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Everything posted by O'lick
[size=1]Condor munched at some crackers that were set out on a plate. This round seemed quite pointless in his view... this Roland guy must have forgotten to take his medication that morning. Condor had been sitting on his butt for at least half an hour trying to think of something he could do... he was getting full so he would need to think of something soon. He glanced around, looking down the long line of food plates on the table, he spotted an area that had bread and several sliced meats like turkey balogna and other stuff you would put on your samwich. Condor shurgged. "Can't beat em... eat em." He grumbled and then flapped over to the meat area and began to conduct a samwich... yes, a samwhich. He had a large sub bread piece stacked with lettuce, tomato, anchovies, many crackers, and almost a jar of Mayo. Condor looked at it dully and then flew out of the room, soon finding his way to the main deck after asking for directions... he hated asking for directions. The boat was now in motion and some people (Most likely slacking crew members) had fishing lines hanging from the sides. Worms was the secret ingridiance. Condor flew into the air and swooped up a can of fat juicy worms while an unexpected fisherman began to nod off to sleep. He flapped his way back to the food area to see some of the contestants returning... was the round almost over? Condor flapped over and spilled the worms and mix of mud on the top of the samwich and then topped it off with some bread. There... he made... a samwhich.... [/size]
[size=1][color=blue]Condor looked grumpily down upon the huge crowd of people cheering for the contestants of the tournament, was this some way of worshiping them. He grumbled something under his breath and then flew from his perch, which was in a small tree a short distance away from the red carpet. He had watched a female harpy fly by earlier, he didn't expect to see another one, but he would soon take care of her. Instead of flying high above the crowds, he glided down, hovering only about three feet from the red carpet, everyone seemed to watch him more than cheer, being not a single sign of a grin was showing on his face. Realizing that no one seemed to like him, Condor grumbled something angrily and then, with a beat of his wings gained about ten or so feet, doing a spiral as he went. That seemed to make the crowd a bit more enthusiastic and a small cheer came from some people. Condor thought he heard someone yell: "Look! A big blue chicken!" but he wasn't quite sure. He wouldn't have been surprised if someone had said that, he got that alot from [i]humans[/i] He swooped over and perched himself on the side of the boat, opposite of the female harpy. They locked eyes for a brief moment. Two harpies would go into this tournament, but only would come out as victor. [/size][/color]
[size=1]For me, the oddest thing i'v ever eatin' in crab. I know it's not THAT unusual, but I just tryed it about a year ago and I was surprised that it actually DID taste like chicken o.o I also find it a bit odd because you would think after boiling the crab, the hard shell would become softer, making it easier to crack open, but actually it's still tough. The best thing about crab though, is that you can take one of the legs and stick your finger into the joint and make it move. Call me childish, but I find that extreamly fasinating! The meat does pretty much taste like chicken, only it's softer and can be salty at times (depends on how long it's boiled).[/size]
[size=1]Weed out the Noobs... *crys* ---- [b]Name[/b]: Thomas Schwarts [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 27 [b]Occupation[/b]: Bartender :toothy: Hope I won't be weeded :P [/size]
[size=1]Well, isn't that just a big wad of crap... But, Like Heezay said, all good things do come to an end. Meguzi, it sounds to me like someones throwing up and having diaria at the same time! Actually, I don't watch Toonami as much as I used to. SD Gundam and Cyborg 009 just... bleh, tossed me away from toonami for ever. The DragonBall series just wouldn't stop so I got sick of that and Yu Yu Hakusho isn't one of my favorite animes of all time, so, I don't really watch it as much as I used to, but when I'm bored I might stick around for some toonami anime. Although as much as this truly sucks, there is some good out of it. RaveMaster and Gundam SEED are finally going to be aired. I love Rave Master! And I know alot of Gundam fans have been waiting for SEED to come out in the USA. Though I hate Cyborg 009, i'll still tune in when ever I have a dull Saterday (that will be rare).[/size]
Wow, very cool indeed! I like them both alot, but I think i'll go with the hungry banner, it fits be better. Thanks a bunches Princess!
[size=1][color=sykblue] [u][b]Digidestined-[/b][/u] [b]Name[/b]: Zarrin Caota [b]Age[/b]: 14 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Standing at 5'6, Zarrin is pretty short for his age. He has dark green eyes and silver, spikey hair that is mostly hidden under his britsh hat (though he isn't british). He wears a black shirt with a dark green jacket over it and baggy blue jeans. He also wears knuckle-cut gloves and normal tennis shoes. He has a pair of round, orange sun glasses pirched on his hat. Around his neck hangs a dark polished green stone. [b]Crest[/b]: Freedom [b]Digimon[/b]-- In-Training: Brushmon Rookie: Scruffmon Champion: Soramon Ultimate: WarSoramon Mega: Suzumemon Element God: Breezemon [b]Bio[/b]: Zarrin isn't really a TV person, so he knows very little about Digimon. He's heard some of his friends talk about it, but he's never taken the time to actually interact with it. One day, his friends had some of the cards and asked Zarrin to play the game with them, just this once, figuring it would change anything, Zarrin borrowed a card deck and began to play, one of his buddies explaining the rules as he went. Amazingly, Zarrin was a natural at the game and beat the top two players in their school. Though he didn't plan on playing the game that much, his friend let him keep the deck. On his way home, one of the cards was blown under a box next to a telephone poll. When Zarrin lifted the box, a orange little... thing was there instead of the card. Deciding maybe he could sell the thing, Zarrin went home and later discovered it was like a digivice from the card game. Fiddling around with it, Zarrin pushed some buttons on it and a large light sienly grew from his bedroom wall. [b]Personality[/b]: Zarrin is a very laid back carefree kind of guy. He always goofs off, even during some of the most serious situations. For some odd reason, he can find some thing funny in almost any seen. He can get along with just about anyone and doesn't see any other people as weird cause he thinks he himself is one of the weirdest people on Earth. He loves to party and can always make someone laugh. He does have a serious side, but it is very difficult to pull out of him. [b]Digimon[/b]- Name: Brushmon Attribute: Data Type: Chick Attacks: Bubble Blow Appearance: Like most in training digimon, Brushmon is like a blob. He is a orange color and he has three large crimson feathers coming from the top of his head. Name: Scruffmon Attribute: Data Type: Lion Bird Attacks: Flying Slice, Spinning Assult Appearance: Being part lion cub and part bird, Scruffmon has a lower half like a bird. His legs are covered in Crimson feathers, but his feet are that of a lions (paws). On each side of his foot is a small wing. Around his waist his feathers are replaced with a tanish orange fur. Though, his lion like claws look more like an eagle's talons. Across his chest is a symbol that looks like a cat head with wings. Scruffmon basicly has the face of a cat, but his ears are feathery. He also has a long cat tail with a single feather on the tip. Name: Soramon Attribute: Data Type: Griffin Attacks: Wing Blades, Griffin Claw Appearance: Like a griffin, Soramon is part Lion part bird/eagle. He stands on all four legs. All of his feet are that of a lions with eagle talons instead of claws. His back side is still that of a birds, covered in crimson feathers. From his back grow two large wings. His front side is the tanish fur and his head has a Crimson lions mane around it, he has basicly a lions face with feathers on the tides. He has a lions tail, but at the tip is a large beak. He has the same odd symbol on his back. Name: WarSoramon Attribute: Data Type: Warrior Griffin Attacks: Air Cannon, Top Gun Appearance: Now beginning to look more human like, WarSoramon stands up right. His legs are still that of a birds and his feet are also like an eagles now. Around his waist is a thick metal belt with two large guns on either side. Running across his tan fured chest are extra amo. Attached to his back/neck are two large cannons that can rotate in different directions, the neck part comes up and covers WarSoramon's mouth. The tail still has the sharp beak on the end and the ears are still feathery. Because of the device on his back, WarSoramon has a large wings coming from the outside area of each ankle. The symbol remains Name: Suzumemon Attritbute: Data Type: Lion Bird Attacks: Blasting Wind, Flying Torpedo Appearance: Suzumemon has many pairs of wings. On the outside of both wrists are wings and the same goes for the ankles. Two large wings on his back as well and he even has one extending from his head. Across his eyes is a large metal headband with a sharp beak extending out from it. Bottom part is still mostly feathery with large eagle talons. A large sash falls around his shoulders and covers up parts of his chest because it is very ripped. On the top of it (where it isn't ripped) is the same symbol. Name: Breezemon Attribute: Data Type: Human Griffin Attacks: Static Tornado, Top Breeze Gun, Cutting Twins Appearance: Basicly looks like Silphymon, but a a pair of Katars are attached to his wrists (And his fur is tan). And the symbol is on his chest. ----- [/size][/color]
[size=1]Hey, i'm new, so I know that i'm in need of a banner. If someone could make me a Vash banner and avatar that would be really cool. I don't really care what pictures are used, but I would like them to have some of Vash's Goofy moments. I would like my name on both of them and if you can think of a funny quote for the banner, go right ahead ^^ Thanks to anyone who gives it a shot.[/size]
Sign Up Oakenot Tournament [The Ultimate of RPGs]
O'lick replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
I'll be taking the last spot!! (Hope no one minds that i'm a newb) [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/oakenot/condor.JPG[/img] Name: Condor Gender: Male Abilities: Flight, Screech, Wind Gusts Weapons: Claws Bio: No, he?s not a giant purple chicken. He?s a male harpy of some kind and can fly very well. He gets out of most situations by flight and is very nimble in the air. He has a bad temper and often tries to rally up some fighters to take down. A brilliant opponent. Terrain: City in the clouds Prize: A mansion