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Everything posted by Lorcanith
OOC: Damn... a lot's happened over the weekened. A Nuke, national security with this vessel thingumy...anyhow here goes! Raynor sat with his fellow knights in the back of a Dep.-7 apc. It rumbled across the debris littered streets, joslting them violently as they went. Raynor grimaced as the hit a large bump, his wounds were farily serious, had he been a normal man, he'd be dead, but thankfully, being a knight of his expierience made him something a little bit more. Raynor sighed, staring off into the black metal of the carrier, getting hurt like this seemed to be happening to him a lot in new york, more so than anywhere else. He didn't particualarily like it, it was a bad sign to him, at least he was doing his duty in the line of fire. His eyes turned dark as he thought about doing one's duty. He remembered the news flash, with special footage of the nuke, before and after it had went off. He had seen a familiar fiery dot flying through the sky, before the fiery explosion erupted, killing thousands, and knocking out the camera. Raynor slammed his fist into the hard metal seat he sat on. A few of the knights gave him surprised looks. The driver looked back shouting at him above the rumbling of the machine. "Knight Raynor!" raynorwas pulled from his thoughts, he looked wearily over at the driver. "Yeah?" "Sir! I have just been ordered to take you back to Dep.-7 Headqaurters, where you will be patched up and debriefed!" Raynor nodded his head, looking down at his sword. He had taken so many lives with that sword over the years, he had lost track. The only ones that knew exactly how many where department 7, and the a few of the record keepers at the Knights Headquarters. the Apc jerked to the stop, shaking the knights around the knights slightly. "Sir, we're here." [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Raynor walked with a slight limp from the debriefing room, he had been told that he had to remain here until further notice. He fumed, there was a battle to be fought, and he couldn't fight it! Innocents were still being murdered by rogue shadow kind, and he could do nothing! He grimaced, stopping to catch his breath. The pain from the more serious wounds burned through him like his anger. He took several deep, albiet ragged, breaths to calm himself. In this condition, he would only be a bother to the others fighting to stop all this. Besides, a few of the people working here had been calling ohter agents as well, and there was talk of a big mission coming up, maybe he had been picked for it. Ranor walked to the break room, he'd spotted a comfy looking couch when he had come through the place, perfect for a nap. He spotted it almost immeadiatly. Off to the left side in the sterile white walled room, black leather couch. He sat down slowly, his wounds screaming at him the whole way. He leaned back taking in the room. A fridge sat humming directly acrossed from him. A few cupboards hung above a sink on the wall to his right, and a low sitting glass table sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by four chairs. He breathed deeply again relaxing himself this was the comfiest he'd been since coming to New York. [I]and those medecines they gave me to speed up healing should be kicking in...I thought they were supposed to make me sleepy...[/I] As he finished the thought his head fell back, his mind sailing away to the land of dreams. ooc: AWWW GOD DAMMIT! Lorcanith is my brothers name, the person that made this post is swordsiant, I thought I had logged my brother out, and logged myself in. DAMMIT! I'm sorry for any confusion this may cause.
as they arrived at bloodwolfs encampment gunther drove up to his quarters and walked right in. bloodwolf "ah, just the man i was looking for." gunther "sir?" gunther offset a little by the nerv racking sight of Bloodwolf, "i understand that you and your men were sent on a mission to exterminate a fairly large group of the resistense " gunther "yes sir" bloodwolf "did you find anything" "yes we found a very small group of em but we managed to capture a couple of officers along the way" will finish later
first thing gunther wanted to do when he first arrived was get an audience with the newly appointed cammander and receive his orders and to also find out the general position of burque.
sorry it took so long to post private "sir, bloodwolf has ordered all infantry units for an all out assault in these designated areas" gunther gave a slight smirk "what is he thinking these areas are heavily populated!" " sir its also rumored that the rebellion leaders are also within those areas." that was all that gunther had needed to hear and he set a new course for for 50 of his soldiers to attack one of the designated areas and took 8 of the zx58s and ordered the rest to stay on the original course through to pandoras fortress. :devil:
gunther was just coming back from a recent mission from commander bloodwolf himself to destroy an enemy force that was located a few miles away (capturing 5 enemy soldiers, one of which was an officer, and killing the other six. now he and 65/140 of his men are preparing to move the pows to the black tower for interogation and also recieve his and his mens new orders from general ingram. already having gone over the details of the movement with his men they are preparing to move out on thier 2 heavily armored maxwell t234 apc's and 10 zx58 jacobson assault vehicles armed with 2 90 calibers. after they were all finished gunther gave the order to move out.
Name: jered tacker Age: 28 Occupation: [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][B]S.W.A.T.[/B][/FONT] team member Personality: Appearance: 5'10, black hair about 6inch long, silver, muscular, Bio: Weapon: mp5, 1 silver napoleon 9mm, 1 black napoleon 9mm, sp48mae assault rifle :devil:
Sign Up Pandora's Black Tower (My first RPG! :eek: )
Lorcanith replied to Swordsaint's topic in Theater
Swordsaint okayed me on this Name: [COLOR=Red][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Gunther Kane[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR] Age: 26 Description: american, 5'10, 157, strong build, 6 inch. silver hair, green eyes. wears his officer uniform (black) or his dark green fatigues when not in his armor Bio: Gunther has always been apart of pandoras army. he was taken away from his parents when he was still an infant, and was led to believe that his parents were brutaly slaughtered by burque johnson and his [I][COLOR=Red][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Direwolves[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/I]. since then he has been training day in and day out with the best martial artists and also studied under the finest tacticians in all of china. now he is taking up any missions that will bring him closer to his parents murderers. :flaming: Faction: [COLOR=Red]Alexander[/COLOR] Role: [COLOR=Red]LT [/COLOR] in [COLOR=Red]Alexanders army[/COLOR] Weapons: m205s light machine gun, fb95 assault rifle, l-98a6 assault rifle, STI hunter 34.5 Other equipment: upgraded version of the jinro armor, 4 grenades, claymores