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The idea of vampires is VERY cool, in my opinion, makes for some great characters, stories and legends, but the thing that just makes me shake my head are people who think they are vampires. I have a friend who knows a guy who honestly believes he has bloodlust. He says things like "I'm serious, I hvae to wear sunblock and glasses outside and it still hurts like hell". :laugh: Its just ridiculous, I told my buddy to tell him he's got a friend who thinks hes a righteous vampire slayer and that I'd be lookin for him with a holy vengeance if he doesnt STFU and grow up lmao. Its bloody ridiculous its as if these kids think they're some how malicious or supremely gothic if they claim that they are bloodsuckers. It makes you so evil doesnt it? lol I dunno, I can't say much for those sorta fools cept just safely label them as 'human wastelands' cuz that basically sums them up.
[B]NES:[/B] RoboCop.... just plain... bad. [B]SNES:[/B] Hmmm... I mostly played good ones.... but if I think hard... probably Sonic Blastman... this cheap superhero-eque craptastic excuse for an entertaining game. [B]N64:[/B] Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage god DAMN did this game make my blood boil. I was sitting there, not wanting to waste my $5 for renting it, toughing through the bleak storyline and horrible gameplay, when I had to run to get a box of kleenex to stuff in my ears to stop the bleeding caused by the sadistic 'sound'track. [B]PS2:[/B] I WHOLE heartedly agree with SephirothNIN in saying that Unlimited SaGa bites the big one. This is true testament to the fact that you should not judge a book by its cover. I had about $150 to spend on games early January this year, so I go down to EB with the intent on buying FFX-2 regardless, a preowned Wild Arms 3 for $30, and then see what else was in store. So, my friend comes with me, and sees Unlimited SaGa there, which has nice packaging design, on the back, shows I think ONE very very small screen of the actual gameplay, and then the rest of the screens are of the 'FMV' sequences, that look more like a nice stylized PS2 RPG's IN GAME graphics, fooling you into thinking this is what the game is like, when even these sequences are VERY few and far between. So, it was on sale for $30 and I picked it up, took it home to find some freaky boardgame type hard as hell boring storyless RPG-like ......... thing. The only redeeming quality this game has is its nice squaresoft worthy soundtrack. [B]XBOX:[/B] Well, I havent played as many X-Box titles as I would like, but the biggest dissapointment would have to be Counter-Strike. For all the graphical updates they gave to my favourite multiplayer shooter of all time, they just didnt pull the game off anywhere remotely near to the PC version. Not to mention you need to pay for Xbox Live to play against humans, a feature thats free of charge on the superior PC version. They don't even include a split screen multiplayer on a powerful system with 4 controller points. Makes no sense to me. [B]PC[/B] Riven. I LOVED Myst... but this game just disappointed me. Maybe the whole Myst concept was pretty much done by the time Riven came out, but I don't know. [B]GBA[/B] All the Legacy of Goku games. Just horrible. Nuff Said.
I have mild Aspurgers, or Asburgers, or w/e its called. But yeah, I don't really have a hamper on my life because of it at all. Basically, it just puts an interesting twist on how I see things and think, they way others see it. Everyone just sees me as eccentric, and quite frankly I'm damn proud of it... I dunno, I just like the way I think. Its not as if I'm crazy, or unstable or anything like that, I'm just easily goofy, and then I can turn around and suddenly be thinking deeply enough to intrique people and so on and so forth and so on and so forth. And yeah, all in all I guess I'm glad to have it, even though its a so called "disorder", I just see it as a cause of alot of my personality traits... so really I don't like to think of it as Aspurgers, or a disorder, or anything, I just see me as me, and everyone else just see's me as me.... so yeah s'all gravy.
hmmm.... i get the idea that your performance is singing? If so.... ummm tracy chapman - give me one reason sounds awesome when sung by a female, so... yeah thats my input.
hmmm yeah theres alot of good NES games out there Dragon Warrior: First RPG I ever played, and its actually not bad when you consider it was one of the first RPG's of its type, and on NES, but I have a special affinity for it, just because it was the game that introduced me to RPG's. Trog: This game was just fun. 2 player mode beat out single player, but either way whats not to like about running around collecting eggs and eating cavemen? Megaman (all of the NES ones): One word can describe these games: difficult. The Megaman games' actual game [I]size[/I] is insanely small compared to the amount of time you spend playing it, simply because you die, and die again, and then think you'll pull off a level, but die yet again. This challenge kept you coming back for more and eventually feeling great about yourself when you finally beat the game. The Adventures of Lolo: Blockpushing and puzzle solving at its 8bit greatest, 'nuff said. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Great coop action game. Um, I'll drop another reply if I think of more that deserve mention (without just rambling on about every good game that comes to mind).
The thing about computers, is, if you want a computer that can actually run useful and entertaining programs you get a PC. If you want a computer thats pretty much failsafe and won't start spazzing out, get a Mac. But the thing is, Macs are about 1/5 as useful as PC's, 1/8 as compatible, so Macs pretty much suck the big one. PC's on the otherhand, tend to go ballistic, grow mechanical arms and try to choke the user to death. Well, thats what it feels like anyways. Microsoft operating systems, as revolutionary as they are, always ALWAYS get some kind of error within a few weeks in my experience. Now, I haven't tried Linux, but I use Microsoft OS instead of a Mac, because I like to play games, upgrade my computer, have more than one mouse button, avoid ridiculous monitor colours, etc. But I have a theory. I think Bill Gates is making sh***y software on purpose, and the only reason he does so is that he's rich, and he can, that a**hole. He's probably sitting at home laughing while eating his gold laced potato chips, sitting on his gold couch, watching his gold painted strippers he hired who are suffocating from lack of oxygen through the skin, and he's doin nothing about it, because he has enough money to pay off any lawyers that would give him troubles about anything. Not to mention he bribed the election commitee just for kicks, resulting in the current primate that acts as pres of the USA. But alas, what can you do, just try and put in the extra effort, and extra money, into buying virus programs, getting perfectly compatible parts, and making sure you don't go and download anything stupid like some program that claims it'll send 6 mil to your bank account if you run it or something. So yeah, comps are a pain, but hey without them life would be so much less convenient, and we wouldnt have OB, or anything like that. So just be content with what ya have. :D
Well weirdest things I've ate.... would have to be in 2 categories: exotic weird, and just 'what the hell' weird. For exotic weird, It'd have to be the ducks feet and fish lips I had at a chinese restaurant once. Ducks feet are not bad, sort of like chicken only the meat on it is scarce, mostly skin. Fish lips are well... tastes like rubber tofu basically. Bland, chewy, and just... rubbery. As for eating something thats just weird, well one day I was making a sandwich, I spread on some miracle whip, put a peice of sliced ham in, spread on some cheesewizz, and then sliced up a blueberry muffin and stuck it in for good measure. It was pretty gross, but once I made it I felt obliged to finish it.
Anyone heard of them? They're a symphonic metal band, sort of like Blind Guardian(if you've heard of them either). I find both these bands, Rhapsody in particular, really different, but a good different. I mean, they are classified as 'mystic rock', so rock or metal bands that sing about fantasy settings etc. They actually sound like denizens from a world like Ansalon ([I]Dragonlance) or Faerun (Forgotten Realms) or any other fantasy setting you would like to picture, given electric guitars, double bass pedals, the works, all with a symphonic backup thats all truly played in a style suitable to thier lyrics. The lyrics of songs like [I]Black Dragon[/I] , [I]Dawn of Victory[/I] , [I]When Demons Awake[/I] etc, are just... really really cool I can't really find other words to explain it. Its like new age bards if your into that sort of thing... Being a musician myself (we don't have a bassplayer YET, but we're lookin and will have our band together soon enough), and also being into the whole fantasy literature, anime, videogame scene, I find that this blend is just... great. :D :D
Hmmm I don't know if a have an absolute fave. Some of the better ones are ummm... Footloose, Grease, Fiddler on The Roof, Chicago, Jesus Christ Superstar (lol, I'm not a religious man or anything, but this ones good).... Those are some of my favourites... and of course theres alot of the disney movies, which are cartoons but alot of them arent bad at all as musicals. (Aladdin, Lion King, Beauty and The Beast, etc) And well... it only has two songs in it... but it would be my utmost wish to be able to be involved in a production of Monty Python and the Holy Grail :D
Hey guys, I know this is really dumb, but this just sorta sparked in my mind. Remember [I]The Blair Witch Project[/I] ? Did this movie (or movie(s) if you include the just as lame sequel) have ANY connection to actual witches or wicca? I doubt it, but just a thought. I know NOTHING about wicca etc, but just the fact that its in a forest, forests are nature, wicca is based on nature (maybe I do no a little bit :p ) so maybe it was loosely based on actual facts or something. But man, were those ridiculous movies :rolleyes:
Well heres one that REALLY gets on my nerves.... when I say REALLY I mean REALLY, as in I'm REALLY not lying. Well yeah, 'really' is one of them, I mean, its a necessary word, but alot of people just totally abuse it. I'm sure my drift has been catched.... So, the actual word that really really gets me goin, especially around here is the excessive use of [B]seriously[/B] . For example, consider the scenario of someone whom you shower with favours constantly, suddenly asking you to do something for them thats comletely unnecessary and could actually bring harm, or trouble to you or them or whatever. And of course, you decline. And then they keep asking "Come ON man!" "No" "No seriously man, can you?" "No *censored*, I've told you about eighty times!" "No dude, SERIOUSLY" .... and it just goes on and on when somebody is trying to either ask for something, or 'force' a point, this word is sooo excessively. And uh, yeah. I'm done :D
AAhhh yes... pen and paper RPG's are really fun, if you have a good group to play with. I stopped playing Dungeons and Dragons I guess, about a year and a half ago, half because my friends and I overplayed it for the amount of sourcebooks we had and could afford, and half because my DM let me turn my PC into a demilich, and we had the epic level handbook to boot, so I ended up devising a spell combination that let me deal around 8000-9000 damage with... shoot I forget the name of the spell, it was the one that dealt 300d6 I believe, in the epic level spells. I was never one for being Dungeon Master myself, because I always liked to make quirky campaigns with alot of story driven aspects, alot of narrative, and alot of NPC interaction in towns. Even though my players loved this, as the usual DM's I played with had the 'ol "bait the players with rewards of powerful items and experience" method, they never really finished a campaign of mine because it just got too complicated overtime with the players sometimes conflicting interests of what to do when, and then occasionally just dick around and screw things up and you know. But yeah, DnD is a great game that by all means should be checked out by anyone with an avid imagination and a soft spot for fantasy.
Alrighty, though I'd start a thread about school dramatic productions etc etc... Anyone been in one? If so which? Which role... etc Right now at my highschool we're doing the musical Anything Goes, by Cole Porter. (originally done in 1934, but there was a broadway revival in I think 1982) I'm doin the role of Billy Crocker, a lead, one of the three 'big' leads. Yep yep, I'm pretty proud of the role :cool: heheh, cept the productions reaching its more stressful stages with a month and a half till the show and set completion just coming around, but we still have alot of polishing up to do with some of the chorus singers and some of my dances arent totally choreographed, but it'll come together fine I'm sure of it. But anywho... I'd love to hear from you guys about this subject......area..... yes, area. :D
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Fyodark replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
Hmm... nice thread. I think the character I can identify most with is Vash The Stampede. Just in the ways he's always one for peacemaking, and just an allround positive thinker with unique ideals that promote all of the better virtues in life. Thats the way I like to look at things, just look on the bright side of everything, avoid conflict if its foolish, but if it comes along, take care of it. Vash, like myself, seems to not be serious about life at all, more for the sake of encouraging others, while he still has a very wise sense of things. I've always thought myself to be capable of extremely deep and sort of philosophic thought, but then on top of that I'm so darned eccentric that I just come off as a goof to everyone in most moods :P. -
[QUOTE=Altron]Only some shape or form of god is ever existant and has neither a begining or end could've made the world. [/QUOTE] I think I mentioned it before, but, this pattern is pretty much neverending, who created the god? I mean, sure you could say that the god is divine and was there forever, you can't see gods, they're just there. But, you can't see cells either, these mysterious little things called cells and molecules just compose everything , we know that everything is made of them, but we don't know why, we just know. So, if something like a cell was created by the god, then surely the god, if even more enigmatic, was created by something. And that in turn by something else. I mean, the start of everything, well, there is no start, it goes on forever. I don't think alot of people realize how long forever is.... theres no way to know how long forever is, because there is no end, its big and small, short and long, basically if the human mind were to try and understand the vastness of the universe, it would overload and shutdown, I mean we are just not capable of that kind of radical thinking. So the way I see it, the creator was created by something, but we will NEVER know, no way in hell that we're ever going to either, so I don't put it upon myself to worry about it, because I'm fine as is. The other half of the world however, do like to follow religions which are basically ways of understanding the vastness and stopping it at one point the way I see it. But thats the way I see it, and to each his own as I say, to all you christians and buddhists and other religions out there, more power to ya guys, your probably leading healthier lives than mine, and thats saying something. For an unreligious guy I keep a fine balance of being always positive, personable, although breaking laws [I]now and again[/I]. But yeah, things just go on and on, for all we know our universe WAS created by some scientists that made a living working universe in a marble (ala Men in Black), and we are really micro micro microscopic in comparison to our [I]mortal[/I] creators, and then they had to be created to, so it just doesnt end. So yeah... umm I think I ran out of things to say.
I'm pretty much Atheist, but I'm not really pessimistic on the subject of religions, so I guess I could just be simply Agnostic. When I was little, my mother took me to christian church, and tried to get me down that path, until I was about 8 years old when our family didn't have time to go every Sunday, not to mention my father is an atheist and very prejudiced man, so he rarely ever came and if he did, it'd just be for the sake that everyone else was going. So, with the absense of going to church, or having any other religion fed to me throughout the last 8 or so years, I've had time to think for myself and develop my own view on things. Personally I find that there is too much conflict in relgion. Almost every war that has a cause, was caused by religion. Almost every religion will claim that it is the true "path", and that its ways and its god(s), are all that there is. Now, the way I see it, if this were to be true, then wouldn't all of the different beliefs cancel eachother out? There very well COULD be one true religion, but who's to know? You really can't, which is why people have fought about it in the past. Even though I don't believe in any divine spirit, or follow any set life rules (besides abiding by the law or getting thrown in jail (or at least being sure of getting away with it :rolleyes: )), I do respect those that do, I mean, its not my place to judge what other people think, or what they find comfort in. A very good friend of mine comes from a christian family, and I from time to time, more often than not actually, attend the youthgroup with him at his church, and I get along great with everyone there, and they with me, even when they know of my lack of beliefs. I understand how people find comfort in religion, and having something to rely on, some ultimate guideline that can assure them they are on the right path. As for me, I don't feel I need that kind of reliance. All of that I can find in myself, and I count myself lucky to be strong enough of spirit and personality to do so. I like to talk about religion with religious people alot however, I'm the kinda guy who likes to ask questions. Above I stated my opinion about there being conflict in religion, so, say there was one TRUE creator, a possibility I do not deny in the slightest. Ok, so, given the scientific theory of the big bang, how did the big band happen? Molecules mixed and exploded or something, and created the universe. Where did the molecules come from? You can't get something from nothing, so something or someone had to have made those molecules. All fine and dandy, BUT, where did that person or thing or entity, the 'creator' come from? And in turn where did the person place or thing that spawned the creator come from? Its impossible for us to ever know, even if there is an end to a cycle like that, its cleary beyond the human brain to comprehend, let alone worry about the way I see it. I guess thats why people have religions though, to just say someone or thing was there forever, simply put, and it makes everything, basically life itself, easier to understand and set guidelines for. So, I think I've ranted for long enough, probably repeating myself a few times too, so I'll conclude this lil shpiel. I hope everyone noticed how I don't mean to offend anyone who is religious, even stating that I respect everyone and everyones beliefs, and I guess I can declare that I am Atheist/Agnostic, but I like to just call myself a 'thinker' in this area. So, for me, death'll either be a boring end of thought, or a hell of a ride, but till then I'm just the opposite, alive, so I'll just live till then thank you very much.
hhrrmmm I've had some frustrating game moments of course, as have we all I'm sure. The most frustrating one I can think of off the top of my head was the first time I picked up Final Fantasy Tactics. I started playing it at about 3 am and was overtired, and I didn't realize that before a battle starts you can hit R and L to add other party members to the battle, so I had about 25 tries on the first 'official' battle (when your main character is a squire), outnumbered 7-2. I think I'll end my post here without writing a book about MegaMan games.....