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Prince Van

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Everything posted by Prince Van

  1. If this was happeneing to me, I would say that God gave us free will and if he believed it was the work of the devil, he would entrust to choose our own path and I'd say that my choice would to be watch it and nobody can do anything about it, including God.
  2. [size=1][b]Name[/b]: Alistair Woods [b]Code Name[/b]:Fang [b]Race[/b]:Vampire [b]Age[/b]:17 [b]Former Occupation[/b]:Student [b]Given Technology[/b]: Reflex enhancer (broke by overuse) [b]Abilities[/b]: Enhanced Reflexs, Strength, Blood drain/lust [b]Argonite Appearance[/b]: Long black hair, Black helmet with his reddish-brown eyes and mouth showing, a baggy long sleeved black T-shirt with black leather gloves holding the end of the sleeved tightly, a balck belt, baggy black pants with black army boots. [b]Normal Appearance[/b]: black jacket, white t-shirt, dark blue pants and black trainers.He has a scar on his lower chest, he's about 6'2ft and weighs about 180lbs. [b]Personality[/b]: He's very arrogant, he over estimates himself and never accepts help, he thinks he can handle things on his own.He gets involved in other people's problems but doesn't let them get involved in his problems. He's foolhardy but battlewise, He will always rush into battle headfirst but will always think of a plan during battle, he's brave because he definately not stupid. [b]Biography[/b]:It all started in his teenage years, he was fourteen and in school, some kids had been hassling one of his friends and they were too scared to stick up for themselves knowing that one of them had a knife, seeing his friend being treated like that Alistair stepped in and ended up in a fight between him and three of them, he was older than them so it was easy to defend himself, he rushed one and bull-rushed him to the floor and hit him once in the face, he didn't actually want to hurt them, he pushed his feet forward and jumped up, one the other kids hit him in the back, he stumbled as he nearly tripped. He span round and stood ready, one approached and swung a fist, he was quick enough to grab their hand, he twisted their wrist and threw them to the ground as he looked back he saw that the other one had a blade in his. Alistair was off-balance as the boy thrusted forward, he slipped and fell into the blade, blood went everywhere. Alisatir fell to the floor and screamed for the help, the three little bastards fled while Alisatair's friend went for help. By the time someone got there, there was a big puddle of blood surrounding Alistair and he was unconsious, they tried to stop the bleeding but Alistair was suffering from haemophelia, a rare blood disease where you don't stop bleeding. One of the teachers, a friend of the family, rushed Alistair to the hospital, knowing of his condition, by the time he got there, he had lost a lot of blood, as the techer carried him into the hospital, he saw a man dying, but what was strange about this man was he had black veins and was regurgitating a black liquid, when someone saw Alistair they got him a bed immediately and got his wound stitched up but he needed a blood transfusion, when they checked his blood they saw he had an extremely rare blood type, theyu then found that there was a perfect doner for the blood, the man that had just recently died. Unknowingly they gave Alistair tainted vampiric blood, it was tainted by a strange wolf creatures blood, it killed the vampire but when given to Alistair, a human, it had a strange effect, it formed a strange new clan, the blood of the wolf creature had stopped any diseases he had as a human including his Haemophelia which could only be temporarily cured for about 12 hours after he has fed on blood. In the few days he was in hospital H.O.S.S had learned of him, one day a young man entered the hospital, he talked to someone working at the hospital and then aproached Alistair he talked to him for a while and then showed him a strange device, he passed it Alistair, Alistair was confused as to what it was until the man then pressed a button, Alistair swiftly fell into a slumber. Alistair woke up in a chair, behind a glass screen, he heard a voice... it was the man from the hospital. " Alistair Woods, do you what you are?" The man asked. "Of course, I'm something called a human what are you?"He answered sarcasticely(Don't know if it's spelt right) "Wrong, Alistair, you're a vampire." The man said. "No, I'm not." Alistair replied. "Wrong again, now try and break out of the restraints." He commanded. "Why?" Alistair question. "Just do it!!" he shouted. Alistair dived up ripped the restraints off and smashed into the window, a crack appeared. [i]Alistair was forced to enter the Argonites, but he understands their reasons and accepts his fate.[/i] [i]He always regrets getting into that fight and always wonders what life would be like if that ordeal never happened, the world thinks he's dead and he can't help feeliing he shouldn't be in the Argonites.[/i] [/size]
  3. I'm catholic and go to a christian school and honestly most of you are way off, for one my RE class had to watch a scene from Harry Potter and last year we watched one of the films all the way through. Rock was supposedly called the music of the Devil because Lucifer was the angel of music (I'm not too sure about that though) and Anime isn't that much of a big deal.
  4. I also found some new info, you can customize your characters aswell.Also to stop you getting bored of constant killing their seems to be some puzzles involved. I also found some screenshots, Here's an interesting one. (I know it's kinda big) [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24412&stc=1[/IMG] As Stuart pointed out they're seems to a third character, Who is this character by the way? I found the sreenshots and some info on this [URL=http://uk.playstation.com/games/gamesinfo04_game.jhtml?localeTitleId=1059727&linktype=SSL]Playstation.co.uk[/URL] I now it's the UK one but for some reason I couldn't find it one the .com one.
  5. I've just read about Shaolin Monks on a PS2 website and I haven't seen it anywhere, but it was announced in october 2004.I'm just wondering if anyone knows anything about this. All I know is it's an adventure hack-and-slash game based after the first Mortal Kombat tournament, you take on the role as Liu Kang in 1 player mode and it had a multiplayer co-op where a friend can play Kung lao.Also Liu Kang and kung Lao have around 10 fatalities each. Well, anybody else heard of this game?
  6. Name: Arran Detton Age: 18 Description: he's about 6'2ft and weighs around 175lbs.He has deep blues/Purple that change shade in certain light, he has short brown hair. He wears baggy black pants and brown boots, he also wears a long-sleeved black t-shirt and over it he wears a black silk jacket. He not particular muscular but he is lean. He has a scar over his right eye which he is partially blind in. Weapon: A long combat knife he conceals in his jacket, he also has a Colt 45 in another hidden pocket on his back. Biography: About 5 years ago he was out with his friends late, and they were making quite the comotion when "Left" appeared, he simply massacred them, most of them were killed but a few including Arran were left alive although he was scarred and partailly blind, he thought he was totally blind with the amount of bllod on his face all he could see was red, blood red. He tried chasing "left" but he got away. Arran is in it for justice and vengeance, chasing the killer and reversing the positions. Example RP: Arran chased the culprit down the street through the crowd, he would have shot him but he couldn't, not in the open.The culprit seemed super fast speeding through the busy street he dissappeared and reappeared in different place and then it seemed he stopped, Arran could see him and then the crowd moved in the way, and the culprit had dissappeared.Arran couldn't guess how he got away. "Left" looked down from the roof, [I]he was too busy looking in the crowd.[/I] he thought to himself. Special Skill: He has a sense almost, where he knows he's been followed or someone is approaching, but it's not something comprehensable, it's just a feeling, he doesn't know who or what it is. Is it okay, tell me if anything needs changing.
  7. [center][u][size=4]Wyvern?s guard[/center][/u][/size] ?Not every fairy tale world is the same, some are very different, one especially, the one in this story was always different, it was never a glorious paradise, it was a place of low population let us say, Elves were dying out, Halflings were extinct, dwarves were a currently thriving race (Nobody could have foresaw their downfall.), Orcs could only exist in one place and well humans weren?t doing too well either.? But worst of all dragons, the source of all magic in that world, were terribly endangered, and if they were not to exist, the world would cease to exist. The world was full of magic and if that magic was drained what would remain?? A lifeless shell, a barren world. The Elven-Dwarven war came to an end, and the race tried to unite, they built a great city in the middle of the great continent, Margosis. But it wasn?t that simple, there was rivalry between Elves and Dwarves, Elves and Orcs, Orcs and Dwarves? every body was against each other. Eventually the city was broken into parts, The leaders of each race could only think of one idea and so they did it, they made a secret order, The Wyvern?s guard, The first members were culprits caught in the act, loyal soldiers, the leaders children, there weren?t many though. The Wyvern?s guards hunted down Dragons across the land and took them to a secret sanctum, which was never found, It seemed easy but not all Dragons trust humans especially after tales of great dragon slayers and heroes who killed Dragons to save damsels in distress. So most fought back and the majority of the Wyvern?s guard were killed by such Dragons, it wasn?t so successful so the Leaders were made to do something they would regret, they up to people on the street, arrested them and forced them into the order. Some tried to rebel and some did, then the secret was out. It caused outrage, it caused malice and most of all they tried finding this order, but that is another story( Damn I didn?t want to use such an obvious cliché), Those who were forced, they were the best, the job was do or die to them, but if anybody did find out who they were , they would surely be killed. This is the story of the Wyvern?s guard? Humm maybe it?s enough with the intro let?s get on with the story.? [u] [size=3]Filling in the gaps[/u][/size] [u] Races [/u] The races allowed are: Elf, (high elf, Grey elf, , wood elf and wild elf) Elves are good with swords and bows Dwarf (Hill dwarf, Deep dwarf, Gnome) Dwarves can see in the dark Human grasping intuition Orc Extremely strong Goblinoid (Bugbear, hobgoblin and Goblin) Very militaristic Lizardmen (Kobold, Lizardfolk) Like tribal humans [I] Sub-races[/I] Elves, High elves are normal elves, grey elves are smart but weak, wood elves are strong but not smart, wild elves are quick but un-smart) Dwarves, hill dwarfs are average dwarves, deep dwarves can see further in the dark and Gnomes are weak but can automatically cast spells) Goblinoids, Bugbears are quick and strong but unintelligent, Hobgoblins are quick and have good fortitude but are dumb, Goblins are weak but usually have the other types of Goblinoid with them. Lizardmen, Kobolds are weak but very quick and Lizardfolk are strong, quick but unintelligent. [u] Alignments[/u] Lawful good loyalty, honour and chivalry. Neutral good a struggle between being a bystander or a hero Chaotic good brave, outrageous and standing up for good no matter what Lawful Neutral Only the law matters No evil characters. [u] Ages[/u] Elf 112-300 Dwarf 60-90 Human, Lizardmen, Goblinoids 16-35 Orc 14-29 [u] a brief glossary of this world [/u] [I] The Elven-Dwarven wars [/I] A war that last for over one hundred years, it stopped when the grand city was formed. [I] the reason the world is in turmoil [/I] A terrible disease named the babruzo plague, it is not known where the name came from but Dwarves were some how immune.
  8. [center][u][size=4]Wyvern?s guard[/center][/u][/size] ?Not every fairy tale world is the same, some are very different, one especially, the one in this story was always different, it was never a glorious paradise, it was a place of low population let us say, Elves were dying out, Halflings were extinct, dwarves were a currently thriving race (Nobody could have foresaw their downfall.), Orcs could only exist in one place and well humans weren?t doing too well either.? But worst of all dragons, the source of all magic in that world, were terribly endangered, and if they were not to exist, the world would cease to exist. The world was full of magic and if that magic was drained what would remain?? A lifeless shell, a barren world. The Elven-Dwarven war came to an end, and the race tried to unite, they built a great city in the middle of the great continent, Margosis. But it wasn?t that simple, there was rivalry between Elves and Dwarves, Elves and Orcs, Orcs and Dwarves? every body was against each other. Eventually the city was broken into parts, The leaders of each race could only think of one idea and so they did it, they made a secret order, The Wyvern?s guard, The first members were culprits caught in the act, loyal soldiers, the leaders children, there weren?t many though. The Wyvern?s guards hunted down Dragons across the land and took them to a secret sanctum, which was never found, It seemed easy but not all Dragons trust humans especially after tales of great dragon slayers and heroes who killed Dragons to save damsels in distress. So most fought back and the majority of the Wyvern?s guard were killed by such Dragons, it wasn?t so successful so the Leaders were made to do something they would regret, they up to people on the street, arrested them and forced them into the order. Some tried to rebel and some did, then the secret was out. It caused outrage, it caused malice and most of all they tried finding this order, but that is another story( Damn I didn?t want to use such an obvious cliché), Those who were forced, they were the best, the job was do or die to them, but if anybody did find out who they were , they would surely be killed. This is the story of the Wyvern?s guard? Humm maybe it?s enough with the intro let?s get on with the story.? Here?s the character sheet. Name: (Be creative) Race: (For race, and and Alignment see the underground thread.) Age: Alignment: Weapons: (try and use weapons other people aren?t) Armour: Description: Just a general description Biography: (I?m not really bothered how long, mainly include how you got into the Wyvern?s guard) magic/abilites: (You can't have magic and be an execellent warrior) My character, Name: Oloeak Huntinghawk Race: High elf Age: 118 Alignment:Chaotic good Weapons: Elven Thinblade and Elven Lightblade ( They are both rapiers but the lightblade is smaller than the thinblade) Armour: Elven chainmail (It is chainmail made from mithral, it is very light. Description: He relies on his physical attributes, Stamnina and Dexterity the most, he is 5'6 the maximum height for an elf and weighs 90lbs.He has brown hair and green eyes which all elves must have. Biography: Although very young, for an elf, He was an acomplished soldier in the Elven empire's army.When the Wyvern's guard was formed he was asked by the Elven council to join it, he refused, however he kept it a secret from society, He was then forced to join but escaped eventually when the rebellion began against the Wyvern's guard he decided to join, finally realising that although many people disagreed it really was for the greater good. Abilities: Two Weapon Fighting.
  9. "I will be gone, in this place, i'll move around and find my space."Quoben chanted, he dissappeared, he was a bard aswell.Quoben climbed around the boat and slid into the water, he swam underneath this beat, a kraken it appeared [I]See why I don't like the sea[/I] he thought to himself, he drew his blade and thrusted up.The kraken had two choices, persist in attacking the boat why being slashed by Quoben below or let the people go and take Quoben. Quoben hoped it picked the latter... Instead he dragged Hue down and then attacked Quoben, it was smarter than most are. Now they were both trapped under water with this beast. he thrusted desprately at the tentacle holding the woman, blood sprayed through the water and Quoben was runnign out of breath, he didn't stop though. The kraken whipped Quoben around, he was bleeding. I was out of breath, he inhaled water and vicously swiped at the Kraken's tentacle, The Kraken let go in pain but Quoben was drowning. As he struggled to stay alive he still persistently fought. He eventually gave in and went unconsious.
  10. ooc:Halfling are the middle earth hobbits not halfbreeds and seen as though I half elven blood I look like a short elf not a halfling, just telling you.I asked Lyuann by the way Quoben went invisable, he did not trust this Tiefling, it seemed he was an assassin or something malicious.Quoben was not very trusting of these people, he went and sat with the other elves.He blended in. He readied his crossbow, just incase.Then he came out of invisibility. "I hate the sea" he complained "... I'd rather stay in the woods, where it's safe, in the sea there's stuff like Lacedons and merrows." He shivered. "Are we going then?" He asked.He was very talkative probaly because he was nervous about everything, that guy, the sea.
  11. [font=sherwood][size=3]There was a smash from the bathroom , the mirror had been smashed. Sabre continued, when he got into the batroom he simply hacked through the skeletons, he picked up a shard of the mirror and ran back into the main room.He reflected the light at the Quoborn but then realised it has to be direct sunlight. jyn was beeing pounded into the ground, The vampire went to bite him but Mayan grabbed him. "You have infringed my honour."Jyn said. "yes, by saving you." Mayan said. Mayan desprately stabbed Quoborn in the heart but it didn't effect him. "You, you should be dead." He moaned. "Stake to the heart don't actually kill vampires."He explained as he threw Mayan right into the cross. [/font][/size]
  12. [font=sherwood][size=3] Raynor barely kept himself awake.From where the dust had lay the vampire suddenly apeared, sat on the altar.He charged for Aella, surprisingly, an innocent girl but Raynor dived in the way knowing that he could take one more hit, he flew back.Jyn walked forward, and did something very unexpected. "I challenge you to a duel."He said. "Yes honour duel, yes."He said. "My name is Jyn." He said to the Vampire. "And mine Lord Quoborn." He followed. There was a look of amazement in everybody's eyes, He was over five hundred years old.The vampire charged knocking Jyn back, catching him suprise. Jyn returned with a clean hack to Quoborn's chest. Quoborn kicked him back and they swung at the same time, they were in a clash. Quoborn tried to spin his sword round, but Jyn caught the blade. He stepped on it and it snapped, Quoborn dropped the broken sword and bull rushed Jyn. jyn was forced to drop his sword. It was unarmed and nobody was allowed to get involved. [/font][/size] Nobody kill the vampire, I will write the post where he is killed.
  13. That's fine. [font=sherwood][size=3] Mayan couldn't stand back, he tumbled dodging the gigantic sword, he stabbed into the vampire's foot. The vampire didn't flinch in pain, he simply kicked Mayan back towards the rest of the group. he dropped Gail and she didn't move, usually she wouldn't hesitate to destroy such an undead, but she was frozen... maybe the spell worked. Mayan wouldn't stop though, he charged again but this time he found a dagger in his back and fangs in his throat, the blood was drained from his body fastly. mayan struggled to force the gigantic sword into the vampire's back, he dropped Mayan. Mayan stumbled back "Oh shit" looking at the blood his eyes went blurry, he fell asleep, knocked out.the Vampire chuckled and then screamed as holy water was injected in his neck.Gail had stabbed him, he then picked up the nun and threw her across the church. "You're strong willed." He said.[/font][/size] I want Ghost or Lord Rannos to post.
  14. This is the complete info thread on Nature and Necro, This thread will tell you about the enemies, places and items. [U]Enemies[/U] Zombies, a typical undead with flesh remaining on the bones, they have no mind or free will. [URL=http://www.mmportals.com/h4/images/h4zombie.jpg]Zombie[/URL] Skeletons, another typical undead with no mind or free will but they have no flesh on the skeleton. [URL=http://www.mmportals.com/h4/images/h4skeleton.jpg]Skeleton[/URL] Mohrgs, A stronger and rarer undead, they appear to have a parasite or worm inside them but otherwise are just skeletons, the diffence is that Mohrg is the ramains of an evil being whether a dangerous criminal or a vindictive tyrant.[URL=http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG189b.jpg]Mohrg[/URL] [U]Bosses[/U] Lord Quoborn, A vampiric knight who has the power to control the undead, although only a novice necromancer he is extremely talented with his sword. [URL=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23850&stc=1]Lord Quoborn[/URL]
  15. BTW just for the record Mayan doesn't believe in god. [font=sherwood][size=3]Mayan looked then a saw Aella and Raynor and the rose.He walked over almost immediately and snatched the rose, he held it tightly as he restored it's life ,and colour. He then walked off as if he hadn't done a thing. "We had better hunt down this Necromancer." Sabre said. "He's right here!" Avoice said, as they all span around they realised someone watched their fight, the necromancer it seemed.He was a big man wearing Platemail and had a massive sword, bigger than Sabre's and Jyn's put together.he drew this giant sword. "How can he lift that thing?" Whispered Gail. The man opened his mouth revealing fangs, "I'll answer that one, i'm a vampyr." He charged at raynor and Aella, the closest... they were both slammed back. [/font][/size] This is a boss fight so I want it to be pretty long, so I'll do the last post.
  16. Name: Kickius Youis inus the nutus(homicidle side) or Dessloch Furlong Age: 22 Gender: Male Information: [u][list] [*]Bio:[/u] he grew up has a caring boy until some pirates came along and called his mam, the Kickius was born and nobody would realise that this person would become the most ruthless and relentless and most loving pirate ever (also very sleepy).he joined a crew and eventually became a notorious sea-farers out there until one day...He and his crew were attacked by a infamous pirate-king, anyway, Kickius was the only one to survive by using a technique called kick in the nuts.Eventually he found a new crew on board the "your mam". [*][u]Appearace[/u]:[IMG]http://www.finalfantasy-clan.de/ff6/source/pics/ff6l.jpg[/IMG] [*][u]Personality eer Personalities[/u]:One of them is a cold-heartedkiller with a trademark kick to the nuts, Another is a loving caring person that wouldn't harm a living creature.He also has a personality that just sleeps. [/list] Sample:Your mama's so stupid she got locked in a 24 hour shop.
  17. I've only heard about this game and it already sounds good.In the Playstation 2 Magazine it said that Dante from Devil May Cry might be a secret also that you can fight the big statue from cassandra's stage off Soul calibur 2.What have you heard about this up coming game?
  18. Name : Quoben Bloodarrow(highthorn) Age: 19 Gender: Male Race/Subrace: Elf? (A Tallfellow halfling disguised, A Tallfellow halfling is a halfling with Elven blood...They look like slightly shorter elves) Personality: he has the chaoticness of an elf and the curiosty of a gnome, in other words he's willing to try anything. Apperance:Without the beard[IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23844&stc=1[/IMG] Bio: The Bloodarrow clan is dying.Before Quoben became a Rogue he was a Noble, Royalty actually, He was very popular but his father wasn't. His father waged war on an Elven city, named Cedarleaf.his army was defeated by Cederleaf, but he still tried, he even forced Quoben to war.Quoben didn't want to war with an innocent city, instead he lived there for many years.When he decided to return to his dissapointed Father he learnt his family were killed by Drow elves, He fleed back to cedarleaf, they helped him to disguise himself as an elf and gave him an elven weapon and sirname.He went journeying then as a scout with a group of adventurers.One day after scouting he returned to their camp finding them massacred in their sleep. Weapon(s): Hand crossbow and Elven thinblade Magic(s): Invis, mage hand Class: Rogue/Bard Hope it's alright.I don't know if Bards get both them spells.
  19. Maybe a big part of the story could be how Angels and devils were perceved as the opposite in human culture.One other important thing would be to explain why Demons seem like good guys and develop this idea.
  20. [font=sherwood][size=3]"See god will not protect you always."Mayan said. ?I desecrate this land With undead souls I wish thee to hell With brimstone and coal.? A terrible and evil shouted from nowhere Corpse rose from the floor. The fleshing gripping to a dead skeleton. Every undead different than the last. Zombies, skeletons and an extremely weird one, it looked like a skeleton with a parasitic worm inside it. ?I think we should get ready for a fight.? Jyn suggested. He drew his broad sword and waited for the undead to approach.the rest of them followed quickly. Mayan looked at the weird undead and charged, he swung his sword with such finesse and power the monster was severed in two... or so it seemed.The undead struck Mayan throwing him back into the crowd.This undead was powerful and strong, they had no chance. The undead shrieked forward scaringly, This time mayan, Jyn and Sabre ran at this weird new enemy, they struck consecutively and viciously until the undead was destroyed, this parasidic worm was it's weak point.By the time they had figured out how to kill it the other undead had surrounded them.[/size][/font]
  21. That's fine, You can start posting in the Adventure square, It's the first thread on the 2nd page, someone please post? All the places are filled but There's is some others if anyone else wants to play. Berserker Bard Archer Wizard(not a necromancer)
  22. My hardest challenge was probaly on Soul Calibur 2.There was several moments, but the hardest must be trying to get 20 hits in 20 seconds as Nightmare.That was my own fault for betting that I could complete it as just Nightmare.
  23. My personal favourite would be Malak at the end of Knights of the Old Republic because it wasn't just a fight there was a challenge to it, you couldn't just hack and slash the way through that battle.
  24. Well I?ve decided to start the RP but the positions of Priest and Adventurous swordsman are still open. The people right now are: The Druidic warrior(Me)(Mayan Shar) The Church knight (Lord Rannos)(Jyn Lightbringer) The Thief(Ghost)(Specter) The EX-Necromancer (Zhara)(Aella Warren) [size=3][font=Sherwood] Nature and Necro In the ancient world of wonder and witchcraft existed a great evil, the Necromancers. Necromancers could control the dead using them as shells for great evil, these undead would be completely controlled by the Necromancers, with this ability they controlled the known world but that, that was the tip of the iceberg. They had much worse powers. Only a few brave warriors would stand up to terrible witches and all failed, the Necromancers had armies that grew every time someone stood up to them, everyone they killed they could turn into to undead, they were unstoppable, nearly. But, think about it, a bunch of powerful evil witches wouldn?t be allies. Soon the Necromancers simply destroyed each and then turned the dead into undead, If you weren?t a Necromancer were as good as undead but still people escaped. Eventually the Necromancers nearly destroyed everyone until a great Druid by the Coatal stepped in and forced all the Necromancers on to wild lands where they would eventually destroy each other, or so he fought. As the result of the great battle Coatal was eternally cursed never to face another Necromancer or face certain death. But when the most feared of all Necromancers, Haryl the count of evarel, entered the lands once again Coatal couldn?t let him bring terror again to the lands, he ran into combat relentlessly and suffered a most painful death, as his bones were separated from his skin and replaced by blood, Coatal was dead and Haryl was free to do as he pleased, it seemed all was lost, but there was hope, a group of warriors from every walk of life would join and eventually destroy the Necromancers, Permanently? Mayan ran towards the city when he heard the call ?Necromancer!?, He rushed in to see a young women about the same age has him surrounded by a group angry thugs. ?We Don?t like Necromancers around here, we kill ?em, all of ?em!? One of them said. ?I am not a Necromancer !? the women said. ?Sure, and I can shoot fire from my ass.? ?That Isn?t anyway to talk to a lady is it, and she can?t possibly be a Necromancer ,where are the undead?? A tall warrior said as he approached the group. ?Huh Lightbringer, what a name for someone who sticks up for a Necromancer.? the men drew swords. ?Well it turns out the witch won?t be the only one killed.??. ?Yes because no one will die.? Lightbringer said. Lightbringer drew his sword, it was much bigger than theirs. There was a flurry of blows each blocked by Lightbringer?s sword. He was untouchable or so it seemed , one sword caught him in the side. ?I?m no match for all these.? . Mayan had to step in, he charged at the group, two of the fell before he got there, Dagger wounds, He swung around with his scimitar tripping each one of them. ?Where are there trees?? He quickly asked Lightbringer. ?There?s some outside the church, why?? He answered. ?It doesn?t matter just run get to the church!? The three ran towards the church the mob right behind them, they stopped at the doors. ?Get inside.? Mayan said,, the other two got inside as instructed. ?ENTANGLE!? Mayan shouted. Roots from the near-by trees sprung out of the ground and wrapped around each person, stopping them from moving. ?How did you do that???[/font][/size] Well I?ve introduced Jyn and Aella but I didn?t know how to introduce Specter.
  25. Wow I was going to abandon the idea and when I came home today I found that yous three had joined, thanks by the way. Here are the positions in the game now: The Druidic warrior(Me) The Church knight (Lord Rannos) The Thief(Ghost) The Adventurous Swordsman The Priest The EX-Necromancer (Zhara) We could start or wait for two more people.
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