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sailor firestar

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Everything posted by sailor firestar

  1. [FONT=Century Gothic]Speaking as a teacher, school testing totally bites. Of course many teachers either don't realize this or care which is why you kids are usually the ones to suffer. Actually the real culprits are (fanfare) [B]the government[/B]! Sadly, I am but one weird :wigout: voice in a sea of overcontrolling adults. *Sigh* If you were a fifth grader I'd love to have you in my class![/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Arial]the most unusual food I have eaten is called Serin it is a Vietnamese fruit that they think is really great. On the outside it looks like an exaggerated pineapple b/c it is all spikey but on the inside it has several chambers like a coconut. In each one is a soft pouch of yellowish fruit with a big seed in the middle. You eat it with your hands & it's all smushy and stringy at the same time. I didn't like it b/c it wasn't sweet like the way we think of fruit, it was more sweet like an onion which is not very sweet if you ask me![/FONT] :tasty:
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