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Everything posted by Dragonfaery

  1. The most tragic character death I watch was actually more of a death of a couple. In Suikoden 3, [spoiler]Luc and Sarah died together in those ruins.[/spoiler] So romantic yet devastating in my view... I held in the tears throughout the ending of the game then when I saw [spoiler]their souls flying past Leknaat,[/spoiler] I burst. I flew into the bathroom and stayed in there for an hour or two.
  2. Actually, I've been on there several times. But, I haven't been much of an active member. =_= So now what?
  3. Your Username- Dragonfaery Magic Type- Wind Type- Sorceror Picture: [URL=http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/s/sierramikain01.gif]Clickie here![/URL] 2 Moves: Lulling Fairy- Raises defense up by ten for every card of the Wind magic type in hand and on play including Dragonfaery. Red Moon- Drains 30 HP from opponent. Color: Blue
  4. ^_^ Let see... It has a nice variety of images as well as the colors which fixes the theme in a pretty calm yet meaningful way. Not regarding the icons and toolbar, I would give a 9.
  5. Livin' in Boardman, Ohio which is next to Youngstown. Dude! Crime rates a blowin'! ^_^ Not like I'm in any of it!
  6. ^_^ Heh... I'm actually afraid flying stingers... Bees... Hornets... You can name it.
  7. My first system was NES. It was fun playing the Mario games like that RPG one. That was a lot of fun! ^_^ My first game was a duck hunting game. I love firing at those flying things. And, I swear, I saw a flying squirrel in that game! O_O
  8. Paradise Kiss (1+2) Girl Got Game (1,2,+3) Demon Diaries (Vol. 1) DNAngel (Vol. 1) Les Bijou (Vol. 1) That's all I can think of right now. Probably, I read more. Don't know...
  9. Got the game too. Been at the last chapter several times and almost... ALMOST...! ..defeated the dragon. BUT!!! The Archsage wasn't tough to beat it in time and was the ONLY one who caused damage. So, starting a new file... ^_^
  10. [I]For one thing to exist, another must coexist.[/I] Yeah... Yin-yang... [I]Huwah![/I] A friend of mine kept saying this everytime she understood something. It happens often and can get very addictive when you start saying it... ^_^
  11. ^_^ I have! Of course, I only have the first DVD. But, I have seen some on the Japanese DVDs. Taishi is just hilarious with his world domination thing. Amazingly, one of my friends has an obsession of him... Goodness. The show does give good tips on creating a fanmanga.
  12. From a little organization I was physically in... The leader taught me sword-fighting and a little fencing. She said I struck like a dragon yet kept grace like a fairy (faery is the ancient name according to people). The name Yume is what they called me when I wouldn't tell them my real name. I was often found dreaming... (Yume means dream in Japanese)
  13. Hmm... Most of the time, I would be acting like Naruto. My friends told me that I act like him. Never thought of it until I actually noticed my actions to be the best. Then comes the times when I'm poisoned by a pinch of sugar... I act like Excel from Excel Saga, dancing around and singing random stuff. Depression hits me easy too and comes me acting like Haku: smiling, quiet; when angered, a murderer. Yeah... One can say that I have multiple personalities. :tasty:
  14. I'd say that Noir is a nice, deep anime. Very melancholic and dark at points. Plus, it gives some view of a life being shunned and forgotten. But, because it's so deep into the dark emotions, it wouldn't be a good starter anime. People might get the wrong idea and say that anime is just for the mentally ill or something. (Something that this one girl said to me.) A good starter anime would be something cheery or interesting like Inuyasha or Cowboy Bebop. Maybe, a little weird like Excel Saga...
  15. I started at the age of 4. The first anime I watched was Weiss Kreuz, something my aunt bought for me for fun. Finished the first season then head for Sailor Moon. Didn't like it but I did draw some characters. The third one was Ninja Cadet at the age of 6. I got so hooked on the way a ninja lived that I've been a ninja freak/wannabe since. Yeah... But, I don't any special from watching young. Not to brag, but, I was once jealous of my friend. She lived with a family who watches anime plentifully that she started watching since the age of 2! O_o Umm... Yeah... Anyways, laters.
  16. Hrmm... The first song would be Wind from Naruto but then again, I have been listening to Tsuki No Ie from Outlaw Star... And, there's this one ending from Weiss Kreuz that I love so much. So, I can't really decide for some reason... :sleep:
  17. I would prefer the villians. They're so dark and have so much devious plans. Plus, they're free to do whatever they want in hopes of completing their goals. If you think of it, there's Sephiroth who goes murdering peeps, Mikage who fights to avenge her broken heart, Seifer who's just plain evil, Takatori who just is plain rich and has the Schwarz as his bodyguards. But, there are some exceptions like the Weiss, Excel Excel, Menchi, the men of Gensomaiden Saiyuki, and Sasame and Mannen of Pretear.
  18. [center]~*Black Rose*~ {A Pretear Fanfiction}[/center] ~Chapter 1: Anemia This can't be happening to me... This isn't happening. No... I won't believe it. I am not condemn like my brother. I did nothing wrong! Why, Mother, must you shun me? Isn't your fault that I am this way? You... My very own mother... sold my soul to a demon in exchange for your safety. But, why? Are humans really that selfish? I think of these thoughts and questions of why I am the way I am. I can't turn back to the human I used to be. I can't even stand the afternoon's high sun without even fainting from anemia. But, I accept this way of life now. I can go on. Or at least that's what I thought. Today is October 23. I have been living in this city of Awayuki for many years. The city had another name before but I cannot recall. It is amazing how humans are when you leave town to hunt. I had returned a couple of weeks ago and the highway is torn to shreds as if a battle took place. I do not care about human wars, though. They fight, bleed, and die. Not much is gained from such insignificant battles... Sitting by the only window in my house, I watch the humans rebuild Awayuki. The rich Awayuki family is out there, also. And, their new friends from the distant land of Leafania... No one told me this information. I merely had to reach out with my mind and grab what I see is necessary. All of the constructions are annoying me. The rackets can never get any worse. So, I decide to get his over with. Standing from my bed, I step out of my black room and down the stairs. My mind pushed the door open as I marched out into the light. One of the Leafanians turns when they heard the sound of my door open. He stares at me with those light violet eyes of his. I find him attractive but Leafanians are of no interest to me. "Good evening," I say. My accent of England seems to cause him to flinch. It was obvious that I don't make contact with many commoners. "Yes. Good evening to you..." He nods calmly. Deep in his mind, I see that he fears me. It was not surprise: it is an unconscious instinct to avoid my kind. "I wish to help you with your effort." I nudge to the construction of the highway. "It's alright. We'll be able to handle it." "I insist." "Sure if it isn't much of a problem." "Thank you." I brush pass him to the highway. His thoughts were shrouded with doubts. I can tell that he notices that I have no Leafe. Another information is located along with my previous information. This man is called Sasame. Joining up with a group of humans boost my thirst. But, self-control allows it to slip away. In a crowd like this, I cannot use my fullest potential. It would be shocking to all if they see me lifting objects with my mind. They had been working on this highway for about a week now. I help for only this day and all of the work was done. I wipe my face clear of the sweat. The sun was too high for me to be out here. What more: my thirst is growing stronger for me to control. I must feed... The Leafanian children surround me in a ring of thank-yous but I faint. The sun was too unbearable. Though I feel weak, I feel even more weak to know that I underestimated my time out here. The world about me starts to fade. This isn't troubling. At least, it is better than standing in that void thousands of years ago when I first became the way I am: a vampire. [color=black][size=2]There is a piano playing according to my hearing. It sings of a haunting melody.[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]How nice...[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]I can simply sleep here. Unfortunately, that choice is not available for me as the keys were slammed to release an abrupt note. I jump. It shakes me to know what the song is. It sounds so familiar yet so distant.[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]"Are you awake?" asks a familiar voice.[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]"Yes." I sit upright finding myself on a couch in a shadowy room. The piano resonates like a black candle's light. It is the only object that isn't completely black. [/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]...isn't completely black...[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]My eyes draw their attention to the pianist immediately after realizing what my mind had observed. The man wears black clothing. His ink-black hair shimmers gently to the light of the moon. His mesmerizing black eyes show great death, amplified by the paleness of his skin. This is the demon which I was sold to so long ago. The demon whom transformed every inch of my being into a vampire: Eritus.[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]"Why are you so shocked to see me, Silvei?" He steps slowly towards me. His feet did not make a tap upon the marble floor, a sign of death soon to come. "You still have a grudge against me, my dear?"[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]"I shall not succumb to your games, Eritus. Your purpose is not known but I shall not follow your will." I speak this way. For many years, Eritus called for me to do as he please since I am his. But, I will not allow myself to be used like how I was by my brother and mother.[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]His tracks stop before me. As if to harm me, his hand punches my cheek. Pain blinds my sight for a second until my bangs were in his grip. My face is forced to look at him. "Leave now, Eritus," I threaten. For us to tell another to be gone is a threat to our knowledge. "Leave now..."[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]Eritus merely laughs at my attempt to scare him away. Nothing I try will work anyways. He knows me too well. My being would have been torn to shreds if not the doors slam open as the Leafanians scramble in. Eritus takes his leave with his mind. The minute he used it, I took what I needed from his mind. His next destination is the ancient cathedral. But, he is little of my problem, now.[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]"Tell us who you are, vampire!" One of the Leafanians demands. His long violet hair seemingly sways to his words. His whole body seems to be engulfed in flames of rage. Once again, he demands, his deep blue eyes glistened with hatred, "Speak, demon!"[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]I can't simply tell him my identity but my hunger strikes me weak. I stare away to the floor, hiding the fact that I am collecting information. Mannen, Himeno, Mawata, Mayune, Hayate, Goh, Shin, Hajime, Sasame, and... I didn't get any more identifications when a hand forced itself onto my injured cheek. A wound opens but closes because of my fast healing.[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]"Hayate, don't. She isn't strong enough to..."[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]"Shut it, Sasame. If we don't get rid of her, she will terrorize all of Awayuki!" Hayate yells at Sasame. I understand his anger and his love for the one named Himeno Awayuki and Sasame's foolish attempt to protect a demon like me. This cannot go any longer. My hunger will be out of control and one of them will lose their life, or their so-called leafe, to me.[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]"I am," I answer weakly, "I... I am called Silvei. It is my name from then to forever. Now, may I be excused?" I could teleport myself with my mind but my energy is running low.[/size][/color] [color=black][size=2]Each one stare at me as if I said something incorrect. This is something I cannot wait around for. Stumbling to the window, I barge into the glass and land on the balcony. None of them are following. I did not care. For now, I must hunt. Hastily, I transform my form into that of a hawk and flap away to the mountains.[/size][/color] [color=black][font=Times New Roman][font=Tahoma][size=2]There, I find a young woman along the lonesome trail to another town...[/size][/font][/font][/color] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=red]Please do not double post. It is against the rules. You [i]are[/i] a new member, so I suggest you take some time to read over them. You can find them [url="http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][b]here[/b][/url]. Welcome to Otakuboards, and I hope you enjoy your stay. ^_^ -- Lady Asphyxia[/color][/size][/font]
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