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sailor crimson

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Everything posted by sailor crimson

  1. 1. Tori 2.female 3.15 4.5'4" 5.Tori is an orphan and is thrown between foster homes, she fights a lot and can't make friends very easyly. 6.london, england 7.usagimon, a little blue rabbit type digimon with wings. attack: angel touch, a blue bubble hits the target. 8. Tori was summoned for her good thinking and fighting skills. Appearance: short brown hair, bluish eyes.
  2. hi all, I wanted to start an adventure of digimon, this isn't like everyother adventure, in this we explore what would really happen if seven kids were hurled into anothe rdimension, with little food and no shelter. having a creature by your side which doesn't relly help yopur situation. here are the rules and signups: 1. your character's name 2.gender 3.age 4.height 5.their history 6.where they live (pick anyplace in the world) 7.their digimon's bio's (name, height, attack) 8.why they were summoned to the digital world. (be creative) the first seven people to sign up are the chosen seven, have fun! (PM me if you have any questions)
  3. I'll be your friend, I've got nothing better to do.
  4. I mess up offten, but then again I'm only human....
  5. takes a wiff Tallime:uhh smells good kamakazi gestures torwards the statue kamakazi:have you met my maser yet? master this is cecill and Tallime cecill waves at the statue and Tallime is at a loss for words
  6. Damnit I'm gonna keep this topic alive if it kills me!
  7. I don't beleive that whole bit with nostradomus, people only make a big deal when he's right on one of the hundreds of predictions he's made. If we go to war, I will reside as a hippie, and drive a van to canada, all are welcome to join me.
  8. Drugs kill, just don't do it. *my anti drug is Anime*
  9. I give you credit for commin up with some D*mn weired stories, DBZman!
  10. We'll all see our generation of hippies now and all I have to say is, "hey dudes, make peace not war!":love: :cool:
  11. c'mon let's get people to do this!!!!!!
  12. try [url]www.parkwars.com[/url] it has a d*mn funny starwars/southpark crossover film. and playstation and video tapes? what color paint chips did he eat when he was a kid?
  13. Timmah!!!!!!!!!!!!*looks around and blushes in her moment of sudden out burst*
  14. I think it's like pokemon with robots so to say the least no, I don't like it........
  15. I have Imaging shop and the regular dinky little paint shop.
  16. I relly need to know how to make an avitar!!!!!help me!!!
  17. My fav. character is big gay al and Timmy (I'm thuper thanks for athking!!!!!!!!!!)
  18. well, I don't have a scaner, so I'll describe myself. I have long Dark brown hair, My eyes usualy turn to a blue to a green to a gray depending what mood I'm in (I'm serious). I'm about 5'6" fifteen, I dress like a rock punk artist. and I guess that's pretty mutch it.
  19. you can also see the evedence in "tenchi forever" that he prefers Ryoko.
  20. I myself wouldn't dress up, but I like to tackle my brother and put him in a sailor moon costume then lock him out side..... hehehehe:devil:
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