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  1. I'm not trying to talk badly about Vegeta or make his fans angry at me. But I'm just wondering if anyone besides me thinks Vegeta is a crybaby and cheater? The reason I think he is is because he cried agains't Brolli because he was LSSJ and pretty much untouchable, he also cried agains't Furiza, and I've heard he cries in Buu saga. He also is a bit of a cheater. On planet Namek he threw sand into Zarbon's face when they first battled. He even cheated to reach his Super Saiya-jin levels. He reached SSJ on his own, but he used the Majin power boost to reach SSJ2, and he used the Brute Ray to skip SSJ3 and reach SSJ4. And to add to things...his lost way more fights then his won and usually turns into some cry baby when there's someone who is about to kick his ***** and he cant do sh*t about it. So I just want to find out if anyone agrees with me. And I'm not trying to make any of his fans p*ssed at me.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kenshiro [/i] [B]Pui Pui is the guy Vegeta fights on the first stage of babidi's ship... [/B][/QUOTE] His names Qui Qui...
  3. Trunks02


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B][B]What is my favorite Godzilla movie?[/B] Godzilla vs King Kong [B]What is your favorite quote?[/B]"GODZILLA" [B] Have you seen Godzilla X Megagirius yet[/B] No [B]How long have you been a Godzilla fan?[/B] 5 years [B]What is your Kaiju out of the Godzilla movies?[/B] Don't have one. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Godzilla V.S. Destroyah 2. No 3. since the first time I saw the first one I ever saw...uh, yeah I think that came out nicely. 4. I liked the new version of King Ghidora, the one created from the Dorats.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] *easliy crushes Trunks into a pulp* [/B][/QUOTE] ...Ow? And what I mean is he only sucks in fighting. He lost his total sense of fighting, and even some of his power. He was only able to stand up to Dabura because of the PL gain he got from being healed by Kabitto in my theory. And while he sucks in fighting as a teen, he is still very important and powerful. And he was the first person to reach Super Saiya-jin2.
  5. Trunks02


    I found the History of Trunks at Wallmart. You should try places like suncoast, or any other places that sell movies. I suggest you try suncoast.
  6. One time I had a dream that I was a Saiya-jin and Goku was training me in the mountains and I wen't SSJ and spared with him. And unfortunetely Goku beat my *** without even going SSJ. And then out of nowhere a whole bunch of guys appeared and they almost killed me but Goku beat them all with one punch. And then Goku laughed and said that nobody in the universe could beat him. And then Mr. Satan of all people appeared and punched Goku in the face and he died. :blackeye: And then I got really pissed and went SSJ2 and woke up.
  7. Name: Shadow Height:5'11 Age: He doesn't know and he doesn't care :D Weapons: Shadow Buster, Beam Sabre, Shadow Claw (Three claws of pure energy extend from his fist giveing his Karate Punches powerful effects) History: [SIZE=1]He was built by Dr. Wily for one purpose and one purpose only. To help in the creation of Forte. Dr. Wily paid little attention to Builder (real name) from the start. And he paid even more when he was in the construction of Forte. So little attention that it angered Builder. Builder trained himself in the martial arts, and upgraded himself with a weaker model of Forte's blaster. But the Dr. was unimpressed and continued work on Forte. One day while the Dr. was away and Builder was left in charge, he upgraded himself with some of the nearly finished Forte's parts. He thought that if he was as strong as Forte the Dr. would except him. But instead the Dr. was furious and kicked him out. Then Builder became a homeless Reploid. One day he heard about the failure of Forte. Believeing this was his chance he set off to search and destroy X to prove himself. But intead he found a mysterious red Reploid. The two did battle, and Builder's main weapon his B buster as he renamed it (B buster?) was torn from his arm early in the battle, and after that he got beat up so bad it wasn't even funny. Builder escaped, but afterwards passed out because of his injuries. He awoke inside of a huge lab fully repaired. With new black armor that he liked alot better then his old armor which was a green color, a new blaster, a beam sabre, and a brand new weapon just for him which he calls the "Shadow Claw." After realizeing he was repaired by the Maverick Hunters, he immeidetely came face to face with X. The two had a short battle but after a little talking to Builder stopped his battle and joined the Hunters.[/SIZE] Persona:[SIZE=1]He still holds a bit of anger towards X. Beliveing that if he wasn't created then they would have been no need for Forte, and he would have lived with and been accepted by the Dr. He also has a grudge agaisn't Zero. Since Zero defeating him made him feel like an even bigger failure. He is quick to anger but calm in battle, and hates to lose in anything. [/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I watch wwf, have been for some 14 years now actually, I think this whole drafting thing they have done is stupid though.... [/B][/QUOTE] it's not stupid...it's a stupid piece of ****
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegetto master [/i] [B]gohan pulled out the sword even though trunks has it [/B][/QUOTE] Trunks doesn't have the Z sword...Trunks has a sword given to him by Tapion
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]. Trunks from the Future is unknown as to where he got his sword... Trunks from GT got his sword from Tapion. [/B][/QUOTE] Uh, I always thought it was the other way around...
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]1) how trunks got his sword????? 2) what character did evil buu asorbed?? 3) how did vegeta go to ssj4??? 4) what is brolly known as?????? it should be sort of easy to do. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. He got it from Tapion 2. Gotenks, and Mystic Gohan 3. Bulma used the Brute Ray on him 4. The Legendary Super Saiya-jin...
  12. I use to be a big WWF fan. Especially when the Coporate Ministry (sp?) was runing around raiseing hell. But it started getting boreing and I lost intrest in it for a while. But now I'm watching it again, well still not as much as before.
  13. Kaio ken can't be used in SSJ form because it would put waaaay to much strain on the body for someone to take. I suppose Goku was able to take it being that he was dead. And everyone who said the SSJ anger stuff was right. Remeber what Master Roshi said when Goku wen't SSJ agaisnt Furiza? He said Goku was trying to hold onto who he really was. So SSJ does alter the way a person acts, making them more angry, and violent. Look at Vegeta, he had a son, and a wife? That he truely cared about. And then when he turned SSJ he turned back into a badass.
  14. That sucks that they took off Freakazoid. And what's the deal with Scooby Doo? Why in blue hell does everyone watch that show so much? I hate Scooby Doo except for the movie Scooby Doo on Zombie Island. If they were going to take off a show they should have taken off Scooby Doo not Freakazoid...
  15. Uh...? What rules are you breaking? You just need to calm down and talk to these people in PM if you have to say this to them. Since I left my friends are gone too. But I'm not crying over it...
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