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Prince Van

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Everything posted by Prince Van

  1. Hey Vic' this shouldn't be in the request section but WTF I'll post a comment anyway. Well they're are really good, not your best but they're good.I can't draw a thign so I wouldn't no a thign about it except you could improve on the hands, yes I know you can draw them as good as I can write stories, but there is only one problem with them; The fact that the middle finger isn't bigger than the index finger and then your pictures would be perfect.
  2. [size=4][COLOR=red][Center]Polytheism[/size][/COLOR][/Center] Polytheism, the belief that there are many gods.Most religions are polytheic, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Asgardian and many others. But is any of them real is christianity the true religion? is there only one God?..............No. With the claimation of the oen true god more and more people are denying, forsaking their god.Each and ever person that leaves their religion hurts their gods some nearly kill.Augustus has just had his revelation and turned most the roman empire into christians, the gods are weakened. It is worse than that; The greeks have nearly long forgotten their gods they are nearly dead.If any more people leave the greek religion all the gods will perish.Many gods are turning on each other, fighting and nearly killing each other in fact two have already been killed.Ares has managed to kill Hera and Hades ruthlessely sent Dionysus to the underworld.Chaos has overwhelmed MT.Olympus. The egyptian pantheon is holding out but is dwindling very slowly.Rah disappeared for 59 years but suddenly reappeared a few months ago.Maybe he has been crusading, getting more followers but it highly doubted.Re-horakhty took control of the egyptian pantheon when he was gone but now that Rah returned he has been forced back into the position as god of war. As for the nrose gods the end is near.Ragnarok has closed in on them but they still have time;Balder has just been killed by Loki.The gods fear that when ragnorok coems most believers will leave the religion; After all the gods will be dead.They fear that Balder, Hod, Modi, Magni, Vali and Vidar won't be able to keep the religion. In fear that their pantheon will be forgotten by mortals each religion ahs sent down three gods; The kign, the gods or goddesses of war and the underwolrd.They will foce the mortals to worship them and kill the ones who resist, thign si one day they'll have to fight each other. Each god or goddess can ahve followers with them.Cults and things like that, the asgardians would have Einherjars and valkyries. heres the god and goddesses spots. Jupiter Mars(male or female version) Pluto Zues Ares Hades Rah Re-horakhty Anubis Odin-Me Sif(No real god or goddess of war in the norse religion) Hel God sign-up. Name:listed above Gender: Religion: God or goddess of: Weapon:PM me if you don't know what they use Appearance: picture or description. Followers or familiars: Follower sign-up Name: Gender: Relgion: Follower of which god: Weapons: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Here's my sign up. Name:Odin Gender:Male Religion:Asgardian God or goddess of:King of Gods Weapon:Short spear Appearance:[IMG]http://aidedd.free.fr/dieu/nord_odin.jpg[/IMG] Followers or familiars:einherjars, valkyries and his familiars are Freke and Gere(His wolves), Hugin and Munin(His ravens) and Sleipnir (His eight-legged steed). Grab the places quick!
  3. I ment invincible in the sense that they can't beat it not invisible, but it's your series. I just watched that episode and it was really funny, keep 'em comign or I'll get the monk.....priest on you. How about Charles finds that issue of the newyork times and sees the front page then uses the newspaper as his first weapon which does one point of damage.
  4. Wow I'm amazed by the sheer quality of all of these sigs, they're soem of the best I've evr seen. You must be very skillled. Here's my ratings which don't work out from a scale from 1 to ten here we go. 1)12 2)11 3)13 4)15 just cause I like KH and he's oen of my favourite people in it and then the other 50 points cause it's good quality.
  5. I ahve to admit I did this once, but once warned I will not do ti again.I've seen lots of peoplen do it and when you say people think they are better and degrade "newbies" your actually wrong it's mostly newbies, some don't even know how to report posts and would if they knew so they tell other people but I've got to agree with you; too many people are doing this now and msot (unlike me) continue even after they've been warned .
  6. Me personally, I'd do sorta the same thign as chibihorsewoman.I'd actually force people into giving me pwoer but I'd go a different way. I would destroy all military bases and defenses except my own and then kill around 50,000 in each country and then say to world leaders."You can't defends against me or attack me, surrender or ever day I will kill 50,000 more people." Then i would do a really evil laugh. If they didn't surrender it woudl reult in civil war and the leader would probaly be assassinated then I would take control and give evryone who posed a threat.And if they did I would be in control you see it's fool proof mwawawawawa mwawawawawa mwawawawawa.
  7. Name:Locken Vern Gender:Male Age:17 Appearance:[IMG]http://www.maxoegames.com/jeux/soulcalibur2/dossier/pics/raphael.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img4.imagetown.net/42238874.jpg[/IMG] Personality:Quite fierce, not a push over.He aslo has a short temper he'll get really angry of a small remark and when he's angry you better run.He shows mercy, he wouldn't kill anyone(the first time) but he would injure them. Bio:He as always had an obsession with the medievil times, that's whyb he dresses liek a medievil person.He never was an angry person until his best friend was killed in school by one of the gangs, they didn't know it.They just punched him in the chest but he had reallt bad amstha after that Locken gathered some his friends and beat up these thugs.he's carried on as one of the gangs until this day. Gang position:Leader of one. Gang name:Templars Code name:Lock
  8. That was another amzing episode, everythings so spontanious but suprisengly obvious. Keep 'um coming. I've got one thing that I find funny.Maybe there will be this invincible bad guy and like nearly all bad guys he'll turn his back and start ramblingn and when he turns round no one is there. I find that really funny, pathetic huh?
  9. I joined the forums. Name:Leon Silvers Username: Davgeon Stalkingwolf Side: ULX Gender: Male Age:14 Internet Appearance:[IMG]http://live.quizilla.com/user_images/K/knightchan/1055346688_RPGnathan2.jpg[/IMG] Weapon(s):great sword, ebony and iveory(from DMC) Moderating Zone/Target Zone:Game catergory Personality:Seems like he lives for games, if you deisturb him half way through him playing video game he'll go sick and if you diss a video game he likes, he'll give you a warning level apart from if it's ULX.He's very short tempered and will blow a fuse if you annoy him. Short Bio: Suprisengly he's been the game mod for 4 years, he has been good at his job.ULX is the only person thaty has been told his real name.
  10. Any of the castlevania series available for the GBA would be a good choice. They contain lots of strategic battles and are quite easy to play, all of them are proper RPGs but don't actually give you that many choices.Lots of battling, item gauinign and stat improving gameplay in them.Even the opputunity to chnage your type of weapon and it's magical abilties by using a number of differenmt systmes.I've got circle of the moon in which you use a quite complcated DSS system a Dual somethign, something which changes magical effects eg. mixing the mars card with the black dog card gives you a gun.
  11. No I only joine din March I think and I checked it over and over again; I wasn't there on it.Anyone know why or how?
  12. In the next one you better include more mistakes!!Mistakes*makes ghosts sounds and wave arms then trips over rock* god damn you put that there on purpose didn't you. Any way that was really funny except one things puzzles me, what will they do to his dad for keeping it a secret?Maybe you could make a whole episode about what happened to his dad or soemthing, like more or less evry series of everything does.
  13. That is a bit weird I posted over 80 times before I became a member and appeared on the member's list.This is classed as on-topic right?
  14. Right I need a lot of picture and avatars for soemthing and becuase there is so many photoshop experts on ehre I figured I'd ask here(plus your so generous). Now I won't use them that much so don't go to a load of trouble just to get one, it doesn't even matter if you made them so please help. oh yeh if are going to go to a load trouble for me I will use it and I please no one post any pictures of someone i've already got a picture of. So any pictures preferebly anime characters. Thanks in advance anyone who submits any.
  15. I'm abandoning this no one is signing up and there is a conflict abotu what the sins are.So I'm throwing it in the bin.
  16. nah wrath i put roth but that's what I ment and I'm sure vanity and pride aren't one, they're two different ones I'm sure of that.Maybe greed and gluttony were only one now I am confused....???????...
  17. Here's what I want. [list] [*]Hugh and Nathan from Castlevania:circle of the moon fighting side by side. [/list] or [list] [*]Two different pictures with each fighting on them. [/list] I want Nathan on the left and Hugh on the right. [list] [*]On the left side I want it to say, you're the master's son...... [*]and on the right I wnat it to say, ...But you got his weapon. [*]And Cloud strife written somewhere in the middle. [/list] [list] [*]Dracula in demon form looking down at them. [*]Dracula's castle above them. [*]or just black. [/list] and on the avi I want dracula in demon form. It's hard so whoever does this or something similar I owe you one and thank you in advance.
  18. Yes it is perfect. I think greed wasn't one, and someone told me them Sloth was one.I think I'll have to look it up.
  19. [COLOR=Red] [CENTER] [SIZE=4]The seven deadly sins.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] Ever heard of the seven deadly sins?Well if you haven't I'll tell you about them(but if you do, don't bother reading this paragraph).the seven deadly sins were the worst sins you commit.They were Lust, Glutony, Envy, Pride, Roth, Greed and Vanity.If you committed these sins and wasn't purfied you would go to hell.These were the code of the monks and if they were to commit them they would have to attone for their sins and do a penalty. [COLOR=Red] [CENTER] [SIZE=4]prologue[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] In a time long ago these sins were forsaken and were being committed by all.The monks warned them that a great evil would devour all but none took notice of them.The god(s) was worried for the people of this world and that the evil would be unleashed.For decades the forsakers grew and the monks became crusaders, they changed their ways allowing them to draw blood.The god(s) did not believe this would prove anything and just make matters worse, they feared that the order of monks would just become scoundrels like the forsakers.So the gods decided to stop the monks, they contacted a great prophet who then spread the words of god(s) to the monks.The monks couldn't stand watching such blastfimey. The monks were getting annoyed with the god(s) that were just watching as all these sins were committed.The god(s) decided to send 7 supreme warriors down to earth.Each warrior represented a sin, Lust, Glutony, Envy, Pride, Roth, Greed and Vanity.They were angels, they had no souls and were only meant to serve the god(s).They were vigilantes aswell, they were chosen to hunt down and kill any who committed the seven deadly sins.As soon as someone committed a sin the angel representing the sin would automatically know there exact location and all of their movements.They could never feel sorrow or regret they were not human and they would never be. The god(s) knew they would soon come to be more human.Eventually they would commit these sins.They would stand up against the god(s).They still roam the land after 50 years and their appearnace has never changed.When will the killing stop? oh yeh each of us will be showing signs of the sins we represent eg. lust flirting with everyone even the females. Their appearance can never change so they can't get fat so glutony isn't fat and they don't need food really. These are the spots. Lust=Female, Sorceress-Imi(she PMed me) Glutony=Male, Fighter Envy=Male, Thief-me Pride=Female, Paladin-vicky Roth=Male, Barbarian Greed= Female, thief Vanity=Female, Bard How to make a character Name:Medievil type one. Code name:The sin you represent weapons:Proficient to sin. Armour:same as above. Description: changes: (this is instead of Bio because they don't need a bio)how your chnaging to be more human. here's my character Name: Davgeon Silvergleaming Code name:Envy Weapons:assassin fist [IMG]http://www.squarecn.com/ff/news/200301/mel1/job/job0.jpg[/IMG] The one she's got. assassin bow[IMG]http://www.squarecn.com/ff/news/200301/mel1/job/job2.jpg[/IMG]The one she's got. Armour:[IMG]http://www.squarecn.com/ff/news/200301/mel1/job/job12.jpg[/IMG]The armour(chest plate) he or she has. Description:[IMG]http://www.squarecn.com/ff/news/200301/mel1/job/job14.jpg[/IMG]Yeh I know it looks like a girl but it's not. chnages:He's already began envying humans.He wishes to be human, even considered stopping his servitude.The only thing stopping him from being human is the fact he hasn't got a soul.
  20. [COLOR=Blue]"You're the one who tried to kill my master, your father corr-"Leon as cut off. "Yes but don't even try it I can drop you easily."She threated. Leon grabbed her arm and said "Maura, that is your name isn't it, you couldn't hurt me if you tried and I'm not here for a fight.Any enemy of my former master is a friend of mine." The earth started trembling viciously.Dark lightning bolts started flying every where. "Father!" "Master!" They both shouted at the same time. The darkness began to consume the forest.Theys tood abck to back with their weapons drawn. "Ha two of my greatest traitors at once, the day couldn't get any better."A strange, mysterious voice said. "Well it's not very hard to betray you."They both said. "Get them minions."The voice ordered. Suddenly as group of demon arose from the darkness, they prepared for a fight.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Blue]Leon stood their crouched holding one of his axes in each hand. "Bring it!!'he shouted. The demon charged at him, it looked like a dragon.It had dark red eyes that almost blinding any who looked into them.It was covered in scales and had massive claws.It hovered mysteriously in the air almost as gracefully as the moon. It got tense with rage and prepared to attack him it was slowly aprroaching in a very intimidating way.Leon turned his back. "Haven't you ever learnt not to turn your back on an enemy?"The demon retorically asked. Leon silently and swiftly turned around and flung on of his axes at the demon.The axes span and was inbedded in the demon's shoulder.While the monster was disracted he ran forward and threw is other axe directly hitting the monster's other shoulder.The demon could not concentrate it crouched in pain.Leon bounced off the monster's gignatic kneee into the air, while he was doing this he drew his sword.He landed behind the demon and said. "What if we're back to back?"He quickly asked as he span his sword aboth his head and beheaded this behemoth. He turned around sheathing his sword and picked up his axes.He then walked into the mist of this dark, mystical forest.[/COLOR]
  22. Not exactly caos say Lugia breeded with porygon 2(which is highly unlikely) they might get Latios and Latias I mean porygon 2 is red and blue.Also Latios is a male and Latias is a female so i'm going to test something, maybe if you breed Latios and Latias you get Lugia, I doubt it but maybe it will work.
  23. All of you are fine except Imi you haven't put your hometown and mightykai it is a town in kanto not the region. Oh yeh I'll think I'll start it now and we will get the rest of the legendary pokemon on the way. I'm getting- Rayquaza (or quanza) Oh yeh I forgot to put Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza(or whatever) but you can have them. post here the one you want later in the game.
  24. Yes but that is only on the games.Anyway Takuya you can only block one with one of your reasons and I haven't seen any other pokemon with that much in common.Yes maybe one thing another two pokemon have in common but think of one thing that cna prove all of my evidence wrong. Oh wait a minute you can't.As Vicky said it COULD be possible.
  25. Thousands of years ago an ancient evil was unleashed.It was more powerful than all the armies and all the warriors on Crion, it was immense.The people fled in fear of this powerful 'Being' as it approached their land, they abandoned their homes and left their properties, many died out of hunger or thirst.Just the power of the 'being's' presence was enough to completey annihilate kingdoms, it was nearly invincible.The monster used the power of necromancy/necromancery to raise armies of the dead, the armies did his bidding and never questioned him, and what was the fear that he could ressurrect whom ever he wanted. His armies stormed the towns and with every one person they killed the monsters army grew with power and triumpth.The monsters army was in control of nearly all the kingdoms but one stood strong, the Retgar kingdom.The Retgar kingdom with took all the attacks by the monster's army and retaliated with tremendous force.The key to the Retgar's power lay in magical charms.The charms were as valuable asb the soldiers, but the charms would eventually run out.The charms were losing power ever second, the power of the charms had to be given to a chosen few.A group of young soldiers was chosen to hold this power and they would be the only ones able to defeat the monster.They marched through the 'monster's' armies and headed straight for the monster, because they knew that if they deafeated the 'monster' everything would return to normal.They eventually came to the 'monster's' lair, a volcano just north of the Aros kingdom, they fought the 'demon' for days until eventually, using the knowledge of the ancients trapped the 'demon' in an orb.Everything returned to normal.... But the 'demon' would rise again one day, that day is today. The power of the ancient charms was passed down through the soldiers blood line.The ancestors of these heroes will have to defeat the 'demon', they are the only ones who can.They must user the powers of the ancients to destroy this 'demon' forever. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=Green]Shadowofdeath13 your kingdom is Aros. I wants oemone else to do the intro scene thingy just too give you more freedom over your character.[/COLOR]
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