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go ahead, I think it keeps things interesting. I want to fight the Tiger God King to a Draw as well one of these days:animesmil. So keep a lookout for a good time to do that.
It will be fun. Geographically, wouldn't you have to go through Enshian to get to Matsya? Unless by sea.
So... I just attacked Enshian. Who else wants some of this action?
[size=1][color=DarkRed][i]After my initial encouter with the Avesavritra, the Asuras were summoned to take out a border village in Enshian, which would serve as a point to amass troops for the impending invasion of the kingdom. The Avesavritra had other things in mind however, he looked to attack indirectly through a smaller country to our east. Miniscule compared to our kingdom, if one village fell, out of fear of destruction, the rest of the country would bend to our will, so said the Avesavritra. I must say he would have had to do something grand to insure the cooperation of an entire country. So he proved me right... [/i]A lone guard stood in the night, exhausted from a full night's work. To his back was a great gate which protected the village from invaders, although if one truly wished to attack, the gate and wall would not be enough to hold back an army. The village was safe from vagrants and vagabonds, which was really all that mattered in these final nights. The moon cast an eerie glow into the distance, and the guard saw a lone beast wading through the water. This was nothing new, as tigers often visited the waters at night, when man was sleep fast in his bed. Perhaps out of envy for the beast, the guard grew thirsty, and decided to go to the river and get a drink before his shift was through. At the water's edge, far removed from the beast, the guard knelt down and cupping his hand, grabbed a taste of the water and sipped it. It was cool, refreshing even. The guard decided the use both hands this time and cup an even larger amount of water. He put both hands down into the water, all he remembered was the sharp pain between his palms as the sword pierced his skull... The sound of crickets drowned out their footsteps. The direction of the wind diverted their scent. The cover of darkness hid their movement. The Giants marched forward with sharpened tusks ready to impale and feet ready to crush. Into the open gate they marched, the gate was soon closed behind them. Those fleeting villagers who happened to open their eyes and see the humongous frames passing by dismissed them as bad dreams and closed their eyes once more. The village remained unaware. A lone light flickered in the night sky, coming from outside of the gate and landing squarely upon the hide of one of the beasts. The resulting roar woke not just this village, but every other village for perhaps 10 miles. This beast's cry signaled the others to attack, and the rampage began. Before the villagers could even get out of their beds, they were crushed, stabbed, flattened, and maimed by the stampede of the mighty elephants. Those who could manage to get out of their houses ran towards the gate, only to find it unopenable. The Elephants soon broke the wall down in their effort to escape the village. Their exit signaled another monster's entrance. The Asuras were quick, efficient killers. Not only did they kill however, they burned, they raped, they plundered, they decimated. Watching them as a Lion would his pride, Vidura stood atop the gate, his second in command and a scribe each stood to his side. "Sir, should I send out a party to retrieve the elephants?" asked the second. "No, Let the regulars retrieve them. We Asuras make for the border." "Sir, what message should I send the king?" "Tell him he has his path, he would be wise to utilize it." The scribe wrote frivolously into a scroll all of Vidura's words. He looked down at the village and saw the destruction. The country would be wise to submit, even if this attack was a bluff, from the sheer scale of this act, they will think surely that the whole army is behind Vidura. Suddenly, from behind a house an Asura was seen gliding across the ground. From behind the same house came a man holding no weapons, a martial artist. Vidura watched as his man got beaten, hoping that the Asura would stand and defeat this warrior. Eventually Vidura grew bored of this display, he grabbed his second's spear and threw it, striking down the martial artist. Vidura then lept from the gate and drawing his weapons ran into the fray. His was a simple strategy, if they weren't his color, they died. If they were a woman or child, they would be wounded. By dayfall, the village was little more than a pile of ashes, strewn with dead bodies and crying women. All of them had been taken that night, and as Enshian tradition went, they were not fit to belong to any man any more. The children were eventually slaughtered as well. Only one boy, perhaps 17 in age, was kept alive, and he made for the capital to tell of the horrors. [i]And so the deed was done, and the Avesavritra began marching north. Along the way the Asuras killed all of the men and children above ten years of age. Young girls were picked depending on their age. Some were raped and left, others were turned to slaves, although only a few were taken. The Avesavritra however, did not partake in the joys as did his men. Perhaps the women of the Enshian kingdom did not appeal to him. Maybe their wine did not quench his thirst. I remember a certain day where in we came to a costal town. It had a very active port and the Avesavritra felt a navy would benefit from such victory. The men felt we had separated our selves from the main force too much, the Avesavritra however had continued to push forward. He decided that he would take the city. That day he and I took a small detail into the city and met with the chieftan. He brought me along simply because I spoke one of their most common languages, at least the one of those Enshian living along the border... [/i]Vidura walked into the small home of the port's chieftan. He was standing to greet the Avesavritra, possibly scared after hearing of Matsya's bloody march. "I am Avesavritra Vidura, and I come with a proposal." said Vidura, never loosing eye contact with the Enshian tribal leader, his scribe translating his words flawlessly. "I will hear you out, Avesavritra Vidura." replied the chieftan, the scribe translated. "As you have heard, the Kingdom of Matsya is on the march. Already we have destroyed many tribes, and easily we may destroy your tribe as well. I wish, rather than to burn this village, to stop, and secure a place for my men and I to set up camp. If you will simply accept our ships into your port and my men into your land, I will do you no harm." The chief looked to his council behind him and back to Vidura. He was in a terrible position, he could either betray his lord and allow the armies of the Matsya in, or face destruction. He stood silent for a moment, before making a decision. "Avesavritra Vidura, your offer though generous may not be in the best interest of my people. I do have a third solution which may be of interest." "Go on." replied Vidura, intrigued. "My son, Fei On, is the greatest fighter in this town. If he defeats you in battle, then you move on. If not, then you are welcomed without us putting up a fight." Vidura smiled, "challenge accepted. I will return at sunset." [i]Sunset came and the Avesavritra stood at the center of the town. The people had come out to watch their hero battle this foreigner to them. They had not heard the legends, they had not seen him before. They were not ready... [/i]Vidura cracked his knuckles as he watched the movements of his opponent. He was indeed in perfect shape, and to display this he broke boards with his hands and feet. Vidura chuckled at this display of intimidation. The townspeople cheered him on, while taunting and cursing Vidura. His opponent grabbed a short single handed sword and began to display his prowess with it, twirling it and cutting at air. Vidura drew his weapon. The battle began. Vidura, not being the patient sort made the first move. His opponent wasn't expecting it as immediately he was put on the defensive. Vidura's strikes were short, they were precise, and they were accurate, whereas his opposite's defense was flawed, Vidura chose not to exploit it just yet. He delivered one final blow which sent his opponent sliding back in the dirt. After regrouping he rushed Vidura, striking wildly, Vidura stopped his attack with a short jab with one hand to the stomach and promptly removed his attacker's arm with a twist of his blade. Vidura then began to pummel his opponent with jabs and kicks before finally lopping off his head and felling him. [i]The day was done, and the port was ours. The town only had one casualty, we had none. The townspeople soon grew to enjoy us and saw that we were not a blood thirsty lot. Truthfully if properly defended, they may have been able to defeat us, but the Avesavritra's cunning saved us. The town was more than happy after this day to feed us their finest dishes. The women were willing to give themselves to us, the strong foreign invaders who decimated them not. Once again the Avesavritra ate only the rations we brought with us, and took no woman to bed with him. Eventually the ships soon arrived and we began preparing for the journey north. The war was under way. ~ur-Shulgi Malkav, a History or the Second Era. cir ?? [/i][/color][/size]
Name: Vidura Title: Avesavritra (Lesser Avatar of Vritra) Age: 26 Gender: Male Country of Origin: Matsya, Southern Kingdom Appearance: [url="http://www.elbakin.net/plume/xmedia/fantasy/news/comics/RR2CVR.jpeg"]Here[/url] Profession: Captain of the Asuras, a band 200 warriors who serve as officers and frontline soldiers serving the dharma of duty to their kinsmen and country. Weapons: Custom made two sided Khandra as well as a longer variant. (Both seen in photo) The Legend of Avesavritra Vidura [i]It was on the battlefield where I first met the Avesavritra. Previous accounts had embellishments, I must say I was disappointed at first. He did not stand as high as a horse, were his arms as thick as tree trunks, as previous tales had led me to believe. Come time for the battle, he did not even take up shield and armor, and yet he stood afront the soldiers known as the Asuras ready to fight along side them. My first instinct was that he would surely die before the battle's end and his soldiers would be without their captain. I would live to eat those words, I'm afraid. When the enemy stood but five paces from the Avesavritra, as fast as the serpent god himself, he struck out, killing three men in his first sweep. His attack was the signal for the Asuras to begin their assault[/i]. [i]I watched the magnificent warrior, oblivious to all else around him as the tiger killing it's prey. I watched on impressed, but with scholarly skepticism nontheless. The Avesavritra fought for perhaps one hour, he and his Asuras against perhaps a thousand men. When the second hour dawned, the Asuras had taken nearly three quarters of the enemy's forces. When they cornered the last of the enemy, a new one arose. This man, beast, or what ever it was fit the previous descriptions of the Avesavritra I had heard. And he stood against this beast. Alone, the Asuras unknowingly clearing a battlefield for the two of them. The Avesavritra, armed with nothing but his two edged staff, against the beast and his club. The beast made the first move, only to be countered and sent sliding along the ground from a kick. The blow was powerful, almost too powerful to believe that a man did it. Then, as the beast settled into bed of dirt he forced up himself lightning struck it, rendering the battlefield silent. Friend and foe alike turned to see the charred body of the beast, standing miraculously from the bolt. The Avesavritra then rushed it, slashing and stabbing it at a near blinding speed before finally lopping off it's head. The battle was over, the enemy had not the heart to continue. We all watched as the Avesavritra took the head and held it high in the air as one would a trophy. The blood of the beast dripped upon his tattoed face, and then I saw him as he was described to me. He truly was the reincarnation of Vritra, Thunder Serpent and Asura. In the years I would follow him, and even after his death, I knew it was my duty, no, my privaledge to tell this Hero's tale. The Legend of Avesavritra Vidura. [/i]~ur-Malkav-Shurgi cir.1020 BC
Seeing as Dr. Xiao was a single serving character and he pretty much made his major contribution to the story. I feel it's high time that the Jade Forest take him out for infringing on their bprostitution business. Whoever wants to write the deed in to the 3rd act is more than welcome. We could even collaborate on the events leading up to his death so that he can be even less single serving. My AIM is on my profile or send me a PM if anyone is up to doing the honors.
Call me Birmingham
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v103/myndara/Anjisig.png[/IMG] My best one so far. Script fu in the GIMP helped me alot A far as text and drop shadows went. Also took advantage of feathering. When I fix the cheshire cat one I'll re upload it on this post as an edit.
[size=1]crack... crack... crack... crack... The cardinal was silent. Though his body was mere flesh, his soul was as solid as stone... crack... crack... crack... The sins of the flesh bled from his body with each strike of the whip. The shame of sin would not be his after this act of retribution... crack... crack... crack... Bridget readied himself to strike the cardinal once more. He did enjoy these little beatings, he loved the fact that he had the power to turn even the scions and champions of the church. In his head he repeated a term he'd heard in the hallow halls of this building and nearly laughed out loud about it, everyone's gay for Bridget. "Enough!" yelled the good doctor, noticing Bridget was about to strike once again. "Ten lashes, dear Bridget. I shouldn't have to remind you." The Cardinal opened his eyes as if coming from a trance. "Mea Culpa..." he uttered. He looked around, noticing his surroundings for the first time. He saw his hands strung up from the ceiling in which he dangled helplessly. He scanned the room at least twice before his eyes finally came to a rest on the good doctor. "Welcome back, Father." said Xiao, looking on with a slight smile on his face. "I would love to stay and reminisce, but I have a client waiting on me in my office. So in the interest of time...cash or check?" Dr. Xiao wore an Armani suit today, no tie. Leisurely professional was his term for his look today. His hair was tied back into a very conservative ponytail and he wore a modern pair of glasses, they were new. He sat in a decorated armchair and upon a coffee table before him sat two folders. One held photographs, the other, documents. "The money will be wired to you before the end of the day." said the cardinal, while he spoke, Bridget had made his way to undo the rope in which the cardinal was tied to. "Please see that it does," replied Xiao. " I would hate to make these public." He opened the folder holding the photographs and began cycling through them for the cardinal to see. Each picture showed, to the cardinal's embarrassment, his previous encounters with Bridget, Xiao's most famous prostitute. "You would threaten me with this?" said the cardinal, his face becoming pale. "If this isn't enough, I have nearly ten hours worth of footage waiting to be broadcast." Xiao retorted, pulling a remote from behind him and pressing a simple button. A cabinet in the corner opened up to reveal a television. On this television was a sample of footage. The cardinal looked disgusted. "I wouldn't have had to resort to this if you hadn't come up short on your last visit. Do not let this happen again, Cardinal." Xiao stood and grabbed the folder holding the documents then casually exited the room. *** Luyii had been waiting at least a half hour for the doctor and was tired. She made way towards the door, angry that she had been stood up by this man. She opened the door and just as she stepped foot outside of it, out of nowhere a man appeared. "You must be Luyii," said the man, "my name is Dr. Sun-li Xiao, I am most sorry to have kept you waiting." Luyii collected herself after the surprise and regained her composure, "I have other places to be doctor, maybe another time." She walked past him, knowing that it wasn't a good idea, but it gave him a sense of her, and let him know she wasn't one to be trifled with. The doctor grabbed her hand and stopped her. Luyii turned around and looked at him, "Let me go." she said. "Miss... My untimeliness reflects poorly on my intentions, but I do want to help you. I can tell from the look in your eye and the strength of your resolve that something's troubling you." Luyii looked into the doctor's eyes and thought to herself, he may be worth the trouble. She snatched her hand from his and walked back into his office. The doctor breathed a little easier and followed her in, happy that he didn't loose a client. Inside his office they began to talk. Dr. Xiao went through the usual textbook questions: What can I help you with? How do you feel about that? How does your family feel about this decision? Of course, the usual textbook questions only got text book answers, and an hour into the conversation, it seemed as if they had got nowhere. She opened up, but not enough, so Dr. Xiao decided to take a more unorthodox approach. "Tell me about your mother." began Xiao as he scribbled notes into his writing pad. Luyii looked at him scathingly, "I don't recall bringing her up." she replied, remembering her mother at the most inappropriate time. "I know...why not?" Dr. Xiao finally had a breakthrough. "Well, she died when I was a young girl..." Luyii expected the follow up question. "I'm going to assume that she has nothing to do with you being a pit fighter, which by the way is very self destructive. What do you remember about her?" Luyii thought back on her mother, remembering her sick and dying in bed, and Luyii crying and feeling as if she let her mother down, "She was a good person." Xiao stood up and walked over to the window, staring down at the street below. He said nothing and made Luyii feel uncomfortable. He knew she was lying. She saw it in the way he handled her response. "What did she do to disappoint you?" asked the good doctor. "She didn't disappoint me. She was as I said a good person." "Good, and yet not good enough to earn more than a sentence about her from you. If you were my daughter, I'd be crushed." "What else is there to say?" "Was she not as strong as you? Was she weak? Was that what disappointed you?" "I said she didn't disappoint me!" Luyii stood this time and slammed her fist on the table. Dr. Xiao cocked his head to the side just enough so that he could see her. "Look at yourself, your mother must have been half the woman you..." "I was the disappointment!" Luyii clasped her hands over her mouth from what she just said. The good doctor returned to his desk and sat down, clasping his hands together and resting his head upon them. "Sit down my dear, we are going to be here for a moment longer than either of us expected." Luyii sat down. The good doctor reached into his desk and produced two glasses and a bottle of bourbon, his favorite. He poured two glasses and handed one to Luyii, smiling the whole while. It was early, but she needed it. "Begin." he said. "I always believed," began Luyii, a single tear falling from her eye, "that I should have been born a boy..." Another hour passed and Luyii told the good doctor everything. She told him about her love for her mother, her duty to her father and the brotherhood, and her upcoming marriage. The good doctor jotted all of this down and the whole time, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. What began as a simple need to increase his net worth became a genuine feeling of affection for this girl in front of him. Here sat a woman, young, beautiful, and proper, who was at that time of life where the little girl in her had to relinquish power to the adult. She stopped growing up at the age of eight, and her behavior became increasingly self destructive, masochistic even. Somewhere in the dark recesses of her mind, she knew that the child had to die. These pit fights were the equivalent of playground brawls in her mind. The good doctor knew what she had to do, but it wasn't his job to tell her, it was his job to help her figure it out herself. After all, part of growing up is making your own decisions. "Your marriage, Luyii," the doctor began, regretting what he had to do, "Why do you have reserves?" "Well I love Sai, but I just don't see myself married." she began, "My father wants me to marry quickly and I fear it's because he doesn't think he will be around much longer. I'm so scared that soon after I get married, he'll die. It's as if he's holding on simply for that day." "You may be right." said the doctor, a blatant lie, "However, that's too much pressure to put on a child." "A child?" Luyii asked, taking offense to the statement. "Yes, you are a child. Your father's child at that, why should you give up the rest of your life just to meet his needs? Or anyone else's at that? Why marry now? It can wait. Besides, if your father gets ill in that time I'm sure he'll prolong his wretched life until you come around and get married." "So you're saying don't get married and go against my father's wishes?" The doctor cringed a small bit, she wasn't supposed to take the bait. "Yes besides, how do you know your husband to be, Mr. Yuan is even right for you. In your life you'll meet other men, any one of them could replace him." "No they couldn't..." whispered Luyii, she dug her fingers into the armrests of the chair. "Why couldn't they? We're all the same, you know. Any man could replace the next." the doctor said, sitting back in his chair and folding his arms. "If you'd like, I could set you up with one of my...gentlemen. I'm sure any one of them would be more than ecstatic to please you. I'm sure any one of them would make for a fine replacement." "How dare you," said Luyii, sitting at the edge of her seat now, "non of them can replace Sai. How dare you try to sell me a prostitute!" "Sell? The first one's on the house, consider him a gift." "I Love Sai! I would never!" Luyii once again rose out of her chair. "Love?" said the doctor, rising to meet her stare, "Love gets you no where, young Luyii! Substance is what drives a relationship and a marriage. You can't even commit yourself to the idea of marriage! Loving without substance is not worth loving at all!" "I want to marry him! I just fear I'm not ready!" "Then you're a liar!" the doctor saw it coming. "NO! I'm ready to marry, I'm just not sure if I'm ready to be his wife! I would walk down the isle this very second if I could! I only want the best for us!" Luyii calmed herself and stood straight, "Since my mother died, I've had this feeling...this numb feeling. When I'm with him, it goes away. I can feel again, I love that feeling. He's the only one who ever gave it to me." "With what?" retorted the doctor, "hard dick and bubblegum?" Luyii utterly insulted raised a fist and punched the doctor square in the jaw, knocking him back into his seat, "I went soft with that one. I'm leaving." she said, cracking her knuckles after the shot.. "You know where the door is." said the doctor, holding his jaw, damn it hurt. Despite the pain, and the realization that he was not about to get paid for this, his job was done. Luyii stormed out of the office and slammed the door behind her. Her heels clacked loudly as she made way towards the elevator. Before she could press the button, the doors swung open and inside stood a young boy dressed in a sailor outfit. "Going down?" he asked as Luyii got into the elevator, she nodded and down they went. "You're coming out of Dr. Xiao's office?" asked the boy as the elevator lurched down the shaft. "I don't want to talk about that quack bastard. He just wasted three hours of my time." Luyii replied, staring intently at the door, not really wanting to talk to the child. "Miss, if you don't mind me asking. What did you go to him for?" Luyii rolled her eyes wishing the kid would be quiet, but in order to not be rude she answered. "He was supposed to help me deal with my marriage, I was having reserves." "I'm sorry he didn't help you get over those reserves, usually he's good at stuff like this, don't blame him." Luyii's brain suddenly jolted to a stop. She thought back to that final argument with the doctor and the context of it. In the end he was trying to convince her to get out of the marriage, while at the same time she insisted that she wanted it. I lightbulb went off in her head. "Did he...?" she whispered under her breath as she realized something incredible. Her previous doubts were gone. She wanted to marry Sai, and nothing stood in her way now, not even herself. "Do you believe in God?" asked the little boy, who Luyii finally looked down at to find smiling. "Yes." she replied. "There's something special that psychatrists, doctors, and even surgeons share with him." said the boy, his smile still there. "And what's that?" the elevator door came open to reveal the lobby of Dr. Xiao's office building. "When they do something right: a surgeon operates and doesn't leave a scar; a doctor treats, and the patient walks out able to do all he was able to before he went in; and a psychiatrist helps you solve your mental illness, and gives you the medium to correct it. When they do this just right, like God, in the end you may not notice right away that they did anything at all. Have a wonderful day." Luyii stared at the boy as he walked out into the lobby and into the arms of some man who looked ecstatuc to see him. She too exited the elevator and thought about what was said. The doctor did his job, and Luyii felt wonderful. [/size]
Stuff I've been working on. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v103/myndara/Nero03.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v103/myndara/malkav2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v103/myndara/Untitled.jpg[/img] The third one's been worrying me, I've reserved it for a friend (her name's not on there yet) I may have went overboard with the brushes. I made the last two today. I decided to go with 300x100 cause the 500 is just too linear.
[size=1][font=Verdana][color=Indigo]1. Shadow 2. The concrete...after a few skinned knees you actually get scared enough not to fall anymore. I stopped riding my bike when I tried to jump someone's roof. I miss the days before youtube when I could do stupid stuff just because it was there to do, not to get attention from strangers. 3. When do leaves fall off of trees? Late autumn. Around that time the weather's perfect[/color] [/font][/size]
[size=1][font=Verdana]In front of her stood a man counting out 20 dollar bills. Anna sat there staring down at her feet, not wanting to look him in the eye. They were in a stall, a bathroom stall. It smelled like piss and ass everywhere one's nostrils dare to venture "300 enough?" he asked her. His voice was generic. His slacks and shoes were generic. Anna knew if she looked up at him, his face, his shirt, his hair would look generic. They always do. "$400" she replied, her Russian accent weighing heavily on her voice. "$400 for a toilet fuck? Maybe you haven't got a good concept of money around here." said the guy. Anna looked up at him, her eyes showing how unconvinced she was. "Add five more dubs to that little stack you've made." "Well," the man said, moving his hand as if to put his money away, "maybe one of those fresh off the boat-Ruskie motherfuckers back in Little Odessa are willing to pay that much, but I'm not buying it. Either take the $300 or nothing at..." Before he could finish he felt a sharp pain in his pelvis. Looking down, he saw that she had grabbed his genitals, all of them, in a pincer like grip. He felt the undeniably sickening feeling as she not only squeezed them, but juggled them in her fingers. "You were saying?" she asked, a slight grin on her face. The guy's eyes narrowed and met directly with hers, "Bitch..." He grabbed her and forced her to the wall behind the toilet, slamming her head into it. Her thick head of hair softened the blow slightly. Anna lifted her legs up and using as much force as she could, drove her heels into the man's stomach. She couldn't help but thank god that she had on stilettos. The guy fell back out of the stall, breaking the door and falling hard onto the floor. As nimble and quickly as she could Anna fell onto him and thrusted her knee directly into his pelvis. She did it again and again and again. By now the nauseating feeling was too great for the guy to do anything to stop her. She did it one more time for good measure. "American pig." Anna said, collecting herself and going for the man's wallet. She went through it and grabbed all the cash he had, upwards towards $800. "Next time do not play." Anna took the money, stuffed it into her bra, and began walking out of the bathroom. The guy, in an immense amount of pain, stumbled to his feet. "Fuckin' Bitch. Get back here!" he yelled. He started running after her in an attempt to tackle her. Suddenly, he saw nothing but gold strands. They clouded his vision, they were everywhere, these golden strands. Just as suddenly as they appeared, they disappeared and he ran headfirst into a wall, the blow knocking him out. The last thing he remembered was all of her hair slipping out of the door as it closed behind her... [/font][/size][center]*** [left][size=1]Anna walked out into the club and saw that a riot had broken out. Thanks to her idiot ATM back in the bathroom, she missed how it started. She walked over to the bar and called the bartender over. "Vodka. And while you're getting it, tell me what happened." said Anna, turning around and watching the mess. "I don't know," said the bartender, pulling out a full bottle of Vodka, "they just busted in here. Alot of the girls bailed for the night, If I were you I would too." "That may be a good idea," replied Anna, seeing the guy from earlier emerge from the bathroom door, "can I take the bottle with me?" The bartender looked down at the bottle and the shot he just poured Anna. He shrugged and gulped down the shot and handed Anna the bottle, "Don't let the boss know I did this for you." "You know I won't, can I borrow your coat also? It's somewhat cold outside and well..." Anna gestured her hand to bring attention to what she had on. She was nearly naked with the exception of lingerie. "You're killing me Anna," said the bartender as she threw Anna a coat over the counter. Anna put the coat on and tucked the bottle of vodka away on it's inside and headed towards an emergency exit. Right before exited the club, she took a quick look back and saw her friend Khali, doing what Khali did best. Anna kissed the air in her direction, [i]I hope you make it home, kid.[/i] Anna left and disappeared into the streets behind the club. The walk home was lonely. Usually she walked with Khali after a night at the club, but it was too much going on for Anna to grab her friend. Anna looked back to her experience in the bathroom. That was her first time doing anything like that, but all the money she put towards tryouts really hit her hard this month. She knew Khali would have understood if she came up short on the bills this month, but she didn't want to unbalance the set up they had for paying bills. She thought back to all the tryouts she had been to recently. The judges' criticisms played back fluidly in her mind. [i]You're too short.... You're butt's too big... Maybe if you cut your hair... Was that even in the script... We're looking for someone with red hair... You're butt's not big enough... I'm sorry... You're just not... What we're looking for... [/i]By the time Anna got back home, she had thought herself sick. The little apartment never looked so good. She plunked her share of the rent on the table and turned on the shower. 15 minutes later Anna was in a sports bra and sweat pants, sipping Vodka and watching the late night news. Of course the developing story was the riot at the night club... OOC:Sorry for the long post about nothing. [/size][/left] [/center]
Anna doesn't know she can use her hair as a blount object or necessarily fight with it yet. She only really uses it to do exotic things when she performs or makes her own hair styles.
[font=Verdana]The Midnight Carnival #Reload The counterpart stood dismally in the hall. His eyes a blood red and his sword tucked neatly at his side, his stance showed an air of unbridled arrogance as he did so. No one would dare challenge him. Some though, were stupid enough to mistake him for his other half, the self-righteous prick, Ky Kiske. But he wasn?t Ky Kiske, he was Kuro Ky. As such, Ky was merely a nuisance to him. Then, he realized something, he did not know how he got here. He looked around the hallway, his eyes taking in everything. Something was not right, he knew, but what was it? He began walking towards the exit, when, as if descended from the very heavens themselves. He heard an angelic voice singing... I put a spell on you And now you?re mine Ky?s heart jumped to the sound of this voice. He had to find it, he knew not why or for what reason, Ky had to find this voice. He turned and walked towards the other direction... He was there. He could not remember walking through the door, he couldn?t even remember how he got to the place where he was. But he had found his voice. There, upon a platform, stood a lone woman. She looked so different from anyone Ky had ever seen before. She wore upon her head a witch?s hat, her shirt, or jacket, Ky couldn?t tell, revealed so much. Her eyes were different colors. And to end it all, she wore crimson thigh high boots. Ky walked slowly up to the stage, and rested his head on the floor at her feet. She was beautiful... I put a spell on you Then you?re gone She sat atop of Ky on the bed. Her beauty clouded his vision as she removed her top. Her breasts fell slightly and hung themselves freely upon her chest. His coat and shirt were gone, and he held her sides with a tender grip. What? he asked himself, Again...how did I get here? He could not find any answer to his question. Yet he found himself in ecstasy, a deep ecstasy that he could not hope to escape. It then hit him, as he looked into the eyes of the woman. ?You?re a witch...? he said calmly, almost smiling at his own accusation. ?That?s what this is, isn?t it? That song... It?s some type of spell.? The song seemed to be playing on still. But Ky ignored it, he watched the witch?s lips twist into a smile as she began to undo his belt. Her eyes never lost their gaze upon him. ?Is this what you want?? she asked in a soft voice. Ky opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, he forgot what he was about to say, as he found himself back at the foot of the stage, looking up at the witch. Wasn?t I... he began to think, but he found himself once again captivated by her voice on the stage, she strummed her guitar so delicately, as if it were a part of her. His head was still resting upon his arms in the front of her. She walked to right in front of him, and he looked up. The lights overhead turned her into a large shadow, but Ky noticed something. Something that only he saw, that maybe only she allowed him to see... ?Yes,? he said to her in pure ecstasy, ?For the love of god yes.? She rocked Ky slowly, her slender fingers digging deep into his skin, and her eyes still locked with his. Something is not right... he thought, he turned her over onto her back and pinned her to the bed. She let out a small laugh, but Ky ignored it. ?What are you doing to me?? he asked her, yet in a demanding voice. As he did this, déjà vu caught up with him once again. He remembered all of this as if he?d already done it. He remembered this very moment as if it had just passed. The witch moaned slightly, in more of a mocking tone than an ecstatic one. Her eyes change to two different colors again. ?I?ve never seen a dog quite as clever as you.? said the witch. ?How dare you. What manner of sorcery are you using? Answer me!? yelled Ky, he did not enjoy being toyed with then insulted. ?I prefer being on top.? she said, as if he hadn?t said anything at all. ?But if you insist, I?m willing to play.? She took his left hand, which rested on her shoulder and slid it to her breast. Ky?s mind swam once more as his hand slid over it. She moaned as she forced him to caress it. His will was giving and he began to ride her. Beads of sweat began welling up upon his face as he did so. She had some type of power over him, but he didn?t know what. His eyes closed and when he opened them, he was back at the stage. He had saw it, and he was the only one to see it. The witch had flashed him her sex. He could swear when she did so he could smell the heavenly aroma of it, an aroma that drove him mad. Ky stepped upon the stage, ignoring whatever anyone else had to say, and approached the witch. He walked sternly up to her and forced her against the wall. He kissed her, forcing himself upon her, though she did not seem to resist. She embraced him and pulled him closer, lifting her legs off of the ground and letting him support her weight. He kept doing so, kissing her lips, her face, her neck, letting his wild get the better of him. She then pulled him away from her, her lipstick smeared over her lips from his kisses, Ky guessed that it was smeared across his lips as well. She nodded her head towards the backstage exit. And as if in a trance, Ky carried her off of the stage. ?And you are?? Ky asked the man standing in front of him. The man?s face was hidden behind a mask and he wore a dark robe. Ky looked around, he was in an eternal place, it was as if her were inside the center of Jupiter?s eye, the whole area was little more than a giant red storm. The witch stood there with the man, along with another who also wore a mask. ?My name is not of importance right now.? said the man, he turned to the witch, ?Good work I-NO.? For once you?ve actually done your job flawlessly.? The witch, whom Ky recognized as I-NO now, laughed slightly and blew a kiss at Ky. ?What... What is this!? Ky yelled, he looked at I-NO with malice, ?have you been toying with me this whole time?? ?Aww, the dog doesn?t like to be played with. Too bad, maybe I?ll just have to put you to sleep.? said I-NO, her slight laugh turning into a hearty cackle. ?You bitch!? Ky yelled, drawing his sword, ?I will put you in your grave!? Ky ran towards I-NO, sword in hand and his eyes glowing with malice. As he ran, two eyes appeared from behind I-NO?s back. Then they sprouted one wing apiece. ?Megalomania!? she yelled, and suddenly, hundreds, if not thousands of orbs flew from the eyes. They came in a pattern, and Ky figured it out easily and dodged them, but one managed to graze his leg. Ky felt the sting of the orb as it went past, but something was wrong. As soon as that orb hit him, all of the other ones turned and attacked him. They imploded on him at once, and nearly destroyed his body. Ky fell to the ground, his sword mangled and his body severely burned. He came to a rest and lay dead. ?And you are?? Ky asked the man standing in front of him. The man?s face was hidden behind a mask and he wore a dark robe. Ky looked around, he was in an eternal place, it was as if her were inside the center of Jupiter?s eye, the whole area was little more than a giant red storm. The witch stood there with the man, along with another who also wore a mask. ?My name is not of importance right now.? said the man, he turned to the witch, ?Good work I-NO.? For once you?ve actually done your job flawlessly.? ?But...? Ky said, ?I thought I was dead... Is this hell?? The man smiled, ?Only if you want it to be.? Ky looked at the witch, whose name was I-NO, she blew a kiss to him. ?My boy, try a stunt like that again and next time we won?t bother the flow of time to save you. Now I have a proposition for you. I only hope you accept it.? the man said, almost in a comical tone. ?Bother the flow of time? Is that what?s been going on?? Ky asked, his eyes showing understanding. ?So what happened between, I-NO, and I happened...? ?Six days from now.? said I-NO, then in a tone that mimicked that of the night she and Ky met, she said, ?You were good. I needed that for a long time.? ?Silence I-NO,? said the man, he then looked at the other, ?Raven, don?t you have an assignment? Go and take care of it.? ?Yes sir.? said the one named Raven, he then disappeared. Ky looked on in a bemused fashion. That happened six days from now, so how do I remember it right now?" ?Explaining the simple works of time is so boring, not even we, who are its masters know how to control it.? said that man. I-NO walked up to Ky, turned, and leaned against him. He felt the smooth curves of her back against his torso. She put her arms around his neck, but this time, Ky stood firm. ?I want you to join us. We need a few more hands around here.? ?And you are?? Ky asked for the third time. ?Simply a small group of people who want to make sure everything is ready.? Said that man, he stood still and stared at Ky and I-NO. ?Ready for what?? Ky asked. ?Gehenna.? Ky raised one eyebrow in intrigue and stood tall to hear what the man had to say. [/font]
[size=1]It was quiet in Dr. Xiao's office. He had just wrapped up with another client. This one happened to be a politician who, much to the doctor's disapproval, had just beat and killed a prostitute. Normally this wouldn't upset the doctor, but she was his prostitute and a particular favorite of his clientel. The fixing of this problem had tied the doctor up these past nights. For one he had to dispose of the poor girl's body, then he had to make sure the senator compensated him for his inconvenience. Another day another dollar in the Doctor's world. He had to admit however, the girl who died held a particular interest to him. To curb his aggrevation, he had summoned Seung Lee, his personal concubine. No one else in the building knew her name except him, as far as they were concerned, she had no name. She layed reclined on the doctor's antique chaise loungue, nude, waiting for him to have his way with her. Her large brown eyes stared toward him, enticing him to drop all he was doing, but the good doctor had stumbled upon something which for the moment was slightly more important. [i]Luyii Chou of all people, [/i]the doctor thought to himself, [i]heir to the Sleepers, how fortunate.[/i] He read each of her files carefully. [i]Aged 21 and a pit fighter? Why would a boss allow his daughter to pursue such blood sports?[/i] further reading revealed that she has long suffered from the death of her mother and she was a bit starved for affection from her father. Her father was an important man, so the good doctor could see how he could ignore the child...such a simple case, the doctor knew he couldn't resist. His lover let out a long yawn, attempting to grab him from his work. Realizing he shouldn't take too much longer, the good doctor made a note of cancelling all of his appointments the next day in anticipation of this interesting patient. As he did this his lover walked over to his desk and sat on it, coming close enough so that the good doctor could feel her breath, she layed out in front of him. All the while the doctor thought to himself, [i]cash or charge? [/i]"Lover," began Seung Lee, "are you alright?" "Excellent, my dear. I believe I've just been offered a deal that would increase not only the size of my pockets, but also give me some influence within one of the brotherhoods." replied the doctor, standing up from his desk and walking behind his lover. She turned and sat up, pulling him closer to her petit frame. "Maybe you can send me to college with that extra bulk you carry." "Perhaps," the doctor said slyly, "but you're still so young, only fourteen." He touched her face and looked her deeply in the eyes, then suddenly he remembered the girl whom the senator killed. When she was younger, she mentioned that to the doctor. As a matter of fact, her predecessor wanted her family to come to America. The doctor couldn't help but get lost in old memories... "What are you thinking about?" Seung Lee asked the doctor, at the same time unbuttoning his shirt and revealing his chest. "You grow up so fast..." he replied, turning her over on her stomach and undoing his pants. The last thing she could think about before she felt him inside of her was how much she loved him, and how bright their future would be together. [/size]
[size=1]Name: Ulyana (Anna) Plisetskaya Power: By altering the physical structure of her hair, Ana can make it longer, shorter, more dense etc. and on a side note, spending the first 16 years of her life locked away in a Russian dance school, Ana has the body of a dancer and also very flexible, agile, and graceful. Personality: Tomboyish and outgoing. Anna carries herself with apparent dignity and strength. She comes off as mean sometimes, and really is mean but she doesn't like for everyone to know off the top so she tries to be nice. She especially tries to act nice at the nightclub she works at (same club as Khali.). [/size]
I was just test driving, my post isn't really to supplement the plot, it's more of me trying out my character.
[size=1]"Sir, what is your religion?" asked the good doctor to the man sitting at the opposite side of his desk. His client shifted slightly in his seat, surprised by the question presented to him, "Excuse me?" "I asked, 'what is your religion?'" replied Dr. Xiao dryly, "Now, if I had to guess by just looking at you, I'd say Christian. Of course, these days you see more atheists and Muslims than I feel comfortable with, but Christians are still here, there, and everywhere." The good doctor adjusted his glasses. "Christian," replied the client, "I was baptized at a young age and went to a small church in..." "That's quite enough, sir." Xiao paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "What you do... In your religion it's not accepted. These urges you've come here to me to describe. These urges that you want me to rid you of." "That's why I'm here. I read your work and I believe you can help me." "How exactly?" The client looked as if he didn't want to answer, but the good doctor knew where this was going. It didn't take much thought for his Ivy League mind to decipher, and the doctor had already decided, he was going to cash in on this poor man. The doctor waited as time passed between his last question and his client's answer and decided to go ahead with his plan. The doctor picked up the phone and made a quick call to his secretary. "Summon Bridget if you don't mind." The client suddenly looked up as if coming out of a daze. "Who is Bridget? I thought I had another hour or so." "Bridget is an employee of mine." said the doctor ignoring his client's quip about time, the good doctor was always on time, "May I offer you a drink? It's a slightly aged cognac that I keep, one of my favorites actually. I would like to share it with you." The doctor produced two glasses and a decorative liquor bottle from his desk. He poured the cognac into both glasses and gave one to his client. "Is this standard?" asked the client, surprised by the doctor's behavior. "In my office? Yes it is." replied Xiao, sipping from his glass. His client cautiously began to drink the cognac, he trusted the doctor, which was good. The door opened suddenly and in walked a child carrying a teddy bear, young, no older than twelve or thirteen. "Oh, I see." said the client, making an educated assumption about the situation, "You bring this child in here for me to face my problem. The drink is to sedate me enough not to call you a quack, outright." The child walked up to the desk and stood to the side of the man and looked at him. The child held the bear close, almost as if the bear was a protector. "Not quite," said the good doctor, "in my line of work; not only as a Psychiatrist, but as a Gentleman and also a hardworking man, I find it imperative that I whatever I engage in sees some sort of profit come by my way." The client took another sip of cognac as the child came closer, making him uneasy. "Yet, as it were, I am also obligated to do some good. I am a doctor after all, my job is to help people. Keeping with these guidelines, I've come up with a solution for you as well as I. That solution is, after reviewing your condition, to let you have the boy, Bridget." The client's heart dropped as he realized what the doctor was talking about. "I can't do this, I came here for a cure, some way to fight against the urges. He's only a child! And you're going to hell for dressing him like this!" Bridget was dressed like a little school girl. He had long blond hair and blue eyes, the client honestly thought he was a girl. "Calm down, I'm offering you a service, you can't refuse. I could tell you lies all day and you can come back to me week after week paying by the hour as you have been doing, or I could provide you with a service, letting you come and go as you please for a slightly less inflated price." The client was about to speak, but before he could Bridget jumped into his lap and got close, the only thing between the two being the bear. Bridget leaned forward and licked the client's ear. He whispered softly, "I'm yours." making the client break out into a cold sweat. It all flooded back to him, the client began remembering long repressed memories: How he used to go to his son's little league games to watch him and his team, how when his wife and children were asleep he would sneak off to his study and watch little boys on the internet. He knew those memories before, but would push them to the back of his mind as soon as he was finished, he tried not to think about it, but the damned memories always came back, always showed what he was capable of. He then remembered his company trip to Thailand, remembered the young boy on the corner and remembered the shame he felt after he had done hisdeed. The doctor knew about all of this from their previous talks, he knew the client was remembering this even now as this honey hair child sat in his lap. "This...this is going to make me worse..." said the client, his voice shaky, his lips quivering. "No it won't." quiped the doctor, going back to his desk and finishing his cognac, "It will keep accidents like the boy from Thailand happening again. That poor child, imagine what he went home and told his parents." "I can't do this, I..I have to go." the client said trying to leave the chair, but Bridget grinded into his lap, he couldn't move...it felt so good. "Your condition, the clinical term being homo-erotic pedophilia, must be contained. It cannot be eliminated, nor can it be silenced. One day you will be an old man, luring children in with promises of candy and other sweets only to have your way with them. What will you do then? You can't let them go, they'll get you arrested, they will run right home and tell their mothers and fathers. You only option will be to kill the poor children, they won't talk then. After that you'll have to get rid of the bodies and I doubt large trash bags will go unnoticed. Any path you follow besides mine will lead to ruin." The client timidly put his hands around Bridget, and young Bridget moaned from the touch. He smelled like fresh picked strawberries, the client couldn't help but be intoxicated. "What you have is a beast." continued the good doctor, "Left in the wild, the beast has a shorter lifespan. The beast will be hunted, the beast will need to hunt it's own food. I'm offering that beast sanctuary, it will be caged and it will never leave these walls again. I'll feed it and I'll take care of it, the beast will ultimately become my responsibility." The client closed his eyes and held Bridget tighter, "I want that. I want him. I'm a businessman Dr. Xiao, I know you have your price." "My bill will be written up for you. I only ask for a semi annual payment of which I will disclose later." "Whatever you want, Doctor, I'll pay." "Good job. Bridget will show you to your room." Bridget rose from the client and grabbed his hand, leading him towards the door. The doctor walked in front of them and opened the door. As the client walked by the doctor grabbed his hand and put a bottle of pills in it. "When you're done with your therapy," said the doctor, a slight smile on his face, "Take two of these and call me in the morning." The client shook the doctor's hand and walked out of the door. The good doctor walked back to his desk and sat down. He produced a pen and looked into his client's file. He wrote on a sticky note attached to it, "diagnosed" and promptly called his secretary to send in his next client.[/size]
Since I'm coming in for act two I need clients (my character's a shrink, and a pimp, so you can call him for anything advice related or if you need a confidant or company for the evening). I already got Raiha's character down for an appointment.
Name: Dr. Sun Xiao Gender: Male nickname: Resplendent Crane Age: 35 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Monkey Organization of Choice: Jade Forest by loose affiliation Function: Gentleman of Lecher, Negotiator. Appearance: 6'1, slim yet toned. Wears glasses and has long black hair. Weapon of Choice: Words, although carries a sword hidden within a decorative cane. Also has access to many prescription drugs due to his profession. Biography: Born to a moderately wealthy Chinese family, Sun enjoyed a very pleasant middle class life in America. A child prodigy, Sun found himself making logistical decisions within the Jade Forest (he joined out of the excitement of it all) before he graduated high school. With the help of his adopted organization, Sun went through college and med school, finishing at the age of 24 with an M.D in psychiatry. After finishing his residency, Sun was asked by the bosses to take over an old building that was owned by the organization and find some use for it. First and foremost he created an office on the top floor, and the rest of the building became dedicated to the organization's cause, thus making Sun an accidental pimp and owner of an escort service. Sun began writing books related to his field of study on the human psyche and eventually rose to prominence in his field. With his newfound fame, his list of clients became more and more prominent and eventually he found himself dining with senators and millionaires and providing them with company as they saw fit. His branch of the organization is becoming more self sufficient by the day, and his ties with the jade forest are becoming ever so much more limited nowadays. Personality: Charismatic and very likeable. He has a physician's stare, unchanged by pain nor deterred by it. Smiles and occasionally jokes out of sarcasm rather than trying to be funny, yet his sarcasm is somewhat charming. Has a love of the human body and looks upon it as a work of art.
Call Sign: El Jefe Gender: male Location: Drifting somewhere in Mexico Age: Most say late 20s to early 30s Personal Appearance: The Sexy...(see attachment) Personality: El Jefe is a man with a heart of gold, yet he shows a cold outer exterior. Few can easily comprehend the complexity of this, man, but this personality is swayed heavily by personal justice. At times he can be a loose canon, who is understood by few, but other times, he is very much the pure of heart. He speaks of himself in the third person and goes into monologue about himself quite often(spoken like a true, El Jefe). He also likes to flirt and impress the ladies. History: El Jefe was born without a name, a lonesome and poor boy left to grow in the Ghettos of Tiajuana, soon he was brought to an orphanage where he quickly became the center of attention, there, he became El Jefe(The Boss), because everyone in the orphanage knew, he was El Jefe. Although he was raised among friends, the orphanage life was hard for him, he picked up knife fighting and the art of the gun quickly, learning from many fights as a kid. Soon into his teens, El Jefe's orphanage was threatened by a gang, when one of the boys from the orphanage was killed, El Jefe took his revenge upon the gang by taking his gun and slaughtering most of the gang's members. His victory, was short lived, as the surviving members of the gang burned the orphanage down. All that was left of the orphanage was one of El Jefe's friend's harmonica, still smug within its hiding place in the base of a nearby tree. As the federalis arrived, El Jefe was blamed with the arson and murder, he escaped them to become a fugitive. With a heavy heart, El Jefe tracked down the last surviving members and killed them, and vowed an oath on the blood of his dead family, that he would not ever let anyone have taken from the what was taken from him. He wanders the land now, a drifter and mercenary, helping those who would need his help, who would need the assistance of El Jefe. Special Skills or Abilities: Has an exteme amount of skills with firearms, unarmed combat, and knife fighting Player?s Availability: Nightly; or at least every other night. Rating: M-SVL
[color=darkblue] Name: Dr. Nusakan (Lamdiel) Age: Timeless Alignment: Non aligned Biography: The enigmatic Lamdiel was once an angel whom, after the first war, simply walked out. No one can understand why he did this, but by all means, no one dared stop him. They considered he a fool who would walk from paradise itself into the threshold known as earth, but Lamdiel himself didn't think so. Upon leaving the sanctity of heaven, Lamdiel took refuge in the second city. Eventually however, an angel came calling for him and Lamdiel, rather than face conflict, banished himself to the lands of Nod. From there he walked to the northern land where he stayed from then forth. Eventually took home in Berlin where he started experimenting with the fabrics of time itself. Not until he moved to Vienna however, and found a small cabal of mages did his work really set off. After a while, he and his mortal counterparts relocated to Belgium where they began the secretive organization, the Illuminati. Using this as a front, Lamdiel was able to launder funds for his research and also to live in the luxury of man, unchecked. Although many governments have taken steps to destroy his organization, the Illuminati lives on and continues to launder money and information through business and the use of every litacy in the book. Lamdiel on a more personal note, has exiled himself into a labratory in which he and his mages created that exists outside of all space and time, those few who have had the pleasure of finding his little labratory rarely can comprehend the wonders they've seen, so the story goes. A powerful warlock and angel, Lamdiel has, without the help of heaven or hell, created for himself a world fit for non other than him, and he would rather die than have heaven or hell over run his work. If a fool ever asks him why he did it, why he walked out of heaven, with a smile, he'll reply, [i]In heaven, all of the interesting people are missing[/i] Because of his ties into global affairs and such, Lamdiel has become aware of recent demon activities and takes it upon himself to investigate. Weapons: His walking cane. Actually an artifact in disguise, the rapier within the cane was his before his walk from heaven. Abilities: The power to manipulate, but not control, time. With his powers that he's acquired thus far, Nusakan has: The ability to always know what time it is. and can do smaller things like make his target move slower than the world around them, step out of the flow of time, and summon up something that happend in an area to play out in front of him(though he cannot interact with it.) He can also remove an area from the flow of time, but that's only to explain his labratory I probably won't rp that much. Can also trap someone in an endless loop, but after they realize it the spell is often times broken. Physical Description: Angel- Black raven like wings, a slim but muscular frame and alien features accompanied by long dark hair, tall. Human- currently Lamdiel takes the form of the asian Dr. Nusakan. Nusakan looks much like he does as an angel, tall 6'0, slender frame, and long hair. His asian features are very slight and he is very handsome. He wears glasses and expensive suits, favoring something along the lines of Armani. [/color]
[color=purple] [i]You gon' miss me baby? Yeah, girl, you know I'll be thinking about you everyday. Mmm-hmm, can I trust you? You know it, I ain't lied to you yet. Jayceon, you just lied right then, nigga you ain't slick. A'ight, A'ight, you got me. But I'll be thinking about you. Ok, baby...[/i] Jay snapped back to the real world as soon as he noticed that the rest of the crew were moving. He moved with them into the locker room, quietly. Physically, Jay was superior to the rest of them, towering high at 6'4 and being in the shape he was, but he said nothing about it. He thought back to that lie he told his girl back home, he must have meant alot to her, although he didn't feel particularly the same way. After processing orders, Jay did as he was told, and removed his clothes down to his undergarments. Jay put them in the locker and walked back out towards the stasis pods. He looked over at a particular woman whom when he passed, kept her eyes straight ahead, looking at his torso. Jay didn't say anything and continued towards his particular pod where he let the green ooze fill up to the brim. [i]This shit is creepy[/i], was his final thought as the shock hit him and he went black. [/color]
Name: Maj. Jayceon "Jay" Taylor Age: 29 Gender: Male Assignment: Pilot Personality: Smartmouthed and arrogant, Jay's attitude can be almost twosided. When he speaks to people, he openly jokes and makes smart comments, otherwise he keeps to himself. Speaks usually when spoken to however. Appearance: 6'2, light-skinned black man. Almost bald head and a somewhat big nose, built heavily and has all the makes of a basketball player. Wears head bands and caps when not in uniform. Bio: was born and raised in the "birthplace of gangsta rap," Compton, California. He received his nickname from his grandmother who never liked how his mother spelled Jason. Growing up in Compton, Jay grew up in the Santana Blocc Crips neighborhood. He was in on gang activity until his cousin and best friend died. Seeing this, he realized he had no aim in his life and joined the airforce. In the airforce, Jay became a test pilot for new aircraft and showed great skills. These skills took him to where he is now, a member of the current mission. (short enough for ya?)
OOC: I didn't realize we had powers, someone please clear this up, I'd like to rain down destruction on my enemies also...not really Yagyu watched as the pincer was working, but they weren't retreating. Stepping back, he sheathed his sword and took defense. Those around him saw the scarlet in his clothes, the red stains upon the earth which were left in his wake. They didn't want the sword to come out again. "Give me a volley!!" Yagyu yelled as he made some distance between he and his enemies. Suddenly streaks began to fly through the sky and strike Uesegi warriors. Yagyu watched as their frontline began to fall and stumble to regroup as the arrows fell. Hajime felt proud, but something caught his eye. Out there, in the distance, a man was slaughtering Takeda forces. Yagyu felt an almost hunger for this man, he had to test him. His palms grew sweaty as he clenched his blade with a grip that hurt him. He took stance and waited, waited for the man to catch his eye. Licking his lips, Yagyu slid his blade only slightly out of its sheath, suddenly he felt cold steel on his throat. "For a general...you're somewhat careless." came the voice of a female ninja behind him. Yagyu watched as his target suddenly noticed him. [i]Dammit...[/i], he thought as the steel cooled his neck. "And for a ninja, you talk somewhat too much." Said Yagyu in stubborn retort. He slid the sheath back and struck the female ninja in the stomach, he then rounded on her and with his sword fully unsheathed, struck. She was fast however, and got away with her guts in tact. Yagyu sheathed his blade. She came back fast, and began attacking Yagyu. Using the sheath from his blade, Yagyu blocked and parried all of her attacks. Suddenly she had company, Two samurai. They surrounded him and swung their blades, Yagyu bent back to the point where it almost looked clumsy, and in this motion pulled his blade and waved it in a full circle. Regaining his balance quickly, the logistics of his style demanded him the sheath his blade again, but they still stood. Catching himself before the blade was fully sheathed, Yagyu embraced the end. However, he looked around and noticed his three aggressors were all standing still. Yagyu slowly continued sheathing his blade, forcing it down with a loud click towards the end. They all fell... Yagyu looked around amazed at his own work, but his attention was suddenly caught by the man he most wanted to duel, finally they were seeing eye to eye. Yagyu noticed his neck was hurting, that bitch had scratched him. He wondered if his opponent had watched, and if he did, was he impressed? Yagyu took stance and smiled, regaining his fighting spirit. His enemy did the same thing. [i]Iai don't fail me now[/i]. The sun had nearly set on the battlefield, and also on the battle. The fight was nearly over, but to Yagyu, there was one more battle that must be settled. He and his opponent went at each other... OOC: Crusader, make the fight good.