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Prince Van

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Everything posted by Prince Van

  1. [COLOR=Blue] Oloian kept on running through the fields. He eventually came to the school that he sought, he disguised himself as a young child and approached the school.Alot of students were pointing to the young child and asking each other how he got here on his own, Fyka on the other hand was wondering what they were talking about she could see the boy for who he truly was. Olian made it look liek there was a holy aura around him, students stepped back away from the boy but Fyka still wondered what was happening. "What's so special about him?"Fyka asked Damien. "What you mean the kid, can't you see the weird power surrounding him?"he answered. "Kid, ha that's not a kid and there is no weird thing around him."Fyka said. Oloian made some fire that only he and Fyka could see. "Talk to other ever can ehar you."Oloian said to the fire. "Fire speaker speak to me."The fire said. Fyka asked Damien"Did you hear what that fire said."[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue]Oloian took his stuff and went into the fields. "The glimmer child, where could they be?"He said to himself. Hee remembered something, the ona place he hasn't checked.A person once told him of a school somewher in the fields near the town he was in. He ran through the fields looking for the school.He came to a stop he could see it in the distance, he made a fire. "Is the Glimmer child near?"he asked it. 'No there is no glimmer child."it answered."And if there was and I told you the demon would know."It answered. 'No all he can see is a young boy making camp."Oloian smartly replied. "Well yes the glimmer child is near."The fire said... [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]Ares looked down as the floor beneath him broke, the floor collapsed but Ares tried to hang on. A amn approached Ares, his face was shrouded and Ares thoguht it was one of his friends, the man stuck his hand down.Ares took his hand because he trusted him but the man dropped him. "Fight weakling."The man said. Ares woke up on a pile of bodies, he got up quickly. 'Ewwww."He complained. A gigantic metal door closed infron tof the only exit from the room.The room started filling up with blood. Ares struggled, he banged on the door but nothing happened all he could do was wait. Soon the blood was up to his chin he took his final breath and lept under the blood, he than floated to the top in the dead mans body position.The blood drained and the metal door opened, Ares breathed again...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue] Oloian wakes up to find his weapons stolen, he wonders where they could have gone. He went to the near by town looking for suspicious merchants he walks through the market and sees someone sellign his stuff. he runs over "Hey they're mine, give them back ro else I will unleash my demonic powers."He bluffed. "Please don't, here take them I didn't wanmt them and I didn't want to sell them, here talk all my stuff."The man said fearingly.He gave Oloian all his stuff back and gave him some extra stuff.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Sorry for such a short first post.[/COLOR]
  5. Nah I'm twelve years old but it was late so I had to write it quick and the title is okay because he's trying to be good but is struggling. Anyway I thought I wouldn't need to decribe the scene cause most people would know it but I'm gonna post some more and I'll do all you said in those. I was actually expecting people would say it was rubbish so I'm not bothered.
  6. [COLOR=Blue] "Ha quick enough reflexes to avoid getting hit of one of my arrows, its impossible."Davgeon said. He pointed to a deer in the forest "See that dear."He said. He shot an arrow at it, the deer immediately ran away into the forest but the arrow followed it.Both the deer and the arrow wen tout of sight. They both heard a cry."The deer is dead, it had no chance like you wouldn't."He said.[/COLOR]
  7. Name:Black Jack Age:63 Race: Dwarf Female/Male:Male Description:[URL=http://img.imagetown.net/4837117.bmp]Pic[/URL] Weapon(s): Dwarven Urgosh of Moradin and orc axe double.
  8. I'm not a mod or anything but this should go in the recruitment and have a story/plot thing.
  9. Wow long title, well this is a scene from Final Fantasy ten excpet instead of Tidus it's Sephiroth and he's trying to be good. It's the part after Yuna summoned Valefor for the first time. Sephiroth slowly approaches Yuna... Old women:Stay away from the summoner. Sephiroth walks away about 30 minutes later..... Sephiroth slowly approaches Yuna... Old women:Stay away from the summoner. Sephiroth walks away about 30 minutes later... Sephiroth slowly approaches Yuna... Old women:Stay away from the summoner. This time Sephiroth waits for her to turn her back and then draws his Masamune... Everyone dives on Sephiroth. Wakka: Don't do it, ya know. Kimarhi:Kimarhi bash skull. Kimarhi and Wakka manage to keep him pinned until.... Sephiroth uses meteor, big explosion and Besaid island is no more... Very simple short story, please rate and I will except all criticism. More to come....
  10. I'm a bit like Goku only for one reason, if I'm hungry I waon't do anything.Food good!!!*Dribbles* I'm also a bit like Homer from the simpsons I lye down on the couch right next to the phone and whne it rings I shout my mum or dad to get it. And I'm like Sephiroth if he was trying to be good.In other words if someone I know is scared of me, tries stopping me going past or something, I'd probaly hit them.
  11. OOC:Sorry Spydaweb but I didn't want any one to get their item yet, you can see but can't get it yet so no! Edit the post and instead of getting the axe you can try to get it and it won't move and then all the traps stop.It won't be that easy, sorry! I'm all out of idea right now so I'll edit this later.
  12. You easily amused when you... 1)Do the spinney effect on the gamecube intro. 2)Change the mode of fans when they are rotating back and forth. 3)Watching a fan rotate back and forth. 4)Put your hand in freezing cold water and when you have took them out biting them to see if it hurts. 5)Put you hand in boiling hot water and see how long you can keep it in.
  13. This shouldn't be in the art by request forum so ask one of the mods to move it. I think that the first one would be a 9 and the only reason for that is one of the sephiroths has pink hair. and the second one 8 because it is puzzling in a way but is very good quality.
  14. [COLOR=Green]You better delete the first of the two posts.PM me if you don't know how.Just trying to keep you outta trouble.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Leon stared back at the statue when suddenly its wings made a gignatic gust knocking him onto the floor, the gargoyle took flight. Leon raooled back and threw his sword into the Beast's chest, it whined in pain but then quickly pulled the sword out.Leon started pushing along the floor, the gargoyle dropped down on Leon and everything wen dark to him..........[/COLOR] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Blue]Imi was still searching for a spare gear when it the penny dropped. [I]It's where it's supposed to be but won't move, that's what the voice meant.[/I] Imi Turned the machine on again and spotted the gear that wasn't moving, she tried budging it but that wouldn't work. "The key to the puzzle is something you only just learnt."The voice said. "Ah-ha got it, it must mean magic missile!"She shouted. She quickly cast magic missile, the gear moved into place and the clock started working again.The room started rifting she changed place. "Which came first the chicken or the egg?"The voice asked. "uh-hu give me a sec."She answered. Imi sat down and thought hard. "The egg because it was a cross breed."She said. "You have passed the first test but now you must fight."The voice said. "What?"She asked. "Fight using your new magic."The voice said...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Yeh Imi is going to be a really, really, really powerful mage.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Imi learnt Flamestrike Imi learnt Thunderstrike Imi learnt Icestrike Imi learnt Holy strike[/COLOR] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Blue]Ares' eyes opened and he looked around, the place was empty and dark, it was damp and humid.He walked through the darkness into a light patch. There was a corpse on the florr it had a magnificient sword in its hand, it glowed with power and was tightly clenched in the skeletons hand. Ares reached down and grabbed the sowrd but the corpse garbbed it it sat up and its jaw moved, it spoke. "You may only take this sword when you have proved yourself worthy."It said. Ares jumped back in suprise... [/COLOR]
  15. Name:Leon Silvers Age:17 Starter Pokemon: [U]Medicham[/U] Physic Hi jump kick Reversal Hyper beam Pokemon: [U]Houndoom[/U] Flamethrower Faint attack Body slam Bite [U]Misdreavous[/U] Psybeam Shadowball Nightshade Cofusion [U]Quagsire[/U] Slam Dig Dive Surf Badges:Zephyr, hive and The badge that Koga gives you Hometown:Roue 121 Appearance::[URL=http://www.doupe.cz/vaulty/finalfantasy/pictures/tidus.jpg]Clicky[/URL] Bio:He has already deafeated all the gym leaders in Kanto, Johto and Hoenn.He managed to defeat the hoenn pokemon league but only barely then he deafeated the Kanto and Johto pokemon league.After he had defeated the two he was invited to take on the new league he attempted and nearly succeeded but was beat by Alan Flash.He decided to start again and hopes this time he won't fail. Leaguer:None yet.
  16. Yeh when you gonna start this thing?
  17. My characters approximately 100,000
  18. [COLOR=Green]Using magic drains your life so don't use it too much.And don't all get into fights how about someone gets sent to a place with traps that they have to disarm or puzzles thay have to solve.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]The demon laughes in Leon's face "You can't hurt me mere human."It said. "I may be a human but I'm no pushover."Leon replied. Leon said"If can't hurt you, you can't hurt me." Leon dived through the demon and grabbed a stone of the ground, he threw it at the demon and the demon faded.The stone glowed with a light that looked like it was part of the sun. "I'll take this with me."Leon said to himself. He walked on through the shadows and he came to a bridge, it was made of wood and it was rotting, pieces of it were falling off on to the razor sharp spikes underneath.He stepped on to the bridge and the plank under his feet collapsed nearly dragging him with it, he quickly got up and ran across the bridge as it fell onto the spikes below. Just as he reached the end the wood fell and he slipped the stone in his posket fell onto the spikes, he climbed up and left it there.He went to the next room it was filled with water, Leon recklessely dived in.A monster rushed towards him, he stuck his sword in front of him, the monster tried to bite him but his sword stuck through it's jaw killing it instantly. He quickly dived out of the water to find a statue with glaring red eyes that were staring at him...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imi woke up to find she was in a clock tower, she got up and looked around the clock wasn't moving for some reason. "Do what I say and you will reach great treasure."A mysterious voice siad. "Oh-kay what do you want me to do?"She asked. "Search for the gear stuck in the place it should be."The voice said. "What?"She said. She was puzzled by such a strange remark. She looked for a spare gear but couldn't find it.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Green]No one can meet each other down here.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Leon walked through the darkness suddenly a bright light blinded him for a second, he looked on to see complete light.He walked on through the light but the light started fading, it turned into darkness.By now the tunnel was enulfed in shadows, Leon was being engulfed by darkness.The shadows surrounded him and he sank into the floor. He woke up in the room he was just in, it was full light again.The door was a normal cavern door. [I]What just happened?[/I] He opened the door and walked on.There was a sphere resting on a stand. "That might be a relic."He shouted to himself.He touched the sphere and it shown images, it shown an image of Vivina slashing viciously and then one of Jim pinned down to the floor by a massive monster. "No Jim!!"Leon exclaimed. [I]I can't do anything, I feel so useless[/I] The sphere disappeared and leon was dragged by the shadows down into the darkness, a shadow stood there it looked completey human. "You must be the one whos been playing tricks on me."Leon complained. "Yes I have now let's fight."The demon replied. Leon drew his sword, the demon charged him and threw him into the wall.Leon tried hitting the demon with his sword but nothing happened. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Knightmare you have one day to post or Kenjiro will be killed.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Green]I'll control your character and vicky get me some chips/fries, yeh I'll put them in the microwave.It's worth it for that many chips/fries. In this part everyoen is split up and will get magic items after about 5 posts by everyone, your trapped in a place like the underworld.So you can only control your character apart from me who I'm controlling Vicky's and Imi's.. This is actually set in another world named Zancus and I've got a sad life so I'm gonna make some forums dedicated to this RP, cause it's my best ever.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]They walked on and the earth started trembling, the earth became shadows and they were all dragged in. Leon woke up, he looked around for the others but they were no where to be seen.He struggled to get up, he looked around to see shadows everywhere.He walked down a narrow corridor. "What is this place, where is this place?"He asked to himself. He looked at the piles of bones underneath his feet, they crackled as he stepped over them.He heard the same crackling sound as he walked past, he quickly turned around to see the bones forming skeletal warriors.Leon drew his sword and waited eagerly for a fight. They marched towards him, he slashed two in half but thay got back up.One nearly hit him but he dived back. [I]Weapons won't work but magic might.[/I] he shouted Magic missile one of the skeletal warriors just got vaporized, he continued doing this but one of the skeletons slashed his arm open.He hit with a magic missile then screamed in pain, all the skeletons were dead but his arm was bleeding like mad.When he stopped screaming he said the words that healed it. The blood around him vanished into the shadows. "Wow, weird!"Leon said. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]When I put something in italics it's his thoughts.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Green]No it's fine but we won't learn any magic for a while now so don't get your hopes up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Leon looked up the tree to see a weird monster with a flame aura, it dropped down attacking him but Leon dived and pointed the sword up.The monster fell on to sword getting impaled.The flames from the mouth of the beast went out, it was instantly killed the moment it touched the blade. "Wow! atleast we found where the fire was coming from."Leon laughed. Leon dived as an arrow nearly hit his face. "Reis take some of the arrows and fire back."Leon suggested. Reis grabbed some of the arrows immediately and fired at the archer two dropped dead as the arrows stuck them to trees. Leon got up and him and Ares both charged forward slashing the two last archers. Leon robbed one of the archer's stuff he now had a pair of leather gaunlets and lether boots but he left the helmet. "Any one want a leather helm?"He asked.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Green]Yeh Reis just appeared, but where did he get the bow and arrow from, let's just say the man in the house gave it him.And Magic missile doesn't require a bow.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"think of it this way, he wasn't real when we go back home none of this would have happened."Leon explained. "Yeh, your probaly right."She admitted. "aren't I always?"Leon laughed. Leon walked over to the man. "Your safe now, there too worried about us to bother with you."Leon said. "Thank you here's your payment."The man said as he passed Leon the gold. "got any other jobs for us to do?"Leon asked the man. "Yes actually could you go to the town nearest north of here and find a person named [U]Malach[/U], tell him that [U]Talcas[/U] sent you for supplies and come back here with them."The Talcas said. "Okay gotta another mission everyone."Leon said. Leon got the cart ready and secured it, then while the others got ready Leon went and bought food for them. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Oh spydaweb armour has it's disadvantages aswell you know. [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Blue] "Great, just what we need the old style mafia."Leon complained. "We won't be able to take them on."Kenjiro said. "No maybe not but we won't let them hurt him"Mariko said. Leon walked out the house and sat down on a crate outside.The gang looked over to him and recognised him from before.They came ranning towards him. "Right I've got their attention!!!!!!!"He shouted. Everyone ran out side and waited for a battle.Leon drew his sword and cleaved through two of the gangsters. "How did you learn to use a sword?"Imi asked. "I played baseball for a while so it's pretty much easy. Kedo ran forward with his axe and beheaded one of the people.The crossbow man shot at Mariko and Jim thay both fell to the ground in pain. "Okay Imi and Tyleam use the new magic we learnt."Leon suggested. Vivina threw her short sword at the crossbow man and then ducked down in fright.The short sword went staright into the man's throat killing him instantly. "Hey get up vivina you killed him."Leon said. Imi and Tyleam healed Mariko and Jim and they got up. "Hey we better take their stuff."Kedo said. As Kedo talked a strange man with glowing eyes came round the corner. "You killed by team."He angrily said. He shot a powerful blast at everyone.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Everyone learned, magic missile[/COLOR] Magic missile is an unelemental blast that can only hit one enemy. [COLOR=Green]Knightmare you must post in the next two days or Kenjiro will die.[/COLOR]
  24. Name:Hidden Kai gender:Male description::[IMG]http://www.actiontattoos.com/castlevania/circle-hugh.gif[/IMG](Except with the clothes the supreme kai wears and has potara ear rings on.) guardian of:The hidden planets personality: perstitent and doesn't take crap from anybody Small bio:Not many people know about the hidden Kai a normal kai would be lucky to learn about hidden kai but the grand and suprme kais know about this legend. weapon:Energy sphere
  25. [COLOR=Green]Some people who signed up haven't posted yet if they don't post in the next two days, they'll be immediately killed off.Oh yeh Imi is not going to be able to post until saturday so I will have full control over her character.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Wait I know what to do."Leon said. He walked into the inn, when he came out he had a ragged piece of paper it said that someone needed some bodyguards. "Right we may as well do some errands while we are here."Leon said. They went to the person's house of which it said who needed protection.Ares knocked on the door, they heard some bangs inside and a man utter a cry. "We're your bodyguards we mean you no harm."Vivina shouted in. "How can I trust you?"The scared man said. "We would have kicked the door down!"Everyone said at once. "Weird."Ares and Leon said. The man opened the door and let them in.[/COLOR]
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