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Everything posted by Shikyo

  1. It's not near Calgary (or even in Canada), but in my opinion, the best amusement park is Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, U.S. They have this one ride called Top Thrill Dragster that goes 120 mph and is 420 feet tall. Everyone needs to go to Cedar Point at least once in their life.
  2. Um... because they're nice?
  3. This is kind of a random question, but this is the off-topic forum so oh well. How do you temporarily disable CYBERsitter 2003? Don't ask what I'm going to do with it; if you're going to help, just help (and I won't answer you if you do ask, because to be quite honest, I don't know, it just ticks me off).
  4. Well, I first came here to harass someone I know at school who was here, but then I decided it wasn't a good idea and just was normal. Actually, I don't think normal is a good word to describe me at any given time. Just read my profile. I'm here right now to try to find out how to temporarily disable CYBERsitter 2003. Anyone know?
  5. Shikyo

    Internal Ninja

    "So you've arrived." Soul Taker appeared from nowhere. "Yes," Clesia said. Soul Taker looked around the forest. "You didn't have to bring all your guards, this isn't an assassination attempt." "You can never be too careful." "I guess so." "Anyway, you say you're a mercenary. How much pay do you require?" "Depends on the job." "Any conditions?" "I don't like to fight weak people. It's a waste of time." "How am I sure you're not weak? I've never seen you fight." Soul Taker raised one hand and a bolt of lightning struck a few feet away, shattering a tree into a thousand pieces. Some of Clesia's guards ran, just before hunks of wood hit them in the face. "That's how."
  6. Shikyo

    Internal Ninja

    [I]Crap![/I] , Soul Taker thought as he moved backwards. [I]That idiot almost set me on fire![/I] He had been watching those three fight for some time now, trying to decide who would make a better teammate. He had decided on the man who called himself Jerid. He had been fighting one-on-two, yet hardly seemed to be injured at all. He had also said he was the servant of a queen, which assured Soul Taker good pay, should he be hired. Suddenly, Soul Taker noticed the tree he was hiding behind was falling. He quickly raised one hand and began to chant, disappearing right as the tree fell to the ground. He would come back when the fight was over. It didn't concern him yet.
  7. Shikyo

    Internal Ninja

    Swordmaster managed to cram a "yes, you have to fill out the description" through her volley of insults she sent me (why does asking a question make me an evil *******?), so here's my info: Name: Soul Taker (He abandoned his real name a century ago) Age:122, appears 21 (which I've already said) Gender: Male Appearance: Brown eyes that turn the color of blood when he's angry, black hair, and he wears all black all the time (usually a ninja outfit). Bio: Soul Taker was originally a normal person. He was a soldier until he got killed in battle. He was very skilled, so when he faced the Grim Reaper he was given two options: Hell or become a soul taker (they do the Grim Reaper's dirty work, taking the souls of the dead and the dying and returning them to the Grim Reaper). Obviously, he chose B. He gained immortality of age and began work, However, after a century, he got tired of that and quit. He wandered around a certain kingdom for a year, then became a mercenary and left to look for work. Element: Dark Lightning Skills: Controls lightning, gained the ability to take souls and raise zombies from the Grim Reaper. Weapons: An amulet that takes souls, a sword that was soaked in demon blood to give it extra power, and shurikens with poisoned tips. Personality: Normally not nice; as a mercenary he works for whoever pays him the most. However, he can be nice sometimes.
  8. Shikyo

    Internal Ninja

    Hello, Swordmaster! So this is that RPG you made that you were talking about. It looks interesting. I'd like to join (as Soul Taker), but do I really have to write all that description stuff? Soul Taker looks 21, but he's really 122 and that could take a long time to retell.
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