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Everything posted by Prince Van
There are a lot of cool covers out there, There's Breaking Benjamin's cover of "Who Wants To live Forever" originally by Queen, Feeder's covers "Can't Stand Losing You", "Everybody Hurts" and "The Power of Love", by The Police, REM and Frankie Goes to Hollywood respectively. And another good Frankie Goes to Hollywood Cover is Powerman 5000's version of "Relax". AFI have done good covers, I especially like their cover of "My Michelle" originally by Guns 'n' Roses and I think their cover of Nine Inch Nails "Head Like a Hole" is cool. I've only heard one cover of an AFI song and that "Totalimmortal" by The Offspring which I like. I suppose Dragonforce doing a ocver of "Every Breath You Take" by The Police would cool, it would be hilarious to listen to, I wonder if it'd be fast or not, hmmm...
I agree with Clurr, AFI rule and Decemberunderground is great. Endlessly, She Said is probably one of the best written songs they've recorded. Other Good albums in my opinion: [B]The Open Door[/B] - Evanescence Why: It's a great follow-up to Fallen, but it has little in common. Evanescence have escaped many of the pop features of their sound for darker, harder rock sounds. There are some softer songs on it though(Lithium, Good Enough) and overall it captures attention a lot more than Fallen. Best Songs: All That I'm Living For, Sweet Sacrifice, Weight of the World and Good Enough. [b]Destroy What You Enjoy[/b] - Powerman 5000 Why: Although it's a shame PM5K decided to drop the space suits and numetal/industrial sound for punk, they really did well with Destroy What You Enjoy. Their newer songs hold a lot more energy in them. They have classic punk sounds(Enemies, Walking Disaster), Electric elements (Murder, Wild World) and very unique song structures (Destroy What You Enjoy). Best Songs: Enemies, Walking Distaster, All My Friends Are Ghosts and Return to The City of The Dead. [b]Phobia[/b] - Breaking Benjamin Why: Phobia mixes the best elements of their last albums, We Are Not Alone and Saturate; Phobia has a mature sound much like We Are Not Alone but favours the Harder, more Grunge influenced sound of Saturate. The only bad thing about the album if the uselessness of the intro and the outro but makes up for it. Best Songs: Breath, Topless, Had Enough and Unknown Soldier
The city had a lot of dark secrets, it wasn't a pleasant place to be. Just recently, someone lost their life and no one knows except those who were there(and the ones they trust the most). The City was a very dark place and people had problems but there was one time to forget all those problems, Christmas. It was the best time of year, the only time you could go on the streets and know you were safe. It was the only time of year people would come together and celebrate; it was also the one time of year those who needed help got it, the homeless were given places to stay, food, drink. It [I]seemed[/I] everyone was happy at christmas even those who didn't believe in it. Victor woke up, for once he could relax, he knew everything would go fine, atleast for today. Victor didn't get to see his fmaily at christmas, they all lived too far away. He usually spent Christmas by himself, he didn't really have friends; Just aquantances as Dani was. One good thing about Christmas was the events that went on in the City, every year they would have a funfare, concert, everything. Nearly everyone went but there was a few who decided to have a more disclosed Christmas. Victor walked the streets of the city, it was better to walk, that way he could have a drink. He'd probably see someone familiar. The people from the Police station, they'd been everywhere recently. Victor walked into the bar, he sat at the bar, he looked across and as expected he saw someone he recognised, they were drinking quite alot. There was definately something on their mind. OOC: Couldn't think of anything and that could be anyone at the bar really. lol
Victor waited for the origin of the sound to appear, it grew closer and closer. All Victor could think of was the gun, Dani seemed pretty intent on using it and he didn't the type to not do something when he said he will. Victor waited for the person or thing to walk around the corner, suddenly the sound stopped. Victor edged around the corner, as he did he was rushed to the ground. He looked up to see a bleach blonde haired man looking down at him. It seemed safe to say he wasn't security. "Who the hell are you?" The man asked..."You're not Dani" Victor finally knew what dani ment, someone was after him and he didn't exactly look harmless, Victor thought it was best to do what Dani said. "Of course I'm not." Victor dishonestly replied. "Have you seen him?" The man asked. "I dont know, what does he look like?" Victor questioned. "He has long black hair, wears a lot of black, looks like some stereotypical goth." Charles insultingly explained. "I think I might have seen someone like that in town." Victor said in a pseudo-confused manner. "Then what are you doing down here?" Charles eagerly questioned. "I heard a commotion came down to see what it was and when I did i saw someone run, maybe the guy you're looking for." Victor explained, it was strange that lying came easy to him, he was an honest man. "Where'd he go?" Charles almost yelled, he seemed to feel strongly about finding Dani. "That way" Victor answered as he pointed down a corridor. Charles grabbed Victor and dragged him in that direction. It seemed Victor was being dragged along by another person now and was probably going to get lost in the maze. All he hoped was that Dani did what he had to in time.
Victor decided to go to a cafe for his dinner, he left the cafe expecting a street full of people, instead it was empty. Something uncommon for the city, it's usually busy-ish. He walked towards his car, as he opened the door, he heard from behind him a very peculiar british accent. it strangely seemed posh and common at the same time. Victor turned around to see a very gothic looking man. "Excuse me mate." The gothic man said. "Yes?" Victor said in the politest way possible when speaking to a stranger. "Do you know where Harlem Academy is?" "Umm yer I think so" "Well could you tell me then?" The gothic man said, it was pretty obvious he wasn't used to being polite. "I could drive you there." Victor replied. "Okay, that would be great." The man said while giving Victor a very bewildered look. Victor got in his car, The gothic man got in the passenger seat. Victor started the car up, as he did the radio came on. Victor had the album "A Kind of Magic" in the cd player it was on track 6, "Who Wants to Live Forever". The man just gave a weird look to Victor. He looked like he was going to say something but thoguht it was better not to. Victor turned the radio off trying not to look so weird. "Soo, my name's Victor, what's yours?" he asked. "Dani" The man replied, he didn't seem very comfortable at the time. OOC: muwawa, how gullible my character is =P
It was strangely an ordinary day for Victor. Recently everything had been strange and nothing seemed as peaceful as it did today. Victor had been awake an hour now and was ready to go to work. As Victor drove the streets he did notice something starnge; it was peaceful, there was no arguments or conflict as if something more important was happening, the streets were quiet for once. But Vicotr could not enjoy this fact, there was definately something [I]unreal[/I] about this. It was as if fate didn't care for the ordinary person anymore, everything seemed to conspire around a small group of people, the people from the prison. There msut be some kind of connection between them all but Victor did not know what. it was a very uneventful day, so uneventful Victor left work after half way through the day. Today was boring, for Victor anyway. By Night time it was strange, everything was in the process of returning to normal. Victor was extremely freaked out, something extraordinary had happened and Victor wanted to know what. OOC: Sorry for the extremely crappy post, I seem to be suffering from continious writer's block
Victor didn't stay long in the bar, he couldn't drink; He was driving. He got back to car, he got in the car carefully. As Victor drove through the streets he looked around. He could see down one street a thug attacking someone. He ignored it, you had to. There was too much crime in the city as it was. It wasn't the police force couldn't were incompetent. They were excellent, but they can't help anyone. Without the cops the city would be overrun with rapists and murderers. There's one gang named the 17th, there was no particular reason, it was a number. Everyone knew who they were, a band of thieves, thugs and butchers. They were responsible for a lot of crime in the city. You knew if someone was a member if you saw them, they all have a very visible, very black spider tattoo on their left hand. The city had a massive crime rate. Something it was notorious for, not many new people came to town. There's no real reason why crime was so common. Many superstitious people believed that it was because of great conflicting powers in the city. Victor didn't believe this but was beginning to think it could true, these "gifts" all have negative effects, maybe on the attitudes of everybody in the city. Victor got home, he locked his car and went inside. He hadn't ate all day but he didn't real right, something was wrong, the people he'd met, they were very strange and he can't ignore what he saw or heard. Victor suspected they had gifts like his, there was evidence. Victor was tired, he locked the door and went to bed. He awoke the next day at the usual time, 6:00... OOC: Vicky said it was okay to put a lot of crime in the city. It tells us more about the area we're in, something we haven't gone into much detail about.
OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in ages IC: Victor left the police station after a rather long time after they sorted out what happened the day before. He got in his car which was parked outside. He drove through the streets. Victor was driving past a bar, it was brightly lit, he peered in the window. He recognised a few people in there, he wasn't going to stop but then noticed the lights suddenly went off. Victor then decided to investigate. None of the other buildings lights had gone off. He stepped inside as the lights came back on, most of the bulbs burnt out as they did. Victor was less forutnate, he happened to be stood under one of the bulbs that exploded, the bulb from the light dropped. As a reflex Victor reached out and grabbed it, it was boiling hot and burnt Victors hand. the shards of the now shattered bulb stuck into his hand, Victor yelled out in pain, as he did he noticed a lot of people looking at him, it seemed the only that didn't was the one drinking Kamikaze. [I]Well, that might of attracted a lot of attention[/I] Victor thought to himself.
Victor decided to take a break and go home for a while. As he drove home, it seemed that the city was a lot quieter, as if all the noisy people had been locked away. The drive home was lot less eventful as the drive to work. Victor finally arrived home, he pulled into the drive way, got out of the car and then locked it. As he did he notcied the door was open, the lock had been hit very hard, something hard.Victor was very paranoid, worried about being broke into. He heard a noise from upstairs, he quickly ran up the stairs, looking for wherever the noise came from, as he opened one of the doors he notcied a Hooded figure, The figure turned around. It was a youth in a hoody. "Ya came back at the wrong time, nobhead" The Youth Said as he drew a knife from the sleeve of his hoody. Victor looked down at the knife. "I'll fucking throw ya out the window, ya daft cunt." Victor replied, he said to sound like he wasn't afraid at all, which he was. Getting attacked by a youth with a knife wasn't something he did every day. The youth lunged out with the knife, Victor quickly anticipated this and ducked down, throwing the youth over his shoulder. The youth was on the floor, he dropped the knife, Victor looked down at him. He actually conteplated kicking the youth why he was down, unusual for Victor. The Youth sweeped Victor and grabbed the knife. He brought the knfie up and elt out an evil grin. as he brought the knfie down into victor's arm, he yelled in pain. He punched the youth with his other hand, the youth rolled over, Victor grabbed the knife, pulling it out of his arm and stabbed into the Youth's abdomen..repeatedly. Victor quickly sprung to his feet, looking down as the youth bled out. He didn't know what to do, then it came to him, He coudl risk using his power, to cure him but if it went wrong, he'd die but he'd probably die of the bleeding anyway. "This better work" Victor Thought to himself as he reached down. A glow came from his hand and the Youth's wounded started to close, Victor heard sirens outside and heard Police Officers enter the house. Victor had an optimsitic thought, "if it worked then it'll work again." So he tried again but this time a black glow came from his hand, he tried to keep quiet as he could feel the excruciating pain. The Youth had fainted after seeing the power. The police came in and took the two men away, the Youth to be locked up and Victor to give a statement then get treated for his wound. Victor walked in the Police Station, he heard a commotion from one of the next rooms as he strolled down the corridor, he held his arm because it still hurt, suddenly a white glow came aroudn his arm and his arm started healing. he looked around weary as if someone had seen him. It seemed no one did, but someone would realise he spontanouesly healed. A Police Officer enetered the room where the commotion was coming from, Victor looked in, he saw a random bunch of people, but recognised two from the events early in the morning, especially the spanish mouthy one. Victor waited a while in the corridor, eventually a nothe rperson was dragged towards the room, she didn't look very happy. Victor gave her a confused look. OOC: I couldn't think of any other reason why Victor would be in the police station, so I made up a story :D.
Victor looked down at the ice, it was early in the morning but it wasn't that cold. He was confused, he ignored it, must've been nothing. He decided to leave the radio and just go to work. He approached his car, unlocking it with the remote locking system. He sat down and put his keys in the ignition. He looked to his side. The letter, it was open and unfolded, Victor picked it up and looked at it, starnge, it read: [I][CENTER]Zodiac: The Gifts and the Curses! Come and see the wonder of the 21st century, a once in a life time chance to witness the power of the stars! For centuries, mankind has fabricated legends around these birth signs and many people believed them. The stars were the key to our curiosity, they always have been. But many people believe the myths around birth signs and the zodiac to simply be fantasy, a lucky guess at our personalities. The stars had granted us scared nights in which we are at our best, qualities for our personalities beyond our imagination and now they offer us one more thing: power! Many, of course, will not believe this. We invite you to witness evidence that the stars themselves have granted several chosen ones unlimited power! Come to the Harlem Academy to learn more about these secret, gifted humans! From burning objects to the touch, breathing deadly gases and enforces dark images into ones mind?[/CENTER][/I] Victor thought it was some kind of hoax before, a set up. But he hadn't told anyone about his "gift" so it couldn't be. He never considered the possibility of others with similiar "gifts". he'd never heard anything of the sort. He began to wonder why people with such power wouldn't use to help people. Then he began to wonder if they too had risks or "curses" like everything was going to go bad. Victor decided to go to work, he started up the car and elft but couldnt stop wodnering whether it was a good thing or a bad thing this "gift" and if the letter was true.
Victor woke up, it was just a normal day. He woke up early, got dressed, got breakfast and watched the news. There was a bulletin about a robbery on the news. Victor decided to leave for work. As he approached the door he noticed a letter. It was an unusual day for mail. He picked up but didn't read it. He left and got in his car, as he sat down he put the letter on the passeneger seat. He started the car, he drove through the streets slowly, there was soemthing funny abotu the day, nothing strange was happening it just felt strange. Victor decided to lsiten to the radio, he turned it on and changed the frequency, it didn't work. He was confused as to why it didn't work. Victor looked at his watch, he had over an hour till he had to open up the business. He decided to go and buy a radio to replace the broken one. He entered the shop, it was the same place he went to replace all the broken electronics he had. He knew the owner of the shop, as he approached the counter he noticed it wasn't the same man that usually works there. "Where's John?" Victor inquired, John being the man usually there. "He's ill." The man explained Victor was surprised, the shopkeeper was never ill. It was very strange. "Well, is there a car rad-" Victor stopped as he heard the screeches of car brakes He looked out of the window to see a man stood in the middle of the road staring blankly into the eyes of a bewildered driver. The driver stepped out of the car and started yelling. Victor didn't know what he was saying.
Name: Victor Adams Age: 28 Star Sign: Taurus Powers:/Night April 26 Victor was in his car, like any other night. He was driving home from work, It was late, he was tired. It?s a bad idea to drive when you?re tired but Victor just wanted to get home; He came up to some traffic lights, it was a red light. He looked across the way, a car was going through the red lights. A car came rushing past, the two cars collided; metal and oil flew through the air as the two cars crumpled as they hit into each other. Victor stepped out of his car and ran over to the collision, as he approached one of the cars he noticed a man in the driving seat, he opened the door to the car and immediately checked for a pulse, there was one, he dragged the man from the wreck and put him at the side of the road. He then turned his attention to the other car, a woman fell out of the door with blood dripping from her head. Victor hurried to get her, he couldn?t help her on his own so he ran to his car and got his phone. He phoned an ambulance for the injured people. He waited till the ambulance arrived, told the paramedics what happened and then went home, it was late, Victor went asleep. When he woke up the next morning, he felt strange, drained almost. He went to get breakfast, he went into the kitchen, a he opened refrigerator he knocked a glass ornament off the top, it smashed on his foot and left a massive shard impaling his foot. Victor sat down and starting pulling the piece of glass out of his foot, as he dragged the biggest piece from his foot, blood spurted everywhere he held his foot, trying to stop the bleeding as he did he felt his wounds closing. As time went on, Victor learnt that he could heal with a single touch, he tried to help people but he learned from experience that it doesn?t always work. Sometimes it instead harms the person, it?s a very risky gift and Victor is unsure of it. Appearance:Look at the attachment Personality: First of all Victor lacks in confidence especially since he got his powers. He?s very quiet and withdrawn. He used to be an optimistic person but since he developed his power, he became a devout believer in Murphy?s law, if something can go wrong, it will. He tries to help people whenever he can and hates to disappoint people. He began to despise his power after he learnt of the risks. Biography/Sample: Victor grew up in a middle class family, he went to school and achieved high grades and then went on into college. He always wanted to be police officer and so did a criminology course as well as a course in law. After completing college he decided to join the army, that way making it easier to join the police force. That?s where he developed his quiet nature, he learnt that it was easier to be quiet and take orders than it was to be loud. He found the army difficult but he learnt a lot from it. He learnt first aid skills and discipline. Following his time in the army he decided to be a police officer. He got into the job easily and was very good at his job. He really enjoyed helping people. He stayed in the police force for just over a year when events would prevent him from carrying on in his work. Just after a year into his time with the police force Victor?s father fell ill with cancer. Radiotherapy and drug therapy did not work for his father. His Health deteriorated. He eventually died. In his will his father left Victor his company. Victor had to quit his job as a police officer and manage his father?s business. Victor has been managing his father?s business ever since then. He?s been managing the business for several years now and it was in this time that he discovered his gift, this made life a lot more complicated. He tried helping people and failed, it was like he had a [I] curse[/I].
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Prince Van replied to Ellerby's topic in Theater
Name: Shyguy #3473 Game: Super Mario Bros. Portrait:[CENTER] [IMG]http://homepage.mac.com/planetpm/macgamecube/shyguy.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Experience: Shyguy #3473 is an elite member of bowser's Shyguy faction, he has in depth tactical plans and insight into Bowser's motives. He also was part of the Shyguy team in the Legend Of Zelda. He knows several tactical maneuvoirs like mimicing acts of the attackers but moving in the inversed direction. The Shyguy faction of bowser's army was very successful until Mario and Luigi came to Mushroom kingdom. Reason: Shyguy #3473 wants to join mario and Lugi in an attempt to free the Shyguy race from the opression that many dictators have forced on them, King Koopa and then Bowser, the Shyguy race has been nearly killed off because of the actions of these dictators. The Shyguys want revenge! -
The group descended into Atlantis, they passed through the mist, it was surprisingly thin. Dogarta landed on one of the beaches, the two jumped off before he changed back into humanoid form. The mountainous aquatic city of Atlantis was not that different from the last tiem that the titans had been there, it was pratically the same.Abandoned as it was thsoe hundreds of years ago. "Do you remember the last time we were here?"Malchius asked. "Yes."Both Lucia and Dogarta answered. The architecture was unique, half of the city was submerged but dry, they were fantastically built but age had deteriated them, they were worn and desolate now, the group explored the abandoned city. "Looks pratically the same."Dogarta said "What does?" Malchius asked, Dogarta had a bad memory so it was unclear of what he actually meant. "He means the city." Lucia answered. "Yeh, I guess you're right, nothing changed...well except for that."Malchius said as he pointed to a building. "How's it changed?" Dogarta asked. "It wasn't there last time." both Malchius and Lucia answered. As they approached cautiously the titans drew their weapons, unsure fo what inside, as they entered they found the interior perfectly intact which was impossible due to the affects of time, This seemed especially strange to the Titan of time, Malchius.As they moved through to the second chamber they found a great staircase leading up through the mountain the building was built into.
A thousands thoughts flooded Malchius' dreams, darkness, light, fire, earth, air, water, ice, beast, the mind. He could feel the waking titans although he was not awake himself, the first of them had started awakening. Then Malchius heard a raspy voice, not of the titans, nothing of anything he knew this voice was unfamiliar. [CENTER][B]"Malchius...titan of time, awake now!" the Raspy voice commanded.[/B][/CENTER] [I] Malchius violently shook, until he was grasped and lifted, he became conscious and it was revealed to him that he was not on the natural plane. Everything was distorted, the floor and walls were forever out of his reach, but clear to him was an old man. "Time Titan you are finally awake." The man said relieved. "How do you know me? you must be a demon, I'll kill you where you stand."Malchius threatenly said. "I am no demon, Malchius, I know of the titans and their destiny, personal and shared." The man replied. "Then what are you?"Malchius curiously asked. "I'm a man of great knowledge.? He answered. "What do you want?" Malchius asked. "It's not what I want, it's what you need.."He answered. "Old man. I want answers, tell me now!" Malchius said as he raised his voice. "You need to go to Azores." The old man surprisingly answered. [COLOR=Gray]? it?s strange I could feel the urge to go there, but he did not know why."[/color]Malchius thought to himself. "You seem to know a lot about the titans, old man, what of the others?"malchius asked. "They will be going there too, in fact if you travel in the material realm you may meet them on the way." the old man answered.[/I] [B][CENTER]"NOW GO.....TO AZORES!? the old man shouted.[/CENTER][/B] The shadowy distortion rapped itself around Malchius, He drew his sword and pointed it at the old man but it was too late, the realm closed in on him, engulfing him. Malchius was in the material realm, he looked up as the shadowy distortion around him solidified and them shattered like crystals. He burst out sword drawn. [COLOR=Gray]? Could the old man be trusted?"[/COLOR]Malchius asked himself in thought. [CENTER] Nevertheless, Malchius had to go Azores, he was compelled to.Presumeably the other titans were aswell[/CENTER]
How's the RP going to work? is it going to be in chapters or just continious? and if the titans are in different countries, some on the other side of the world than others,how are the titans supposed to meet each other?
[B]Name:[/B] Malchius [B]Origin:[/B] Antarctica [B]Country:[/B] Italy [B]Element:[/B] Time [B]Powers: [/B] [U]Time travel[/U] Malchius has the power to drift through time. He can only travel within a space of a thousand years, five hundred years back or forth without putting himself in danger of being stranded without the power of Time Travel or Plane Shift. Also meddling with the timeline is very risky, one simple change could disrupt time, making the time stream impossible to enter. [U]Plane Shifting[/U] Malchius also possesses the ability to shift between planes of existence again this is limited. The dangers of plane shifting are worse even than the ones related to Time travel, depending on which plane Malchius travels to there are vicious creatures, in most planes anyway. Plus traveling too far through the cosmology of planes can be dangerous, the Spectral and Shadow realms overlap the Material plane(Earth) but there are other planes further out the danger of traveling these is that you may be disconnected from Earth and without transport back. [b]Weapons:[/b] A Katar(punching dagger), longsword [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25227&stc=1]Malchius[/URL] [B]Personality: [/B] Malchius is rather foolhardy and shows bravado, he always jumps into combat despite the odds. Malchius acts chivalrous and valiant, he protects the weak and destroys evil, he will gladly give his life to protect humans however inferior they are. [B]Biography:[/B] Malchius awoke in a an icy wasteland, his body was cold, he was freezing. He looked around nothing else for miles, the cold was unbearable. He could feel his blood freezing with intense cold. He wandered endlessly through the wasteland looking for a sign of civilization but he found none. The immense cold eventually got to Malchius, he fell to the ground and tried to breathe, his lips were frozen, he couldn?t speak even. As Malchius looked up he could see specters, the dead?s spirits, but he wasn?t dead, he could still feel the cold but it wasn?t as overwhelming. He awoken his first power, the ability to shift among planes. He didn?t have full control, it was the idea of death that took him to the spectral plane. He could travel more freely in the spectral realm he did so for weeks but eventually found that they were much more sinister things than dormant souls, evil creatures, wraiths they attacked Malchius with vicious claws, Malchius fled the spectral plane, fearing for his life, they were incorporeal, he could not fight back. He was badly wounded, he stumbled over to some water, to clean his wounds, he was bleeding badly. He dropped into the water, unconscious. He woke up, a savage human was stood above him. His wounds had healed most likely naturally, he did not know where he was. The man helped him to his feet. The man looked more animal than man, although he could he could speak the dialect was barely comprehensible. Malchius soon found that he had found another titan by the name of Dogarta. They decided to journey across what was not yet Europe until they found other titans, Malchius had not yet developed his time traveling ability. The alliance made with the other titans changed everybody, Dogarta?s barbarianism came to a halt as he became more and more civilized and Malchius had found some people worth fighting for, there were family to him. But Malchius kept a secret from them. When the alliance of titans fought the demon, one of them was killed, ?originally?. The day after all the titans were distraught and depressed. Malchius wouldn?t let it go, it was somehow his fault, he told himself. He returned to the site of the combat, his eyes blurred when he looked back up he was back at the moment, he charged the demon before it killed the titan but in doing so the demon knocked Dogarta to the floor, smashing his head open. In saving one titan Malchius had damaged another permanently . Malchius finally new his other power, Time Travel. It took concentration though and determination. By the time of that even Malchius had mastered the use of plane shifting but his time travel was hard to control, he had to have a focus point. But the uncontrollability of Malchius? time travel would be his downfall. The titans eventually came to the great Rome, the most civilized city on earth would be their home for months, the streets had many demons and things that went bump in the night. Malchius personally roamed the streets killing demons, or whatever evil confronted him. He used the Roman longsword, the spatha, although it was meant to be used on horseback. The time spent in Rome was the best Malchius had known but it was time for the titans to move on they were dangerously close to being found out. They traveled onward fighting demons over the land, they eventually made their way to a plateau where a great demon dwell, they were locked in combat for hours, until Malchius valiantly bull rushed the demon off the plateau. he intended on drifting back a couple of minutes instead he was uncontrollably plummeted forward a hundred years at the bottom of the plateau but he was not injured, the other titans weren?t there, they presumably thought he was dead, Malchius didn?t make the same assumption about them. He returned to the city that had treated him well, Rome. It was changed, Christianity was the new religion even after all the persecutions of Catholics, seemed rather hypocritical. Malchius wanted to defend the people, in a way in which he could not blatantly reveal he was a titan. He decided to be a guard, it never really occurred to him that his life span was infinite to that of a human. He received his ornate armour from the city of Rome, he received the training to be a legionnaire, but he could not be one forever, not if he wanted to stay anonymous. Malchius ended up as a defender of the faith, defending the catholic religion. Paladin I guess is a word for it. He was a champion, but he abandoned it all. The catholic religion was delusional, the crusades were the last straw. Malchius abandoned them and fled into the catacombs of the Vatican , deep where no normal human could find him, he slept there for hundreds of years. [center] [I] Malchius never knew what happened to the rest of the titans.[/I] [/center] [COLOR=Red] Finished, but not that good [/COLOR]
Better Fizerin but I'm still puzzled as to what the power does, a normal person could burn a house. After reading the power again it seems he can destroy things with his mind or something. Bit of advice, instead of trying to make a new power give him super strength and control of fire both are connected to his anger, that would make it simpler.
Good, good. Except, fizerin, the powers you have are supposed to be newly inherited and you can't carry knives(you'd get arrested). As well, you're character concept, although done well it is a bit farfetched. Also if you want a power that isn't listed I need a full description of what the power does.
[quote name='Mage15']I've seen it and cant wait until it comes out, it looks like a good game to play. But on some of the posters I saw it showed other characters from teh series like Sonya and Jonny Cage fighting, can you play as them too?[/quote] I don't actaully know but my bet is they're either two unlockable characters or NPCs, that fight along side or against you.
[size=1][center] The child [M-LVS][/center] [I] ? Ever wondered what it would be like to fly, move at super speed or ultimately bend reality to your own will; Now think of your greatest dream, any amount of power.. Anything, what if?? you were given this dream for a year, a month, even a day. What would you do, use it for your own personal gain, help people or standby and do nothing. Could you even make that choice?? [/I] Man was once in contact with a celestial being, a childlike creature who was very generous to us lesser being, it was naïve though and easy to manipulate. It granted mere mortal their wishes of great powers and granted them mundane godhood, they were not happy with what they had, they selfishly wanted more and this child pushed the limits, gave them power enough to destroy entire civilations with a blink of an eye. Many would call this being, a destroyer of worlds, a corruptor of men. But it never understood why these beings who had nothing would be so hideous when they got a glimpse of real power. They started wars, they challenged entire armies on their own, they were unstoppable. But this ?Child? was learning, growing, evolving, it tried taking it?s rightful power back, but these tyrants refused, united and fought back against such an innocent being, they eventually killed the ?child? using it?s own powers against it and they failed because with the ?child? dead all their unrightfully earned powers were stripped and used to barely rejuvenate the ?child? , but it feared for it?s life and those of billions of humans? it entered a sleeping stage, an exile away from the known world. [b][I] Thousands of years have passed since that age [/b][/I] Unbeknownst to the world, the place has been found by a cult of fanatics tempted by ultimate power, the have awoken the child and nurtured it. They made it believe they were truly it?s friends. After years of caring for the child they persuaded it to grant them penultimate power. After giving it?s powers away it was exhausted, tapped of it?s powers, it went back into it?s sleeping form. It slept for years and they eventually abandoned the child. This cult have immense power of enchantment, strength and skill. They have powerful telepathic powers, which they will use to conquer the world. [I] You are having a typical day, however dull or amazing it has been, you are in the city centre. Suddenly you hear a strange pulsating sound and people start dropping to the floor in agony, you have no clue what is going on. You look around, you can still hear the pulsating sound but you can?t feel any pain. There is only you and a few others standing? You suddenly feel better, stronger all your illnesses have been cured, you fell.. ?different?. [/I] [b] Here?s the character sheet [/b] Name: (Modern name, any nationality) Age: (10-50, preferred) Nationality: Appearance: Personality: Biography: (not necessarily a full life story, things important that happened to them.) Powers: Here?s my character Name: Alex Blackburn Age: 19 Nationality: English Appearance: short brown hair, green eyes, 6?1, 205lbs. White t-shirt, black jacket, black pants and black running shoes Personality: He is very sure in what he does, he never takes something back, he stands firm. Biography: Alex was always interested in the paranormal, he did once research something about people in history who had amazing super powers, he eventually lost interest and abandoned his childhood dream. When he grew up he led a simple life, went to work, never complained, never did anything extraordinary until he found out a month ago he had a rare incurable disease that would eventually result in death, he was depressed and decided to go on a crime spree, he was on his way to a car showroom where he would steal a car and go joyriding, but then this happened. Powers: Elemental manipulation(water/ice), Regeneration and Empathy.[/size]
[size=1][center] The child, underground [M-LVS][/center] This the underground thread for my rp the child, it will have an index of and rules for powers and serve as a place for any plot suggestions or general discussion about it. You can choose any three powers below [u][b][center]Powers[/u][/b][/center] Super speed Super strength Flight Energy manipulation Elemental manipulation (choose an element: earth, air, fire, water/ice) Regeneration Telekinesis Telepathy Empathy Astro-projection Molecular manipulation (choose one: Etherealness or Amorphousness or changing appearance) Endurance Super senses(choose one sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste)[/size]
Gaming Bloodstone/Demon Stone, Forgotten Realms
Prince Van replied to Prince Van's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=Rachael] I haven't played Bloodstone. Is that the prequel to Demonstone? Is it for PS2 PS1? What was it about?[/QUOTE] Bloodstone was the original name of the game, it may still be the name of it in other countries, but evidentally it was changed to the Demon stone. I just put it in the title so if it was still called that in other countries, people from that country would know what game it was. It's like Sword of Mana and Secret of Mana, same game, different name(I think anyway). -
Gaming Bloodstone/Demon Stone, Forgotten Realms
Prince Van replied to Prince Van's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Rachael']I've played it pretty recently and it only took me ten hours. I thought it was a very well rounded game. Every aspect was outstanding but I thought the story was lacking alittle deph. My favourite character was the rouge. Overall I thought it was great but there should've been more of a story line and more gameplay hours[/quote] I agree it could have been a lot longer, but the amount of abilities and how they work is cool like [spoiler]Zhai's Invisibilty[/spoiler], although short I think the story actaully flowed very good, it wasn't too quick nor slow it was paced out very well and the way the story eveolves is good. -
I know it's an old game but I still like it and although the actual game is very similiar to the LOTR games, it still stands out. it's a basic Hack-and-Slash game with a nice suprise [spoiler]You can play Drizzt in a new style, it's not a suprise that you can play him on a forgotten realms game though[/spoiler] The gameplay is basically you havve three characters, a fighter, a sorcerer and a rogue, and you have to alternate in certain situation for instance [spoiler]On the sorcerer, Illius can kill the dragon boss[/spoiler]. Anybody else played this and if so what did you think of it?