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Everything posted by Ryuki

  1. I am not 100% sure if this is where I am supposed to be posting this, becasue i looked and looked and could not find a "Help" specific board. Anyways, my problem is with my MyOtaku account. Becasue of my inability to notice new links on the backroom page, I just noticed this morning the link to "Post Styles". I am rather adept in HTML coding, so naturally when I noticed that I could insert my own HTML and set it as a default for all of my posts and not have to type it in every time i was leaving a post I jumped at the chance to save myself about 20 minutes of posting time. This is where my problem arose. I typed in the HTML coding for a blog that I wished to set as my default post stlye, and placed the "$body$" where normally you would type the body of your post. I clicked the "Update Past Style" button, and checked my site. Nothing had changed. Are we not allowed to use blogs in out post styles, does it not take effect until I make the next post, or did I just make a typing error that I cannot find after an hour of searching? Please help me, I am very confused as to why this isn't working. Here is the HTML code I attempted to use. $body$
  2. In Trigun, episode 23 when [spoiler]Wolfwood got shot and gave a speech about how he didn't want to die like that, and about his idea about what paridise would be like. and then....he....just DIED![/spoiler]:bawl:
  3. "No thanks, I already ate......nice Rayquaza. Is that how you got here?" Rose said staring at the large dragon. "So....what's this meeting about the shadow pokemon for, anyway?"
  4. "That have seen the shadow Pokemon are meeting in Lavender Town." Said the radio. "Well.....how about that....." *whistles* "CHARIZARD, COME!" A large Charizard called over the trees, and landed with a great gust of wind in front of Rose. " Well, old friend, it looks like we're going to Lavender Town." As they arrived in Lavender town, Rose spotted a trainer with a very fierce-looking Rayquaza. She decided that she would ignore him. She released her Umbreon from its pokeball so it could stretch its legs, and headed for the poke' center. After finding out where the meeting was being held she headed back to the building that she had seen the Rayquaza at.
  5. :ball: Cool, a Pokemon RPG. I try it. :ball: [B][COLOR=Red]Name[/COLOR][/B]: [COLOR=Blue]Rose Strife[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Red]Age[/COLOR][/B]: [COLOR=Blue]16[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Red]Description[/COLOR][/B]: She wears a tight fitting, low-cut, spandex shirt, and equally tight fitting, black spandex pants. Her eyes are a golden color, and has shoulder lenght white hair, and wears black boots. [COLOR=Red][B]Personality[/B][/COLOR]: [COLOR=Blue]She is not very talkative, and is cold to those she does not know or like. She is also willing to put her life infront of those of her friends and pokemon, she will never back down from a challange, no matter how dangerous it may be. She is also very intune with her Pokemon, and knows when to stop a battle. [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Red]Bio[/COLOR][/B]:[COLOR=Blue] Rose had her first encounter with a Shadow Pokemon, about six months ago, she was on her way to a pokemon center, to get a bite to eat, when a Vulpix attacked her, she managed to release on of her pokemon, and knock-out the Vulpix, that's when she noticed the strange black aura that surrounded it. When she got to the pokemon center she asked Nurse Joy about it, she said that a few people ask asked her about the same thing. and that there was a group in the area that specialized in finding the Shadow Pokemon.[/COLOR] :ball: [B][COLOR=Red]Starting Pokemon[/COLOR][/B]: [COLOR=Blue]Umbreon and Charizard[/COLOR] :ball: [B][COLOR=Red]Shadow Pokemon You Catch[/COLOR][/B]: [COLOR=Blue]Typhlosion, Lugia, Manectric, Absol[/COLOR] [B]Side[/B]: Good!
  6. :mad: I think the most frusterating thing I've ever encountered in a video game was in Final Fantasy X, Fighting Braska's Final Aeon was a pain in the *** that took me like 40 or 50 times to beat then I was really pissed about the final boss, Yu-Yevon. I killed it in to hits. I used the Zombie Attack/Full-Life trick.
  7. :) Yeah, their finally bringing the live concerts to the US. THANK YOU GOD! I was begining to think I was gonna have to go to Japan with my cousin just to see it. I am so there! :D
  8. Name: Kat Dargon Age: 19 Height: 5' 9" Weight: 120lbs Personality: Very outgoing and energetic Appearance: Black skin-tight outfit, with a slit down the front, much like Aisha's firecat outfit from Outlaw Star Episode 13 "Strongest Woman in the Universe". Magic: Fire and Cure Overdrive: Flame Wing; She summons a giant Black Dragon which procedes to totally destroy the enemys with its fiery breath. Weapon: Claws Bio: When she was about four years old her parents were killed by a pack of wolves, she then ran away. She was found by a Black Dragon and raised as a Dragon Knight. Through her years of training she learned how to summon the dragons to aid her when she was in danger. She met Gaiden two years ago and has traveled with him as a friend and protector since that day. From her appearance one might say that she is not of the human species. During her training, a spell was cast on her, giving her the ability to fly with her draconic wings, and the ability to use magic. In fact the spell completely altered her physical appearance; pointed ears, wings, fang-like teeth, and claws as strong as steel, thus making her an almost unstoppable fighting machine.
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