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Everything posted by hugoxx

  1. Johnathan looked up at the sun in an attempt to tell the time, but the heat haze made it excedingly difficult to do so. Giving up on ever guessing the time, he trained his eyes ahead and around himself. Not a soul in sight. Sighing, he cursed under his breath. It had been a good fifteen hours since he had last had any water, and his stallion was in no better condition, thus the reason he was walking the great beast. Had there been anyone else around him, he doubted that he would have been sparred any water anyways. When he was about to call it over, readying himself to slap Shadow on the rump so the stallion might find some water and live, a town came into sight. It was an average town, not large but far from small. He wasn't sure if it was the destination he had intended, for his map had been lost in a gun fight with some would be robbers, leaving him fleeing for his life, while he's good at what he does, one against six are pretty rough odds. As he neared the town his head started swimming, but he forced himself onward, knowing that he wasn't but a few minutes away from lots of water, and then a nice cold mug of ale. As he was walking under the town gates, he felt himself start relaxing, a wave of relief washing over him. As he made his way through town, he asked a passing gentleman were he might find the saloon, and what the name of the town was. "The town yer' in is Lore. An' yer' so sought after saloon be three buildn's down on yer' right." replied the man. Tipping his hat, Johnathan said to him, "Thank ya, sir." and walked toward the pointed out building, Shadow's reins in his left hand. As he came upon the building, a simple sign above the entrance confirmed it as the saloon. Johnathan tethered Shadow in front of the water stand so that he might hydrate himself, and went inside. It was a fairly nice establishment, but he had no interest in that sort of thing at the moment, all he could think of was water, so on that note, he made for the bar. Pulling out a stool, he ordered three glasses of water, and a mug of ale. Once he was finished with the water, he slowly downed the ale, then said, "Tell me good sir, anythin' exiten' hapn' lately?" The barkeep, shining a glass, replied, "I'll tell you, but first you gotta tell me your name stranger, mine's Jake." "Name's Mat." Johnathan replied, holding out his hand. Jake took his hand, gave it a shake, then said, "Nothing out of the ordinary. There was a gunfight outside, that's about it, except for the incident at the jail house." Johnathan pondered this for a moment, wondering what to do next then said, "Might ya know a man by name of Clark Winslow?" The barkeep looked him up and down then, as if messering him, then said, "He's in the jail house, was one of the two in the gunfight." Johnathan went cold inside when he heard this. He ordered another beer, and sat there, drinking. Twice he made to get up and leave, intending to kill Winslow while he was easy pickings, and twice he sat back down. After he had thought about it he said to himself, looking into his ale, "I wont stoop to yer' level, i wont become a criminal to see you dead. Besides, i wont be satisfied unless you you can fight back." When he looked up to order another mug, his eyes met Jake's, and Jake smiled, though he couldn't tell if it was genuin or not. Feeling uncomfertable, Johnathan handed the man what was due for the water and ale, and set about finding somewhere to sleep.
  2. I'm running a little behind, had some writers block, but i'm putting a post together now, it'll take some time though cuz i'm at work.
  3. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Johnathan Matson (goes by Mat, only close friends call him John or Johnathan.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Gender: [/B]Male[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Age: [/B]22[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Physical Description: [/B]Johnathan, standing at 5'6, isn't a very intimidating man, He has a slim build, weighing in at 156 pounds, but to his favor there isn't a shred of fat on his body. He has close cropped blonde hair, and blue eyes. He sports a scar across the center of his forehead which runs the length of his eyebrows. Very rarely will you see him without his well worn brown hide cowboy hat on. He wears a white t-shirt that's stained sandy brown from years of wear and tear, with three more in the same condition in his saddle bag. He wears brown cotton pants, also well worn and faded, with black leather chaps, ending with snake skin boots equiped with spurs on both feet. Covered by his brown leather duster, is his gun belt. Brown worn leather, yet well kept, it has a holster on each hip, as well as bullet slots all the way around it. In the resting in the holsters are two Colt - 1877 Double Action - Lightning revolvers with scarce long barrels. Wrapped in cloth and carried on his back is a 3.3 Winchester model 1876 with centerfireing rifle cartridges, and a 15 round tube magazine. He rides a black stallion named Shadow.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Personality Description: [/B]Johnathan is a rough and tumble type, easy going, and will help people out as he can. He tends to keep to himself, and has a quiet nature, though he's far from shy. He isn't anti social, he just prefers not talking if there's no real reason to.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]He travels alone, but has nothing against making friends, it's just that most people keep away from bounty hunters, though he considers himself a gunslinger trying to make it by.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Biography: [/B]Johnathan lived in a small no name village for the better part of 18 years with his father, his mother dead since his fifth birthday, though he never could get his father to tell him how she died. His father is a tall lanky fellow, standing at 6'5, and is a common gunslinger, or so Johnathan thought.[/SIZE][SIZE=1]His father had taught him the ways of a gunslinger since his tenth birthday, and he was now 18. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Johnathan was going out to hunt, and already had his horse saddled and his saddle bag full of dried meat, bread, and cheese, as well as three changes of clothes. His 3.3 1876 Winchester slung over his back, revolver at his right side, he was about to walk out the door, but as soon as he opened the door, his father fell in on top of him, bleeding from his side.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Johnathan caught him and drew his revolver in one fluid motion, checked left and right, saw nothing, and drug his father inside, layed him on the floor, then proceded to shut and bolt the door. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]As he knelt beside his father, he laid his revolver down beside his right hand, reached for his shirt to get to the wound, but his father caught his hand, and began to unbuckle his gun belt with the other as he spoke, "The bullet hit my inerds, boy. It's over. Take my guns and get out'a here."[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]As he pushed his gun belt into Johnathan's hand, Johnathan said, "What the hell are you talking about, Pop? You want me to leave you here?! I've already lost mom, and i don't even know how, and now you want me to leave you for dead?!"[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]"Listen to me boy, and don't interupt. Yer mother was killed by a man named Clark Winslow. I haven't -ugh-much time, long story short, i fucked 'im. I used to run with him but i betrayed 'im. Now he's come back fer me, and if ya don't get outa' here you'll die too brat!" His father's sentence ended in a shout, then he said, "Ya can seek revenge if you must, but right now, while she was your mother, remember that she was my wife. 'Till i die this is my fight."[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]The last sentence was spoken with him gripping his son's shirt, and for a moment, Johnathan hesitated, then said, taking his fathers guns and puting his own gun in his father's right hand, "Die well."[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]As Johnathan ran out the back door, a man rounded the corner, and Johnathan dropped, as two resounding bangs ripped through the air. The man then proceded to run through the door, and all hell broke loose.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Johnathan rose from the ground, holding his side, and blood ran into his eyes. He reached up and as he pulled his hand from his forehead, it took him a second to realize through the gun shots and his pain that his hand was covered in blood. Forcing himself to his feet, still clutching his fathers guns and rehoisting his Winchester over his shoulder, he mounted his black stallion, Shadow. As he spurred him forward, the gun shot's ceased. He turned to look and saw the man standing in the doorway facing the other direction. As he turned and saw Johnathan, he also saw a 3.3 1876 Winchester taking aim.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Johnathan fired. Had this been any normal day, he would have made his mark, but having been shot in the side, and blood blurring his vision, he saw little and was firing on instinct, and a split second after he fired, the man cluctched his shoulder. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]If he had been riding any other horse besides his massive stallion, it wouldn't have endured the one hour gallop at break neck speed. Finally Johnathan brought him to a slow trot as he started feeling dizzy, another twenty minutes passed like this and he fell out of the sadle, to lighted headed from blood loss to stay upright any longer. Shadow, being a well trained horse and his faithful companion of 10 years, laid down beside him to keep him warm.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]He was passing in and out of consciousness for about ten minutes, and then all he remembered was the blurred movements of another humanbeing, he couldn't discern age, gender, or how many...[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]OOC: Wingman dropped out, if anyone wants an opening for a second character it's back.[/SIZE]
  4. "Well, i garentee you that i'll be drinking cofee in the morning to help me kill the hang-over. Everclaer, nice. Thanks, i think i'll drink it right here."Joshua replied to Snake Eyes comment. When he had finished his sentence he sat down on a chair and started drinking. It took him all of 5 minutes to finish the bottle, and even though he made it look like nothing, his insides were on fire. After a few minutes he said, "I fink i'll goto bed now," tried to stand and fell back in his chair and said, "Well then, you never know how drunk you are until you try to stand up." He decided it best not to try to move again, so he decided to pass out on the table.
  5. [font=Verdana][size=2][font=Times New Roman][color=black][font=Verdana]OOC:Srry for the lack of posts, i've been working a lot and haven't had time to post.[/font][/color] [color=black][font=Verdana]IC:Joshua had somehow made it to his room, and after puking in the toilet, he had passed out.[/font][/color]
  6. Joshua had just finished playing a game of solitaire and was changing cloths when he heard a knock on the door, as it started to open he said in a surprused tone, "Don't come in I'm changing cloths!" "You're way to shy for your own good, why can't u be like you are when you're betting? At any rate meet in the living room, Soma's request." "A-Alright i'll be there in a minute, and please quit teasing me." Joshua replied. "Why? It's so much fun to watch you turn all those different shades of red. Now hurry it along Seven." When Joshua had finished dressing and finally made his way to the living room, dice in hand, lightly tossing them in the air, he noticed everyone gathered around a bunch of papers and asked in a quiet voice, "So what's all this?" Soma looked at him and said, "it's a list of hits, we're all going to be there so pick which ever you like." Joshua started to look through the papers when one of them caught his interest. All the info it had on him was that he was 5'9, liked to gamble, and took a lot of chances, and of course his picture. His name, Ben Hashore. He smiled and to no one in particular, all since of shyness gone, said, "This one looks interesting. Wonder if his luck matches mine?" When he finifhed his sentence, he rolled, the dice landing on the face of the picture, just under his name. Snake eyes. He stood there for a moment, looking at his roll, and said, "Bad omen, scratch what i said. This might hurt a bit." He picked up his dice and walked out of the house heading for the bar. When he got there, he walked into the back hall way, the large Bouncer guarding the door at the end stepped aside for him, and as he passed using the back of his hand he tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Hay Bubba." The large man nodded to him, and retook his posision after the door closed behind Joshua. The site that greeted him almost made him puke, his old firend was laying on top of his desk, with a women that had a face only a mother could love sitting on top of him. "Good God man, do the world some justice and put some bloody cloths on!!!"pleaded Joshua. "Oh shut the hell up, you're the one that walked in without knocking." The man said, then tapped the women on the shoulder and she left the room through the door in the back. "It's safe ya peeping tom, i have cloths on now." The now visible man said. He was a large man, weighing at 300 pounds. He had black, shaggy hair, brown eyes, and stood at 5'4. Joshua, turning around to face him, not remembering turning his back in the first place, said, "Alright, now that that nightmare has ended, i need some info Ted." Ted motioned to the seat across from him on the other side of the desk and said, "Alright then, Seven. What'll it be today? And before ya ask, i haven't got any info on Orso yet, but i promise i'm trying my best, but this guy can cover his tracks, and good. You'd think after all that he's done, killing your entire family, and nine other families, that he would have been found by now, but hay, i'm off topic what'cha need?" Joshua was silent for a moment, then said, with a choked sound to his voice, "Yah, he should have been found by now. But what i need now is some info on a certain man named Ben Hashore. I need anything you got." "That man's a big time husler kid, i hope u know what you're getting into. But this info wont come free, but for a friend we'll bet. Simple game, a roll of the dice, u win u get the info u don't u have to pay." "Now that's my kind of game, lets roll." Joshua pulled out his dice and rolled, after saying, "Luck of the Gods." Double five. Ted smiled, picked up the dice, and rolled. Double four. "You win. This one is a big time hustler like i said, but he loves to gamble, and takes a lot of chances, he's dangerous to, no bodyguards and he's never been hit or shot once, and lots of ppl have tried believe me. As far as i know he isn't Fate's Children, but watch yourself." "All right man thanks for the info, i think i'll go get drunk, later man." As Joshua rose to leave Ted said, "I know it's none of my business, but if you find Orso, kill him if you can, but your family died to protect you, don't make their deaths be in vaine." Hand on the door nob, Joshua paused and said, "You know the saying, if you seek revenge, dig two graves." With this he left, and went to the bar to start drinking. He stumled into the house later that night drunk off his ass, and as he walked in he looked at the clock and saw that it was 2 in the morning and said to himself, "I'm gonna regret this in the morning, hope i make it to my room."
  7. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Joshua Tshima [b]Nickname: [/b][color=black]Lucky Seven(Seven for short)[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Appearance:[/b] Blue jeans with a tattered brown leather jacket that he won in a diceing game. He has blue eyes, brown curly hair, and stands at 5'6. [b]Personality:[/b] He tends to keep to himself, mainly because he's shy, but when it comes to gambling he loses his shyness, being strategic and wearing his opponent down with demoralizing words. When he is around his friends he says very little becuase of his shyness, but what he does say is worth hearing. He is extrmemly smart and lucky. [b]Power:[/b] All of his senses are heightened, and he has powers that revolve around luck. When is he forced into a confrontation with an oppenent, more often than not, he succeeds when useing his powers, but on occation his luck leaves him, causing his powers to go into disarray. When his powers fail him they will either hurt him, or just stop all together for that particular use of them. [b]Bio/Character Snippet:[/b] He was 20 years old, wondering the streets, making his money by gambling with the dice and cards, though the dice are his favorite. He was sitting in the usuall bar, gambling with the gange he had been for the past six months, when he heard a commotion from another table. When he turned to look, thinking it just another fight due to another person that didn't want to lose a bet, he was proved wrong. There were three of them, he had diced with them before, but when he had heard that they didn't like losing he decided it best not to involve himself with them, though he could handle himself he prefered to avoid trouble. They were all gathered around a person that looked to be between 13 and 18, though he couldn't tell how old due to the fact that the person looked oddly mature, nor couldhe tell whether they were male or female. As he sat there he heard a man saying, "Hey guys, look at this, someone had caught this little boger, and i bet 'em my here gun for this one. As u can see i won." He said tapping his gun for infasis on how he had won.[/size] [size=1]Though he could never tell u why to his dieing day, he stood up and walked over to them and said, "I see that u still like betting, care for a wager?"[/size] [size=1]The man that had been talking. the fattest of the group, and the dumbest by looks, stepped forward and said, "Didn't u learn you're lessen when we beat ya last time bloke?"[/size] [size=1]That had been one of the few times he had lost, remembering it made him mad, and he said, "Yes or no, fat ***?"[/size] [size=1]The man's eyes grew dangerous and he said, "Yer pushin yer luck boy, so befer ya piss me off, what do u want ta wager?[/size] [size=1]John had not once looked at the person on the ground, acting like he didn't care whether he won or lost, and said, "How bout' this pile of money," he held up a wad of cash and continued, "which equals to [/size][size=1]$250, against u wagering that person?"[/size] [size=1]He laughed and said, "Sure kid, and this time, i'll even play fair. HAHAHA."[/size] [size=1]They both seated themselves at the table next to them and the man said, "Whats yer game boy, dice or cards?"[/size] [size=1]The young man replied casusally, "Eh, i prefer dice i guess, i've had better luck with them of late."[/size] [size=1]The man reached into his pocket and pulled out some dice, and rolled.[/size] [size=1]Two fives.[/size] [size=1]The man laughed and said, "Hows that fer ya, eh?"[/size] [size=1]The young man smiled and said, "Pretty good, so apparently we're playing who rolls a better doube, eh?"[/size] [size=1]He reached over and picked up the dice, looked at the man, with his left hand under the table, glowing yellow with what looked to be dice all over them, his right hand gloved and said, with a smile, "Luck of the Gods.", and rolled.[/size] [size=1]Double sixes.[/size] [size=1]The man rose up and said, "HOW?! Those dice were loaded!!!! You cheated you bastard!!!!"[/size] [size=1]As he finished his outraged sentence he reached for his gun, pulled it out, and pointed it at him.[/size] [size=1]As he started to pull the trigger, the young man said, "May Lady Luck be with me."[/size] [size=1]When the man pulled the trigger, instaed of the anticipated bang that all the now panicing people expected, all they heard was the click of the hammer on a dud in his six round revolver. He pulled five more times. All duds.[/size] [size=1]He and his friends were about to jump him when the six man gang he had been playing cards with came over and said, all showing guns, "You mess with the kid and u mess with us."[/size] [size=1]In a very pissy attitude the three men left, slamming the door behind them.[/size] [size=1]"Thanks guys." the young man replied.[/size] [size=1]The man that looked to be the leader of the gang said with a wink, "We're even kid, you saved our ***** and we saved yours."[/size] [size=1]The young man turned to the person on the floor and said, extending his hand, "My names Joshua, i'll walk ya home."[/size] [size=1](If i'm allowed in the rp whoever that person was is open, basically that person was a lucky devil and that's how he met them.)[/size] [size=1]Edit: if i'm allowed to be in the rp then the possion is taken for the person that was by Tempest.[/size]
  8. Joshua heard a low growl come from behind him. He turned as quickly as he could and caught site of a massive dog leaping at him. He had just enough time to throw a left hook as he spun around and caught the dog in the jaw. There was an audible crack as it's jaw broke, but to Joshua's surprise, it got back up and ran at him again. This time Joshua was prepared. The Sword flashed out, and with a wet thud, the dogs head hit the ground. When the dogs head hit the ground he remembered the other dog that was facing Cosain. He Turned as fast as he could for a second time today, and saw the dog rushing her...
  9. Joshua stood there, Cosain holding him, then put his arms around her. He stood there awkwardly, he never knew what to say in situations like this, so instead of saying something and makeing himself look like a fool, he kept silent. As he stood there he remembered his burnt shoulders when a fresh wave of pain went through him, causing him to flinch. The Sword began to vibrate at his side, he reached down to his side with his left hand and kept his right arm around Cosain. When he touched the hilt of The Sword all the pain in his body left him, though it didn't heal him, he now felt nothing of the burns. He looked up from The Sword to meet Cosains eyes, and cocked an eyebrow in confusion, and said, "The pain's gone, but the burns aren't healed. I guess that means The Sword intends to make me a protecter even if it means my death."
  10. Joshua was going around helping people trapped under debris when he saw Cosain working to save two llittle girls. He [font="]immediately realized that she was having trouble and went to help her. When he got to her the shiny wall that had been holding up what was left of the smoldering doorway started to flicker and dissipated. The only thing he had time to say before he braced himself to catch what he could of the falling wood was, "Shit." As the closest beam over his head started to connect with his shoulders he spread his arms to ballance the beam on his shoulders, once that beam connected with him he felt a lot more weight follow it as the rest of it fell. As he was forced to his knees he felt the still smoldering wood start to burn into his flesh. He looked over to Cosain and said in a strangled voice, "Get them out of here. Quickly!" As she started to get the children out of harms way he could feel his burnt muscles start to give way and he thought, [i]Is this it? Am I to die here? [/i]As this thought crossed his mind his muscles started to give completely and hoped that someone would rescue him... [/font]
  11. Joshua fingered the hilt of the long ornate sword at his left side and said,"I vote we go help the village. Even if I can't harness the power of this sword, I still have the one my father gave me if fighting must be done. And to be perfectly honest, I think fighting is inevitable." Joshua went silent after he said what he had to say. He drew forth The Sword to examine it like he had already done so many times, but still saw nothing different. The only thing that made it different was the fact that it sent chills through his body every time he drew it, and only he could feel that. As he sheathed The Sword, he looked up and caught Cosain's eyes again and thought, [i]A defender of the [font="]innocent[/font][/i][i]. Just like me, except she defends with a shield. I don't even know her, much less trust her, so why...[/i]
  12. The rain which chilled Joshua to the bone was relentless, never letting up no matter whom passed beneath it. Though Joshua had practiced with a sword and was decently skilled with it, the weight of a sword at his side was still unfamiliar. Joshua was now before the doors, reading the letters on them, and wondering why his father had given him this sword if he was just going to get [i]The[/i] Sword. Joshua sighed, smiled a ruefull smile and, hand on the hilt of his sword, opened the doors and steped in. There were six people in the hall, seven if you included the lady at the front. Everyone turned to look at him when he entered, and though he gave no visible sign of it, he felt a great distrust of everyone in here. But, disregarding the strength of this distrust, he nodded politely to every person present and took his seat to wait, hand never leaving his sword hilt.
  13. Name: Joshua Item: The Sword Gender: Male Age: 19 Personality: Gentle and caring, but distrustful of people he doesn't know. He protects his friends with a selfless valor, always showing imense strength. Appearance: He stands at 5'10, and is extremely well built. He has blue eyes and brown hair. Background: IC Joshua was at the forge, hammering away at a set of armour that had been requested by a knight. His father walked up behind him and said,"Very good Joshua. That is a piece of work worthy of a master blacksmith." "Thank you father. How has your day been?" "Same stuff different day, well, if you exclude a certain event." "A certain event father?" "Yes." Joshua's father sighed and said,"I was on the streets when I was hailed by a messanger. He was from the High Council." Joshua stopped hammering, looked at his father, and said,"Is it you father?" A sad and yet proud smile crossed his father's face and he said,"No, my son, it's you." Joshua stood there, dumbfounded, before saying in a near whisper,"Which item?" "The Sword. They chose well, I think." said his father, laying his hand on his shoulder. "I hope you're right father."
  14. Name:Herst Tellvar Age: 21 Personality: He is a kind hearted person, though he generally keeps to himself and prefers to trust no one. But if you manage to get him to trust you he is unparrelled by his loyalty and willingness to protect his friends. Bio: When he was 15 years old his clan tortered his parents to death because they refused to let them make use of his powers, they told him that if he didn't cooperate that they would do the same thing to him, but to their surprise he retaliated, killing many of their best fighters and steeling the weapon of the leader, Reaper, a massive spear, for which they still hunt him to retrieve it. Apperance: He stands at 5'9, with piercing blue eyes, white hair, and white wings. He is extremelyt stocky and able to weild his 60 pound spear with perfect ease. Weapons: Reaper, a massive spear, from end to end stands 6 feet tall. Though the blade is nothing short of pure evil, he is able to wield it because he has no evil intentions in his heart and thus can't be controlled by it. The blade never dulls and can not be broken. Powers(if any): He has the ability to move extremely fast, unoticable by the naked eye, though using this ability at it's best has harsh effects on his body. And his last ability is he can see were an enemy intends to attack by means of red lines that flash before him.
  15. [quote name='kenshinsbabe][size=2][font=Georgia]OOC: I don't think Notre Dame has an elevator...I'll look into it.[/font'][/size][/quote] probly doesn't, but i have no idea.
  16. Black Wolf walked into the front entrance, shotgun drawn and unloaded on the three men standing before him, leaving nothing but blood and guts on the walls. [i]Fuck the stairs, [/i]he thought. As he hit the up button on the elevator, he heard people running down the stairs, and smiled to himself. [i]That's what i get for shooting a shotgun in here i guess. [/i]The elevator reached him and he boreded it, turning just in time to see the men reach the bottom floor. Black Wolf looking around, knowing what was to come once the elevator reached the top floor, and went through the escape hatch on the top of the elevator. When the elevator started to stop he jumped for the ventalation shaft above him and broke through the cover and rolled down it. When he hit the ground he heard the sound of guns lighting up the elevator. He looked around and saw a door that lead outside, and walked through it. Before him stood a women leaning on the railing and she looked at him, smiled, and said,"Hello, I'm Valkyrie. I would ask your name and start the fighting, but your friends aren't here yet, and i already know your name Johnathan." [left]Black Wolf's eyes went cold, and his arm moved in a flash, but as his gun came up, he fealt a fist connect with his side and heard his ribs break. When he rose he realized that Valkyrie had never moved and he weeled around to look behind him. When he faced his new assailant he realized that he had made a mistake trying to face her alone, a mistake that would likely cost him his life. As he prepared for the fight for his life, he coughed up blood into his hand and looked at it. He smiled sadly, looked up, and said to the man before him,"Lets dance ass hole."[font=Arial][size=4][font="] [font=Arial Black][font=Arial][/font][/font][/font][/size][/font] [/left]
  17. Black Wolf watched as Hamano ran down the street after beeting her attacker, then he heard a whistling in the air and ducked right as a foot flew over his head. As he reached a full crouch he spun around and tried to trip the man that had attacked him, but he jumped over his foot. The man before him reached into his coat and Black Wolf said,"Let's not play with weapons. Lets have a test of true skill." and dropped his revolvers form their holsters, then let his shotgun drop. The man smiled, said not word, and dropped his weapons as well. As soon as the man's last weapon hit the ground they were on top of each other like white on rice. They matched each other blow for blow, neither able to best the other. The man's fist connected with Black Wolf's right temple, splitting it open. As Black Wolf stumbled the man came in, aiming a blow at his heart to finish him, but when the fist hit connected, there a was sickening cracking of knuckles as he hit Black Wolf's hidden cavalar vest. The man cursed and started to jump back, but he was too slow as Black Wolf used all the speed available to him to get behind him. The man's eyes went wide as realized he was about to die, and the last thing he saw before his neck snapped was the world around spin, then darkness. Black Wolf picked his guns up and replaced them to their proper places, and ran to join Hamano. When he go there Teigra was standing there as well. They heard him stumble as the blood from his eyebrow and temple ran into his eye and wheeled around, weapons ready. when they saw it was him, they put their weapons away. Hamano walked over to him, looked at his eyebrow and temple, and said,"Wow, he messed you up didn't he?" Black Wolf smiled and said,"If had used my guns i could've taken him with ease, but were's the fun in that when my opponent doesn't use guns?" When he finished speaking, he reached up to his eye and wiped the blood from it. Hamano pulled a black hankerchief from her pocket and said with a mischieves grin,"Here, it's yours anyways, i liked it so I took it." "I wondered were that went." Black Wolf said with a laugh. After the laugh he got serious and,"At any rate enough with the pleasentries, were's everybody else?" Teigra spoke this time,"No idea." Black Wolf sighed and said,"Well, if they don't get here soon we'll have to take off without them." He looked back down the street and thought, [i]Why the hell does it feel like I'm abondoning them? I mean, they'll be fine, but for some reason not helping them is killing me.[/i] As he finished these thoughts he sighed and started to walk to the mission point, but slowly so as to give the team time to catch up.
  18. Black Wolf was the last to hit the ground. When he landed, he stripped his parachute, looked around, and said,"Be careful and quiet, the speed of how fast we finish this mission is essential because that leaves less time for authorities to get on our asses, but i'd rather take longer than is wise and accomplish it flawlessly with no casualties than rush it, understood?" He looked around and they all nodded, then he said,"Alright, lets move out!" It took them all of fifteen minutes to reach the town they were looking for, and by then it was already dark. Black Wolf looked around, and kept going, knowing they didn't have long. They were on their way to Notre Dame, always keeping an eye out, ready for anything. They were maybe five minutes away when Black Wolf called a halt and said,"This is it, we're already past the point of no return, so set aside your fears, they'll only get you killed. Prepare yourselves." [i]I tell them to set aside their fears and I can't set my own fears aside. Cause you to die. Hmph. Looks like i'll be the first to go.[/i]
  19. Black Wolf remained sitting there beside Hamano. He looked at her and sighed, then said,"I wish i could say something of significance, but i never was good with words, so all i can say is that if your shaking from fear, that so long as i live i will let nothing happen to you or this team. It's strange, really. A year ago i wouldn't have given a rat's ass if you lived or died, but now..." A rueful smile passed his lips, and he said,"At any rate, i'll do what i can to ensure your safety." After he finished speaking he went silent, surprised at himself. Ever since his mother had died he had cared for nothing, nor had he considered himself to be the gentle type, yet here he was, trying his hardest to comfort someone that he had not known more than two days. He sighed and thought, [i]Looks like i can't help but to be gentle, after all, i did take after mother instead of that ass of a father i had. Huh. I don't know whether to thank or curse her. I would've prefered to keep the cool cold hearted nature of an assassin. Oh well. Better get some sleep before we get there. [/i]With that he closed his eyes and rested, though he was never truly asleep, only in a trance like state that rested him but left him aware during the rest.
  20. Black Wolf borded the helicopter, Wasp walking beside him, leading the other team. Once they were all on the chopper and seated, he stared out the window, thinking. As he sat there, he let the senery passing below ease his nervousness. He had always liked forests and the like, though he rarely visited any due to the fact that he was always busy with other matters. [i]Well, i guess i should be thankfull i get to look at all.[/i] He realized the enormity of this mission when he thought this, realizing that this could very well be his last time he looked down on the forests of the world, that he or anyone else present could be killed. [i]I could care less if I die, but i won't be the one responsible for getting a team mate killed. [/i]A thought crossed his head and he said to the team,"Hay guys, i have a favor to ask. If I die on this mission, could you burry me upside down?" Tiger looked at him funny and said,"Why?" In reply, he smiled and said,"So the world can kiss my ass goodbeye." Some people laughed, and the ones that were more conserved smiled slightly. Either way this had achieved what he wanted, which was to lighten the mood, though he himself still sat there, butterflies in his gut, trying to figure out how he was going to look out for the entire team, though they were good, they would be spotted in danger sooner or later, just like him, so how could he look after them when he had look after himself? No answer came. [i]I've changed. In the past i wouldn't have cared but now i do. Why?[/i]
  21. Black Wolf heard the anouncement, looked at Dolphin and Toucan, and said,"Later guys, their callin and i have to answer." As he leapt into the shodows and started to make his way to the armoury, he heard Dolphin and Toucan say,"Later." [i]I may not be the best at stealth, but i'm still pretty good. Least i hope i am, cause that anounce sounded pretty urgent. Shit! My shotgun! [/i]At this thought he made for his room, at a dead run, it took all of five minutes to make it there and back, going as fast as he could. Black Wolf stopped at the corner before the armoury and walked around it after composing himself and straightning his coat. There were already some people standing at the door, but he went on inside without a word to wait for instructions.
  22. Black Wolf sat against the wall for about five minutes before the other two students entered the class room and looked around, saw Black Wolf sitting against the wall and Alejondro looking at them from his seat. Alejondro sighed and said, "You're already late so i suggest that you stop standing there so we can get started." Toucan and Dolphin both sighed and walked to wait beside the now standing Black Wolf. They both looked at him and one said,"Hi. I'm Toucan. This is Dolphin." and extended his hand. Taking his hand and shaking it, Black Wolf said,"Black Wolf." "Well, now that introductions are over, lets get started, shall we? Working as a team or individuals, i don't care which, i want you to try your hardest to hit me. Got it?" As he finished his sentence they all attacked, not in unison, but one after the other. The first to attack him was Toucan, he went for a right hook with pretty good speed, but Alejondro was faster. He caught his fist, twisted it behind his back, and turned as Dolphin came in with a left high kick, aiming for his head. Alejondro lifted his right hand and blocked her kick, holding her shin. Last, Black Wolf came in, he aimed a right jab for his stomach as Alejondro's foot came up. The tip of his foot grazed his cheek as he managed to jump back at the last moment. As Black Wolf caught his footing he pushed foward, coming in for a left hook, he lifted his right arm to block his right foot from coming down on his head, and said,"Hold him!" As these words left his mouth, Dolphin and Toucan grabbed his arms and held him as tightly as they could. As Black Wolf felt his fist start to connect with Alejondro's ribs, he felt a sharp pain in his own ribs, then everything went black. Toucan and Dolphin were sitting beside the unconcious Black Wolf, talking, when he groaned and sat up, holding his head and right side. "Morning sunshine. How you feelin'?" Black Wolf looked up and saw Alejondro standing beside him. "Like shit. Did I hit you?" "Sort of. I realized that if I didn't do something that you would actually hit me, so as your fist started to connect with my side, I took advantage of Dolphin being off balence and through her aside as I kicked you in the ribs, then I hit you in head. But look on the bright side, that's the first time that anybody has ever touched me on the first day.You guy's did well, and just to let you know, there's no way you would have been able to touch me if you hadn't worked together like you did. I think that's enough melee for today, seeing as how you can hardly stand without looking like you're in a drunken stupor." "Right, see ya tommorrow then." As Toucan, Black Wolf, and Dolphin made their way to tactics, Black Wolf was forced to lean on Toucan, since he couldn't walk without stumbling every other step. He looked up at Toucan and said,"I'll be fine in a minute, but if you don't mind, could we keep this to ourselves?" Toucan and Dolphin both laughed and said,"Sure, i have no problem keeping a secret." OOC: oops. it's fixed
  23. Black Wolf woke to a rude pounding on the door to the room next to him. He got up and got dressed, placed all his weapons in their normal place, and opened the door, finding himself face to face with Vermillion, whom smiled and said,"Morning sunshine, class schedules up in the messhall, go have look." Black Wolf walked away, headed toward the mess hall , and heard behind him the pounding of another door and more yelling. He made it to the mess hall and read the bulettin board with the schedule on it. "Melee huh? Alejondro? Unless i'm mistaken, that was the guy with wake up commity. Toucan, and Dolphin, don't think I've met them yet. Oh well, i will soon enough." Black Wolf made his way to the west wing training hall. When he got to the door and opened it, he saw that he was the only one there besides Alejondro. At the sound of the door opening, Alejondro looked up and said,"Have a seat anywere you please while we wait on the others." Black Wolf looked around and saw no chairs, and thought, [i]Smart ass, [/i]and sat down against the wall to wait. Edit: i read wrong, thought vermillion was the melee. Fixed.
  24. OOC: I'm gonna be gone all weekend so don't expect a post, but i'll make one if i can find the time. Black Wolf walked to his bedroom, the footsteps of his pursuer still sounding through his ears. He got to the door and went to open it, saying before he did so,"You don't plan to do this the entire time i'm trying to sleep do you?" A soft chuckle, then a reply in that same, soft, quiet voice,"I'm not your roomy Black Wolf, and i trust that you can figure who [i]was[/i] on your own, seeing how the room hasn't been completely cleaned out yet." Then, when the voice stopped, a small figure dropped from the roof, dressed completely in black and face covered, nothing visible but for the eyes. As the figure started to walk off, Black Wolf said,"Was? What's that supposed to mean?" "You'll find out." the figure replied and disapeared in the darkness. Black Wolf walked into the room and imediately started searching it. He searched for five minutes and found a slip of paper that had a name on it and marked out orders, but the name is what caught his eyes. Viper. "Jesus Christ, i've killed my own room mate." He sat down on his bed with a sigh, and thought, [i]Well, at least i don't have to worry about peace and quiet. [/i]He undressed to nothing but his underwear and placed a revolver beneath his pillow, layed down on his back, and started to go to sleep. Right as he was about to fall asleep, he rolled to his and winced, reaching for his chest were the bullet had hit earlier, remembering the purple black bruise that had been there in the shower. He rolled to his other side and, right as he fell asleep, he thought, [i]It's finally begun, after four years of hardship it's finally begun.[/i] His mother sat beside him, he was laying with his head on her lap, being no more than five years old, she was stroking his hair, singing him to sleep. Darkness. He woke to his mothers scream and rose of bed. He ran for his mother and father's room, opened the door and stopped. Standing over his mother, with a bloodied dagger in his hand, was his father. He looked down at his mother, and saw a hole in her heart. Darkness. He was huddled in a corner, shirt bloodied, cuts all over his back. His father yelling, but the only coherent thing he said was,"If you tell anybody what you saw i'll do to you what i did to her, you understand that boy?!" Johnathan looked up, just in time to get a knife across the left eye, but not going deep enough to blind him. Darkness. A man stood over someone, a gun in his hand, pointed at the man's head on the ground. The man on the ground pleaded,"Johnathan, please don't do this, I'm your father!" Johnathan looked into his fathers eyes, and as his father met his son's gaze, he felt all hope leave him, for he new that look when it was in a man's eyes.He was going to die and he knew it. "You should have thought about that when you killed mother and beat me. I hope you have nice life in hell." A flash, the sound of a gunshot, then silence. Johnathan looked down. There was a letter at his feet. He opened it. You shall be known as Black Wolf, the rest of the information you need is on the disk. He looked down again. There was now a disk at his feet. Black Wolf sat bolt upright in his bed, pulling his gun from under his pillow. Then lowered it, tears rolling down his cheaks, and said,"Johnathan is dead, I am Black Wolf." and went back to sleep.
  25. [i]No one? I could have swore i saw somebody on that bed. Shit, i haven't been in my room for two minutes and already my roomy has me paranoid. [/i]Black Wolf decided to let it be right now, or at least, make his roomy think that he had. He started for his bed and felt a slight movement of air as his hair moved back towards the door, and then, the door shut with a deafening slam. He stood there for a second then heard foot steps getting more distant by the second, then he said,"What'd i do?" After pondering this question for a second, he started unpacking, he set up his laptop, and pulled out the gun on his right hip and cleaned it. He put his shotgun under his bed, took a shower, and made his way to the mess hall. [i]They weren't kidding in that letter when they said it was farther away than the rest of them. This sucks. [/i]Black Wolf stopped cold and said,"Either you show yourself or you try to be little more quiet, I'm getting sick of hearing your foot falls, which, I might add, I've been listening to since i left the room." There was a slight rustle of clothing, then a voice spoke, so muffled and quiet he had to strain to hear it and couldn't descern if it was male or female,"Hello Black Wolf, I've been watching you all day, you're pretty good, but i'm better, the only reason you heard me was because i let you." Black Wolf started to walk away and the voice said,"Were are you going, hm?" Black Wolf stopped and said,"I'm hungry, I'm going to eat." and walked off. The whole time he'd been in the mess hall he hadn't been able to take two bites without his roomy wispering in his ear, tapping him on the back, or doing something else to distract him, after he finished half his meal he gave up trying to eat and sat there, waiting to see if there were any anouncements before he went to bed.
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