninoff, it is an issue of honesty. I've come to the conclusion that I'm just going to wait until everything falls apart for him, and win with an "I told you so and next time I'll ****ing kill you." Thanks OB community for giving me a place to vent my thoughts out. BTW, I am chauvinistic and have a bad habit of calling women "chicks", but the only reason I do that is because I figured either way it goes I can't win. I have a deep southern accent and say "gull" instead of "girl", which when I went to school away from home this proved to be a problem, and no one really had a problem with chick, also girls refer to themselves as bitches all the time in such remarks including but not limited to: "I'm the baddest *****" "They ****** with the wrong *****" and "I got your ***** right here" It's somewhat sad, but a product of the counter-culture.
  8. I was a little pissed when I wrote this, so my bad about calling them outside of their names.
  9. truth is beaty, as beauty is truth.
  10. I've found myself in another position where I'm contemplating the good and the bad of a decision, this one which just may affect my life on a very large scale. It's this chick I like (how many times have you heard that before.) whom I was pursuing, and crazy enough so was my best friend. So taking into consideration our friendship, he and I decided not to pursue her anymore, and she had already came to a conclusion (which is what she said to me) along the lines of the one we came up with. Fast forward two weeks and she comes up with a boyfriend, and me being me I couldn't help but ask, "Is it J(my friend.)". Rather than no, yes, or something straightforward along those lines, she told me it was non of my business, which pretty much told me it was him (she never really admitted to him being her boyfriend). So after talking with him and finding out that the same day she told me that she wasn't going to mess with either of us she asked him to go with her, I said that I'll leave it alone. I did and I thought I was able to live with it. This was a week ago. The plot twist in this whole endeavor is he's had a girlfriend for over a year, and yet he somehow manages to want to talk to the same girl I want to talk to. Then after I get fed ******** from both of them that the situation is just gonna get left alone, they go behind me and start seeing each other after I've gotten content with the situation being dead in the water. Not to mention his girlfriend of over a year just missed her period so she might be pregnant, and he's been ****ing the girl I like and she wants to tell him she loves him. All this dirt he's doing and me like a good dog is not letting anyone know about it. Crazy **** is, the girl I like is one of the only good things he has going for him. He has problems at home and he doesn't know how he's going to get back to school next year, plus his girl may be pregnant and he's gonna have to pay for an abortion if so. I want to tell so bad and mess everything up for him. It's petty, it's selfish, but dammit I want to feel better. Why should I suffer for being the only one in this freakin situation who's done any right? Why should he be allowed to get something I covet when he has a pregnant ***** scared out of her mind that she may be pregnant? Maybe I should just tell both girls everything, **** introduce them to one another and let them get to know each other. I mean both of them love him, so why not break both of their hearts and leave him lonely like me. **** he and her have already broken my ****** heart, and I don't like his current girlfriend anyway. The reason I put this on here is cause I can't talk to anybody I know about this cause everybody knows everybody (it's alabama). I don't want word to get out about this cause I don't want to accidently ruin everything. When **** hits the fan, I want it to be on purpose. Sincerely, **** YOU J!
  11. Name: Sergei Fireseal Gender: Male Appearance: Spiky brown hair with a long ponytail coming out of the back. He looks to be in his mid twenties. His clothes resemble that slightly of a holy knight, with long robes and a very high collar. [URL="http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs15/300W/f/2007/076/a/9/_HolyOrder__by__coey_.jpg"]By *-coey[/URL] Society: Last Line Armor: A full body beast leather suit which is mostly under a robe. His chest is covered by chain mail, although this isn't visible. Weapon: a heavy broadsword which he keeps behind his back. He can hold it with one hand and it's broadside can actually double as a shield. Abilities: Pyrokinesis. He can't shoot fireballs, but he can do other things such as charge a punch or his weapon with flames and set fire to objects he touch.
  12. so engel? I'm somewhat confused. Silla's attacking Matsya?
  13. Malkav

    Rising Moon

    [size=1][i]The captured Enshian may as well have been a wild animal. Her point came across in the most dramatic of ways, "Death before dishonor." was her saying. The Avesavritra, however he had his way with her, never once let her stay dead. [/i] "Stupid girl." Vidura said in his own language, replying to the Enshian woman. After her suicide attempt, Vidura, not convinced she was at all about to die, but rather just being a nuisance had her bound at the hands and feet and once again put back in his tent. Then after the clean up and a brush with the generals about his captive, Vidura returned to his tent only to see her sitting up, as if not at all hurt by the blade that went through her. Her clothes were colored crimson with blood. "Why fight?" he asked her in his broken Enshian tongue. She said nothing. "Could least give answer." Once again she said nothing, she let her eyes trail off into the opposite direction. Vidura, then, walked out of the tent, returning shortly with something wrapped in a cloth. He knelt down at the girl's side and reveal what was in the cloth, it was some type of roll. "I feed you, eat." said Vidura, holding one piece up to her mouth. She took a bite and chewed for a minute before spitting the bread back into Vidura's face. Fighting the urge to back hand her, Vidura regained his composure and sat the bread rolls down beside her. "When ready, you will eat." Although her wound healed unnaturally fast, Vidura did not enjoy the next few days with her. She ate nothing, refused food and water, and at night when he slept, she would kick him with her bound feet. The sickening smell of blood creeped into his tent, along with musk and other things a woman would smell foul of if she were not cleaned. On the day the encampment was about to move on, Vidura returned to his tent and to his surprise, he saw her laughing, not at him, but at nothing. "I'll...kill...you." she managed to say between bursts of giggles, "you've poisoned me....but I won't...die." "No poison." replied Vidura, "only hashish, to calm you." Vidura unbound her and took her in his arms. She was incredibly light and the sheer amount of hashish in her was enough to subdue her struggling. Vidura took her to a tent much larger than his own. Within, a host of women sat: concubines, prostitutes, courtesans. They all belonged to the generals and officers and existed only to make the trip less of a chore. "Clean her up. Replace her clothes and have her put on the cart with the rest of my belongings. Oh, and make sure she's bound. Don't bother gagging her either, she's quite quiet." With those not so subtle words, Vidura left her in their capable hands, and continued preparing for the march north. [/size] [i][size=1]The women worked magic with the girl. Her Enshian silks were done away with and replaced with matsyan cotton. She was bathed, and rubbed in Matsyan oils, the ones which would burn her skin into a lovely brown, as opposed to Enshian porcelain. Her lips were painted black, her eye lashes and brows were darkened. Her nails were painted ebony, and her feet crimson. They gave her jewels and pearls common among our women, and delivered her as promised. I believe the Avesavritra did not see all of this coming to her. If not for her fiery eyes, one would forget that she were Enshian. The Avesavritra, known to not bed with women nor take part in the carnal pleasures of his men, began to second guess his stand on the matter. ~ur-Shulgi Malkav cir. ??[/size] [/i]
  14. I have a POW, although not necessarily a soldier. Thought I should put that out there for you guys to eat up. Starting with my next post Matsya will begin it's march north deeper into Enshia. Sandy, maybe we should finally hook up so you will see where I'm going with this invasion and I can see where you're going with the infiltration. My AIM is MachineBrainX. I'm wondering if we should go for total conquest, or just an increase in border size for the time being until someone else joins the fray.
  15. Anji is usually the first person I play as, just as a warm up. His butterfly mix-ups are pretty decent. Other than that, I play Venom. Venom is by far the hardest person in the game to learn. His ball formations are key to victory, and no two venoms play alike, so his style is so unique as to force it on the player. I love him despite his homosexual-ness
  16. Malkav

    Rising Moon

    [size=1][i]Our forces arrived at the beach, yet by the time enough were there, the battle was over. [/i]Vidura looked down at his injured comrade. He was hurt by Vidura's own hands, and he bled from his mouth. Despite the pain he felt in his right arm, Vidura offered a helping hand to him. A foolish mistake, but still, this was his countryman. "Stand, you have done your part this day." said Vidura, helping up the soldier. "Sir, I am sorry, I only wanted to help." grunted the soldier, scared to meet Vidura's eyes. "You did only what you thought was right, the God's are in our favor this day." "What of the lone warrior? Will you not give chase?" "Right now he is of but a trivial matter to me." Vidura lied with these words, and truthfully felt insulted by the warrior. In his lifetime of war, he never showed pity to any one bold enough to stand against him, in return he expected the same. A flesh wound is the same whether recieved from his opponent or his own man. Vidura, not concerned with the politics of war at the moment made his way to the river and knelt beside it. The wound to his arm was small, and it would heal. The wound to his pride however, would need more time. Looking deep into the water he saw his reflection. Did he loose the battle? No, the battle was ongoing, it was yet to be over until one of them lie dead. A light rain began to fall, washing away Vidura's blood into the river. His reflection became distorted in the water, then he saw something strange. From beneath the water, he saw another set of eyes, not his own. A goddess maybe? Vidura dismissed it as superstition and walked back to his base camp. [i]The Avesavritra stole away that night, beyond our sights. I could only imagine where he was going. I felt it was not my business to follow, nor was it anyone else's. Stories circulated as to why he left his people, but he did return, perhaps he found whatever it is he was looking for. [/i]Blindfolded, Vidura stood in the center of the river. The water came as high as his chest, and he felt relieved. His arm was somewhat healed, as he took hot iron to it earlier. Many miles were between he and his army and the enemy could have been anywhere around him, but he did not care. He breathed steadily, and allowed his body to become one with the water. He had been there for hours, and all manner of life had become accustomed to him. The current wouldn't move him. "Vritra, host of my soul. Lend me your strength..." Lightning struck Vidura. Lighting up the night sky only for a brief moment, yet lighting Vidura indefinately. An aura pulsed from him, and if you were close enough to see his glow, you would see also all manner of sea life around him dead, floating to the surface of the water. Twice more, lightning struck, and after the final strike Vidura whispered calmly, "Thank you." Vidura removed his blindfold and allowed it to float away in the water. He felt healed, but something in the distance caught his eye. Under the cloudy night sky, Vidura could see a figure in the water. A glowing pale figure, a spirit. [b]Varuna[/b], Vidura thought, the god of the oceans and sky. He exited the water and began walking towards the figure, he dripped not as he exited. His host, being the personification of drought, would not let Vidura enjoy the feeling of cool water on his skin. At least not tonight in this ritual. Collecting his weapon, Vidura approached the figure, slowly, carefully. Vidura knew how to let the sound of the trees and water mask his movements, as he had been taught this before. It was a woman, Vidura realized as he got closer to her. [/size][font=Verdana][size=1][color=#000000]She had porcelain skin, palest face, eyebrows like smudges of moth. She looked so lovely, and fireflies danced around her illuminating her beyond the aura she radiated. She bathed naked in the water, and Vidura, never quite fancying himself the pervert, watched her with a distance and respect he never once showed a woman of his homelands. She turned in the water, her eyes meeting his in the moonlight. There was no fear, no shame, nothing that Vidura could see. "I..." Vidura began to speak in his own language, but stopped himself when he realized she wouldn't understand him. The clouds suddenly gave way, and moonlight illuminated the countryside. The wind changed direction subtly, and Vidura knew someone was behind him. He turned and swung at air, only to find nothing behind him. Footsteps could be heard in the grass, although they were few and far in between. As if this assailant wasn't running, but skipping across the land. Vidura glanced back to find the maiden in the water, but she was gone. In her place, he found a sharp pain in his jaw feeling as if the air had hit him rather than a fist, luckily for him it wasn't made of glass. A shadow appeared above him and looking up he saw a dark figure cross the moon above him. That was his opponent. Vidura took the offensive leaping into the air to meet this opponent. Upon closer inspection he saw it was a woman, not the water maiden, but another. As Vidura closed in, he suddenly stopped mid air, something invisible kept him from attacking her, and the two of them fell back to the ground. Two long ribbons hurtled towards Vidura but he swayed back avoiding their respective strikes. The woman then brought her arms together, making the ribbons as one and swung them in a half circle to bring them down onto Vidura. Barely dodging the strike, Vidura looked to the ground beside him and observed a small crater where the strike was centered. Impressed, Vidura continued his assault, dodging the ribbons as he ran towards her. When he finally got close enough, the woman twirled sending a gust against Vidura. It stopped him, but did not blow him back and Vidura delivered a well placed kick to her stomach. She fell back, but quickly regained herself before her feet even hit the ground and with another twist sent another wave towards Vidura, this time knocking him off his feet. Vidura flipped once in the air and landed. The battle was stalemated. Vidura, surprised by her strength, decided that on the offensive he would not win this battle. He held back his next attack as his opponent, who's whole being seemed to be swaying in the wind, began making circular movements with her arms. Vidura saw her aura and realized that she was prepping another attack. He would not see the blast, he thought, but he then looked to the grass under him. It would sway with the attack, he'd have to time his attack just right. Without warning the blast came, and just as predicted the grass began to sway. Vidura dodged the blast and hurled his weapon towards the woman, she contorted her body backwards and dodged the weapon with ease. As she came up however, Vidura was on her and punched her in the chest with a blow that sent her flying several feet in the air, knocking the wind from her. As she came to she saw Vidura standing above her with his sword in her face. "Stand down, No more fighting." said Vidura, speaking in an Enshian to the surprise of the woman. She lied there, not so much defeated, but only incapacitated. "I do not know whether to be impressed by your ability to speak my language, or by the fact that aside from being a barbarian, you are also a pervert." Vidura brushed off the insult and examined the woman from head to toe, she looked on with a mildy seductive look, at least in Vidura's eyes. "Are you injured?" he asked, his accent heavy. The woman did not answer him, although she did feel a pain in her ribs, they were probably bruised from his blow. "Put down your weapon and see for yourself." Vidura put his foot down on her ribs and applied pressure, she shook with pain, but did not cry out. Maybe they're not bruised, she thought, the bones may be broken. Vidura took his foot off of her and using his hand lifted her up. Her ribs shot with pain as he grabbed her. Despite the pain, she stuggled and bit and squirmed as he held her. Vidura dropped his weapon and forced her to the ground and pinned her arms above her. She spat in his face, but Vidura held his grip. Suddenly, he felt his torso being constricted as well, he looked to his side and saw that her legs held him in a vice grip. "You make worst...the pain." he said, realizing that as air escaped, her grip grew tighter, as a serpent constricting it's prey. He took her arms in one hand, and with the other, he took her neck, and began choking her as did him. The moment had become strangely intimate as the two lied there, their lives in each others hands. Ever so precious minutes went by as both found themselves becoming short on breath, Vidura also found his face getting closer to hers as he choked her. Slowly they came together, to the point where their lips almost touched, then in rage, the woman bit Vidura's cheek, but did not have the strength to hold the grip. Vidura retaliated by bringing his head back and swiftly headbutting the poor woman, knocking her unconcious. Her legs lost their strength and fell from Vidura's torso, allowing it to regain it's full girth. Vidura stood and looked at her unconcious body. He felt a trickle of blood running down his forehead, but didn't bother to wipe it away. He collected his weapon and was about to set off, but one last observation of this warrior woman convinced Vidura that he would rather not leave her there. Throwing her over his shoulders, Vidura looked one last time for the girl in the water, but could not find her. He set off towards the basecamp. [/color][/size][/font][size=1] [i]~ur-Shulgi Malkav cir. ??[/i][/size]
  17. You know what's fun? Kiss her and see what happens. Nothing bad ever happened to me when I did that.
  18. Malkav

    Rising Moon

    [size=1][color=DarkRed][i]I must say things had gone smoothly for the weeks to follow our capture of the port town. Within hours of the Avesavritra's first duel, word was sent back to Matsya for troops to arrive. The army was subsequently split. Half would cross the border as originally planned by the generals before the Avesavritra's interruption, and half would arrive by sea at the captured port. For weeks the townspeople, under marshall law, continued to live their lives, although with some blaring differences. Craftsmen went from creating toys and crafts of wood and steel, and became as weaponsmiths. The town's horses, which were used by its merchants, became groomed for war, being pierced and armored to better match something a Matsyan warrior might ride. Why the townspeople were so eager to help, I in my life may never know. One thing I do know, it was not out of fear, for they had the power to defy we 200 odd warriors. Maybe in the Avesavritra they found a new hero, a new loyalty not to Matsya, but to the Asuras, and to Avesavritra Vidura. One fateful morning, their loyalty was put to the test. Word had spread that Enshian forces were marching along the river which feeds into a delta by the port. The question of course was simple -all eyes turned to the Avesavritra- what now? Besides the two hundred odd Asuras, only a fraction of the forces due to arrive at the port had made it, swelling our numbers to perhaps 1200, while we were expecting at least another 2800 before the end of the week. Our scouts put the Enshian forces at around 2500. We were sadly outnumbered. Our officers met and began devising a plan of action. The general consensus was to defend the port town. It's walls were made of wood, and there was no way to reinforce it before the Enshian appeared on the horizon. There were no nearby mountains to gather stone from, so if the gods were on our side, then we would be able to hold out until our forces land. The Avesavritra was absent from the initial discussions. When he heard the plan, he was immediately against it. I remember the day... The Avesavritra said he would not give them the chance to hold the town at siege with such poor defenses. Another scout soon appeared, and told us that on the Horizon, ships could be seen. Our forces were arriving early! They were sailing along the coastline. The Avesavritra then looked at a map of the area, he found a sandy beach by the delta in which he would begin the battle. The beach had high dunes as well as hillside further inland for which he would use to surprise the Enshian. If he was correct, the ships would see the battle as the passed by. A cold rain began to fall. Vritra, the Asura for whom the Avesavritra was named, gave his blessing this day. His rain would give them their cover, and the Avesavritra would give them their victory... [/i]The Tiger God King marched through the mud and sand. To his right lay the river, to his left a gently sloping hill. It was a spotty rain, the kind of hard rain that goes as quickly as it came. He gave it an hour at the most before it cleared up. He needed this rain, as marching for days on in under the sun became grueling. Looking around he saw the all too familiar ranks blurred by the rain. He suddenly saw one within his rank slipp and fall into the mud. The Tiger God King watched his clumsiness with mild disappointment. Suddenly, another soldier slipped, and another, and another. The last one was directly next to him, he looked down and saw a long wooden pole pertruding from his neck. Instincts suddenly took over as the Tiger God King turned to see a spear heading in his direction, he immediately parried it with his fore arm. Somewhere out there, above the sounds of the rain hitting the grass, the sand, the mud, and the river itself he heard something almost unexpected, we're under attack... Above the sloping hill looking down upon the Enshian forces stood Vidura. Weapons in hand, he was ready. The rain hitting his tatooed back gave him an aura. From behind him, if one could see through the rain, spears were hurtling towards the sky and down onto the rival army below. Vidura raised his hand signaling his volleys to stop. Above the rain Vidura roared, "You know your mission, you know your enemy! We are not kind, nor are we compasionate, we take no prisoners this day and we leave non alive except for those fortunate enough to kill us first! When the rain clears, look to the horizon, the Gods will reward us justly for our duty!" The army roared a single grunt and the ground rumbled under Vidura's feet. "Asuras! Countrymen! At a ready!" Frontline swords and spears were drawn, another grunt, this time accompanied by the sound of hundreds of weapons escaping sheaths, roared across the hilltop. "Send the yellow bastards into the river!" With that the Vidura set off at a run down the hill, his army behind him. They were outnumbered, and truthfully total annihilation of the enemy's forces was a pipe dream at best, but numbers and strategy were ony part of the war. Morale, loyalty, and leadership could win a battle just as well as any strategy. In any case, under the rain the enemy would have trouble estimating the forces they were facing. Just as Vidura wanted it. [i]And so from atop the hill I saw them engage the enemy. The surprise was effective as quickly our forces broke their lines. The problem however arose when the enemy, who far outnumbered our forces, were able to regroup and the battle became messy and uncontrollable. Enshian generals, who did not ride into battle with their men, could be seen in the distance watching the battle through spy glasses and sending envoys out with orders. Our officers were sadly lost in the heat of battle, we had no generals in this land yet, so our officers could be seen giving orders in the fracas, trying to regain some order to the chaos over the sound of men and rain... [/i]Another Enshian soldier layed limp under Vidura's blade. How many was it by now? 20? 30? Vidura lost count, but quickly he was about to add another to his growing list. An Enshian soldier attempted to attack Vidura from his back, only for his sword strike to be parried by Vidura and his head to be nearly severed. Only a strand of flesh kept it connected. Vidura then turned his attentions on his next opponent, moving with the speed of his godly host he impaled the poor soldier and quickly removed his blade before blood could be spilt onto it. Another, another, and another was felled by Vidura. Despite his success on the battlefield, one could tell the obvious, the Matsyans were loosing. With their superior numbers and admittedly better battle tactics inherited from a long history of war, the Enshians were slowly but surely making a comeback. Vidura stepped away from his latest kill and noticed that he was standing in a puddle of water. Looking down into the delta he saw that it was clogged with bodies. Both Enshian and Matsyan regulars lie dead, unable to escape the water because of whatever wounds they sustained, they drowned. Vidura looked up at the sky, letting the water hit his face, what seemed like forever to him may have been but a fleeting second to everyone else. He knew what he had to do. "To the Beach!" yelled Vidura, ordering his diminishing forces to make a drive for the beach. Non would argue with him, and his forces made a slow move towards the beach, Vidura ahead of them. A single dune was separating him from the beach, and Enshian forces were already atop it, archers mostly. Vidura ran through them, swinging precisely to keep anyone who dared to get in his way at bay. Those he wounded, the soldiers behind him finished off quickly without hesitation. After a hard fight, Vidura and those with him had but a single Archer left. The archer took aim and shot, missing Vidura barely and hitting a soldier behind him. Vidura took his weapon and flung it at the Archer, impaling him. Vidura took the dune. As he set foot atop it, the rain suddenly let up and light from a missing patch of cloud raced towards the sea. In the distance, not far from their position. Dozens of ships and hundreds of rowboats filled the sea. Vidura smiled, he knew the battle would bring their forces to this coast, allowing for the port to be saved. The Asuras and regulars who had came to the beach with him cheered their soldiers in the distant waters, and the officers quickly began calling the rest of their forces to the beach. They would regroup and commence the attack. The Enshian, noticing the sudden shift in battle, began reforming their lines. Vidura looked inland to see a single warrior, drunk with battle pursuing Vidura's forces, striking those he caught down not with any weapon, but with his fists. An archer made to shoot him, but Vidura put his hand on the archer's bow. Choosing not to reclaim his weapon, he saw the great strength in this lone warrior and rushed down the hill to meet him... [i]I watched from the distance as the boats came in. The Enshian probably couldn't see above the dune, although because of my position, I couldn't tell. Strangely enough, I heard a chanting from the boats as the pulled ever closer to the shore. "VIDURA! VIDURA!" I could not believe my ears at first. I'm sure the ships were heading towards the port town, only to be stopped by the sight of the battle, and the realization that their countrymen were dying, that the Avesavritra fought for them this very moment. I brought my eyes back to the Avesavritra however, and saw that he was not with our troops, but standing to do battle with a lone Enshian warrior. This would not be my nor the Avesavritra's last time meeting this young warrior. Later it will be revealed to me his name, and that name was Tiger God King. ~ur-Shulgi Malkav cir.?? [/i]OOC: You're up boss, if something needs to change, let me know. [/color][/size]
  19. Sorry guy, by default I'm achilles simply because I'm the invader and you're the defender:raspberry. We're gonna fight to a draw in my next post. I'll post the beginning and middle and you can have the second middle and conclusion/withdrawel of forces. What I was thinking was since I took that little port town in my first post, you guys will be marching to take it back before my country's forces land en masse. You'll be marching along a river (per your request) and my forces will launch a surprise attack to your side putting your back against the river. The force I attack with will only be a few hundred men, so we won't have the manpower to force you guys into the river, and at the same time because of the surprise attack you guys won't be able to obliterate us as you would have if we attacked head on.. Blood will flow from both sides and the delta on the river will get clogged with bodies (also per your request). The battle ends when some ships that carry additional matsya forces arrive at the port town by sea and my party draws back having bought time for them to land. You can write out our duel and I'll write out our meeting.
  20. So, it's pretty much my turn to post again. What do you want to do with it? I guess I should march forward to keep things running smoothly. Of course to keep from becoming "that guy" I want some input on exactly what direction we're going in. Really if left up to me...someone's army is gonna get their feelings hurt, and it ain't gonna be Matsya.
  21. Maybe I can spearhead this seduction plot into a way to put britney spears out of her misery once and for all...and eat the baby?
  22. This is America, the legal drinking age be damned!
  23. Purpose for seduction is mainly to get an A. I made a "D" last semester with a different teacher.
  24. Next semester I'm going to have a very attractive chemistry teacher. I need to know the best way to seduce her. I know she likes to take shots. Is there any way I can get her drunk I wonder?
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