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sailor crimson

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Everything posted by sailor crimson

  1. well where i'm from it's very rare to find good looking people because where I'm from long underware and overalls are the fashion statement of the reay *shudder* *sailor crimson was strucken down by her hicky kin* [COLOR=limegreen]Howdy you's all got purdy mouses Heeeeee.....[/COLOR]
  2. I want to go to a small island near mexico called hell.:devil:
  3. You fools!!!!! I will destroy the world!!!!!!!!! (Or it will end december 14, 2007 according to the mayan calander, I think...)
  4. [I]Tallime hears voices coming from a clearing in the forest[/I] Tallime:that's strange the only person who lives way out here is that kamakazi guy. [I]Tallime makes her way to the clearing and sees kamakazi talking to another man[/I] Kamakazi:my master would be very glad to see you Cecil: uhh, sure. Tallime: I knew it, he's talking to strangers about that statue again. [I]she walks into the clearing[/I] Tallime:hey Kamikazi! looks like you have a new friend! Cecil:hi I'm cecil [I]shakes Tallimes hand[/I] Kamikazi: another guest? master will be pleased.
  5. 1. Tori and Usagimon 2. tori is a girl with short dark brown hair, she wears a black elbow length shirt, a pendeant, fingerless red gloves and dark tan baggy pants. Usagimon is a blue rabbit with wings. 3.tall 4.12 5.Tori lives and works at a temple with her mother and grandmother, she is a Miko in training and has developed very strange phsychic powers. Her father was a digidestined and one of genai's kind (I forget what there called). Tori's father told her on his death bed that she was a digi-guardian a kind of people from a paralel world that have strange powers and coexist with digimon. Tori is unaware though that other people don't know about digimon, she was told as a child that it was a secret and no one should know. Tori is generaly sweet natured and caring she carries the crest of virtue which used to belong to her late father. she has trouble in battle by thinking about her father and can lose her cool in the heat of the moment. other than that she can be anyone's friend and helps when it's needed. 6.2' 5" 7lbs. 7.green eyes I hope we can get people to get this thing running!!!
  6. I've been there, in our school there are two bells, the eight minute warning bell and the go bell. in lunch, when freshman stand up to leave at the eight minute bell the seiniors yell "freshman!!!" and throw milk cartons at you......the horror....
  7. I'm going into 10'th, and I don't know about you 7'th graders but what your getting into know is cake wait till you get to highschool and experience the true horror...........the horror.......:devil:
  8. I was from ultimate otaku or something like that I freaked out after coming back from my vacation to discover theotaku updated, and I lost all of my posts...........how depressing.
  9. Look at it this way, we are here because we are here, just live your pointless little life and don't ask questions that have no meaning.
  10. ayeka and sakuya are characters I would like to hunt down with a axe.:flaming: :devil:
  11. hey I wanna re-join the fight club!
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