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Everything posted by Prince Van
Sign Up Nature and Necro PG(mild violence and some adult language)
Prince Van posted a topic in Theater
[size=3][font=Sherwood] Nature and Necro In the ancient world of wonder and witchcraft existed a great evil, the Necromancers. Necromancers could control the dead using them as shells for great evil, these undead would be completely controlled by the Necromancers, with this ability they controlled the known world but that, that was the tip of the iceberg. They had much worse powers. Only a few brave warriors would stand up to terrible witches and all failed, the Necromancers had armies that grew every time someone stood up to them, everyone they killed they could turn into to undead, they were unstoppable, nearly. But, think about it, a bunch of powerful evil witches wouldn?t be allies. Soon the Necromancers simply destroyed each and then turned the dead into undead, If you weren?t a Necromancer were as good as undead but still people escaped. Eventually the Necromancers nearly destroyed everyone until a great Druid by the Coatal stepped in and forced all the Necromancers on to wild lands where they would eventually destroy each other, or so he fought. As the result of the great battle Coatal was eternally cursed never to face another Necromancer or face certain death. But when the most feared of all Necromancers, Haryl the count of evarel, entered the lands once again Coatal couldn?t let him bring terror again to the lands, he ran into combat relentlessly and suffered a most painful death, as his bones were separated from his skin and replaced by blood, Coatal was dead and Haryl was free to do as he pleased, it seemed all was lost, but there was hope, a group of warriors from every walk of life would join and eventually destroy the Necromancers, Permanently? Here are the positions in the game: The Druidic warrior(Me) The Church knight The Thief The Adventurous Swordsman The Priest The EX-Necromancer PM me if you want to be another class. Notes No oriental stuff No god moding Posts have to be two paragraphs Here?s the character sheet: Name: Class: Age: (16-35) Gender: Appearance: (Height, weight, Hair colour, Eye colour ETC.) Personality/Alignment: (Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic, Neutral) Weapon: Armour: Bio: (Not too long if it can be helped) Special ability: Make it something that would suit your class and character. This is my character. Name: Mayan Shar Class: Druidic warrior Age:17 Gender: Male Appearance: height 5?9ft, Weight 173lbs, Eyes a bright green, hair is long and brown with streaks ofblack and he is quite muscular. Personality/Alignment: Chaotic good. He gets angered often and is quite solemn Weapon: Scimitar, a curved bladed sword. Armour: he wears a hardened leather cuirass Bio: he was still a boy when he was orphaned by a necromancer, he was took into the woods by a druidic woman and was raised to treat nature with respect, he was taught to destroy everything unnatural. When he was sixteen he decided to leave in search of a way to destroy the Necromancers, upon leaving he was given a Scimitar which he is still adept with. Special ability: Entangle, He calls upon the earth and wilderness to immobilize the enemy with tree roots and other plant features, such as vines.[/font][/size] -
It's basically what I said in the title, I've got an idea but I need help on it. I've got the basic plot, and the main thing I need help with right now it's just a bunch of Ideas.Right here's how the plot.there is a city some time in the future(only so we have to user modern weapons, no lasers or anything.This city is ran by a evil and corrupt government, and the laws are different, only a few differerent ones. [list] [*]Robbery is legal, if you're not good enough to keep your stuff safe, you deserved to get robbed. [*]Assualt is fine aslong as they're are willing to fight back [*]and Murder is alright if it's a fair fight(a Duel). [*]Arsen is fine, same reason as robbery. [/list] (My characters a robber and a duelist, don't take my idea) Well at the beginning I want everyone to be legit but does either of the four except one person, A girl who is the only true good person in the city.Eventually they get in a fight and end breaking one of the laws and get out of the city when they are about to leave they realise there is a force field activated by a Nano-chip(this is why it's in the future).Each person has a Nano chip when they have a fight or rob it comes up with a yellow light, if the person does not fight back or they kill under unequal terms you get a red light, when the red light activates you should be paralyzed until neutralised but it can be defective.This is the case with the characters. Well they're just the ideas, can anyone help?
I would like two banners, one is for my friend. My friend wants a banner with this picture... [IMG]http://www.pathguy.com/draconomicon.jpg[/IMG] And the word Ricey in Bazooka, but onlt small and at the bottom. I want an Odin banner with these pictures... [IMG]http://www.ffcompendium.com/~Skylark/ff8/Odin.jpg[/IMG] ... [IMG]http://rpgcorner.online.fr/tests/FFVIII/ff8_02.jpg[/IMG] but I don't want it saying the characters or RPG corner and I want Odin wrote on it, I only want it visible.
I agree with the majority of poeple, Gameplay's more important, Even if a game was kicking a bucket(theoretically speaking) it could still have some gameplay, like multiplayer kick the bucket whoever kicks the bucket first wins. Besides it could have a good storyline like someone stole mini-PS2 and put it under a bucket and nailed thousands empty buckets in the cityand you have to kick every bucket until you find your PS2. Oh and Lord Rannos, FF8 had some of the best graphics of it's time.
[font=cotillion][Align=center][Size=4][color=red]Behemoth's cry[/align][/size][/color] [size=3] There's a monster called Behemoth, an ancient beast that has existed longer than most of us can even imagine, it has seen the world change over millenias.It has seen all the different ages of civiilisation.Yet it has never been able to actually live, only ever watch.What a pitiful life, if you can call it that, this monster has lived.This monster is so powerful yet it cannot explore, taste, smell, touch only ever watch. For thousands of years it had tried to free itself , it wanted to live. among humans.It never could find a way.It used all it's powers and yet never could it.It began to envy us we had freedom, we had joy, and it even longed for sorrow.Although it's pratically a god we are the better, we are superior.We have evrything it doesn't.And so it gave up, trying to live, be like us and so it came up with a better idea.It tried to make creatures in it's own image, it has used most it's power so did not succeed, fully, it made a whole continent or very different creatures, these creatures were then called Tier.These were very powerful creatures and even superior to humans.Humans being who they are, were jealous of these amazing creatures, set out to kill them. The humans of this world have doen this for hundreds of years and have weakened the Behemoth.The behemoth desprately tried to create more and more Tiers, to stop them being extinct, and yet as the Behemoth was weakened so was it spawn and eventually humans will overpower the Behemoth and eventually destroy him, yet they don't know that. So now after millenias the Behemoth is so weak it can not even try to create any more Tier, so they are left in the hands of humans, and they will kill them, permanently.All the Behemoth can do is watch in terror and cry.Cry out to those who stop to listen, those use care.Monks, Druids and some others who like to stay and just stay still.But no one can actually understand this cry, philosophers call it the Behemoth cry, that actually means "cry of the beast".In some palces of the world if you even mentions a monsters cry in your head you would be named a heretic and killed but this is where a certain group of people can comprehend this Cry, it is a beg, a beg for mercy and salvation for all Tiers....[/size] [align=center][color=blue][size=4]Rules[/align][/color][/size] [size=3] 1)No deserting the rp. 2)No use of ooc knowledge ic (you make your character say or do soemthing they don't know) 3) posts have to be atleast two paragaphs consisting of three sentences.[/size] [align=center][color=green][size=4]Parts in the rp[/align][/color][/size] [size=3] 1)Leader(has to be human) 2)Scout-me 3)Monster expert(has to be tier) 4)Main warrior 5)Alchemist/Botanist(Makes potion or uses herbs to heal others(can make weapons e.g. molotov cocktail)) 6)Marksman 7)Secondary warrior 8)????(Not a particular name for type of character, put they have a quite strong connection to the Behemoth(leave out part in group))[/size] [align=center][color=magenta][size=4]Requirement/Expectations[/align][/color][/size] [size=3] 1)This is a medievil-european based game so I don't want everyone going around with katanas and wakizashis. 2)I don't want the alchemist to suddenly turn into the main warrior. 3)I want you to only play your character and in the rare event of you controlling someone elses character, keep to their personality and/or the way the player plays them.[/size] [size=3] Sign up sheet. Name:European please Part in group: Weapons:Remember european Appearance:description prefered and if you use a picture please not a anime one. Bio:Two paragraphs about their life and how the Behemoth cry affected them race:Human or humanoid Tier. Personality: Gender: Particular skills:Link to Bio and your part in the group. I'll post my character after a few of yours.[/font][/size]
Name: (Never given a proper name) Dusk Age:16 Race:Vampire(In secret) Side:The restitance Rank:Soldier Weapons: A platinum Mace(Singer): Dusk found Singer in a desolate cathedral, It was there, placed on the body of the crucifix, Jesus' body, it was strange of a vampire to enter a cathedral; He was lead there by a beutiful voice singing a latin song, it was immaculate.That is where singer got it's name from. Unique Skills:Wilderness lore/Survival.He has super scent from being a vampire and can track animals and some humanoids, he also knows if a certain plants or animal(food) is poisonous. Appearance:he wears black, baggy pants and black leather boots.he then wears a bear-skin cloak with a hood;under that he wears a medievil type black shirt.He has a scabbard although he doesn't weild a sword.He has brown, spiked hairwith a pony tail;he is wide eyed and thin faced, he is very pale and looks sickly.He stands at about 5.9. Personality:He his solemn, leave hims alone.He is silent even when anger he prefers not to speak, he keep his mouth closed for 'many' reasons. Bio: I'll do my bio later;Hoipe it's okay to play this.
[QUOTE][spoiler]Tidus and Yuna falling in love annoyed me too. Why is it that the male and female leads must [i]always[/i] fall in love? Even if they are totally different people and [i]especially[/i] if they start out by not really liking each other? It just makes no sense. It's as though there's some law that characters have to fall in love. If anything, I think Rikku and Yuna have better chemistry. Now, if [i]they[/i] had fallen in love, Final Fantasy X would have gained far more legitimacy in my eyes. lol[/spoiler] Ahem...yeah. ^_^;[/QUOTE] Damn straight! I never saw a problem with FF8's storyline except I think squall should have [spoiler]thrown rinoa in the water at fisherman's horizon or left her in space[/spoiler]That would have made a much better story. I never liked FFTA story line as soon as I got it.[spoiler]The crystals are my only way home![/spoiler] yeh really.[spoiler]I would have kidnapped mewt, took him to a jagd and shot him, problem solved, mewt's dead so the world falls apart and you go home![/spoiler] I didn't like the plot to FFx-2.[spoiler]Shuyin and Lenne got killed off a gun squad yet if it was a battle they would have only took off about 100 health[/spoiler], They could have of something better like death my dragon's butt.
Well to make it fair I'm using the banner ArunueShekamari made me and I'm using the avi animesoul made for me, that's fair isn't it?
yeh there perfect, Im gonna use 'em straight away, I might use other's if any oen else posts some. EDIT:The avatar isn't working for some reason, can you help me gettign it to work?
Can someone please make me a banner of Van from Escaflowne? Well here is what I want it to say Prince Van, Master of Escaflowne.That would be good on the bottom I think but experiment a bit. I will supply the pictures i want on it and here they are:- [IMG]http://absolutmanga2.free.fr/Escaflowne/VanKnight.JPG[/IMG] and [URL=http://www.piffy.org/pics/albums/wallpaper/anime/escaflowne_03_1024.jpg]http://www.piffy.org/pics/albums/wallpaper/anime/escaflowne_03_1024.jpg[/URL] Could you also make a an avatar using the second picture? thanks!
Match the Actor or Actress with the three movies
Prince Van replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
Mike Myers!!!! The mummy returns The scorpion king Walking tall That's easy!! -
Match the Actor or Actress with the three movies
Prince Van replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
Antonnio Banderas. Highlander Druids Mortal Kombat That's easy. -
Fantastic four was made already but they never released it in cinemas, I'm in england and I've seen it so they ahve made it. How could anyone miss the best out. Blade 3:Only a rumour, i don't expect it at all. Silver Surfer:I think Stan lee said soemthing abotu making silver surfer the movie. From what I've heard, they're making 3 of each Marvel thing like Spider-man, X-men etc.
Art Are You A Fan [Everyone Must See!]
Prince Van replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
Heh what the hell I'll use it why not it's funny and I'm a fan of Final Fantasy and the banner has black mage on it, I think it's time I use a banner and well you are my god, well i say the lest one about nearly everyone, now this si my list of gods(Bahamut, Dragon warrior, Nightmare(from soul calibur) and me well i can't be my own god.Sorry went a bit off-topic there. -
I've played D&D and I own one of the books, I've been playing it for about 6 years but I only know how to play 3rd edition.My characters are usually Elven fighters, Human fighters or a human Paladin, I play chaotic good characters excpet when I'm a class where you can't be chaotic good.It's rather easy to play and transtic you don't need any paper apart from your character sheet so it can't be that boring and it's just like online RPGs but a LOT more complicated.
I've watched it three times and yet is ceases(Yeh I can't spell right) to amaze me, Put more members in it, some just as extras except don't put Vicky in it, it's supposed to be sexy.(No offense Vicky).
Hey, how can you be so heartless? you're just some power crazy bully who thinks they help people but you don't you're the kind of person that makes people's lives a misery, and maybe make it end early. How can any change from who you truly are be a good thing, maybe you should chnage for the better and you could start by shutting up and say somethign nice, atleast once a week but that's if you can manage it.
I've remembered this lien for over a year now from one my favourite films, the crow:city of the angels [spoiler]He's holding someone in the air."Hush little baby, don't say a word, mama's gonna buy you a big Black bird!!!"Then he throws them out fo a window to their death.[/spoiler] and another few from the prequel. [spoiler]He's poured gas all voer soemones pawn shop and put doznes of pellits in a shotgun. "You sick fu(|
yes mental is the worst, I used to get called off a little puny wimp but then I punched him and he shut up(You know who I mean). And I'm not gonna argue 'cos I know it's msotly me who bullies ya but you bully me aswell like today. I say the worst type of bullying is mental becuase they know you'll keep it to yourslef and they know it doesn't leave a mark unlike a punch which leaves a bruise.
Your Username-Cloud Strife Magic Type- Dark Type- Warrior Picture: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19994[/img] 2 Moves:Failed assassin-when used detsorys this and the enemies card. Cannot kill- deals from 200 to 600 points of damage Color:Black [color=teal]I made the picture smaller for you, because it was causing the page to take FOREVER to load. -Syk3[/color]
OOC:Imi said I could have a new character and I could start day 2. here's my new character [URL=http://www.castle-diqueria.com/sc2/kilik/banner.jpg]Pic[/URL] IC:Traven walked slowly into school, it was his first day.Lots of people were giving him dirty looks, they were in seperate groups, gangs even.He over heard some of the people talking about gang wars. "What's up with that new kid?"One of the gang members asked another.(not any gang which players are in BTW) "I don't know think we can push him around?"he replied. 'yeh, come one."He answered as they walked up to Traven. One of them pushed him, Traven lauhed.He grabbed his arm and twisted it, then looked the gang member in the face. "I'm not a push over."He said to him. The other thug swung his arm out to hit Traven, Traven calmly tripped him up and then walked off.Both the thugs ran at Traven, Traven swung around smacking them both with the back of his fist.Blood went everyone. "Leave me alone, or else."He plainly said as he walked inside school. OOC:Will someone continue preferbly soemone in the same year or class as me.
"You are gay aren't you?"Lock asked. "Shut up you stupid ba$tard."Elliot replied. Lock walked up to Hideo, he looked closely and squinted his eyes. "Have I seen you before?"Lock eagily asked him(her). "Urr......no?"She nerviously answered. "Oh, I'm sure I've seen you before but it's just me."Lock replied. Leon continued putting all his stuff in his bag, then it came to him, he had seen him before but he couldn't remember it very clearly.He went into deep thought but didn't get anywhere with it. OOC:really short but I'm outta ideas.
Locken walked up to his gang, exceot Z who was with the twisted zens. "Uhhhh.....Templars watcha gonna do attack us with swords?"soem kids teased. Calin, one of the gang members walked along side Lock, he put is hand at the back of his belt.Lock looked down as Calin slowly and calmly reached for a knife. "No we don't want to start fights, just finish them....Got it?"He whispered to him as he grabbed his knife and then flicked it of his belt. "You dont' know what you'd be getting us into."He told him, then he passed him his knife back. "Hey where did we get the name ,the templars, from?"Lock then asked. "You thoguht of it."Calin answered. "Ohh well I must have been on drugs....that name sucks, think of another."he ordered them. "The Aesirs?"Calin suggested. "No, drop the whole medievil thign it's getting boring now."he answered. The only female of the gang, Ilanna, walked up beside Lock.Everyone could tell she [I]liked[/I] him but that the feeling isn't mutual. "How about, the atomic flares?"She asked. "Okay,whatever."He agreed, he was pretty freaked out by her and she the way she acted towards him. OOC:Noa dvance int he story except now they are called the atomic flares.
Yeh but's it's funnier if it's low budget.When people spend ages on soemthig it isn't that great plus it's different from all these really boring voiced ones, it's funnier without voices and give you that kidn of mystery, what would that character sound like? When will the next oen be done, dang if I could animations I'd be chuffed.
Name:Leon Silvers Age:149 Appearance: Warrior Type:shadow Weapons (max 3): Darkness and Silence(two short swords) Special Ability:Shadow control-can control any dark energy. Magic (max 2): Realm:Shadow realm Bio: finish tommorrow gotta go.