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King Vicious 2

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Everything posted by King Vicious 2

  1. Spike and Julia are the worst couple. Julia rightlfully belongs to Vicious
  2. I would want Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo to be my roomate, because she would be so easy to take advantage of and make sweet love to. Oh yeah, and Kiyone can come too
  3. The most annoying anime character ever is that jerk weavel on Yu-gi-oh. His voice is such a pain. everything he does is just stupid. And he thinks that he is the best duelist, and he uses insect cards. I mean come on!!! I hate Yu-gay-oh as a whole. but I have seen weavel and how he works, and he makes me sick to my stomach. He is even worse than that girl that whines about her friends all of the time. She would do anything for her friends, even take it up the chute for them. But Weavel in my opinion needs to be pimpslapped by Joey, yeah joey would put a hurting on that punk. I am outtie
  4. All in all the new otaku is cool, but the old otaku has its advantages. well only one advantage, and that is the characters in the intro. And that is not all that bad.The 1500 characters that they gave me worked perfectly. Otaku V2 is super sweet with the post styles too. I really cant complain, they let me keep my site so i am grateful, and take everything that the administrators offer.
  5. Well as you know vicious is my favorite anime character. So, i want to know what you good ppl here on otakuboards have to say about your favorite character. I wont judge you about you characters either. everyone has their own character that they admire. so please go ahead and tell me who is the best anime character in your opinon. if you dont have a favorite, just name a few. I am just taking a break from the ever controversial my otaku. I need a breather, and I just want hear some positive input for a change. See you around, and give me your feedback please
  6. which anime character do i dislike? hmmmm let me think. you are really making me think. I hate anime characters that try to be like the one and only vicious. They need to give it, because they will never be as poetly evil like him. he is the man. The only character that can compare to this magnificent character is legato only because he has the same voice
  7. Miguzi is straight up gay, gay gay!!! I say they should of brought back the old school toonami. with dbz, gundam wing, outlaw star, and top it off with tenchi and sailor moon. now that is toonami for . Before toonami was changed, it was kinda gay too, but atleast it still had dbz. I think miguzi should be showed on saturdays, and toonami all through the week. All in all i hope miguzi leaves, because it is a crock horse #%@^ it is the worse thing to happen to the network since Kids Next Door. I like that baby looney tunes better than that crap. I used to respect toonami, but now look at it. playing teen titans and spy tramps. That sux big time. But saturday toonami is pretty good i cant really complain. Except i hate that new gundam show. Gundam wing should take that slot. that is enough for now. PS: We need motar back, he kept toonami in order, unlike that half pint of a robot that is on there now.
  8. This anime is right down my alley. I like fangs and beasts, you know that type of stuffs. But nothing can ever still my heart from Vicious. He is the best anime character i have ever seen. I havent seen the whole series of wolf's rain, but it seems to be a promising series. Its kool, its good to get away from animes that have mobile suits coming out of their foreheads, or blasts shooting from their hands. this is something new, and it deserves attention. I might go on my list as one of the best animes
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