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About foofghter90

  • Birthday 01/28/1990

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  • Biography
    i love guitar, alkaline trio, music is god
  • Occupation
    ski instructor

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  1. Well, i started this thread to see if people knew of any good websites where i can get streaming anime footage, such as dbz,dragonball, and gt episodes or rurouni kenshin episodes, trigun episodes ect. Even if you know of one that has different anime episodes that would be desired also. If you know of some add a thread. Thanks.
  2. It would have to be in Pso (phantasy star online) for game cube, i know its sad, but i couldnt beat the boss in the bottom in the caves. every time i tried there was a new twist. Not to mention is was a pain just to get back to him after dying. P.S. This was a good thread
  3. I would have to say Gundam wing, it would be sooooooooo cool to drive and use a gundam. It would just be cool to watch a real fight. I would also like to make a new awsome looking gundam with cool powers and an awsome weapon. It would be like... it would just be awsome. I also wouldnt minf living in the cowboy bebop world mainly becaseu you can get rich for hunting down and getting people for the bounty on thier head.
  4. Personaly i dont think crystal crhonicles is worth it's price. It doesnt follow the normal turnbased fights that the other ff games have. But to each his own
  5. I must say i think that every final fantasy (excluding crystal chronicles becasue its more of a hack and slash) has great rpg elements. Personally ff7 is the best rpg ive ever played. But thats just my opinion
  6. I would like any suggestions on help drawing anime/magna hands and muscles please send me ideas. thanks for the help (hopefully) foofghter90
  7. Yea, i really think g gundam should be back on cartoon network, and i also think its way better than sd gundam. tell me what you think and message me by wendsday the 11th and ill tally up the votes and post them. bye Sincerely, foofghter90
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