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Everything posted by densuke

  1. [quote name='Dagger IX1']...Madhouse has done an excellent job of earning my respect... And on the subject of music, I'm in love with X's OP, which I believe was produced by the Japanese group L'Arc-en-Ciel...[/quote] Check out this [url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/company.php?id=392][color=blue] partial list of Madhouse projects[/color][/url]. Currently running series include Gokusen and Mujin Wakusei Survive, both of which I like a lot. The OP song X-Dream is by Myuji. I like it a lot but I also like the ED ("Secret Sorrow" by Kohei Koizumi) a lot.
  2. [quote name='Dagger IX1']I tend to be a bit skeptical of CLAMP...[/quote] I have seen pretty much every anime adapted from CLAMP manga and for me it's more a feeling of increasing dislike than skepticism. The storytelling is often weak and formulaic. X is one of the better efforts. [quote name='Dagger IX1'] In all honesty, X: The Movie was absolutely terrible (in terms of everything but action). X-TV apparently seeks to rectify the film's lack of character development and an interesting storyline...[/quote] X: The Movie was not a good movie [b]but[/b] to me it [i]looked and sounded great[/i]. X is just too big of a story to tell in the short timespan of the movie, so the characters just come zooming in and things happen to them right away. The TV series can spread out, doing justice to the characters and giving the story time to unfold. The story was always there, it just gets told properly. Madhouse, which did the X Movie, also did the TV series. Madhouse is a very accomplished studio with many very good series to their credit. They also take the time to get very good music for their projects.
  3. [quote name='Dagger IX1']...1. What was the first anime movie, series or OVA you ever watched?[/quote] First I remember was Kimba the White Lion. [quote name='Dagger IX1']2. Do you feel that time has made you more picky about the titles which you like and/or choose to buy?[/quote] Not really. I recently got Kimba on DVD and I am glad to say I can still appreciate it. I used to be hung up on how I had "good taste" but I no longer see any point to that. A lot of my favorites are not that great. I do not want to watch everything but that's not a change. [quote name='Dagger IX1']3. If you had watched some of your current favorite shows when you first got into anime, would you have been able to appreciate them as much as you do now?...[/quote] They weren't around back then. And I would have been too young for a lot of them anyway.
  4. I've been watching and enjoying Live-eviL's fansubs of this anime series as "Condor Hero." It is sort of low-tech but very enjoyable. As Monkey_Orange says, it's a martial arts series. The "forbidden love" is not some spicy shoujo romance, it's an epic love affair where not much happens.
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