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Everything posted by Kintaro

  1. Nope Syk3, I'm not going to send a pm or argue anymore, that would certainly be useless and I'm not here to fight but share a passion that we have in common after all, right ?. I'm posting again here, not just to say that, as the post would disappear, but to let you know of a good trick on the banners you have. You seem to like "old" effects on the pictures. That's typical to Cow-boy bebop I know, this "retro-fashion" style. Well if you used this: [url]http://www.spoono.com/photoshop/tutorials/tutorial.php?url=painted_images[/url] that would be even better ^_^. It could make the pics parchments-like, see ?
  2. :nope: As another alternative is it off-topic O_O. When I started the answer I spent some time looking for the rand function in php to help you. Can't you lock the topic then ? Besides some people use "search" functions and maybe they want to use the code in PHP on their own pages...Sorry again but I really think your moderation is a bit too rigorous. That's a real pleasure coming on your boards you know...
  3. [QUOTE=cinnamon]Hey...It's good! I like the horns ;) Personally, I would add a few more highlites, but that's up to you. The top of his head seems to need something...Is there anything you feel like randomly putting there??? [/quote] A brain :D ...that's what missing ;). [quote]That isn't a party hat??? (although, that would look funny...)[/quote] Yes that would be funny heh ^__0. [quote] Naaa, I'm just being silly. It looks great as it is, any alterations are 100% up to you. I'm not that good with photoshop anyway!!! Keep it up Cinnamon[/QUOTE] Thanx for your comment I appreciate ;). If I ever add a party hat (actually I was thinking about a bowler hat :) ) I will show that 2 you
  4. [quote]f you can't go into detail about the artwork and give the author tips on how to improve the peice or as an artist in general, then it isn't worth posting.[/quote] So if this is some really good drawing I can't say it's good unless I'm better than the artist then ?? Come on...It's like a: Heh don't post anything too good or I won't be able to tell you it is. Well...don't get me wrong here, but I think even a simple comment is good to hear when you spent some time on a drawing. I understand as moderators you want to do what you were asked to, but I don't think that was necessary in that case (I just arrived and 3 posts erased already Oo, at least you gave explanations and I thank you for that). Now, to get back on the drawing comment, more details should be given to the legs, like some shadows. On all the body actually, if you plan to make some shading on the clothes then make it on the skin too ;). Other than that, I like her face, maybe less "muscled" arms heh, and I wish you added colors (later I guess).
  5. Hello everybody, Just to say howdy to the community as I'm a newbie. So my favorite anime is Golden Boy ( I wish it lasted a little bit longer :D ) but I've seen a whole bunch of others: -- Evangelion -- Trigun -- Slayers (1, next, try, some OAVs) -- Megami Kouhosei -- Golden Boy -- Escaflowne (not entirely) -- Gundam Wings (not entirely, got bored on this one ^^) -- Love Hina -- Nadia -- Hunter X Hunter (plus 2 Oavs, the new episodes) -- Hellsing -- Vandread (very few about 2nd stage) -- Cowboy Bebop (+ the movie) -- Cobra -- Albator -- Ninja Scroll -- Berserk -- Patlabor -- Spriggan -- Bakuretsu Hunter (also called Sorcerer Hunters, I think) -- Kenshin (only the OAVs) -- Iria -- Gunm (+ all the mangas) -- Venus War -- Crying freeman -- Blood: The last Vampire -- Mononoke Hime -- Totoro -- Lodoss War (not entirely, shame shame on me...) -- Noir (the most boring ever..) -- GTO -- Outlaw star --Akira --Ghost in the Shell --Nausica --Nadesico --some Excel saga (weird Oo) --some Niae under 7 (not sure of the spelling) not sure if that's enough to make an otaku but should be a good start ;). So, what about you ? ^_^
  6. I thought I'd share my new "horny" monster with you all as I'm new to this community (by the way a big hello to all the japan anime fans ;) ). Here he is: [img]http://www.avatar-forum.com/images/gostty3JPG2.gif[/img] Nothing to do with manga really, but I'm making my beginning on Photoshop. I plan to draw manga soon ;) . I think I'll begin with Kintaro or Alucard first. Fan art maybe a good start ^_^.
  7. Ah I remember that day...a sunny wednesday afternoon, no class, and Starfox on Super Nintendo. I loved that game, some 3d for a wing shooter was nice at that time. I was sweating, my hands trembling, because I was about to make it: finish starfox. I remember seing the boss's face after all these hours spent on the game (no save possible *sigh*)....and suddenly: nothing. A blank screen, the vgs was turned off. I turned my head, dribbling like an undead (yes they do dribble), to see my mom who had unplugged the adapter of the nintendo to hoover the room...
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