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About dMage

  • Birthday 05/15/1985

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  1. Check out Target and GameStop for the majority of these games, they are definitely cheap right now. Also, as far as games, Halo 3, Prince of Persia (very pretty graphics) and CoD4 would be my recommendations. Also, you definitely need XB live to truly take advantage of the wonderful world that is a 360.
  2. Not sure how much time you want to spend in getting it, and whether he would mind getting it in parts, but you could do the following, and get an Elite for the price of a Pro (minus the fact that its black and all) $181.04 - Xbox 360 Arcade - Dell - 6/06/2009 $5.98 - HDMI cable - Monoprice - 6/07/2009 $10.98 - New Xbox 360 Headset - Amazon - 6/24/2009 $65 - Genuine 120GB hard drive - eBay - 7/07/2009 Its one way to save, and if you want, you can still get him some games.
  3. The pacing in this movie is nothing short of brilliant. I don't think I've yet seen a movie that does such a great job at keeping you so completely enthralled in it. The acting was also quite phenomenal. This movie was simply amazing. And Raiha, I totally agree, that scene was one of the coolest throughout the whole movie. Really set the tone for how the Joker would be for the rest of the film. Also, how many people are psyched for "Watchmen"? That trailer was intense.
  4. dMage

    The Ragnarok

    [FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Green"][B]Immortal Name[/B]: Gui-mor [B]Mortal Names[/B]: Morpheus, Hypnos Guifi, Remiel, Aislin, Darshana, Ramla, Ruya, Yerazig [B]Area of Godhood[/B]: God of Visions/Dreams [B]Manifestations[/B]: Among the people of Earth, Morpheus has no true image. He can be the dead lover of some wrecked man, the small little boy a mother lost at sea, or that strange tree that somehow is constant in all of your dreams. To his brethren though, he always appears the same, an old hobbling man with hooded, bloodshot eyes who does not walk, but rather floats around. Yet, whenever he stands still, he is always supporting himself on his yew staff. [B] Power Card[/B]: [IMG]http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/8069/visionae4.jpg[/IMG] The vision card gives the player who holds it precognitive abilities, that at sometimes happen immediately after he/she has the vision, to days later. Its main drawback is that in time, if the player relies too often on the the card abilities, they begin to think that every fantasy and image they see in their minds will become true, which may very easily lead to their own demise. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. dMage


    This movie is ridiculously amusing, it has a clever and engaging script, along with awesome character acting by all actors involved. You should see it soon!
  6. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Green"]1. Do you have any birthday traditions? Dinner with the family. Sometimes, my mom likes to make it a bigger affair with family coming over, but for the most part, I enjoy it when its just me and my immediate family. 2. What was your best birthday present ever? Probably my full/queen bed. Its insanely comfortable, and after having slept on a small twin mattress on the floor for about 4 years, I was very grateful for it. 3. Has knowing your age ever given you a certain mindset? Did you ever feel like you'd passed a certain rung or like you had to change? I was really disappointed when the knowledge of the universe didn't hit me when I turned 18. Other than that, I believe that you make your age most of the time. People will act hoe they wish, and I (hope) that the majority of folks here act how they wish, and not try to act in a certain way because they believe thats how they are supposed to act at whatever age they happen to be. 4. What was your favorite birthday? When I turned 8. I had the ultimate TMNT themed party ever. We're talking balloons, candy bags, pinata, birthday cake, the works. It was totally rad.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Green"]I happen to have 2 toys that are very memorable to me. The first is K'nex. I remember getting a set from my parents on Christmas when I was 9. They were the best, back then and now. I remember that my one great achievement with them was building a sword that could "fold" down, and with one swipe, pop out to full length. I called it my light saber design:animesmil I also remember designing vehicles with my cousins, which we would then take outside and race. The second favorite toy is my stuffed Little Foot. I got him when I was about 3, and till this day, even after I moved away from home, he still hangs out in my room.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]As far as fantasy goes... The Last of the Renshai: Mickey Zucker Reichert Really great developed lands, with an interesting premise. I love it mostly because of the philosophical undertones concerning law, chaos, and balance. The Earthsea Series: Ursula K. LeGuin Another cool concept as far as fantasy tales go. Also, very short, which is nice. Chronicles of Narnia: C.S. Lewis I'm sure you've probably heard of them, but in the case that you haven't read them yet, most definitely recommend. Life of Pi: Yann Martel Really great story, and the main character is an absolutely awesome, complex guy. And also, these authors are pretty good IMO Gabriel Garcia Marquez Ray Bradbury Milan Kundera[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [IMG]http://cache.gizmodo.com/assets/resources/2006/06/bdslitekey.jpg[/IMG] Yeah. I bought the r4 and a separate 2gb memory card for it. It provides music for me while driving, seeing as I once had to destroy my cars antenna to break into it when I locked my keys in the car =/ I also used to have the Rio carbon, its 1gb, and cost me an amazing $30 US. But I gave it to my little sister once I figured out how to use the ds.
  10. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Green"]2 quick little snippets, 1) Had anybody else considered making Hagrid Head of Hufflepuff house. I think it would make for some very awesome and interesting posts. 2) As far as the class schedules are concerned, I do believe that students partake in 2 lessons of each subject during the week, with a Double day happening either once a week or once every 2 weeks. At least, that how I understood it when I was reading the books.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Green"][B]Name[/B]: Aodhan Sirius Lupin [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Year[/B]: 5th [B]House[/B]: Gryffindor [B]Wand[/B]: Yew, 10 inches, Supple and Flexible, Sphinx Feather Core [will finish the rest by tomorrow, if thats ok] [B]Appearance[/B]: [B][URL="http://img.ragnarokonline.com/download/wallpaper/wallpaper_75_800.jpg"]Aodhan[/URL][/B] He stands 5'9 and weighs a lean 155 lbs. Yet, as a Lupin, descended from the infamous marriage of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks, Aodhan has inherited the abilities of a metamorphmagi. Though still young, his father taught him to master the abilities at a very early age, so that now, Aodhan has almost complete mastery over his abilities. With the exception of some of the staff at Hogwarts, very few know of his gift, which Aodhan has learned not to abuse. [B]Personality[/B]: [B]Bio[/B]: [B]Classes[/B] Defense against the Dark Arts Transfiguration Charms Herbology Potions Astronomy Arithmancy Care of Magical Creatures Muggle Studies History of Magic [B]Private lessons[/B]: Occlumency[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE]Nerdsy Said: Did anybody have a thing for [B]Blossom[/B], or am I the only one?[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]She was ok, though I always thought her best friend was cuter. By the way, did anybody ever watch the morning line up on UPN (channel 13 here in socal) They had [B]Beast Warz[/B], [B]Biker Mice From Mars[/B], [B]King Arthur and the Knight of the Round Table[/B] and 2 other shows that many people seem to have never heard of; [B]Bruno the Kid[/B] (which was freakin awesome) and [B]James Bond Jr[/B]. (which was also a really fun show.) Just curious to see if anybody else saw and remembers it. Also, I'm sad that no one has yet mentioned [B]Wishbone[/B]; my random knowledge on classic books plot lines and main characters is all in thanks to that wonderful Jack Russel Terrier.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="SeaGreen"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]@Phenom: Were you perhaps thinking about Tailspin? It was a pretty awesome show, and featured Baloo as a pilot. In any case, there are tons of great shows on when we were kids. Specifically, I remember [B]Freakazoid[/B] [B]Animainiacs[/B] [B]Pinky and the Brain[/B] and on of my all time favorites, [B]Darkwing Duck[/B] (though Phenom already mentioned it). It makes me sad that kids nowadays prefer to watch live shows like Lizzy McGuire and the Suite life of Zack and Cody, as opposed to cartoons.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkGreen][U]What Is your element of power:[/U] The cards. They allow me to manipulate them in many ways. [U]Who taught you to ride a bike[/U] My best friends older sister. She was tired of me riding the scooter while everyone else rode bikes, so she took me under her wing, and after one full day of practice, I rode like the wind... [U]When do[/U] So often, it makes me blue...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. Primarily, I wish to say that this story, while very different than what we are used to from JKR, was still a fantastical read. [QUOTE] [I][B]Lunox[/B] said[/I] [spoiler] Didn't we read about 40 pages of Harry sitting through Occlumency lessons in OotP?[/spoiler] [/QUOTE] [spoiler] Some people have talked about that, not only here, but in other forums as well, and I can't help but think that this a flaw of Harry's which he will realize, and augment in the final installment. JKR has to, as of yet, write something without fleshing out somewhere later along the line. My theory on Occulemency is that it will be among the final and most key forms of magic that Harry will become powerful in. At the end of the book, when he's semi battling Snape (I say semi because in reality, he's getting totally pwned!) Harry will be in the middle of a hex or spell, and then wham, Snape hits him with the counter. Even when he's using slient magic. I think this is due to Snape mastery of Occulemency (and we know Volemorts is just as good, if not better) and abiltiy to know what will get thrown at him. I think that Harry will realize this, and then train in the art (which we know he can be very good at, as was showed a few times in OotP) so that he will be a much more deadly adversary. I do agree with some that the whole HBP thing seemed kind of forced, if not almost totally inconsequential title. Unlike the other stories, in which the title is very much important, in this book, HBP seems just really kind of quick out. I think the fact that theres all these love declarations and such at the end of the novel is not only very important, but almost like an homage. Dumbledore believed in love conquering all, and with both Tonks (and let us not forget) Fleur still loving these highly dangerous men, it shows that even in when all hope for such things would be lost, love still allows itself to not only spring eternal, but realize itself in even the most darkest places. Again, I agree with most that Snapes lessons were almost non-existant, but of the few that he gave, they were incredibly insightful. Snape describes the dark arts in a way that links it almost to fire or chaos, in that it is ever evolving. This is the power that Voldemort has. Yet to conteract it, Harry has an art which is equally as dangerous and just as powerful and incomprehensibel; Love. [/spoiler] I think thats all my insight, or at least babble, for now.
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