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Chocobo Gene

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Everything posted by Chocobo Gene

  1. My favourite anime quote, mmm, well it would ahve to be from Gundam Endless Waltz, when Marimea says "The 3 drumbeats of change Peace, War, and revolution", it is something like that, but it really does comment on what a world is like, things do seem to dance to these tunes, and we never seem to be able to stop these 3 drumbeats, and that is why I like it, because we can relate it to the real world, and if we just realise this, we can change the world, like Releena Peacecraft
  2. Name - Richard Starwind Age - 25 Gender - Male Race - Human Class - Ranger Weapon - Dragon Sword *2 Appearance - Medium Build, shortish black hair, Tallish ,Brest plate, Arm guards, leather gloves, crimson cloak, iron boots Bio - An old imperial warrior of a kingdom destroyed in the invasion, he now wonders the world as a mercenary taking any worthy job, he dosn't care about who he works for, and has worked for all of the major races, he has many old friends, so he is the man to come by for information, he is very intelligent and plans tactical attacks on his enemy, making him an invaluable ally , he had a tragic life when he was young, but that remains a mystery, some say this is why he bacame an imperial guard
  3. I've just finished up my second one, I thought i'd keep on the pride issue, I'm not a great fan of this one, so if anyone could give me an idea to inprove it, thanks! Pride is a virtue It is forgotten through time Please do remember Pride is a promise Of the future and the past And of the third, the present Pride is important Many people mark it down But it shouldn?t be Pride is a world love It must be revived by us No one else, but us
  4. I'm getting quite worried these days, I live in Engalnd, and with all the attacks which there are, i'm worried that the terrorists will just go made and start attacking us front and centre, I don't know if I'm just been paranoid, but does anyone else share this theory
  5. Chocobo Gene


    I would tend to agree, but what about the other one, I can't remember there name
  6. Thank you for your input, I'm glad that you took the time to look at my poem, I do see now that it does sorta read like a speech, like I said I'm only an amateur, so i'm still inproving my skill's. I like your comment on the negative part, it's good to see that someone else thinks that a Question mark was better than a period, and your comments on the last line do make a bit of sense. I thank you for your comments, and for my next poem I will try to incorporate your comments into my next poem (Which I am writing now), so if you check back later, I may be able to post a new poem.
  7. I'm only an amateur, but I would like some feedback on my poem so here it is, I would like some comments for the future Pride is a joy Pride is happiness Pride is People Pride is what we are Pride is misunderstood As something which is negative? But actually it is a rare virtue Which few truly understand Pride is not gloating But in fact the opposite It tells people who you are And identifies people Pride is pride It is what you make It makes us strong, and smart To help us in our life TO CHANGE THE WORLD Thank you
  8. [I do agree, but I do think FF-8 was the most challenging
  9. Can some one help me, what are all the endings to FFX-2, I'd appreciate your help! I've only seen one, and I can't wait to find out about the other endings. Also, does anyone else believe there is a link between Shuyin and Him!(Tidus)!!! [size=1][color=blue]Merged this thread with the FFX-2 thread. - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
  10. If I had to chose a world, it would have to be the world of Gundam Wing, and the after century, i'd like to be there because this time is rife with trouble, and turmoil, and it just would make people stronger, and i mean mentally, so this is my reason, because it would be an experience!
  11. My favourite couple are melfina and Gene out of Outlaw Star, it's just like a real relationship, it takes so bloody long for the two of them to come out of there shells and just admit to each other down-right that they love each other, just like Kaji and Misato out of Neon Genesis Evangelion, thats what all relationships should be like, just tell them how you fell, but apart from that, I love them because they are so aurqid, does anyone else agree!?
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