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Everything posted by Prince Van
Name:Re-Horakhty Age:6, 000, 000 or so it's thought Rank:second in command Gender:male Techniques:he can use two weapons at once and regenerate moderate wounds(so he can't regen limbs).he also knows the art of bushido Weapons: Duel long swords and a khopesh. Description:He appears as a strong, dark-skinned human.[IMG]http://www.squarecn.com/ff/news/200301/mel1/job/job13.jpg[/IMG] (that's a guy so he has big metal boots not those girly shoes.) Bio: He trained for years on his own with starngers and then went back to his grand-father, of course his grand-father didn't know he did.It was during a battle that Re-Horakhty joined his grand-father.After he proved himself worthy, his grand-father welcomed him as one of his best warriors.Eventually he became his grand-father's second in command after all the higher ranking people, above him, mysteriously were murdered.
yes it will be started later today. Someone has asked to be the 'monster' so no one ask me if you can be him. EDIT:Got no time It'll start tommorrow no matter what.
People say that when catching the Legendary Pokemon, the balance of nature is thrown off. Well, this was confirmed when a trainer tried to catch the three Legendary Birds, and Lugia. It's very rare to see Legendary Pokemon, it's said only a few trainers have seen them, and everyone knows that no one can obtain these Pokemon, for the balance would be thrown off. Many have tried, and failed time and time again, but what does it take to catch them? Strength? Speed? A pure intent? Neither. No one knows how, but a small handful of trainers managed to capture the Legendary Pokemon. But the balance wasn't thrown off. No storms, no freak weather, nothing. How was it possible? No one knows, really. A Pokemon Professor heard of these trainers, and decided to unfold the mystery. He then spotted a Pokemon, which hadn't shown up in any Pokemon data base. As hard as he looked, he couldn't find a Pokemon in the sky just like it. People began to believe it was another Legendary Pokemon, then it became clear. This new Pokemon had kept the balance of nature perfectly still, then more Pokemon were spotted. Legendary Pokemon all over the place. Well... not really. Only a few trainers saw them, and it was perfectly explained. However, some Pokemon became very, very rare, and no one knew what was going. Perhaps, the balance really had been thrown off. Pokemon like Grimer became rare, and know one knew why, or how. The Trainers which caught the Legendary Pokemon are on their own Adventure, but with a few things going "off" and the new Pokemon running around, things look more like an "epic" Adventure than any normal one. Thanks again Vic for the story. Now some rules. [list] [*]Good grammar and spellign is expected. [*]A little commitment is expected, atleast 1 post per week and if your going on holiday or something PM me. [*]definately no invincible pokemon. [/list] Right each person can have three legendaries.Which are. Articuno Zapdos Moltres Mewtwo-Vicky Mew Entei-Mine Rakiou(think that's right) Suicine-Mine Ho-Oh-Vicky Lugia-Vicky Regirock Regice Registeel Latios-Mine Latias Jirachi And you can have three normal Pokemon. I'm gonna make up some new ones but you can't have them at the beginning. Now basic character layout Name: Nickname/title: Age: Legendary pokemon:Max of three and atleast one. Pokemon:Max of three (You can give your pokemon nicknames if you want) Hometown:Only in Kanto(No one can have badges yet) Appearance: Battle style:Like strategy Bio:not tooo much just how you got your pokemon. This is my character. Name:Leon silvers Title:the silver bullet Age:Sixteen Legendary pokemon: [U]Entei=Backdraft[/U] Sunny day Solar beam Stomp Fire blast [U]Suicine=Aurora[/U] Ice beam Hydro pump Gust Aurora beam [U]Latios=Neo[/U] Dragon claw Refresh Mist ball Phychic Pokemon: [U]Medicham[/U] Reversal Phychic Confusion Hi jump kick [U]Denryuu(amphaross)=Ryu[/U] Thunder bolt Thunder Return Mega kick [U]Eevee(which will soon turn into Umbreon)[/U] Thief Shadow ball tackle Quick attack Hometown:Lavender town(he actually owns lots of ghost types but he doesn't carry them with him. Appearance:[IMG]http://img2.imagetown.net/54850575.jpg[/IMG] (Except without the head gear and swords) Battle style:Finds his enemy's weakness and then exploits it, never heals during combat or uses items. Bio:When he was very young he always wondered what it would be like to have a pokemon, then on his 8th birthday his parents gave him a mareep.He went up into the tower nearby and caught some ghosts but then he saw a small pokemon getting attacked by ghosts, it quickly beat them but was weak so Leon threw a pokeball and caught it. Just a few years ago he found the two gignatic dogs fighting fiercly in a field, he watched as they both got weak then caught them both.Even more recently on the route between Lavender and Fusia(I think that's how it's spelt) he saw a starnge missile looking pokemon sleeping on the waters surface, he threw a pokeball and caught it off-guard. Yesterday in Celadon he bumped into a man giving away pokemon, he apoligised to Leon and gave him an Eevee, he told him it would soon evolve into either Espeon or Umbreon.
Oh yeh that ulysses thing. The last one I can remember watching is the original Dungeons and Dragons with Barbarian, Acrobat, cavalier, ranger and thief I think.they beat Tiamat but they would never beat Bahamut. And after they beat Tiamat they beat avenger but did they ever get home? Oh yeh there was a wizard aswell and the gnome, Dungeon master.
I know what your on about Vicky was it the one where there was a furby thing. I watched Thundercats, I watched the movie a few weeks ago ebcause the technician in school told me to. I watched the original Xmen and spiderman and silver surfer and well nearly everythign amrvel. I watched Transformers. Don't make me bring back such painful memories.
This is my conclusion and Vicky agreed with me. I first thought of it when I caught Latias and Latios on ruby and sapphire the thing is I'd seen them somewhere before they looked very similar to a pokemon in one of the earlier versions.That pokemon was Lugia. Here's my evidence. [list] [*]Lugia is a water, physic type and Latios and Latias are dragon, physic. [*]they learn some moves Lugia knew. [*]Their bodies look the same. [*]They all fly altough they are not flying types. [*]They are all legendary Pokemon. [*]Their names follow the same pattern L then a Vowel then a consonant then two vowels, the only differencer is that Latios and Latias have S at the end. [/list] here are some pictures compare them. [IMG]http://home.wanadoo.nl/famhoogesteger/pokemon/lugia.jpeg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.pokemon.co.il/info/legendary/latias+latios.gif[/IMG] Vicky used these pics and I robbed them. I think that Latios and Latias are the children of Lugia.
One problem, you have to be 16 because you and earth are twins.Drake's a girl right because he kept putting he in the Bio and personality. I'm gona get this started when I get home from school.
Well I see you've remembered those lines from history(Those god damn carthagians). I only scanned through it but it looks like your normal work.A bit too much dialogue for my liking, but that's my opinion. You've used a good combination of sentences, complex and short and I didn't notice one mistake. Oh and I'm not that much of a writer but maybe you should think of not dragging it on so long, maybe have some shorter dialogue.
[COLOR=Green]My medicham has a psionic link with Leon, nobody better copy that either.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Leon heard the grass rustling, he wiated for a pokemon to leap out.A small dratini walded out and it looked lost. "help me, my trainer was attacked by some thugs?"The Dratini said to Medicham. "He wants help, his trainer was attacked."Medicham explained to Leon psionicly. "Okay who was it?"Leon asked. "Them!!"The Dratini pointed out to Medicham.He looked towards some people bullying a young boy. "Have you seen a little lost Dratini, punk?"One of them asked. "No I haven't."The boy tried to explain. Leon looked towards the thugs that both the pokemon were looking at. "Okay if you want to save your trainer, you'll do what I say."Leon said. The Dratini nodded. "Okay both of you go into my pokeballs."leon said. Both the pokemon nodded in agreement. "Then I will go to the thugs and say I found you but I would only hand you over when they let me talk to the leader and then I'll take them on."Leon finished. Both the pokemon entered Leon's pokeballs and he approached the thugs. "I've found the Dratini and if you want it you'll take me to your ring leader."Leon said. ... [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]remember don't copy my psionis link!!! or you'll pay. :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: One smilie for each of my pokemon.[/COLOR]
Gaming What GBA game would you recommend for someone who plays RPGs?
Prince Van replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
Well a good RPG/tactical game would be Final Fantasy: tactics advance or the pokemon games, oh and Sword of mana. They are all high quality RPGs that involve clue solving and everything also the legend of zelda would be a good choice. can't back my option up that much but I've played all of the aboves and think they are briliant RPGs but that's just my opinion. -
Sign Up Heaven Falling [PG-13, Blood, Cursing, Sexual Referencing]
Prince Van replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in Theater
Name:Leon silvers Gender:male Age:20 Human/Demon/Half-Breed:Half breed, Demon and fiend(lesser form of demons sorta) Biography:H ewas expeeled from the demon realm for questioning the over lord.In fact he was not when he questioned the over lord, the over lord tried to get him killed but he took on most of the demons and escaped from the demon realm.When he did escape he was changed into human form.he started doing good acts and avoiding ending up in the literal hell hole he was previously in.Every so often demons will try to kill him for one of the greatest bountys ever, which is on his head.Celestials favour Leon although he his heritage his evil.He still hates celestials and is in the middle of good and evil, he will have to be killed, because he is a problem for both sides. Both the celstials and demons think he could be the one that gathers an army which wil destroy heaven, hell and earth.... Appearance:[IMG]http://www.actiontattoos.com/castlevania/circle-hugh.gif[/IMG](Except it's just a normal coat so it doesn't go round the front of him) Weapons:Ba**ard sword, Duel hand axes Special Skills/Fighting Styles: Demonic jump(he can jump twice as far and high as humans), Weapon finesse(Bas*ard sword), it means he can use his dexterity rather than strnegth when using his B. sword.Fiendish strentgh, dexterity and speed. he's not actually evil or is he? -
[COLOR=Green]yes I'm on my own..[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Leon stood there waiting for his opponent to send her first pokemon out. "Go whismur!"She shouted. "Ha whismur might look cute now but it develops to an ugly, big mouthed Tyrant. "Never say that about my whismur."She threated. "it's only the truth.Go Medicham!" Medicham dived into battle. "Hey for a bit of fun, how about fi I beat you I get one of your pokemon that you pick and if you beat me you get one of my pokemon and of your choice?"he asked. "No, it's just too weird and I'd never give any of my pokemon up."She answered. "Okay, Medicham Hi jump kick!!"Leon shouted. Medicham jumped into the sky and dropped ready to kick whismur, it swung kicking out.Whismur dived out fo the way it looke dlike Medicham would crash onto the floor . "Now flip and hyper beam!"Leon shouted. Medicham swiftly did a back flip and launched Hyper beam, it hit whismur dead on and knocked it out. "What, whismur! Hey how did you do that, no one can recofer from a failed Hi jump kick, that's a fact, well how?"She asked. Leon tapped his nose. "Now Hitmontop!"She shouted. "You have a hitmontop?."He asked. 'yes I know for a fact he'll be able to beat your pokemon."She teased. "don't be so sure, Medicham use your head."leon calmly said. "Hitmontop mega kick!"The opponent shouted. Medicham focused, it almost looked like it was meditating, suddenly Hitmontop got a terrible head ache.Hitmontop's head overloaded and it fainted. "No you beat me!"She shouted. .[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]My character uses code and no body better copy me.*Shakes fist*[/COLOR]
Well we just need shadowofdeath13 to do their sign up an we can start. Remember Pm me to play the 'monster' Dracolich Callaghan And Strife
[COLOR=Green]Good considering your a newbie.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]The pub was calm, not a sound until a small dwarf fellow walked in. "Get me a dwarven ale and then off to kick some orcish as*"He said. "What you calling me family for."And orcish fellow stood up. "No good fellow and I'll be sure to ask 'em if they're a relative of yours before we kill each other."The dwarf said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Oh *hit it's half eleven in england and I've got school at 8 in the motning I'll edit this tommorrow, I've gott a go now.[/COLOR]
Well when shadowofdeath13 has done his character and someone plays thunderwe can get started.The other characters like the king of retgar will be npcs and controllled by all of us apart from The 'monster', Dracolich, Callaghan and Strife but the others will be controllled by any of us and if someone wants to join they should just PM and ask to be that character and if I say yes just jump into the adventure thread. Name:Nabkov Sotel Age:25 Race: Bangaa. Class: Dragoon Kingdom:Aros Appearance:[IMG]http://www.squarecn.com/ff/news/200301/mel1/job/job4.jpg[/IMG] Except he has a dragon-head looking helmet and dragon scail armour/ Personality:He is a very calm person who wouldn't get scared if he was told the end of the world was coming. BIO:He was raised by dragon slayers and they passed on their knowledge to him, he is an expert dragonslayer.It is of unknown origin where he got his name. Name:Tarcen Age:20 Race:Nu mou Class:High mage Kingdom:Siten Appearance:[IMG]http://www.squarecn.com/ff/news/200301/mel1/job/job10.jpg[/IMG] Personality:he is very loyal and would never betray his friends.He is very brave and does not mind if he his pushed aside, he is a bit of a push over. BIO:he grew up with Dalila and her sister, he has served them as long he can remember.They treat him like a brother and he treats them like his sisters. Name:Marjorjie Age:16 Race:Vierra Class:Assassin Kingdom:Forup Appearance:[IMG]http://www.squarecn.com/ff/news/200301/mel1/job/job0.jpg[/IMG] Personality:She only works for money and doesn't trust anyone. BIO:She has served the kingdom of forup for two years now as an assassin.She is very talented and can kill someone in a blink of an eye. Name:King Michaelo Age:25(Only person who can be over 21) Race:Moogle Class:Knight Kingdom:Retgar Appearance:[IMG]http://www.squarecn.com/ff/news/200301/mel1/Nono.jpg[/IMG] (Except he hasn't got a ball thing and wears gold armour and has a helmet that covers his face)/ Personality:Brave and trustworthy, he will never fail his kingdom with foolish decisions. BIO:He was trained as a knight when he was prince and became kign at a young age.He still goes through training and is not afraid to fight the 'monster'.
Well I for one thinks that and RPG forum would be a good idea because it would be helpful in cutting down in OOC posts that are not needed also it would help people to plan RPGs together.Sometimes things are hard to do over PMs but if you did make a RPG chat forum it would be a lot more simplier and organized plus there would always be a record of it.The final reason I can think off for making a RPG chat forum is that people can talk about the RPGs, even if they didn't sign up for it. I don't actually think you'll make a RPG chat forum but it's worth a try.
yeh but remember you'll ahve to be human and 16. Here are the spot's taken. Light-Sunofexiles Dark-Me Ice-Mage15 Water-Kittychannan Earth-Yotska Air-shadowofdeath13 Plus some other spots available that are powerful and I will list the requirements for them because not evryone can be human. Fire-Male, human Thunder-Female, human Main dragoon, -Bangaa, male, class dragoon High mage-Nu mou, any gender, class high mage(Black and white mage) The empire's assassin-Vierra, female, class Assassin The king of Retgar, the white one, king ????-Moogle, male, class knight PM me to play these The 'monster' Dracolich Callaghan Strife Vicky gave up the fire position so it's open for the taking.
Name:Zach Element:Meta Xenosins: Dragun Appearance::[IMG]http://www.actiontattoos.com/castlevania/circle-hugh.gif[/IMG]( Weapon Type:Magical energy sphere Weapon: Dragun sphere Upgraded Weapons(3):Liquid silver sphere, Liquid gold sphere, Liquid Platinum sphere Special Ability:He can turn into liquid metal for one post every day in the game. Evo Form 1:He turns liquid metal for 3 posts every day in the game and is intensly hot. Evo Form 2:he turns into liquid metal for 6 posts every day in the game and looks like a dragon also he is intensly hot. Evo Form 3:He turns into liquid metal for 9 posts every day in the game and looks like a dragon also he is intensly hot finally he can use the dragons flare attack(Like bahamut's mega flare)
Not both of you can be in Aros so someone will have to be Forup and I shouldn't have put The race option because we're all Human!!!
[CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Final Fantasy:Blood lines[/CENTER] [/COLOR][/SIZE] . Thousands of years ago an ancient evil was unleashed.It was more powerful than all the armies and all the warriors on Crion, it was immense.The people fled in fear of this powerful 'Being' as it approached their land, they abandoned their homes and left their properties, many died out of hunger or thirst.Just the power of the 'being's' presence was enough to completey annihilate kingdoms, it was nearly invincible.The monster used the power of necromancy/necromancery to raise armies of the dead, the armies did his bidding and never questioned him, and what was the fear that he could ressurrect whom ever he wanted. His armies stormed the towns and with every one person they killed the monsters army grew with power and triumpth.The monsters army was in control of nearly all the kingdoms but one stood strong, the Retgar kingdom.The Retgar kingdom with took all the attacks by the monster's army and retaliated with tremendous force.The key to the Retgar's power lay in magical charms.The charms were as valuable asb the soldiers, but the charms would eventually run out.The charms were losing power ever second, the power of the charms had to be given to a chosen few.A group of young soldiers was chosen to hold this power and they would be the only ones able to defeat the monster.They marched through the 'monster's' armies and headed straight for the monster, because they knew that if they deafeated the 'monster' everything would return to normal.They eventually came to the 'monster's' lair, a volcano just north of the Aros kingdom, they fought the 'demon' for days until eventually, using the knowledge of the ancients trapped the 'demon' in an orb.Everything returned to normal.... But the 'demon' would rise again one day, that day is today. The power of the ancient charms was passed down through the soldiers blood line.The ancestors of these heroes will have to defeat the 'demon', they are the only ones who can.They must user the powers of the ancients to destroy this 'demon' forever. Oh yeh wanna play the 'monster' pm me or if you wanna play a bad guy pm me. This are the spots available. Light Dark=me Fire Ice Thunder Water Earth Air You don't have to play a chosen one you can play a knight, like being a soldier in the army. Light and dark are brother and sister, Fire and Ice are brothers, Thunder and water are sisters and Earth and water are twins but you can chose the genders. Oh yeh Light and Dark are nobles.Fire and Ice are princes.Thunder and Water are princesses.Earth and Air are nobles aswell as Light and Dark. Character layout. Name: (the first person out of the sets picks the second name) Age:13-21 Race:Human, Bangaa, Nu mou, Vierra or Moogle. Class:Light, Ice ETC. or if your not a chosen one, you could be a soldier, fighter, knight, black mage, white mage(black mages and white mages can only have first level spells like Fire, Cure ETC. while the chosens ones have Fire, Fira and Firaga and have the elementist healing things to suit their element eg. Earth heal) and you can play any class suited to the race if it's off FF:Tactics advance. Kingdom:Aros, Retgar, Siten or Forup(Or you can put outskirts if you don't live in a specific kingdom but all chosen ones have a kingdom)and(Only one set of chosen ones EG. Light and dark to a kingdom) Inherit off:male ancestor or female ancestor(if fire picks male Ice as to have female) Appearance: Personality: BIO:What you were trained has how your characters special a bit about their life. Name:Sir Leon Stalkingwolf Age:17 Race:Human Class: Dark Kingdom:Retgar Inherit off:male Appearance:[IMG]http://www.actiontattoos.com/castlevania/circle-hugh.gif[/IMG]( Personality:Persistent, never gives up and is always negative and has a dark side.He only ever thnks about himself and his little sister. BIO:leon was trained as a Paladin, a grand knight.He was a master swordsman and could be worhty of the templars(Not the bangaa class, I mean crusaders).He has served his kingdom for five years as a knight.He was already a sir but he proved himself worthy of his title by stopping a serial bandit. So in fact my sister can only be from 13-17.
Name: Davgeon Stalkingwolf/Silvergleaming Age:120 Gender:Male Bio:He was raised as a really powerful arhcer.he is a hunter, he hunts for evil then kills them .He became an assassin after a while.After that he found a ancient temple when he went in he found a rune it was the soul eater rune, he uses it to help him on his mssions. Appearence:[IMG]http://www.actiontattoos.com/castlevania/circle-hugh.gif[/IMG] Weapon:Long bow(500 arrows) Rune:head:Soul eater Left:Warrior Right:Grewat hawk Race: Elf
Right we've reached the dead line, signs ups closed.
[COLOR=Green]No one is supposed to get their magic items yet.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Ares looked onward as a group of beasts charged through the gate, he picked up a rusty sword that was stuck through some of the bodies and slashed two of the monsters. "get him!!!"One of the things shouted. Some more ran at him he swung the sword an beheaded on of them.A breath of ice hit Ares, his arm was frozen.He kept on fighting avoiding the problem at hand. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green]Yeh that's why the kid didn't know.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"hey that's not fair you cheated."He complained. "What do you want here?"Desiree asked. "Well I believe someone I have been looking for is here and I will join if it is the only way i can find them."He answered. "Oh well then consider yourself in."Desiree said. "It is an hounour mam."He replied, he kissed her hand.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Gotta do something sorry for a short post.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Oloian stood there waiting. [I]Oh screw this why should I hide behind illusions[/I] The illusion faded and the true Oloian stood there, the flame infront of him came into sight. Students jumped in suprise. "Right does anyone know who the glimmer child is?"He asked. "No we don't, forgive us."A stupid looking kid said. "Forgive you why?"he retoricaley asked. Oloian thoguht he'd play a trick on the stupid kid. He made three fireballs but one of them was an illusion. "Which one isn't real?"He asked. [/COLOR]