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Everything posted by Budday

  1. Paul continued leaning his head back and then looked up at the ceiling. He started to feel his neck getting hurt so he looked across the room. Mari was sitting there by her self. He stood up and walked over to her and sat down across from her. "Hey, you look tired," Paul said to her. "Bleh, sleep, yea I soppose so," She said giving a little yawn. "Lemme go check on Hunter again and I'll tell him im driving you home," Paul told her. She nodded. She wanted to go home and go onto her computer and also wanted to go to sleep at the same time. She wanted to go look up anythign she could find about the ghost they had encountered. Paul stood up and walked away. He walked down the hall look straight ahead so his eyes wouldnt wonder into someone elses room and seem rude. He walked over to Hunters room and knocked on the door. He didnt hear anyone answer so he just decided that he msut of been sleeping. He shrugged and figured he woudlnt midn anyways he coudl call a team meeting the next day. Paul walked down the hall again headed towards the waitting room.
  2. The clown lady frowned at him. She looekd down at her deck and drew a card. She quickly smiled and grinned again and looked up at him. "I play [B]Dark Necrofear 2200/2280[/B] and i'll end my turn!" She grinned at him. Clown Lady: 2000 -> 2500 Caleb drew his card. "I play [B]Garuda the Wind Spirit 1600/1200[/B] attack Cat's Ear Tribe!" The wind spirit followed orders and took a deep breath. And then exhaled and a high force at Cat's Ear Tribe. The monster was destroyed in a bunch of pixils. But a beam shot out from where the cats were and hit the wind spirit, he began to grow ears and a tail and it started reducing his attack to 200. "What?!" Caleb hit his table. He looked at the clown lady and she just luaghed. Caleb ended his turn angryly. She drew her card. "Looks like your going to fall and be destroyed by my card, Dark Necrofear attack that Wind Spirit!" Caleb: 2700 -> 700 "Haha, dont worry next turn you'll be finished!" She luaghed aloud
  3. Paul sat in the chair of the waitting room in the hospital. He was pretty exchuasted. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back and replayed everyhting in his head. From the point in the library to the point leaving Hunters hospital room. It just seemed so weird to him. [I]If were gonna continue to put up with this war with the spirits we need some fire power of our own. But what? Gun and weapons wouldn't work against something like that.[/I] Paul continued to think to himself when a nurse walked to him. "Oh, your bandage sir, on your elbow, do you need a new one?" She asked him. He looked down at the bandage on his elbow and sighed. It was soaking in blood over time. He nodded to her and she walked away to get him a bandage. When she came back Paul had already unwrapped the old one. It seemed to have stop bleeding. He took the new bandage form the nurse and wrapped it around his arm. Paul then thought about the girl he encountered twice now. [I]Everything....Just so weird now and days.[/I]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal] Paul looked at Rodney. Rodney nodded asnd was abotu to open the door. "Wait... I Don't think Kris is going to be so safe if we just leave her passed out and taking her in with us into here...maybe we should leave her in my jeep?" Paul suggested. "That sounds like a good idea... maybe thats a good idea." Joey said. "Okay, how about Me, Maria, and Clesia go and get Hunter, you and Joey take Kris to your car and wait for us so we can be ready to escape?" Rodney said making a plan off the top of his head. Everyone nodded. Kris and Paul walked off down the hall heading to the entrance leaving the other three behind. "Your arms doing fine right?" Paul asked Joey. "Yea, stupid stitchs, darn ghosts, yet not good enough to carry Kris is thats what your implying. "Oh, no!" Paul said. They continued to walk down the hall way. Getting the eerie feeling of the emptness that should of been replaced by teachers and staff people. They stopped when they heard a soft humming. Looking behind them there was the girl with the weird glow Paul encounted yesterday. She was coming out of one of the class rooms, floating, her hair again floating in the unpresent breeze. "This is not good..." Paul told Joey. Paul thought this woudl be the best of time for Kris to come to.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy] "For my Deck Master! I choose [B]Mysterious Puppeteer[/B], hehe," She giggled placing it down int he assigned spot. In the field the Puppeteer was summoned up and his hologram was shown. "For my Deck Master I pick [B]Birdface[/B]," Caleb said aloud. He looked down att he feild and seen the hologram of his card appear. He turned when he heard his sisters shouting. The clown lady twisted the hair of his pig tail with her finger and stuck her tounge out at them and ended with her giggle. Caleb and The Clown lady pushed buttons on there playing area and hologram dice were rolled. The clown lady rolled a three and Caleb rolled a one. "Hehe, well for my turn I play... [B]Magical Ghost 1300/1400[/B] and also one face down card, she giggled looking at her Puppeteer he waved his hand making her life points go up 500. Caleb drew a card and looked down at his hand. "I'll play [B]Harpie's Brother 1800/600[/B] and one face down card," Caleb said. He looked up at the Clown lady to see her just smiling at him. "Well, well this may turn up to be easier then I thought! I plau my face down card to reveal its [B]Change of Heart[/B] and your [B]Harpie's Brother 1800/600[/B] becomes mine for the rest of the turn. Hehe! Now then [B]Magical Ghost 1300/1400[/B] attack his life points!" [U]Caleb : 4000 -> 2700[/U] Caleb couldn't believe this. after Magical Ghost it woudl be for sure she would attack with Harpie's brother. Then he widen is eyes he had a facedown card. [I]"Caleb you can't forget about these things! Always to remember that there are more then just monster cards on the field, you do have your magic and trap cards"[/I] Caleb remembered something his uncle tought him while babysitting. "Harpie's Brother, show your master your devestating attack!" Caleb quickly flipped over his face down card. "[B]Magical Cylinder[/B]! " Caleb said as he flipped over his trap card that surprised the Clown Lady. On the Feild Harpie's Brother was flying towards Calebs Platform when a Cylinder circled around the monster. Once it dissapeared Harpie's Brother attack The Clown Lady's Life Points instead. Clown Lady: 4000 -> 2200 "Good Job Caleb!" His sisters said. He looked over to them. [I]Whew...good thing I put that trap there...[/I] "Hpmh, fine then. I put another face down card and play [B]Cat's Ear Tribe 200/100[/B] in defence mode and end my turn!" The Clown Lady said. She sounded alittle dissapointed but was starting to get in her lively mood again. Clown Lady: 2200 -> 2700 "That little card?!" Caleb said not knowing it had an effect never have coming by it before. He drew his card. "I play the magic card [B]Mountain[/B]," Caleb looked down at the field, Mountains started to raise up increasing Harpie's Brothers attack by 200. "I'll also play [B]Sacred Crane 1600/400[/B] which lets me draw another card," Before he was about to draw a card his Scared Crance exploded into pixles. "Well, well Trap card! I activated my [B]Trap Hole[/B]!" The Clown Lady Said Picking up her Trap card and discarding it. "Grrr...Well then Harpie's Brother attack Magical Ghost!" Caleb ordered his monster. Clown Lady: 2700 -> 2000 [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=YellowGreen] Paul got into his car, he wanted to get away from all these ghosts at the moment. He slide the key into the ignition and turned on his car. The music was turned on very loud. Paul covered his ear with one hand and turned down the volume with his other hand. "What the? I wasnt even listening to music when I got here," Paul was getting creeped out. His elbow was still bleeding alittle but he clothes were slowly dryign from slidin on the ice in the hallways. Paul stepped on the gas and decided to go to Hunters house. Paul turned to the left after stopping at the stop sign. He parked his car on the curb across the street from Hunters house. Paul realized he hadnt been waering his seatbelt the whole way. [I]~Stupid move Paul, your lucky your still alive~[/I] Paul closed the door to his car behind him after getting out. He looked both ways and then crossed the dimly lited streets. He looked ahead and saw Kris going into Hunters house. Paul was to tired to call out to them so he gathered the rest of his energy and ran to the door holding his arm limp so he wouldnt feel so much pain on his elbow. Rodney was slowly closing the door when Paul slammed his shoulder onto it to keep it open. "Ah-, wait!..." Paul said out of breath. He knew he startled them but he was just freaked out now and his elbow hurt.[/font][/size][/color]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Paul was thinking on the drive home, not realy paying attention to the road. [I]~Wow, these ghosts are certainly gaining more power. We are going to ned someway to be able to fight back...heh, ghost busters...~[/I] Paul chuckled to himself at the thought but slammed on the breaks immdeaitly. He almost ran a red light. He put his head back agaisnt the head rest of the seat and let out a sigh. Everything was starting to get to him and he was going to have to start trying to get use to it. He looked at the light and saw it turned green. He continued on his way home. He looked in his rear view mirror to see if someone was behind him and no one. Looking in the seat beside him he realized he had left his bag. "Great..." Paul made a U-turn and drove back to school. School seemed to be really closed now but Paul had to much homework to leave his bag in school overnight. He walked to front door and tugged on it. It was locked. Paul sighed, he expected it to be locked but he didnt know how else he was goign to get into school to get his bag. He turned around and started to walk to his car when he heard a click. He turned around and looked at the door. He walked to it and pulled it open. "Prolly those ghosts... im going to have to keep on my guard..." Paul looked down the dark hallway. The lights were off but the moon light gave veyr little light but just enough to see. He walked down the hall slowly keeping on his guard. He came to a intersection in the hall and looked odwn to the right. The door to the library was open and it seemed there was a breeze coming from there. He shuddered and decided not to go over there. Looking down the hallway to the left he saw the classroom they were in. Walked down the hall way to the left he walked to the door and opened it. Ontop of the table he saw was his bag. He quickly walked over to it and picked it up and put it over his shoulder. Paul walked out the classroom and closed the door behind him. Looking down the hall both ways he started to retrace his foot steps. Behind him he felt heavy breathing. Turnign around was a girl, but she wasnt normal looking. She has dark black hair that seem to be flowing in a breeze that wasnt present and she had a eerie blue glow around her. Paul started to walk backwards quickly. She winked at him. He turned around and stopped. Infront of him was a axe flying down towards him. He jumped out the way and went around the guy. "That must of been the library guy!" Paul said as he ran. The girl behind him stuck her hand out infornt of her and let out a high pitch scream. ICe started to cover the hall way with a thin layer, slowly makign its way toward Paul. Paul stopped running and covered his ears. The ice seem to coat everything, the floor, walls, lockers, when paul started to try to get away it made it a difficult task. He slipped and started to slide. He passed the intersection that he needed to turn at, and started to slide toward the library. He slammed into the wall. Trying to balance himself on the ice he stood up. He looked behind him and saw that the girl and the guy with the axe were starting to come towards him. He turned aroudn and saw a window infornt of him. He begun to pull and try to open it but it wasnt no use. Using his elbow he broke the glass of the window. He broke it all off so that way he could fit through. He climbed out the window his elbow bleeding and his clothes wet. Jumping from the window he landed ont he grass. Looking up at the window he saw something that puzzled him. It wasnt broken anymore. Yet looking down at his elbow and clothe he was still bleeding and wet.[/Font][/Color][/Size]
  8. Dance Dance Revolution is the onyl reason why id go arcading... Yet even though ive played DDR for maybe a year and a half...i think its more but im not sure.. I still get intimmidated by those really fast people. Although i enjoy the ever occasional fast song too (sakura, bag, afronova) but i prefer my pop dancing songs or anything i can jsut have fun with. Yet i always try to make my thrid / last song a challgening one. OtakuSennen - dont worry about it. A lot of DDr people are usually nice and stuff so they dont make fun of other people who try. Atleast at all the arcades ive been too. But one thing though, once you get use to playing DDr you usaully want to play with people who are better then you becuase then you can try harder songs and get use to them while they pass you through ^-^ I feel though, that the home verison DDR is no where near as much fun as the arcade verison. You get more energy and excitment and embrassesment from all the people watchign you, that is the stuff i find more fun. And the dance pad in the arcade is more stable ^_- So yea Id have to say though Dance Dance Revolution is one of my favorite games. Songs I Like = Sakura(Standard), Bag(Standard), Butterfly(Trick), Boom Boom Doller(Trick), Dynamite Rave(Standard/Trick), End of the Century(Standard), and Afronova (Standard/Trick), Kick the Can (Standard/trick) Songs that i like to listen to but only sometimes play = All of the above, Bumble Bee, So many Men, Boys, Paranoia, Dead End, Blow my Whistle, La senorita, El tropical (or something along those lines),
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Red] Caleb watched everything from standing next to his sister. Everything seemed to be getting intense for such a little guy such as himself. He didnt know what he would be able to do if it was him in a situation like that. He hoped though, that his sisters would be next to him to help him. Caleb took a few steps backwards seeing a overwhelming monster summoned onto the feild. "Whoa-" Caleb started but stopped as he slipped backwards on uneven ground. Caleb grunted as he landed on the ground. Yet he didnt stop moving, he kept sliding down the hill. He tried to grab onto the groudn to stop but was unable to when suddenly he had a firm grip on a edge. His body was hanging from a cliff. "Ugh..." Caleb grunted some more trying to pull him self up. He heard the endge starting to crack begining to give away. He knew he had to climb up immediatly. He looked down below him and saw war spalashing against the cliff. Caleb pulled himself up to wear now he hung from his elbows. Gathering stregnth and pushing his feet agaisnt the cliff to find footing he was finally able to climb back up. "Ow..." Caleb said as he rubbed his elbows. He used the back of his hand to wipe alittle of the dirt off on his cheek. Caleb frowned for being so careless as he looked up the steep hill that fed onto the cliff. He could see his sisters tryign to yell to him but couldnt hear them. Caleb waved to his sisters signling he was okay and stood up. He leaned forward as he started to walk up the steep hill. It was hard to walk back up then it was falling down but Caleb knew he needed to get back to the group. "You know you should be more carefull," Someone said. Caleb grabed onto a rock as it startled him and almsot made him slip. He looked over to the side to see someone sitting on a rock grinning at him. [I]~He looks like a clown...~[/I] Caleb looked at disbelif at him. The lady grinning at him was dressed in a black clown dress. Her face painted white with a dark red grin around her mouth. He hair was black and tied back into a pony tail. "Oh! Don't slip, you dont want to fall again...I saw that...you almsot fell off the cliff! My MY!" The clown lady said. "Who are you?!" Caleb demanded to know. The grin on her face dissapeared and turned to a frown. "So demanding....You need to be tuaght some manners! Didn't you mother teach you?! Oh wait...thats right. Hehe! I saw her awhile ago! Poor mother of yours Hehe!" the clown giggled away as she teased Caleb about his mother. "You'll be sorry! I should...uh...push you off the cliff for that!" Caleb treated...even though he was a sizeable distance away from her with nothing between them for him to hold onto to to walk over there. "Oh! but you wouldn't want to do that!" "Why wouldn't I?" "Becuase then you wouldn't get these! Hehe!" She held up 2 starchips between her fingers. Caleb looked at them. He knew if he was going to save his parents he would need those. Then she closed her hand around them and stuck a finger out shaking it. "But you need to win me in a duel!" She said as she jumped up ontop of the rock. The ground started to rumble when between them a dueling field began to come up. She jumped onto the ladder of her side of the feild and climbed into the red side. [I]Oh no...I have to dual her....but i might not be good enough...Though i have to do this for mom![/I] Caleb nodded his head to himself as he grabbed onto the ladder and climbed up and saw the clown lady standing across from him. "So these two starchips if you win, but if you lose down the hill you go and splash! Hehe! Oh- but jsut think that'd prolly be a faster way of seeing your mother!" She giggled and teased and winked at him. She threw down her two starchips. Caleb frowned and got mad. His face turning alittle red. "You'll be sorry for that!" "Hehe?! Oh I will?" The two shuffled there decks and drew their cards. Caleb looked down at the field. [I]Mountain! the field is mountain! Perfect! Now she doesnt know what shes going to get herself into. Just watch! I'll make Mom ,dad, and my sisters proud![/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Paul sat down on one of the empty tables. He looked over at Joey who was hacking on the computer. He closed his eyes and was drifting to sleep while waitting fo rthe last member of the group to come. [I] ~Ghosts cutting people.... Spirites playing hair -stylist ... I knew that school had weird things happening but now this goes behind all expectations.~[/I] Paul opened his eyes and looked up at the light. He slipped both of his hands at his side inside his pocket. He then shifted his head back down and looked around the room. Kris and Hunter seemed to be talkign among themselves while Joey sitting infront of the computer hacking away. Rodney sitting in his chair talking to Maria. [I] ~Atleast it is peaceful right now~[/I] "So who's the last person were waitting for?" Paul said and he turned to Hunter and Kris. "Clesia, yet she is kinda late..." Hunter said. Paul chuckled. "Kinda seems to be a understatement. Lets hope Clesia is okay though...seems all the weird stuff is happening more frequently" Paul said[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Paul looked at her arm. Blood didnt make him to quezy so he didnt mind making sure if Joey was okay. Paul watched on as Hunter and Joey were arguing over the ambulence issuse. [I]~He must really care for her~[/I] Paul thought to himself as he watched Hunter try to reason with Joey. "I can drive to the hospital..." Paul said wanting to help. "No, like i said I'll be fine" Joey said "No, were going to the hospital! You need to see a doctor!" Hunter was yelling trying to convince Joey. "I think Hunter is right, that cut doesnt look to good," Kris said. "I think I saw a picture on the net like that of someone with a cut like that, that person went to the hospital, you should too," Mari informed. It seemed Joey was still calm though but Paul didn't think it was such a good ideal if she didnt go to the hospital. Then it dazed on him. [I]A ghost did this? Wow...Stupid Ghosts and weird thigns at our school...[/I] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  12. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Paul Drove up to the meeting place. He parked his car and sat for awhile. He wondered if he could trust these people. He knew a lot of weird things were happening at school and wanted them to stop. And he basically was having a gut feeling that he should do this. He opened his jeep door and closed it after getting out. He locked his car and walked over to where the meetin place was. He saw Hunter standing there already waitting. Paul slipped the note into his back pocket and walked over to Hunter. "So you showed up" Hunter said to Paul. "Yup, I wanted to help" Paul said, "Not to mention to many weird things happen at school, time to get to the bottom of this. So how many others are there?" "Well theres quite a few of us" said Hunter "Thats good," said Paul. He sat down on the ground while they both waited for the others.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  13. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Caleb walked over to Ri and looked at the notes on her pad. Then he looked at his sister who seemed to be concentraiting on taking the prime notes of the duel. He tried to copy his sister and try to remember the aspects of the game and what would be good to attack each card with. "Ri...." Caleb said as he looked over at his sister, "I dont think im a strong enough dueler to save mom and dad" Caleb forwned and looked down at the ground. Ri looked over at her brother. "Don't say that Caleb, our love for our parents will help us through this, before you know it we will have them back. And jsut look at this dual, im sure you'd be able to take him on. You have a pretty solid winged-beast / wind deck" Ri said to her brother trying to cheer him up. "I know my deck has winged-beasts, but wind?" Caleb took his deck out now jsut barely noticing that a lot of his monsters were ineed wind element. Maria just luaghed at her brother and messed up his hair. "Silly, i gotta take notes now though, so i have to concentrait," Ri said as she went back to takign notes. Yet off in the distance hiding in shadows was an oppentent watching Caleb. Grinning at his weakness he coudlnt wait till the time he would duel him with a great twist.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  14. Paul was walking around campus freely not feeling like going to class. He knew he had a test today and wasnt to much in the mood for it. He continued to walk around. He heard some yelling but disregarded it. He shifted his back pack on his back then continued to walk. He noticed that the yelling was getting louder so he must of been walking to them. Paul turned the cornor and saw the two people talking. "Oh, hello...you know if you plan on getting cuaght then i guess being this loud is okay but if you dont want to get cuaght maybe talking alittle softer would help?" He said as the other two looked at paul. Hunter looked at Paul alittle while then spoke up. "Hey...didnt i put a note in your locker?" Hunter asked him. "Umm...i wouldn't know...i dont use my locker. Just to let you know im not like that though..." Paul joked knowing Hunter was popular guy around school. He looked over at joey who was luaghing alittle. "No, it was a note about a meeting..." Hunter said to him, "Weird things have been happening around school" "As always, this school is like huanted or something, but anyways continue..." Paul said wanting to hear more of what he had to say.
  15. Paul was continuing to do his homework. He looked up at the door where the two people had dissapeared. He saw the two coming out the room and giving the key back to the libririan. Paul continued to do his work when suddenly he heard a girl shriek. Paul stood up out of his chair and looked over to see that apprently the guy had saved the girls life just now. Paul quickly walked over towards them and stopped on the other side of the table. "Hey, you guys alright?" Paul said as he look at the shaking girl. Paul looked at the glass that covered the chair. He then looked above it and wondered where the glass could of came from. He shook his head in disbelief. ~Jeeze, this school...this is too weird!~ Paul walked around the table where the two stood. It seemed like Hunter was trying to comfert and calm Trea down. "That doesnt look all too safe...where could that of come from though?"
  16. Paul took the keys out the egnition and opened his door. He swungs his bag over his right shoulder and slipped his keys into his pocket. He closed the door to his car and walked onto the campus heading for the library. He walked down the hall and looked around. The campus was giving him a weird feeling like it always did. "Never fails, weird stuff always happens here," Paul whispered to himself. He turned and walked inot the library. Looking around for any open tables, and spotted one. He walked over to the table and put his stuff down. He looked around the library and stopped when he say two people looking at a oversized book. He watched as the girl lead the guy over to some door. "Yes..strange things indeed happen at this school," Paul said while shaking his head slightly. He pulled out his homework and began to work on it. It was stillf resh in his mind and pretty much remembered it all. So it was relativaely easy for him. He looked at the clock seeing more time to spare he knew he was going to get his homework done.
  17. [B]Name: [/B] Caleb Moto [B]Age: [/B] 12 [B]Parent(s):[/B] Yugi & Serenity [B]Favorite Card: [/B] Birdface [B]Bio: [/B] Was introduced to playing dual monsters from non other then his father. Of course his uncle joey did teach him a few things as well. Caleb took a liking to the game jsut like his father. Though one day after visiting yugi friend tea he became interested on how themed her deck was. So Caleb tried to imitate her by taking his favorite kind of cards in one deck, winged beasts cards. Caleb is kind of a shy person and isnt very out spoken yet he is a veyr nice boy and cares a lot for his family. [B]Apperance:[/B] Caleb took on most of his moms appreance. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. he is 5'3". He wears a pair of kahiki shorts and a green t-shirt. He wears a red visor. His hair is short and messy. He wears regular white shoes with the laces tied.
  18. [B]Name: [/B] Paul Clemens [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Spells:[/B] Circla Magica, Enticing Rings, Orbos [B]Spell Effects:[/B] [U]Circla Magica[/U] - Creates a magic circle that protects from evil magic and spirite attacks. Over time the circle gets weaker. [U]Enticing Rings[/U] - Sends out magical rings that can be any size and trap a target in them. He can control how tight they are depending on emotions or concentration [U]Orbos[/U] - Creates about six chillign orbs that will fly all in different patterns at target. Will hurt and chill target. [B]Description:[/B] Paul has short brown hair and blue eyes. He is 6'1" . He is usaully found wearing a pair of black jeans and a blue t-shirt. His hair is messy most of the time becuase he is usually to lazy to fix it. Brings a Black backpack to school with his stuff in it. [B]Bio:[/B] Paul surprisingly likes to play tennis. He is on the schools tennis team. He is not a violent kind of person and has a nice personality. He lives with his mom and dad and is an only child. After his recent 16 birthday and getting his licence his parents were nice enough to buy him a car(Jeep Liberty) to drive to school and other places as well.
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