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Prince Van

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Everything posted by Prince Van

  1. [COLOR=Blue]"How about we go look for the others."Leon suggested. "Yes that would be a good idea"Mirako agreed. "Can any of yous ride a horse?"Lein asked. "Yes me."Kedo answered. "Right lets go to the stable and make the search a lot easier."Leon said. They all went to the stable and got the horse and cart, Kedo rode the horse while the others sat in the back. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]I'm tired sorry for the shortness of the post.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Green]As I said to Spydaweb, you can't just find cool stuff in a box.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Leon took the girls to an inn, he ordered fruit and vegetables. "Why did you want fruit and veg?"Asked Imi. "Because they didn't know how to properly in the medievil times."Leon answered. "Not often that you see a druid wearing leather."The innkeep said. "We're not druids."Vivina said to the innkeeps suprise. They ate there food and left to look for the others.They walked towards the east side of town, where Ares, Mirako and Kedo were.Leon walked round a corner and hit into Ares "Watch it jerk."They both said. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Green]All my OOC posts will now be in green, Ic in blue and learnt spells in red and yeh that post is fine.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Maybe we should go to the other end of the alleyway that will give us some distance."Leon suggested. Leon ran to other end of the alley way and the girls followed, he grabbed the girls and walked into a nearby Blasksmiths. "Hello sir I was wondering if would like to do some business with me, see I would like to buy a longsword."Leon said. "Yes certainly."The blacksmith said. "Hey you don't have any money."Imi wispered to him. "Who doesn't?, see the armour wasn't the only thing I took of Callan"Leon replied. The blacksmith passed Leon a rusty Longsword. "No, I was thinking more like that."Leon said pointing to a silver shimmering sword which was hooked to the wall. "But that's my prize piece."The blacksmith complained. "Yes but there is money involved"Leon replied, he emptied a bag of gold on the table. "Would you like something else?"The blacksmith asked in suprise, the gold was worth a sailing boat. "Yes I'll have those two short swords and a metal horse cart, and you can throw in a few horse shoes."Leon answered. The blacksmith passed all the stuff forward(Apart from the horse cart) and said "The horse cart is the stables and you may as well have my horse I don't use it, thank you for purchasing from me sir."The blacksmith said. Leon passed the girls a short sword each and then turned to the black smith."I want to sell this axe and armour."Leon said as he passed the blacksmith the axe and armour. "Yes sir good to do business with you."The backsmith said as he passed Leon the money and took the axe and armour. Leon walked out with his new sword in hand, "Now to the leather worker girls."Leon said. He walked out and looked for the leather works, when he found it he went in and bought three suits of leather armour(Cause I can't be bothered doing a load of speech again). He gave the girls the armour he bought for them and they all put it on. "Why don't we go get something to eat now with the rest of the money I've got and then to the stables."He suggested[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Now someone continue.[/COLOR]
  4. OOC:Maybe if Ares played baseball or something you could use a sword. [COLOR=Blue]Leon told the priest why he had ran into the sanctuary.The priest gave him, Vivina and Imi some robes to disguise in.They put the robes on top of their clothes and wlaked calmly out the temple. "Excuse me monk, did you see a boy and two girls enter your temple?" One of the thugs said to Leon. "No I did not, maybe one of the priests inside did."Leon answered. The three walked on and hid in the alley way(Which I think they did have but not like todays), they took the robes off and went to look for the others. "I'm lucky this time, hey why didn't yous go when you had the chance and leave me?[/COLOR] OOC:I can't be assed typing any more.
  5. OOC:Yeh you missed Kenjiro and Spydawebs charcater who I forgot their name but they went with the last group okay?America never existed in the medievil times so don't mention it. [COLOR=Blue]Leon walked through the street watching people hide as he walked near. "Okay what's happening?"Leon asked. "I don't know maybe it's your face."Vivina laughed. An old man walked up to Leon. "You must be a brave and talented young man.He said. "Yeh sure?"Leon replied. "Yes you must be to have killed Callan."He answered. "Who's Callan?"Leon curously asked. "The former owner of the armour your waring."he said "You better leave town if you've killed Callan or his gang will kill you. Some men walked round the corner and drew their sword. "Go to the temple, you will find sanctuary."The old man whispered to Leon then shouted "Run boy!!!." Leon grabbed Vivina and Imi's arms and dragged them along as he ran down the street, he saw a church type building and assumed it was the temple, he stopped for and as he did one of Callan's gang shot him with a crossbow, he had a bolt stuck through his arm.Leon screamed in pain then ran in the temple shouting "Sanctuary!!!!". A priest approached Leon and ripped the bolt out, he then stuck his hand out and spoke in a weird language, Leon's wound closed and it was fully healed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Everyone learned the spell, cure minor wounds.[/COLOR] Cure minor wounds can only cure cuts or gashes so it can't regenerate limbs. OOC:Every time we learn a spell me or vicky will type it in red.
  6. Right we've got a big number but sign ups stay open until friday.
  7. OOC:sunofexiles you cam swer and evryone remember we've never fought before so we would seriously get slaughtered. IC:Leon walked over to the body stuck on the axe, he lifted it off and hoped the man was dead.He took the man's armour an put it on, it was a near perfect fit then he took the axe and put the handle down the back of the armour. "Let's go there must be a town or village nearby."Leon said. "Yes there must be."Reis agreed. Leon walked over to the people cowaring behind the trees. "Come on you chickens, oh yeh Mariko watch out there's a rat right behind you. Mariko screamed and jumped up, she looked down than turned to Leon. "Your pathetic."She said. Imi and Tyeam ran into the little area where everyone was. "I finally found yous."Imi said. "Wow what was that weird flash?"Tyeam asked. Both Imi and Tyeam stared at Ares and Leon in a weird way. "What?"Leon asked. "Your look ridiculous in that thing."They said. "It's called armour and by the way that flash was some weird effect of that statue thing.We don't know where we are or anything but we're not in the same place."Leon replied. Leon walked off through the trees. OOC:Now everyone's introduced to the past.
  8. Name:Sora Gender:male Movie[you are from]:I'm from kingdom hearts the game. description:I'll put the link later Special abilities[If u have any]:Glide, sonic blast thing I got off Cloud and gravija Weapon:The keyblade personality:Good at keeping secrets and likes to have lots of friends and does what is good. Reason to go on mission:To help Mickey again. This is like kingdom hearts so can I play Sora?
  9. Do you believe in Time Travel? You don?t? You think it?s not possible? Try telling that to the past. It was in the medieval times, there was a Mage. A Mage who didn?t bother with wars of battles, instead he wondered what would happen in the future. He imagined different things, and he wanted to see the future one-day. Being one of the most powerful Mage?s of his time, he created a Relic. This Relic was able to switch the places of people in the future, with people from the past. The future would switch with their family in the past. Though the Mage knew it would be years before anyone would use the Relic, and he was in doubt about anyone knowing how to us it. The Mage kept a hold of his Relic for all his life, and didn?t dare let anyone touch it. Though, because in these times there was chaos and fighter, thieves stole the Relic. The Mage could never find it again. The Thieves sold it to other people for gold, other people lost it, other people found it. One day it was in the hands of a greedy King. He tried to find out what it was, and what it did, but could never figure it out. He grew angry, and threw the Relic away. There was a great battle soon after that, and the Relic was buried by mistake under the ground with all the battles, never to be found again. Though in the year 2004, you and a few friends were on a Trek, tour whatever you want to call it. You all decided to wonder off, and found a strange looking object. At first, you didn?t dare touch it, but being the curios bunch you were, you did. And the next thing you know? You had switched times places with your Ancestors. You went back the medieval times. None of you meant to touch the Object, none of you knew what you were doing. So what next? Well, you have to get back to your own time. How? That?s what you need to find out. You must all try to live the medieval way, learn magic, learn how to fight, learn everything you can, only then will you unlock the power of the Relic, and finally return home. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Where the hell are we?"Leon asked. "That's not the question, when are we?"Jim replied. "Yeh good question, what about you Mariko, your the one who touched it?"Leon said. "I don't know but what say we get out of here before we caught."She answered. "Everything's a joke with you isn't it, we're not gonna get anywhere if were pointing fingers."Kenjiro complained..... OOC:Now someone else continue.
  10. Right perfect time to get the adventure started. Welcome to the past. People can still join don't feel worried I've got a plan to how you would get to the past if the adventure had already began.
  11. Yeh you can join. anyone else? I'll start this on saturday no matter what so yeh you can still join.
  12. I'll be earth why it's available. Name:Leon Silvers Age:17 Apperance:[URL=http://www.doupe.cz/vaulty/finalfantasy/pictures/tidus.jpg]Click it I dare you[/URL] Element:Earth Brief Background:He grew up all his life living with a master swordsman.He trained Leon to be better than him but Leon never knew why his trainer pushed him so far, his trainer knew that Leon is one of the chosen warriors that would eventually vanquish 'the demon' from the land. At the age of 14 his master and trainer gave him a great sword named The holy avenger but then kicked him out and told him just to survive.So for two years Leon has been living on his own killing bandits and using the stolen money and equipment to stay healthy. Weapons:[U]The holy avenger[/U] The holy avnger is tradittionally a longsword and is better known as Excalibur but Leon has a nearly exact copy made by one most powerful mages, but it is a great sword which is six foot and nearly weighs Leon down. [U]The urgosh of shattered earth[/U] Leon found this magical urgosh in an ancient catheredal.It was stuck in the main altar where a shining light mysteriously glittered off the rusted blade.As Leon grabbed the handle the rust faded away, Some weird monsters attacked Leon and he used this blade to make the earth split under the monsters.When Leon saw the power of the blade he decided to keep it with him. [U] A katar[/U] This is a normal katar which Leon took off the body of a sly bandit who tried stealing from Leon. Personality:Persistent, he never gives up no matter the odds and over confident, just because he was trained by one of the best swordsman in the world he thinks he's invincible.
  13. All of them are perfect. Well it doesn't look like anyone else is joining so here's my character. Name:Leon silvers Age:16 Gender:Male Personality:Persisent, he will never give up no matter the odds.Secretive, always keeps to himself. Appearance:[URL=http://www.doupe.cz/vaulty/finalfantasy/pictures/tidus.jpg]Clicky[/URL] Bio:He was the one who stood back and let them do what they wanted, he never thought it wouldn't matter what they did.They dragged him into this mess and he intends to get back out of it, if it's on his own or with the others.
  14. Do you believe in Time Travel? You don?t? You think it?s not possible? Try telling that to the past. It was in the medieval times, there was a Mage. A Mage who didn?t bother with wars of battles, instead he wondered what would happen in the future. He imagined different things, and he wanted to see the future one-day. Being one of the most powerful Mage?s of his time, he created a Relic. This Relic was able to switch the places of people in the future, with people from the past. The future would switch with their family in the past. Though the Mage knew it would be years before anyone would use the Relic, and he was in doubt about anyone knowing how to us it. The Mage kept a hold of his Relic for all his life, and didn?t dare let anyone touch it. Though, because in these times there was chaos and fighter, thieves stole the Relic. The Mage could never find it again. The Thieves sold it to other people for gold, other people lost it, other people found it. One day it was in the hands of a greedy King. He tried to find out what it was, and what it did, but could never figure it out. He grew angry, and threw the Relic away. There was a great battle soon after that, and the Relic was buried by mistake under the ground with all the battles, never to be found again. Though in the year 2004, you and a few friends were on a Trek, tour whatever you want to call it. You all decided to wonder off, and found a strange looking object. At first, you didn?t dare touch it, but being the curios bunch you were, you did. And the next thing you know? You had switched times places with your Ancestors. You went back the medieval times. None of you meant to touch the Object, none of you knew what you were doing. So what next? Well, you have to get back to your own time. How? That?s what you need to find out. You must all try to live the medieval way, learn magic, learn how to fight, learn everything you can, only then will you unlock the power of the Relic, and finally return home. Vicky did the back story not me. Basic character layout. Name: Age: (12-18) Gender: Personality: Appearance: Bio:Not exactly life story just info about your self. Later on in the RPG you will learn magic.The only way to learn amgic is to learn it off an enemy, it will work like a blue mage in final fantasy a person uses some magic on you annd you learn it.The only thing is only me and Vicky can say when someone learns magic to avoid god-moding. Hope atleast three people sign up.
  15. I tried making one and it was like this [IMG]http://img.imagetown.net/65576826.jpg[/IMG] .It is too many pixels to show up normally so if someone could make me one similar and able to show up I would be grateful.
  16. [IMG]http://img.imagetown.net/85177218.jpg[/IMG] the URL is [url]http://img.imagetown.net/85177218.jpg[/url] Now the instructions. [list] [*]Go to edit avatar [*]scroll down to where it says enter avatar URL [*]Type in URL or copy and paste. [*]Click save changes or whatever it says at the bottom. [/list]
  17. Name:Oloian Age:18 Gender:Male Appearance::[IMG]http://www.actiontattoos.com/castlevania/circle-hugh.gif[/IMG] He about six foot tall. Powers:Fire control and elemental bondage. Personality:First of all he's cocky and arrogant, he thinks he doesn't need anyone to help him which also means he's full of pride and if you get in his way he'll probaly kill you., that leads to his spitefulness in other words he won't hesitate to break someones finger if they swear at him and if he sees someone dying he'll laugh or even kick them.He really confident in himself he thinks he can take on an army. Short Bio:Oloian never speeks of his past, it is believed he doesn't even remember.All he's ever said is "I was treated like dirt, but look how I turned out".He his surrounded by mystery even empathes have been unable to unlock his past, only he knows it but maybe some day he'll tell someone.Actually his past isn't a complete mystery but most of what is known is mere-gossip, people say he was part of an incredible army thousands of years ago but it isn't true.People only say that because on of the greatest soldiers in that army looked exactly like him, there is so many rumours about him even he is beginning to believe some.There is other rumours about him that have been spread from town to town, city to city one them is that he is the demon who sets out to the destroy the glimmer child, one is that he is merely the demon's scout you searches for the glimmer child but the one that is most believed is that he is the demon's son who wishes to follow in his fathers foot steps.The most probable on is that he a scout, by what Oloian himself has said, because he did actually say he's looking for the glimmer child but what could be his intensions. Family:Unknown/??? Bond:Fire I've tried.
  18. Geez vic' you must be bored alot. I would only want to be a mod to help people, sure I've only been a mod a couple of times but I've never lashed out at someone over a silly mistake.That's the thing most people think they help the newbies by shouting at them but they don't, most mods push the newbies away and reject them. Some mods (None on this board) just think they're better than normal members but they're not, most mods have too ego.Some make the normal members feel like they're dirt, like they're not even worthy of being the dirt on their boot.And after the mods go sick at people thay say they're really kind to them it's stupid. This doesn't mean any one on here.
  19. I've finished my sign up and I'm VAC so when can we get this started?
  20. Name:Oloian Age:900 Side:VAC Gender:Male Species:Vampire Race:French Description:[IMG]http://www.actiontattoos.com/castlevania/circle-hugh.gif[/IMG] (Without the cross Personality:Ruthless, spiteful, cocky over confident Weapons:Rapier, crossbow, desert eagle and a sawn-off shotgun Place of Birth:Voiron, france Biography:He was born 900 hundred years ago in france it was when vampires and such were wide spread across europe.He was still quite young when he was turned, he was only 18.He thought he was just attacked by a mad man at the time but after a few weeks he felt the blood lust then he found himself draining peoples but he never regreted it.People thought he lost his humanity but he never ,there is still one thing he remembers to this day the fact that he killed all is friends and drained htem for fun.After that he was sick of it, he tried to stop himself but as the saying goes "Blood is thicker than water.", he couldn't resist.He stopped feeding for a few weeks until as he was doing some work in Paris he saw a terrible accident, blood spilled very where.He went on a rampage killing every person who so much as talked about blood.Those killing were called the Oloian murders.Oloian was not born with the name Oloian but thought he deserved it after what he had done.He went small time, he stopped killing in mass numbers and killed travellers or people on their own.Many centuries after when the VAC was still being formed Oloian went ot the french connections and asked ot join the VAC, When he said who he was they laughed and said he was lying.But someone said he had met the true Oloian, they asked him if he recgonised Oloian.When this person came to see Oloian, Oloian found out that he didn't kill all his friends, Adotumal his best friend lived as a vampire.Adotumal was incharge at the french outpost and ordered his men to kill Oloian, Oloian ran for about 10 years for he did not wish to hurt another of his kind but he needed to get to England.He went back to the french outpost and waited for them to attack, he killed everyone that attacked him and drained Adotumal, he then claimed his weapons and took his crossbow and rapier.None of the other vampires would question his authority so he took the french outpost over.IN the early 19 hundreds Oloian took a group of his best men to england, using the VACs equipment, but when they got to london most of vampires had a feast instead of obeying Oloian's orders.Oloian and the vampires that listened to him acted like Vampire hunters and killed the vampires.He went to the VAC and told them of his plans, he was actign like a vampire hunter but it was him who was the vampire.Just recently a mob attacked Oloian and his group, Oloian went into a rage and drained every last one of them.They took some of the mobs guns and left, but it wasn't that simple the mob was connected to a large crime ring... Finally finished.
  21. Prince Van


    Name:Oloian Age:18 Gender:Male Weapons (max):Rapier and crossbow Special skills:Sharpshooting and fencing. Appearance:[IMG]http://www.actiontattoos.com/castlevania/circle-hugh.gif[/IMG] Personality:Ruthless but honourable and he's a loner. Bio:Oloian's a person who grew up on his own.He only ever depended on himself, so that's what he does now.He used to always get into fights, it was him against a full gang most the time but he never stopped until they all fell to ground.Most thought of him as a sly fighter but he's never actually hit some one from behind or sneak attacked them he always fought with honour.Not much is known about him, he may soemtimes talk ait about his past but that's very rarily.No one knows if Oloian is his real name.
  22. Your sign up is perfect now.I've reservde a spot for Vicky because she said she'll be able to post next week. I've also added some NPCs now. Name:Kain Age:??? Maybe millenias Personality:Spiteful and ruthless Nationality:??? Appearance:[IMG]http://www.consoles-otaku.com/tests/ps2/Soul_Reaver_2/Kain.jpg[/IMG] Weapons:Soul reaver Skills:Magic use (100) Sword use (100) Blood drainage (100) Soul drainage (100) Hunting (100) Bio:Nothing is known about Kain, nobody knows who he is and no ones been close enough to find out.The best guess to who Kain is would be Cain from the bible, although he was the first vampire.Kain has been asleep for millions of years but for some reason awoken. Extra info: Your characters will never meet him in This Rp but he will appear in it. Name:Oloian Age:9,000 Personality:Ruthless But honourable Nationality:French Apperance:[IMG]http://www.actiontattoos.com/castlevania/circle-hugh.gif[/IMG] (Except he doesn't wear a cross and he is paler) Weapons:Crossbow and rapier Skills:Crossbow use (100) Fencing (50) Rapier use (50) Soul drainage (50) Sanity:10 Bio:Oloian is a lich who was born in Voiron, France.He knew about Kain nearly all his life and devoted it to being as strong as Kain.Oloian thought He was as strong as Kain but he was proven wrong when Pne of Kain's lower minions defeated him single handidly.When Kain was awakened Oloian swore allegancy to him, but know he must prove himself. Extra info: Kain's best tactician. And I'll add some later.
  23. Ah well.When you gonna start this thing?Oh yeh keep moaning at me about my spelling and grammar and I'll tell phoenix.
  24. One problem your skills they should be all at the rank of one and they will go dead quick and my characters dead slow, that's the disadvantage of my character.Also if you could would you say in your bio how you actually got a broad sword that way we all know. But thanks for signing up anyway.
  25. Dear Diary, 30/05/04 A few days ago something strange happened.An eclypse, but not a normal one.It's lasting days not minutes, the sun won't come back we're all doomed, we're all going to die I know it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Diary, 0 1/06/04 The towns over run with wolves and weird people with pale faces, they have been biting people, sucking their blood.But vampires aren't true are they? Am I going insane? is it a dream? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Diary, 04/06/04 Somethings weird happening to me I'm mutating, somethigns wrong with me, my skin is rotting, what's happening to me?.Please someone help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your all some of few unaffected people left in town you must fight off these monsters and save yourselves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B][I][U]Some Rules[/I][/B][/U] You can't play a vampire, were-wolf or any super natural creature. If you make it so your character's perfectly normal and calm about what's happening it will be classed as god moding. No super weapons in other words not everyone could have a gun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So as you can tell this is a resident evil type thing with vampires and were-wolves and more which will be added later. Here's the basic layout for a character. Name: Duh Age: Personality: Nationality: Apperance: Weapons: Skills:look further down Sanity:I'll explain further down Bio: Extra info: Sanity is like a scale from 1-10, 1 meaning your perfectly sane, 5 meaning your a bit whacko and 10 meaning your probaly suicidle. At the beginning you can have three skills all at 1 and I will say when you can improve tham or add a new one one (This doesn't apply to my character) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My character Name:Leon ????? Age:18 Personality:Arrogant and rather calm for what is happening Nationality:????? Appearannce:[IMG]http://ns.31rsm.ne.jp/~chaho/kaiga/ff10/baralai.gif[/IMG] (Except the he ahs normal pants instead of the dress, his collar isn't that wide and his sleeves being tighter) Weapons: Desert eagle and a shotgun Skills:Hnad-to-hand fighting(10), gun usage(5) and slaying(20) Sanity:5 Bio:No one no much aboput his past or even him he hasn't even said his second name, all that anyone knows is that three years ago his parents disappeared.On that day, even, vampires and were-wolves were attacking his town he was one of few who fought back.Maybe the vampires and stuff are following him but you can find out by playing. Extra info:None. Oh yeh None of the guys that played my first kuffulu rp can't play their old characters like I am.
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