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Everything posted by hugoxx

  1. Black Wolf sat there, staring around at the library books, wondering what to read next when he heard the doors to the library open, and in stepped Marianna, looking important, and carrying a small slip of paper, as he watched her he realized she was headed his way, sat there and waited for her. When she stopped beside his chair, she held out the paper and said,"This is your room number, i would have put you roomate's name in it but I figured I'd let that be a surprise." She started to walk away and said,"Oh, by the way, your to start training with me in my marksmanship class tommorrow." As she started to walk away Black Wolf said,"Might i ask why? I've done nothing to alarm you to my talents." Marianna smiled a cold smile and said,"My employer has his ways of finding out, and besides, when take out a high ranking assassin that was going to be the reflex instructer, not mention you beat him in a match of reflexes, it remains hard to stay unnoticed." as she finished speaking she walked out the door before he could say anytihng else. [i]Who the hell did i kill that got me noticed by the man that runs this place? Holly shit dude, i'll be lucky if they don't watch my every move.FUCK! I wanted to get better, sure, but once again my carelesness shows. Fuck it. [/i]With that he opened his paper and read it, locating his room, and decided, before going to his room, to do a little research. After a few minutes of hacking, he found what he was looking for.[i]I killed Viper? Who the hell is Viper? [/i]Finally giving up, after his hacking program was destroyed countless times trying to get more info, he went to his room, opened the door, and sitting on the bed across from him was... ((Opening for whoever.))
  2. OOC: Sorry for the goof, i was in a bit of a hurry when i was reading the posts and only skimmed over them, didn't have time to read them properly, and thanks for fixing it xyz. Black Wolf walked the halls after watching the sparing match. [i]They're pretty good, i guess the only reason i snuck up on them is because they were a bit preocupied with the matter on hand.[/i] "Oh well, i guess i'll hit up the library." No sooner had these words left his mouth than he had turned the corner and another student was standing before him. The student before him smiled and said,"Black Wolf, hm? I think since you're a newb i'll be calling you puppy." "I thought i heard somebody following me, but I wasn't possitive. Well, now i know." The whole time they had been talking, Black Wolf's hands hadn't left his pockets. His eyes had changed from disinterest to a dangerous, calculative look. The man before him was still smiling, but as soon as his eyes caught the movement of his trench coat, the smile left his face and he reacted at the same speed as Black Wolf, both of their bullets made their mark with perfect accuracy as the hammers of their guns hit the bullet and resounded through the hall was the following gun shots. Both of them hit the ground, but only one rose. "Fuck, if i hadn't been wearing that vest I'd be dead, God Damnit i need to be more careful." He went over the battle in his mind as he headed to the library, rubbing his chest all the while, he realized that fight had lasted only three seconds, [i]Course then again, [/i]he thought to himself,[i] bullets fly faster than fists. [/i]When he entered the library he went straight for the study books, and was suprised at the selection they had, there had to be hundreds of books on tactics, hand to hand combat, sniping, and much more. He sat there reading on hand to hand combat for at least an hour before he started to wonder were he was going to sleep, but decided not to worry about it as he lit up a ciggarete.
  3. OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post i was gone all weekend. After seeing Teigra calm the cat, and being asked his name, the man with the scar on the left side of his face across the eye said,"Impressive, my name is Black Wolf, at least that's my code name, if you earn my trust then and only then will i give you my real name, and all i can say is good luck with that, for i trust nobody after what my father did, but that's a story for another day. At any rate, i wish you would have come along and tamed it a little earlier, i felt bad having to kick it, considering it was only doing what wild intsinct tells it to." Black Wolf thought about trying to pet the cat, but thought better of it, considering he had just beat the shit out of it. He looked at Teigra and said,"Well, i'm gonna go to the library, do some reading and web surfing, maybe some hacking but i doubt it cause i have nothing to find that would require it, anybody that wants to join me is more than welcome."
  4. Name: Johnathan Leen Codename: Black Wolf (Wolf) Group: Grassland Mammal Age: 22 Gender: male Appearance: ankle length black leather trench with pockets everywhere in it, scar across left eye, blue eyes, black hair, 5'9'', black gloves, and black boots Field Gear: wears nightvision goggles, and wears a light chest cavalar, giving him some protection from bullets while not hindering his movement. Weapons:Two black six round 45 revolvers, one at each side, fully auto 12 round 12gauge shotgun inside of trench, 3 flash grenades, 1 frag, and a hunting knife in belt waist. Personality:Cold and collective, generally doesn't care about other ppl, but if you manage to get on his good side he'll be a great asset. Hobbies:in his free time he gets all of his info on targets by hacking data banks and such. Bio: When he was about 16 his father was drunk and attacked him, Johnathan, knowing were his father kept his guns, ran, when his father found him, he killed his father. After killing him he went through his room and found a contract paper, and went to the Temple, and there began his training.
  5. OCC: my computer is crashed and i'm at school right now, but anyways, i don' know when i'll be able to post, so u can work my character, or drop what ever u like, i'll read it when i can and see if i'm still in.
  6. Joshua sat on his bed, wondering what other places he could hack to try to find his parents. His sister had helped look for them for the past three years after she caught him serching for them and made him tell her why, but she'd been in a coma for two weeks now, after she had tried to kill herself, for what reason he didn't know. As he started to doze off his laptop started beeping, telling him that he had an incoming message. He sat bolt upright, because the last time somebody had sent him an email he'd been forced to buy a new laptop becasue he'd thrown that one out the window so that it wouldn't be hacked. He was already in his chair, waiting, as the email came in. To his surprise he found that it was a regular email, seeing how it was 2am. He opened it, read it, and for the first time since his sister tried to kill herself, he didn't know what to think. [I]This could be total bullshit, but on the other hand, if it isn't, and he can really do what he says he can i might be able to find and kill my parents, not mention be able to pay my sister's docter bills. [/I] After thinking to himself for about an hour, he sent this message as his reply. Master of Games, I have decided to accept your invitation, however, if you prove to be a fake, or for some reason are unable to do what you say you can do, well, i'm sure you have a good imagination... Joshua Toshima [I]That's right i forgot to see if he really deposited that 10k in my bank.[/I] With this thought he acessed his bank account from his computer and stared at the scren, astonished at what he saw. He went to bed confused that night, and the next mourning he was forced to pack in a rush due to the fact that he had completely forgoten to pack the night before because he had been so disoriented. So naturally, he packed the bare essentials, his laptop, some cloths and toiletry. Then he was off, the driver slightly annoyed that he had not been ready.
  7. Name:Joshua Toshima Age:21 Sex:male Location:US Appearance:long black hair, scar on the left eye and always closed because if he opens it hurts, though he can see out of it. Personality:depressed and trusts no one. Bio:He was abandoned as a small child and was brought up by his older sister. And has swore to kill his parents for what they did. He has trained in the martial arts. Greatest Desire:to kill his parenst and one day be able to trust people. Greatest Fear:being alone, for which he always lives in highly populated areas.
  8. [COLOR=Indigo]Name: [/COLOR]Johnathan Leen [COLOR=Indigo]Age:[/COLOR] 18 [COLOR=Indigo]Gender: [/COLOR]male [COLOR=Indigo]Felid:[/COLOR] infiltration, sabotage,infighting, and assassination. [COLOR=Indigo]Weapon(s):[/COLOR]12 daggers that are hidden as follows, one in the left and right sleeve, one in each boot, one strapped to each shoulder blade, one strapped on each leg under his pants and one in hidden in his hair in a sheath. Two 45 rovolver's that belongered to his brother. [COLOR=Indigo]Bio[/COLOR]: He started training to be an assassin at the early age of 6, and to his father's and 18 year old brother's surprise, he was very skilled. when he was 17 somone came and assassinated his father, and left his father mortally wounded. As his brother lay in his arms and drew his last few breaths, he gave him his two revolver's and told him of a place in Scotland that were he could finish his training and and take revenge on the man that did this, but as he said the name Don, he died, leaving, Johnathan to figure out Don was on his own. his right eye was wounded and it was changed from blue to red, and when he crires, which is not very often since his brother and father's death, blood instead of tears comes from his right eye. [COLOR=Indigo]Aperance:[/COLOR]wears a black leather trench coat, black leather boots, and black cloths. His left eye is blue and his right eye is red were it was permanately wounded. Has a scar running from the top of his forhead to the t corner of his mouth, crossing over his right eye. It took him one year to get accepted into the school. [COLOR=Indigo]Personality:[/COLOR]Cold and calculative, he trusts no one and is almost always serious, many people would consider him cold blooded. He no longer is affected when killing someone he does it and leaves.
  9. Tellzar was slowly being forced back, having finally dropped his waraxe. He hoped the others could hold them without his help, because there were so many, however he could not chance staying there any longer. As he started to slowly retreat, two of the demons made it past him. His first instinct was to spin around face them, but the enemies to his front prevented him from doing that. He knew what this meant, that his death was at hand, so he stilled his heart and waited...and felt nothing. As he stood there he wondered why he had not been killed, and as he was starting to ponder this, a sharp pain in his left side brought him back to the world and he smashed a demons skull in with his mace that had pierced his chain shirt and stabbed his side. Though it was not a serious wound, that combined with the fact that he was fatigued and already wounded, he started to feel light headed and decided it best to hide untill he was able to fight again, so he headed for the closest place he could find, which just happened to be a stone wall embedded in the hill. When he turned the corner that would sperate him from the enemy, he was face to face with the two demons that had made it past him, one of them seemed to be leaning over a body. It was hard to say which was more surprised, the demons or Tellzar, but there was no argument as to who recovered first. Tellzar raised his mace before the closest demon had time to recover and brought it around from his left side to his right , smashing in the demons left hip. What made the other demon turn around was the audible crunch of bones as Tellzar's mace connected with the demons side. When it hit the ground and the other demon looked at it, all it saw was a mangled creature on the ground , the only part of it above the waist that was recognizable being it's face. The demon let out a snarl of rage, and charged. Tellzar stood ready, but the demons strength was great just as his was, and as their weapons met, his mace went flying, and the demon's sword flew in the other direction. They locked up, fingers intertwined, and it became a test of strength. Their muscles stretched to their limits, and the demon started to force Tellzar down. When he hit his knees, he slowly raised his head, and looked the demon in the eyes, it smiled, opened it's mouth, and went to bite him. Once again, when death seemed inevitible, he was saved. The demon stopped and started to gurgle as it tried to growl through it's own blood, and fell to it's back. Tellzar looked up, and saw Jessica against the rock wall, hand extended, and a smile on her face. "Thanks...I owe you one." Tellzar said. "Consider us even..." replied Jessica and blacked out. Tellzar pulled her knife free of the demons neck, retrieved his mace, and limped over to Jessica, sat down beside her, checked her pulse, and blacked out as well.
  10. Tellzar ran in circles, cleaving through his enemies with his waraxe, and smashing them with his mace. His left shoulder was starting to throb in an unberable pain, but he refused to release his grip on his waraxe. He spun around, and saw Jessica, standing alone, faceing a hord of enemies, and started to slowly make his way to her, though slow it was, for he was constantly having to repel attacks and return them. When he was finally clear of his assailants, he made a mad dash for Jessica. [i]I failed once already to defend my mother, now, when i have made friends outside of the battle field, it would seem i am about to fail them as well, and what's ironic, is i owe her my life...[/i] The first line of demons engaged her, she fought brilliantly, though there were more enemies around her than Tellzar could account for. One of the beasts got behind her without her noticing it, right when it seeemed it would kill her, it's sword aiming for the back of her throught, Tellzars medallion started to shine a deep blue. Then, in a desperate attempt to save her, Tellzar threw his waraxe at the beast, aiming for it's head. As his axe started to leave his hand, it was engulfed in a blue light the seemed to make it lighter, and when he knew it should have fallen short, his axe made it's mark, burying itself in the middle of the beast's head. Though i any other time he wouuld have been dumbfounded at what had just happened, he didn't even give it a second thought, because he knew if he hesitated, Jessica would get killed and likely him as well. So, running as fast as he could, given he was a dwarf and had short legs, he finally made it to Jessica. He reached down and pulled his axe free of the demons head, and stood back to back with Jessica, fighting for their lives.
  11. [I]I wish i was in a cave right now....[/I]Tellazr thought to himself as he walked around in the dead of night while everyone else was asleep.[I]I really don't like horses that much, either, but it's not like I can walk were we need to go...I complain to much, i need to stop thinking this stuff. Well, at least Jessica seemed to be in a better mood.[/I] Tellzar stopped on top of a hill, were he could still see the camp below should anything go amiss, but where he could see the stars clearly. He laid on his back and looked up. It was as if every star that was in the sky was looking upon him and liked what they saw, for they seemed to shine brighter for second, and then return to normal. "Not my style, but i have to admit it's a beautiful site." he said to himself. He remained there for what seemed like a century to him, stairing at the stars, then he heard foot steps near at hand and jumped up and spun around,axe drawn, he saw nothing, and just stood there, wondering if it had been his imagination when he was brutily hurled through the air from behind...When he came to he was laying on his back, with his axe beside him, the dark sky was turning gray as the sun startd to rise, he wondered how long he'd been unconcious, when he heard everyone in the camp below him start talking as they wondered were he was. As Tellzar sat up he felt a peirceing pain run through his head and left shoulder blade, "Damnit, how could i have been so careless?" he asked himself He reached down his tunic and chain mail and felt his medallion, wonderinng why it had not been taken, but happy that it hadn't been, then stood, swaying slighty from the diziness that swept over him, and then started to slowly make his way to the camp.... OOC: You guys can make whatever you like happen from this, short of killing me, i was intending to have some beasty attack, but i didn't have time too, so whatever flotes ur boat is cool with me.
  12. As Telllzar lifted the bread to his mouth, his stomach heaved, not because of the thoughts and images that ran through his head of the day before, for he had a strong stomach, a high constitution if you will. He couldn't figure out what it was that made him feel like this, but he decided it best not to ruin everyone elses meal by wretching on the table. [I]I need some air....[/I] Tellzar walked around to the back of the dining hall and walked outside, intending to sit on the steps he had seen last night while he had been walking around, and stopped cold, rocking on his heels, for he had almost ran smack into Jessica's back. Tellzar stood there lookinng at her, how she had her head on her lap and was just sitting there. He knew that she was thinking of her family, though she shed no tear. He had never been good at comforting people with words, so he laid his left hand on her shoulder, gave it a squeeze, stood there long enough to smile at her gently when she loooked up, let their eyes meet, and continued on down the walkway.
  13. Tellzar just sat there, Jessica walking beside him, not knowing the best way to comfort her, or even if he should, because he knew that when his mother had died, he had only wanted to be left alone and be by himself, unless he was training, because it helped take his mind off of it. He had never cried for his mother, just because he had never cried before in his life besides when he was a kid. As he sat there, feeling the faintness that his wounds brought as more life flowed out of them, he noticed the King was clutching his side.[I]Wonderful, first a battle that decimated the people, now they're going to lose their King. I wonder if Lee will make a good King...I think so...I[/I] hope[I] so...[/I] Tellzar sighed as all these thoughts crossed his mind, Jessica looked at him but said nothing, she still had that sad look in her eyes that made Tellzar think of how he would react if he lost his sister or father.
  14. Tellzar watched as Lee charged into the midst of their enemy and wondered if that was really such a good idea.[I]I don't have much of a choice though, now do I?[/I] Telazar charged, not far behind the prince. When he met the enemy, everything seemed to change from worry, to a single minded purpose, to wipe out his enemy. He drew his waraxe and started slashing through the enemy. He eventually ended up in the middle of the enemy forces, with a few other villagers that had been surrounded. Tellzar didn't even have to speak, for the enemy turned and surrounded him, deaming him the closest threat. There wasn't much he could do besides watch as the enemy surrounded him. As they got closer he put his waraxe in his left hand and drew his mace in his right. There were a total of 14 enemies surrounding him. They charged. Tellzar had seen men fight off this many enemies and kill them all, however, none of those men had lived to tell the tale. So as the enemy came at him, he turned circles in a battle stance that was meant to be used when surrounded by enemies. The first of his assailents to reach him fell to the ground, his head rolling away as if it were scared to be there any longer. The rest, he engaged. He kept spinning circles, warding off blades seaking his blood, many of actually tasted the blood they sought, but never more thana a glanceing blow. Tellzar brought his mace down in an arc, not caring what he hit for fear of his life, and smashed one his enemies skull in. He parried a slash and cutoff the hand that had thrust the sword at him. He saw a blade seaking his heart, twirled, and took the enmies head off. all around him more of his enemies fell dead, when he started wondering how long he could keep this up, he realized that his enemies were all dead, their bodies lying in a cirlce all around him. When he looked back at the villagers that he had saved, they all looked on him with a strong respect in their eyes. "Go.", Tellzar said. And without a word, they ran. Tellzar tried to move when he realized that he was a still target, but he collasped and could not rise. Seeing this opportunity, his enemy advanced.[I]If i die here what would father think of me? I can't die here, but there's nothing i can do....[/I]
  15. Tellzar watched as the scene before him ufolded. The crowd had gotten so large that Tellzar almost missed the guardsmen escorting a man and women, leaving them with James and Aria. Tellar was interested in what the people wanted, but wasn't particularly fond of the idea of getting through the small crowd that had converged between him and the palace, so he decided to do what he's always done best, observe ,and analyze the situation, like he would do from afar in a battle.
  16. Tellzar was walking the battlements of his father's stroghold and castle, Thallhorn, made of nothing but stone. The stone work on the castle was extraordinary, if you had never seen it before you would wonder at how white the stone had remained over the five-hundred years it had stood, and at how the stone looked as if it had been built by the gods. Tellzar was just passing over the gates when a one of the guards standing watch hailed him. Tellzar stopped and looked down at the guard and said, "Yes?" "The King wishes to see you, said something about a message from a wizard, but would tell me no more." By the time the guard had finished speaking, Tellzar was already walking towards the stairs that led to the main roads of the city. When he reached the streets, he immediately set off in the direction of the castle gardens, for that was were his father always waited when he summoned him. When he reached the gardens, his father said, "Tellzar, you have heard of the mage Alvadon, whom guards the Gates of Valahria, have you not?" "Yes, father, i have. What of him?", replied Tellzar. "Just this morning I recieved a message from him with his seal on it. He says that the Gates of Valahria have been overrun, that Thorian Wrath has risen once again.", the King said in a deathly tone. All Tellzar could do was stare as he thought of what this could mean for the world. His father nodded, and said, "I see you know what this means, and you are wise to fear. Thorian is after the Medallions, and Alvadon wishes all the bearers of the Medallions gather at the Sordian Kingdom, for what i know not, though i can promise you it has somethting do with keeping the medalions safe, and defeating Thorian." Tellzar managed to close his mouth and quit gaping, and replied, "When do I leave?" His father replied, "Now." Tellzar nodded and said, "Then i better prepare. I'll be ready within the hour." His father nodded, and as he started to turn away, Tellzar saw a tear run down his bearded cheak. Right as Tellzar finished packing the small essentials that were needed for a hastey departer, his sister Trisha entered the room with tear filled eyes and said, "I'm going with you!", though her voice sounded commanding, Tellzar detected a small hint of pleading in her voice. "No. It's too dangerous.", Tellzzar replied. "That's why I have to go, so I can protect you." she said, the tears flowing freely down her cheeks now, for she knew she could never win this argument. "If you were to go I would have to protect you, and that would likely get me killed, seeing what I'm abouut to be faceing." Tellzar didn't even give ger time to reply, as he brushed pass her and kept walking, bag in his right hand slung over his shoulder, his waraxe strarpped to his back and his mace at his right side, head downcast, he departed the castle. After about three days travel, he arrived at the Sorian Kingdom. The guards whom were watching the gates lowered their spears to bar his way and said, "Who are you and what is your business here?" "I am Tellzar, Crown Prince of Thallhorn, Alvadon has summoned me hear.", Tellzar replied. "What proof have you?", the guards asked him. Tellzar pulled a leather band out from under his shirt and held it up. Hanging on the leather was a deep blue gem that seemed to glow inside, and Tellzar said,"Iis this proof enough?" The guards smiled and said, "Yes, I think so. We'll have one of our guardsmen esscort you to the castle."
  17. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name:Tellzar Age: 23 Sex:male Relm: Prince of Thallhorn Weapon: dwarven waraxe and mace Appearance:Shaggy, red hair, brown eyes, 4'9, stocky, and a scar that runs from left eye to left jaw bone that he recieved from a training session with his father. Personality:easy going, but if u make him mad... Weakness: Very sensitive about sister and will do anything to protect her Bio: Trained as a worrior since age 10, he climbed in the ranks of his peoples worriors very quickly. When he was 11 years old, he, his mother and his sister and his mother's guard were just returning from a trip to the east fortress they had hid in during a siege and an injured dragon took them for a threat and attacked, killing his mother, his mother's guards held the dragon off, giving Tellzar time to flee with his 8 year old sister, Trisha. After this incendent he trained as a worrior, reaching and passing his physical limits, for he never wanted to be that weak ever again. Ever since that day he has been extremely protective of his sister. His father gave him the Water Medallion for his bravery that day, saying he had done well, that there was nothing more he could have done. Magic: none Medallion: water medallion[/COLOR]
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