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    Im brown headed girl, who leaves in florida and enjoys playing with her dog.
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  1. My qoute is probabily is "Lifes a garden dig it"- joe dirt. Life has its nice and sad momments. Instead of feeling sad for those momments look at the bright side of them and thats what this qoute reminds me to do.
  2. As many people in this thread I love the rain, instead of sometimes making my night or day gloomy it relaxes me. I love it when it rains at night makes things betterand makes my sleep in peace. I just love it^_^I wish someday I can see snow.
  3. I just went to Jacon 2005 in orlando, anyone else had the pleasure of going?
  4. People tend to judge people by their looks. See the truth is that the world fears change everyone that is different is official weird by someone cause they dont know them or beacuse they are given a first impression. Something we all deal with. Kitty Excel :catgirl:
  5. This is hard question for me. I ussually get attached to people and it's really hard for me to let go also beacuse of my religion I don't feel like im cut out for this desicion. But I will pull the plug after a cetain amount of time I believe that they need a little more time but if the suffer much I will pull the plug I don't want anyone to suffer it just tears me apart. Kitty Excel :catgirl:
  6. Games id recomend will have to be: Metal Gear Solid Series: its action filled. Its a good way to kill time and if you like it theres three games out for ps2 Xenosaga: its basically sorda anime so any anime fan will like this one. If your not a good gamer it will take sometime on getting use to this one since its a hard game. KingdomHearts: its really addictive if you like RPG's and FF games you'll like this it also tends to have comic relief so is not stress full to play. thats it. Kitty Excel :catgirl: out!
  7. Biggest Fear -not being able to help those I love -Seeing someone i care about get hurt -Having greater stronger fears -loosing everything around me My biggest fear is Death , I'm suddenly freaking out by It alot.
  8. I'm not a big fan of Valentines I guess is beacuse i don't like it much when i'm getting to much attention just the way I am. I see people give each other gifts and they do tend to break theline alot too many expensive stuff. Is funny when you think about it though many of this relationships don't tend to last. All i used to do for Valentines was give my friends cards or the whole class in this case . Something simple. I just wished people didn't make a whole big deal out of this holiday its just another card company plot. Men try so hard to impress women it amazes me, sure some girls love really expensive gifts but other just want simple stuff like a rose , a kiss or just a plain I love you and a hug nothing hard to ask is it. BTW: does heart shaped candies do rock!
  9. I went to the FX show recently , is not really an anime convetion per say but it brought japanese exports into the scene, I had a good time i guess thats the best thing that happened. I met one of the cast members from LOTR he was really cool :p. Afterwards we went to the anime exhibit in the marriot hotel and the only thing they where showing was a series i wasnt in the modd to see it so we left (okay so well my brother hates anime and i felt sorry for pushin him in so we left for that reason, I wanted to see it though :( ) So thats it!
  10. [quote]Do you really think that there is someone out there for everyone? Like a soul mate, perhaps? And that you have to just open your eyes and see? Like it could be that person living next door, or someone you met on a trip by chance? Do you think that fate and destiny have their roles in it as well?[/quote] First question: Not truely im afraid I can say yes. :( today more and more people can't make up their minds and they think they can have everything thats out there this is where cheating comes. The true one is somone you keep in your mind to help you keep searching for someon that will come to keep you company the rest of your life. But this is also something the one should choose they belive that they is someone out there for them let them be. Second question:^ same as up there third question: Your solemate, true one, Will come first in a feeling not in vision.....(don't listen to me I don't know this i'm just making it up as a I go) he could always start as a friend or someone you meet in a second the world is full of surprises you never know. Last:Fate, destiny? there is no such a thing only time that is what love is made up and how love will be at a give time.
  11. As a book worm I would like to use several meanings from the dictionary: A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. Sexual passion. Sexual intercourse. A love affair. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment. An expression of one's affection: Send him my love. A strong predilection or enthusiasm: a love of language. The object of such an enthusiasm: The outdoors is her greatest love. Love Mythology. Eros or Cupid. often Love Christianity. Charity. Sports. A zero score in tennis Now this defenition can't help you define love cause all of us have a different meanig for it...Love for me is something you feel for someone deeply, is the feeling you get when you want to do something no matter what to make the person you feel you love happy.Of course there is different kind of loves. [COLOR=Red]Family Love: You care for them cause they are the people who you known all of you life, they have taken care of you and let you inside their hearts beacause you are one of them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Mutual Love:this is the love you feel and are also given back from somebody who also loves you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]Simple Love: something you feel for a friend or a pet, stuff or people like that.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]True love:this is where some people think they have at first but sadly they are wrong. true love hurts, pleases , laughs and cries. nothing in life is hard and love is not gonna be different the love that makes it through the harships IS TRUE LOVE.[/COLOR] LOL, I've think about this topic way to much :laugh: But I enjoy it even though love dosen't seem to go my way I know I will find it so thats what makes me think of it.
  12. My favorite must be Angel Sanctuary, I love the decent story and i've always been a fan of of angels and demons. Plus the forviden love topic makes it even cooler!
  13. I listen to disturbed an old buddy of mine introduce me to one of thier CD's sadly i only heard bits and pieces cause the CD was scratch but they are really good. I plan on getting their CD later in time cause at the momment I don't see it so ill check in borders next time so i can get it..
  14. I tried to watch horror films but they are not scaring me i come to those fimls for a scare but they dont! The other day I rented house of a thousand corpses that didnt scare me, horror movies are just going on and they are more like soft core porn rather than a horror movie(girls comes in meets guy gets naked shoots around whooo) I get more scared by reading stephen king books than watching movies.
  15. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Times New Roman]When I get out of highschool, i'm planning on going to UFC,(university of central florida) where they got a course on medical vet. Ill save money by staying at my parents eve though i don't want to. It still a little bit far off so i can figure out a way to pay it it really dosent bother me im not planning on quiting it no matter what happens i'll get through this money is like the least of my worries.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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