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Everything posted by BlackUnicorn

  1. i dunno. i think vegeta would probably win... uh i dont know. ive never really thought about it.:rolleyes:
  2. i LOVE trunks! i hope ur right piccolo, there BETTER be people out there like him hes so hot! :eek: :eek: :eek: :love: :love: :love:
  3. i dunno. thats a good question:rolleyes:
  4. i saw that too! it was really funny. u would have never guessed they were the most powerful fighters in the universe:rolleyes:
  5. (*jehovah) HE (whoever that is 2 u) wont do that. if we all had that look out on religions, mystical, there would be a lot less fighting in the world.
  6. i wish mine could be laura. in fact it was giong to be, but my dad never agrees with my mom, so he insisted on laureN.:flaming:
  7. Rico~ ok, i wont go overboard or anything:)
  8. oh i see. i didnt know if it had to do with how long uve been signed up or what. well in that case i guess i better start posting alot more than i do:rolleyes: (im still in the double digits)
  9. what do you have to do to get upgraded on your status (newbie, junior member, ect...)
  10. mine's Lauren (and i hate it:p )
  11. well i defiately think that there is a god, and that no matter what religion u are, it's the same person. like jahova's witnesses call him jahova, buddists call him budda, catholics call him god.... so on and so forth. if u really think about it, they all have a basic idea of A god, then theyre seperate opinions on how he works ect... so i think its safe to say that if u are faithful to a religion, u dont have to worry about going to hell. hell is for BAD people, not all the others that have a different religion than u.:rolleyes:
  12. u know what? thats right. in fact, it seems like only 200 of them ever sign on the boards.
  13. that IS alot! geez i had no idea there was that much. my sister actually came up with a good question.(just incase u didnt know, sekora is my sis:wigout: )
  14. i noticed that too! they must have been desparate to find names because that wouldnt be my first pick for villians:rolleyes:
  15. queen ghoma was soooo easy!~ even my little sister beat her!:rolleyes:
  16. yeah, i think so too. i cant believe they put that batman forever thing on! errrrr! :flaming:
  17. Ya know what Soccer, I never looked at Vegeta like that before> U have a good point.:rolleyes:
  18. I like it better long (i agree with ur friends, final_flash):wigout:
  19. i think chibi goku is the best in dragonball:p
  20. anime girl, im so sorry ur sweetheart died in this horrible event. whoever did this is going to hell:mad: the nerve of those bastards!:flaming:
  21. i have two q's. one- how do you get someone off your ignore list(dont ask how it happened, im just stupid sometimes :cross: ) and how do you get the little icons next to your status(newbie, junior member........ those "stats")
  22. this is so shocking.................... god bless all those involved in this horrible event. lets just hope this doesnt turn into a war or anything. :(
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