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Everything posted by Shazi

  1. I think that life is kinda pointless because we live our lives being nice and kind or horrid and hateful.But we all have the same fate we will all die then all that's left of us is a box of belongings or a memory in someones mind, then they'll die and it's like we never existed.Every time I think of death I just imagine seeing nothing;hearing nothing and thinking nothing,It scares me every time I think about it and I usually end up geting really depressed. I hope there is something more even if I have to live my life over and over I think that we may live our lives over and over.I think that when we get deja vu it's really a memory of our past life. Sometimes I wonder how everyone I know will react when I die.They probably won't even notice i'm gone.
  2. The only reason the donnas act like they do is because they have a lot of confidence. Hey James Goodwin!If the donnas suck so much then why are you borrowing 2 of my donnas albums? :D
  3. Shazi


    The've been touring around Finland, Sweden and Denmark. :eek:
  4. Shazi

    Sonic X

    :confused: I think sonic X is ok but the episodes don't really have much to them. My fav character is amy.She has a cool hammer. Does anyone know what the sonic cartoon with sally, bunny (half robot,half rabbit) and antwon on it was called? I used to watch it every sunday morning.I still remember some of the words to the starting........... "Sonic he can really move, sonic he's got an attitude, sonic he's the fastest thing alive." In the series sonic used to try to stop robotnik from robotising all the little animals.
  5. Shazi


    The Rasmus rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're from Finland and they've been around for nine years. They've got about six albums out at the moment.If you want to know more about them look on their official website [url]www.therasmus.com[/url]
  6. Hey does anyone else like the donnas?They're one of my fav bands.I recently got their album "Get Skintight".It rocks.I haven't listened to anything else since I got it. Skintight probably my fav song on the album. :D "Skintight baby alright"
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